Account Summary
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
YouTube | 78880641 | 1190 | 54011 |
JohnCena | 14097845 | 587823 | 7474 |
DavidLammy | 795190 | 5283 | 25007 |
theJeremyVine | 787790 | 15575 | 97033 |
zammit_marc | 386333 | 299503 | 64581 |
MasterChefUK | 340671 | 1440 | 15951 |
thomaspower | 287238 | 103985 | 319790 |
realmartinkemp | 286594 | 1969 | 19094 |
MishalHusain | 248273 | 3140 | 12489 |
BBCSteveR | 244414 | 4140 | 19056 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 587823 | 14097845 | 7474 |
zammit_marc | 299503 | 386333 | 64581 |
InTheWordsOf_CM | 127978 | 194912 | 16603 |
thomaspower | 103985 | 287238 | 319790 |
Ethical_Leader | 44267 | 41176 | 102997 |
goodgrieftrust | 25496 | 30137 | 18797 |
SlowWaysUK | 23761 | 32846 | 7882 |
luminaries_mag | 22631 | 25545 | 102807 |
AndrewPBrooks | 21707 | 31563 | 27010 |
WeightReed | 18864 | 22459 | 87718 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
catherinemginn | 742825 | 7550 | 7729 |
ciarale01 | 518541 | 12079 | 13289 |
champsuperstar | 430931 | 6091 | 5181 |
jamdodger4 | 324342 | 4270 | 4808 |
thomaspower | 319790 | 287238 | 103985 |
MaryKapadia | 306100 | 3887 | 1831 |
SieurdePonthieu | 271851 | 3286 | 3697 |
carol_hulme | 271498 | 3463 | 5003 |
greenbeltsal | 270030 | 3433 | 3961 |
Walrathis | 244032 | 14189 | 10793 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
YouTube | 80162 | 1190 | 78880641 |
JohnCena | 31612 | 587823 | 14097845 |
BBCSteveR | 4145 | 4140 | 244414 |
thomaspower | 3541 | 103985 | 287238 |
DavidLammy | 3448 | 5283 | 795190 |
PickardJE | 2791 | 5099 | 235187 |
MishalHusain | 2141 | 3140 | 248273 |
theJeremyVine | 1998 | 15575 | 787790 |
zammit_marc | 1584 | 299503 | 386333 |
MasterChefUK | 1055 | 1440 | 340671 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
2,892 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Echofon | 2701 |
Twitter for iPhone | 216 |
83 | |
75 | |
Twitter Web Client | 70 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
730864950428766208 | 'Flesh and Blood' by the choir that sang at the #InvictusGames is out now All proceeds to @WeAreInvictus | 521 |
866995205769179136 | To attack music is to attack the bonds that make us feel part of a society. We must sing today in defiance of cowardice. #manchester | 227 |
1249284416528158722 | Hey joggers of London. This rule doesn’t apply to you. Your speed makes you immune and the government have made up this silly rule for people with families, not you. Glad to have helped. And to the man who ran up behind my son and fell on him - he should have seen you coming. | 208 |
997808972097818625 | Let EVERY child have the chance to play an orchestral instrument so one day they can play like this. @ShekuKM #FABULOUSFAURE | 205 |
1240208889569828865 | There’s the link. Signup. More info to follow. Gareth xx | 149 |
731207237088227329 | That thing where a choir is number 2 in the iTunes pop chart. #invictuschoir | 135 |
945008608168828929 | Carols from King’s is my favourite BUT in this of all years.... WHERE IS THE GIRLS’ CHOIR? Come on. | 103 |
1242137859550777344 | Join me for the first session of the Great British Home Choir - at 1730 | 92 |
730878944438784002 | CORRECTION: 'Flesh and Blood' by #InvictusGames choir is out tomorrow proceeds: @WeAreInvictus Link live at 12am. | 92 |
679668620696379394 | Bieber is on the run!! Come on everyone: BUY IT! #changemymiddlenametochristmas | 80 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1249284416528158722 | Hey joggers of London. This rule doesn’t apply to you. Your speed makes you immune and the government have made up this silly rule for people with families, not you. Glad to have helped. And to the man who ran up behind my son and fell on him - he should have seen you coming. | 1695 |
730864950428766208 | 'Flesh and Blood' by the choir that sang at the #InvictusGames is out now All proceeds to @WeAreInvictus | 896 |
1228746145196847104 | ABSOLUTELY gutted about @carolineflack1 We worked together and she was delightful. TV can be a hard place to work and mental health problems are everywhere. I hope this changes things. A sad day. | 871 |
1213057129323671558 | The Choir is back. Don’t say “toughest challenge” but.... it wasn’t easy. Most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. @bbctwo #prison #aylesbury #hmp #bangup #toomuchbangup #allthisbangup… | 742 |
866995205769179136 | To attack music is to attack the bonds that make us feel part of a society. We must sing today in defiance of cowardice. #manchester | 687 |
997808972097818625 | Let EVERY child have the chance to play an orchestral instrument so one day they can play like this. @ShekuKM #FABULOUSFAURE | 642 |
945008608168828929 | Carols from King’s is my favourite BUT in this of all years.... WHERE IS THE GIRLS’ CHOIR? Come on. | 524 |
807350812171190276 | So lovely to meet (younger) brother from another mother: @TomFletcher happy Christmas! 🎄👶🏻👶🏻❄️🎄🎅🏻 | 468 |
1209612711765663748 | We all need light, we all need hope and we all need to know that someone is there for us in our hour of need. Is the #NHS the embodiment of Christmas? Thanks to the wonderful staff of Watford General and the whole… | 467 |
1104119569843736576 | Three more days until #thechoir is back on @BBCTwo Cannot wait for you to see this programme. It’s been an incredible 10 months. Very proud to have worked with the inspiring KAA. Thank you to everyone in the community for your support. | 446 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#thenakedchoir | 15 |
#nakedchoir | 7 |
#letsgetnaked | 7 |
#gbhc | 4 |
#greatbritishhomechorus | 4 |
#invictuschoir | 4 |
#voices2015 | 4 |
#kanye | 4 |
#kisses4wishes | 3 |
#britainschristmasstory | 3 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@bbcproms | 131 |
@bbcradio3 | 129 |
@chichinwanoku | 126 |
@davidpickard | 123 |
@daveinnorfolk19 | 38 |
@bbcone | 35 |
@propermissy | 30 |
@bbcpitchbattle | 26 |
@justcallme_bon | 25 |
@bbctwo | 23 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👍🏻 | 95 | thumbs_up_light_skin_tone |
😂 | 86 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🎄 | 50 | Christmas_tree |
❄️ | 33 | snowflake |
🇫🇷 | 32 | France |
🇬🇧 | 31 | United_Kingdom |
🎅🏻 | 29 | Santa_Claus_light_skin_tone |
🏆 | 22 | trophy |
😭 | 20 | loudly_crying_face |
❤️ | 18 | red_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 241 |
People & Body | 195 |
Activities | 114 |
Travel & Places | 76 |
Flags | 68 |
Objects | 48 |
Food & Drink | 48 |
Animals & Nature | 34 |
Symbols | 4 |