Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



A Global Brand



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
golf 6403
love 3965
life 2656
husband 2385
father 2317
sports 2268
golfer 1817
god 1781
family 1526
proud 1456

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#maga 742
#kag 180
#trump2020 179
#golf 167
#2a 129
#1 103
#trump 83
#bitcoin 82
#trump2024 77
#patriot 77

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104335 572051 7449
LouDobbs 2390831 2731 41873
OleItumbi 2149900 8806 59092
kimguilfoyle 2077393 3371 10791
KameronBennett 1813000 1488905 96182
BearGrylls 1520575 957 19900
SinghLions 1334821 1431880 33928
jacqueskallis75 1261444 327 1435
TheRealPitso 1214462 1033 2062
josbuttler 1019322 443 4626

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488905 1813000 96182
SinghLions 1431880 1334821 33928
_yavuzatalay 743037 695531 1407
rogerhamilton 652366 928875 22737
garettnelson 644147 650511 11504
JohnCena 572051 14104335 7449
tinucherian 234262 378461 214154
Free_Media_Hub 224623 240807 723691
Iifting 205622 219708 1163
JohnLukeNYC 205204 231701 154570

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
andresjavierCL 823170 7064 7796
Iam360WISE 728011 89547 4623
Free_Media_Hub 723691 240807 224623
HumbertoZamoraR 713679 4314 4909
Serafinos 674896 8218 9269
TDBeadles 595517 1998 4998
Mi_Glori 512973 7033 5287
siesta555 494893 1485 4694
punjabimodern1 493877 1163 3679
fernkantarat 457903 1176 3591

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 572051 14104335
BearGrylls 6450 957 1520575
LouDobbs 5890 2731 2390831
ProSyn 5462 2077 228060
kimguilfoyle 5137 3371 2077393
MajorCBS 5100 4104 179612
BernardMarr 4815 56662 137761
rogerhamilton 4020 652366 928875
joshrogin 4007 19633 273674
edhenry 3690 6151 316104

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,652 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1193949840578957313 What a night at the season ending @SchwabCupFinale. Congratulations to both @Jeff_Maggert on his @ChampionsTour win and @ScottMccarron for overall winner of the Charles Schwab Cup. Love seeing the passion on this tour. My very best. GP 1218
1508125675173122056 It is no secret that I have a passion for the environment and as a result I am delighted to help bring awareness to the Save Soil movement that my dear friend @SadhguruJV has started. It is scary to note that our soil is facing extinction. 1130
1428047712533061632 Statement of Gary Player on the passing of his wife, Vivienne. 604
1316427818838953991 Golf is truly a sport for life. Thankful to be 84 and still swinging. 🏌️‍♂️ 604
1117516185703260165 It has been a long & uncertain journey of 14 years since your last Green Jacket. A monumental challenge. For most an impossible task. But not for you. Congratulations Tiger. So special for you & your family. So great for the game of golf. Simply unbelievable. My very best. GP 497
1317245481190367237 I love music and I love to dance! Have a lovely weekend, everyone. 438
1392537951410786313 It’s been too long since I played with @SadhguruJV. He is a great peacemaker, but he came to beat me on the course! I'm continuously inspired by Sadhguru’s steadfast desire to make the world a happier, more loving place. Wonderful sharing a round with a dear friend & role model. 396
1188856716638773255 #82. Many Congratulations @TigerWoods on this remarkable achievement in tying Sam Snead's @PGATOUR record in the USA. You are like fine wine. I love that this came in Japan, which shows the global growth of our sport. We are now pulling for number 83! GP 381
1114145964489609217 Jack and I will miss this guy next Thursday @TheMasters 329
1294297471687024644 After 63 years of marriage, Vivienne and I have been through it all. Her cancer diagnosis was shocking, but thankfully her results at Issels Medical Center have been incredible. Her recovery isn’t over, but she’s well on her way. Thank you to everyone who has shown support. 321

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1428047712533061632 Statement of Gary Player on the passing of his wife, Vivienne. 983
1346544011700527105 I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions, but I am resolute in my desire to play many more rounds in 2021 because I believe that golf keeps me young and is vital to my longevity! How many rounds do you hope to play this year? 674
1193949840578957313 What a night at the season ending @SchwabCupFinale. Congratulations to both @Jeff_Maggert on his @ChampionsTour win and @ScottMccarron for overall winner of the Charles Schwab Cup. Love seeing the passion on this tour. My very best. GP 340
1317245481190367237 I love music and I love to dance! Have a lovely weekend, everyone. 310
1316427818838953991 Golf is truly a sport for life. Thankful to be 84 and still swinging. 🏌️‍♂️ 281
1294297471687024644 After 63 years of marriage, Vivienne and I have been through it all. Her cancer diagnosis was shocking, but thankfully her results at Issels Medical Center have been incredible. Her recovery isn’t over, but she’s well on her way. Thank you to everyone who has shown support. 274
1628755542687510528 Recovery time after 18 Holes in the old chest freezer. This helps stimulate the body, gets your blood flowing and makes you feel good. I have had an obsession with cold water my entire life and it’s been a valuable tool for my recovery and a secret to my longevity. 255
1556644069551624196 A statement on the unauthorized sale of Gary Player trophies & memorabilia. 214
1188856716638773255 #82. Many Congratulations @TigerWoods on this remarkable achievement in tying Sam Snead's @PGATOUR record in the USA. You are like fine wine. I love that this came in Japan, which shows the global growth of our sport. We are now pulling for number 83! GP 160
1336396850987982861 I’ve never been frightened of failure, only of failing to give my best. How are you giving your best this week? 141

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1508125675173122056 It is no secret that I have a passion for the environment and as a result I am delighted to help bring awareness to the Save Soil movement that my dear friend @SadhguruJV has started. It is scary to note that our soil is facing extinction. 240
1317245481190367237 I love music and I love to dance! Have a lovely weekend, everyone. 222
1188856716638773255 #82. Many Congratulations @TigerWoods on this remarkable achievement in tying Sam Snead's @PGATOUR record in the USA. You are like fine wine. I love that this came in Japan, which shows the global growth of our sport. We are now pulling for number 83! GP 215
1428047712533061632 Statement of Gary Player on the passing of his wife, Vivienne. 186
1336396850987982861 I’ve never been frightened of failure, only of failing to give my best. How are you giving your best this week? 177
1316427818838953991 Golf is truly a sport for life. Thankful to be 84 and still swinging. 🏌️‍♂️ 170
1322566586771845122 Tomorrow I celebrate my birthday and have but one wish: Please consider supporting @golfightscancer. You can donate $8.50 in honor of my 85th birthday or any amount you're able to, every bit helps. Let’s rally around a great cause. #GP85 #GolfFightsCancer 86
1333124543200841730 I was hitting some balls at the Bear’s Club yesterday when @jacknicklaus stopped by. I’m still frustrated that my backswing is so short so we continued the work from @BigCedarLodge in order to help me swing it longer. The grind never stops. #restisrust 80
1556644069551624196 A statement on the unauthorized sale of Gary Player trophies & memorabilia. 76
1628755542687510528 Recovery time after 18 Holes in the old chest freezer. This helps stimulate the body, gets your blood flowing and makes you feel good. I have had an obsession with cold water my entire life and it’s been a valuable tool for my recovery and a secret to my longevity. 72

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1294297471687024644 After 63 years of marriage, Vivienne and I have been through it all. Her cancer diagnosis was shocking, but thankfully her results at Issels Medical Center have been incredible. Her recovery isn’t over, but she’s well on her way. Thank you to everyone who has shown support. 17397
1428047712533061632 Statement of Gary Player on the passing of his wife, Vivienne. 16648
1316427818838953991 Golf is truly a sport for life. Thankful to be 84 and still swinging. 🏌️‍♂️ 12615
1193949840578957313 What a night at the season ending @SchwabCupFinale. Congratulations to both @Jeff_Maggert on his @ChampionsTour win and @ScottMccarron for overall winner of the Charles Schwab Cup. Love seeing the passion on this tour. My very best. GP 7593
1483827460181483522 Missing my Vivienne a bit extra today on our 65th wedding anniversary. Life isn't the same without her, but I'm so grateful for the 70+ years we shared and the wonderful life we were able to build together. She was the greatest wife and mother to our children. I love you, Viv. 7279
1317245481190367237 I love music and I love to dance! Have a lovely weekend, everyone. 6685
1628755542687510528 Recovery time after 18 Holes in the old chest freezer. This helps stimulate the body, gets your blood flowing and makes you feel good. I have had an obsession with cold water my entire life and it’s been a valuable tool for my recovery and a secret to my longevity. 5610
1114145964489609217 Jack and I will miss this guy next Thursday @TheMasters 5147
1117516185703260165 It has been a long & uncertain journey of 14 years since your last Green Jacket. A monumental challenge. For most an impossible task. But not for you. Congratulations Tiger. So special for you & your family. So great for the game of golf. Simply unbelievable. My very best. GP 4737
1061624156779958272 I am so proud of you @WestwoodLee. Congratulations on your 3rd Nedbank Golf Challenge victory in superb fashion. 64 on Sunday is mighty impressive, but more so, the adversity you have overcome to be a champion once again. My very best. GP 3946

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#golfandgiving 11
#theopen 7
#love 7
#the150thopen 6
#usopen 6
#life 6
#themasters 5
#tbt 5
#saopen 5
#berenberg 5

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@pgatour 77
@europeantour 47
@lpga 37
@championstour 32
@sunshine_tour 30
@themasters 25
@jacknicklaus 21
@letgolf 21
@theopen 18
@staysuretour 18

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🖤 10 black_heart
💪 4 flexed_biceps
🇿🇦 4 South_Africa
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 4 England
📸 3 camera_with_flash
❤️ 3 red_heart
😉 3 winking_face
2 flag_in_hole
😁 2 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
👍🏻 2 thumbs_up_light_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 22
Flags 18
People & Body 15
Objects 5
Activities 3
Symbols 2
Animals & Nature 1