Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



South Africa



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3900
life 3317
god 3171
person 1855
music 1473
loving 1452
fun 1400
humble 1132
lover 1057
south 1004

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 32
#putsouthafricansfirst 26
#ynwa 18
#love 16
#putsouthafricafirst 16
#entrepreneur 15
#voetsekanc 13
#god 13
#1 13
#blacklivesmatter 13

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
larryelder 1392861 359 76395
VusiThembekwayo 570230 2985 52812
DouglasKMurray 568624 1384 7696
THE_THEO_FORD 469005 161038 25086
jacarandafm 431108 1013 66548
bobbyvjaarsveld 402476 897 14669
TPostMillennial 286992 1835 73729
crypto_banter 278666 1195 5260
Jamani_Khanyi 251575 11038 413473
SSscoop475 241664 212889 854793

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SSscoop475 212889 241664 854793
THE_THEO_FORD 161038 469005 25086
Ross_Quintana 104882 115196 97451
kagisodoc 65399 99448 61470
AlmightySonoxo 62913 73244 13328
Adamitv 46360 89543 157628
MarkMwandosya 46230 84634 820
AdamMilstein 45084 173112 2164
EduardLeonard 43161 47436 9035
Lush_Beauty1 40472 105068 185421

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
SSscoop475 854793 241664 212889
grannymurfles 421012 1052 210
Jamani_Khanyi 413473 251575 11038
ScuffleThe 350804 1576 4972
ThatNiggaEphy 331370 6861 2983
coinabs 261799 24969 23735
mckaytracey 260257 1738 4197
Yanga_Co 246818 163609 25384
lenzuthando 238873 1586 2203
lindsaymanthey 230554 1409 1014

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
larryelder 4055 359 1392861
Ross_Quintana 3353 104882 115196
DouglasKMurray 2977 1384 568624
johannhari101 2712 2114 139494
jeremarketer 2004 20146 51074
crypto_banter 1749 1195 278666
lucafex 1737 1184 2126
TPostMillennial 1604 1835 286992
Adamitv 932 46360 89543
bobbyvjaarsveld 884 897 402476

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,197 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1008990362776547328 Which addiction is yours? 5392
1069188144405331968 Every time load shedding kicks in, it gives us a chance to remember the ones that got us into this situation - the Guptas, the Zuma’s, Brian Molefe, Koko, Gigaba, Lynn Brown and the rest. Viva! 1203
852116520490729472 Proud of these gents. Set aside petty differences for a strategic alliance on the side of citizens. Viva! 1180
1154287911677939712 Thanks to my brothers in broadcasting @DJFreshSA @djsbu @robertmarawa @iamtbotouch @trevorgumbi , and to YOU for listening/watching. In case you missed it, - @TheRealPhatJoe, you were missed. #PureConversations 850
1072010311421575168 All you need to know: 801
894965289460301824 And now we know how many are captured. We'll need to prepare 198 jail cells... soon 656
1227912147885346817 Let me remind you that no matter what @PresidencyZA says at #SONA2020, government will play a smaller and smaller role in your future. You're at the controls. Technology and the free market are your real allies. Go out there and win! 525
1055209083744280587 If you’re dealing with depression, stress, anxiety and demons... you’re not alone. There are people who can help. There are people who care - and this is coming from someone who doesn’t have the best EQ - don’t give up ✊🏼✊🏾 433
931575837916303360 South African women are the fattest women in the world, according to global Type II diabetes research. 🐘 432
1070305833181962241 It’s not what you have that makes you valuable or wealthy in a society, it’s what you can produce, give and create. Some people will never understand this. 428

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1008990362776547328 Which addiction is yours? 4542
931575837916303360 South African women are the fattest women in the world, according to global Type II diabetes research. 🐘 439
1069188144405331968 Every time load shedding kicks in, it gives us a chance to remember the ones that got us into this situation - the Guptas, the Zuma’s, Brian Molefe, Koko, Gigaba, Lynn Brown and the rest. Viva! 419
988354004282494976 Who knows the best GAUTENG Home Affairs office for a new passport application? 🎟 Any tips? 294
1255903253478416384 Dear Mr President.... #level4lockdown #Ramaphosa #Level4Restrictions 225
1271437624041975813 So What Now? Next Wed 8.30pm my new TV show on @eNCA Your input please: What is this “new normal”? What do you think is the most important thing we should be talking about as the world begins to unlock? And who’s opinion would you most respect going forward? #SoWhatNow 213
1632321188952170496 Very sad news of the passing of legendary broadcaster Mark Pilgrim. He fought a tough fight and inspired many in the process…and during his many years on radio. #RIPMark 209
951843927757348866 List your favourite shithole countries: 181
1154287911677939712 Thanks to my brothers in broadcasting @DJFreshSA @djsbu @robertmarawa @iamtbotouch @trevorgumbi , and to YOU for listening/watching. In case you missed it, - @TheRealPhatJoe, you were missed. #PureConversations 177
1317113445465153538 The mask debate - where do you stand? Protecting health or limiting freedoms? #SoWhatNow 158

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1008990362776547328 Which addiction is yours? 32039
931575837916303360 South African women are the fattest women in the world, according to global Type II diabetes research. 🐘 461
1069188144405331968 Every time load shedding kicks in, it gives us a chance to remember the ones that got us into this situation - the Guptas, the Zuma’s, Brian Molefe, Koko, Gigaba, Lynn Brown and the rest. Viva! 165
852116520490729472 Proud of these gents. Set aside petty differences for a strategic alliance on the side of citizens. Viva! 118
1255903253478416384 Dear Mr President.... #level4lockdown #Ramaphosa #Level4Restrictions 114
1154287911677939712 Thanks to my brothers in broadcasting @DJFreshSA @djsbu @robertmarawa @iamtbotouch @trevorgumbi , and to YOU for listening/watching. In case you missed it, - @TheRealPhatJoe, you were missed. #PureConversations 104
931609330830462978 Don’t be THIS hardcore this weekend, OK? 99
892591563754401793 True... 81
1154080451016974336 It’s about to go down - a few brave broadcasters #pureconversations starting now! Join us right here 67
894965289460301824 And now we know how many are captured. We'll need to prepare 198 jail cells... soon 60

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1008990362776547328 Which addiction is yours? 20505
1154287911677939712 Thanks to my brothers in broadcasting @DJFreshSA @djsbu @robertmarawa @iamtbotouch @trevorgumbi , and to YOU for listening/watching. In case you missed it, - @TheRealPhatJoe, you were missed. #PureConversations 4681
1069188144405331968 Every time load shedding kicks in, it gives us a chance to remember the ones that got us into this situation - the Guptas, the Zuma’s, Brian Molefe, Koko, Gigaba, Lynn Brown and the rest. Viva! 3890
1632321188952170496 Very sad news of the passing of legendary broadcaster Mark Pilgrim. He fought a tough fight and inspired many in the process…and during his many years on radio. #RIPMark 2748
1243249627970797569 Before you go to bed tonight: There's much uncertainty and pain ahead. This isn't a holiday and things will never be the same again. Make peace with that and let's figure out how to build a better world when it's all over. I stand with you. We're all in this together. ❤️ 2685
1154080451016974336 It’s about to go down - a few brave broadcasters #pureconversations starting now! Join us right here 2655
852116520490729472 Proud of these gents. Set aside petty differences for a strategic alliance on the side of citizens. Viva! 2367
1030102330111393792 Rest In Peace Aretha. Heavenly voices like yours don’t come around much. R.E.S.P.E.C.T and love. 2118
1227912147885346817 Let me remind you that no matter what @PresidencyZA says at #SONA2020, government will play a smaller and smaller role in your future. You're at the controls. Technology and the free market are your real allies. Go out there and win! 2076
1055081817957715968 Devastated to hear the news of HHP’s passing. Condolences to his family. His contribution to music and his beautiful personality will be missed. #RIPHHP 2059

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#sowhatnow 56
#dstv403 32
#podcasting 23
#podcasts 18
#burningplatform 14
#ccworldwide 14
#digital 10
#cliffcentralapp 9
#content 9
#choosetocruise 7

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@cliffcentralcom 164
@enca 47
@garethcliff 14
@saidbysiya 13
@phumimashigo1 11
@crystalcruises 9
@nandossa 8
@cruisesint 7
@mightijamie 6
@justicemalala 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 29 face_with_tears_of_joy
🔥 24 fire
😉 15 winking_face
👊🏼 14 oncoming_fist_medium-light_skin_tone
😜 14 winking_face_with_tongue
👍🏼 14 thumbs_up_medium-light_skin_tone
📺 8 television
🎤 6 microphone
🎄 6 Christmas_tree
👌🏼 6 OK_hand_medium-light_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 100
People & Body 53
Travel & Places 41
Objects 32
Flags 16
Activities 15
Symbols 7
Animals & Nature 5
Food & Drink 4