Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @gamefamstudios


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

3 years


The tweets discuss the video game Super NFL Tycoon by the company @gamefamstudios, which was deemed terrible, and @gamefamstudios subsequently ended its work with Sonic Speed Simulator. Researchers and execs from various companies participated in a panel entitled "Roadmap to Roblox" to discuss trends surrounding Roblox and the metaverse. @gamefamstudios is also in partnership with Paramount Consumer Products and Nickelodeon to bring franchises like SpongeBob and TMNT to Roblox. Finally, the tweets also mentioned the bad business practices of @gamefamstudios and its employees not being paid well.

Topic Modeling

  1. Roblox and its associated activities
  2. Collaboration and partnerships between companies
  3. Criticisms of @gamefamstudios and its business practices
  4. Experiences with games created by @gamefamstudios
  5. New launches and announcements from @gamefamstudios

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from disappointment and frustration to joy and excitement. The first tweet expresses disappointment in Super NFL Tycoon by @gamefamstudios, while the second expresses joy at having had the opportunity to work for Sonic Speed Simulator. The third tweet expresses excitement at the data, trends, and strategies being explored in a panel about the metaverse and Roblox. The fourth tweet expresses frustration at the bad business practices of @gamefamstudios. The fifth tweet expresses excitement at the announcement of a partnership between @gamefamstudios and Paramount Consumer Products to bring two franchises to Roblox. The sixth tweet expresses admiration for the work of @gamefamstudios. The seventh tweet expresses encouragement and support for @gamefamstudios. Finally, the last tweet expresses excitement for the upcoming partnership.

Trend Analysis

  1. Roblox
  2. Metaverse
  3. Data Trends
  4. Gaming Content
  5. Game Development

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 120
Twitter for iPhone 54
Twitter for Android 52
Twitter for iPad 10
Twiter Meme Bot 7

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
SubZeroExtabyte Sub Founder - Small World Games, MetaAds Roblox Developer, Youtube Content Creator 521,656
MyUsernamesThis MyUsernamesThis professional bacon hair wearing tech nerd also does roblox stuff maybe idk 404,823
MediaPost MediaPost Daily news and commentaries for media, marketing and advertising professionals looking for the most comprehensive industry coverage. 115,095
iab IAB #IAB empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. 105,873
Simbuilder Simbuilder Metaverse Philosopher Creator of #VehicleSimulator @RbxVS Creating teams and experiences that inspire and provide value to anyone. @SSGBLOX 96,313
AzireDev AzireBlox 22 | Game Designer | Founder of Incentive💙 | Former Accelerator @Roblox 37,947
SoftGB Softy Roblox GFX Artist with 5 years of experience, 6th Annual Bloxy Awards Nominee, 12B+ visits across all games I've worked for, Contact me here to order. 33,218
NFTevening NFTevening The best newsletter for NFT, Metaverse, and Blockchain Games. | Contributing to the widespread adoption of NFTs! | 💟 Subscribe 27,094
nfthorizon_io NFT Horizon Learn the Future.Be the first to know about NFTs and Metaverse | 25,873
WoodReviewerRBX WoodReviewer I care for everyone who doesn't 21,662

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
RBXRetweetBot Roblox Dev Retweet Bot Likes, and then retweets a tweet with #robloxdev in it, it then follows all its followers cause yes. 5,266
ColinTmntSonic Colin - 5,016
ElizaCrichtonS Eliza Crichton-Stuart Head of Growth, Community, Research and Meme Queen 👸🏼 at @realthirdweb and @R3alAg3nts 🎮 4,488
Birdtopher Birdtopher A Roblox Player That Has A Brain.My Creation: @PotatoWillow216I Love Making Memes. and luring how to make models in Roblox.I'm 18 Years old. 4,309
sagardeo Sagar Deo Roblox is the future of content creation and the platform upon which the next generation of the internet is being built. 3,747
iab IAB #IAB empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. 3,477
MeninolegalBR50 meninolegalBR50 meninolegal20BR EU SOU FAN BOY DE ROBLOX EM 2019 EGG HUNT MEMÓRIAS E MAIS Halloween eu so o meninolegal 3,262
lochie_maguire lochie maguire my name Lochiemaguire and I’m from Australia 🇦🇺 and iam from Melbourne and i am 26 years old and my avatar is kemono cat Christmas ldol and i am play roblox 2,843
RealGavinSmash GavinSmash Hello There! Welcome - Creator of Find The RB Battles Stuff - Small-Youtuber - Small Roblox Developer - Limited Notifier @ @RoBloxyNews_ Has Autism + ADAD 2,676
SubZeroExtabyte Sub Founder - Small World Games, MetaAds Roblox Developer, Youtube Content Creator 2,514

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
RBXRetweetBot Likes, and then retweets a tweet with #robloxdev in it, it then follows all its followers cause yes. 7
ItzHorrorr Hi I'm Horror! ☆ Girlflux, Bi, Sapphic, & Ace ☆ B-day: March 10th ☆ Joined Twitter: Nov. 2020 ☆ NSFW DNI ☆ Roblox Toy/Event Item Collector, & Player ☆ she/they 6
david123456357 15 & 🇵🇭, blocking me doesn't help, this is a throwaway account. my goal is to end Katt propaganda, race baiting/race card misuse & seeking revenge. troll acc 5
djke50 - 4
RewindDyI 17 | Former Lead Developer of MMX | Programmer | RDC21 and 22 Attendee | 700+ mil contributed place visits. | Former Developer & QA Lead @ SFX | Labs @ Dubit 4
maguire_lochie name Lochiemaguire and I’m from Melbourne and from Australia 🇦🇺 and my 26 year old and my speak English and my avatar is robot machine hedgehog 3
RobVo3 0_0 3
trustmeimruski A digital architect pioneering the genesis of the metaverse.Lead Producer @Gamefamstudios 3
RidingOnPiggies hd 3
NFTevening The best newsletter for NFT, Metaverse, and Blockchain Games. | Contributing to the widespread adoption of NFTs! | 💟 Subscribe 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624827045778952192 This is where I stop working for Sonic Speed Simulator. What an amazing journey it has been. Thanks to @gamefamstudios for the opportunity! 😁😊 #RobloxGFX #RobloxDev #robloxart #Roblox 9
1624391094971600897 I took a look at Super NFL Tycoon by @gamefamstudios. It was terrible. 8
1625529704693342209 Researchers and execs from @dubit, @supersocialplay, @gamefamstudios and @paramountco are exploring the data, trends and strategies around the metaverse and Roblox in today’s panel “Roadmap to Roblox” 4
1627037051546906626 AMAZING IMPACT FOR AMAZING EXPERIENCES- @gamefamstudios | @robloxdevrel What really happened since @Mattel @HotWheels#Roblox #VehicleSimulator #Defamation #Exploitation #SummitStudios #VS #GameFam 4
1626167460343971840 .@gamefamstudios currently and recently follows @prest4n owner of @BuildIntoGames a #Roblox Development groupWhat does this mean? 🤔 3
1626284403151319040 Gamefam partners with Paramount (Nickelodeon) to create gaming experiences in Roblox @gamefamstudios @Roblox @ParamountPics @Nickelodeon 🎮👇🏼 news tomorrow @realthirdweb @R3alAg3nts 3
1626639020603150339 Gamefam partners with Paramount (Nickelodeon) to create gaming experiences in Roblox @gamefamstudios @Roblox @ParamountPics @Nickelodeon 🎮👇🏼 @realthirdweb @R3alAg3nts 2
1626358596878450689 @gamefamstudios #RobloxDev studio is making a SpongeBob game? 👀 1
1624215168321478656 I think the concert was alright! I'm surprised the concert was made by...@gamefamstudios (ew). I just wish the concert was a bit more longer. To add on, they should've made it more fun as an experience with more effects and etc. #Roblox 1
1627037110825021441 Going to battle @gamefamstudios in a non-existent cloud court, wish me luck! 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624391094971600897 I took a look at Super NFL Tycoon by @gamefamstudios. It was terrible. 201
1624827045778952192 This is where I stop working for Sonic Speed Simulator. What an amazing journey it has been. Thanks to @gamefamstudios for the opportunity! 😁😊 #RobloxGFX #RobloxDev #robloxart #Roblox 133
1625529704693342209 Researchers and execs from @dubit, @supersocialplay, @gamefamstudios and @paramountco are exploring the data, trends and strategies around the metaverse and Roblox in today’s panel “Roadmap to Roblox” 39
1627037051546906626 AMAZING IMPACT FOR AMAZING EXPERIENCES- @gamefamstudios | @robloxdevrel What really happened since @Mattel @HotWheels#Roblox #VehicleSimulator #Defamation #Exploitation #SummitStudios #VS #GameFam 21
1624201441715064832 @gamefamstudios @Saweetie No also 20
1625951914130083856 🧽Who is bringing SpongeBob and TMNT to @Roblox? 📽️@gamefamstudios is collaborating with @ParamountPics to create new metaverse experiences staring the two iconic franchises. 📅The two projects will launch by the end of 2023. 17
1625994619811946498 @EvanZir @gamefamstudios the future is bright! 17
1626167460343971840 .@gamefamstudios currently and recently follows @prest4n owner of @BuildIntoGames a #Roblox Development groupWhat does this mean? 🤔 15
1624215168321478656 I think the concert was alright! I'm surprised the concert was made by...@gamefamstudios (ew). I just wish the concert was a bit more longer. To add on, they should've made it more fun as an experience with more effects and etc. #Roblox 12
1625869722276208641 ⚪🟣Daily News!🟣⚪ 1️⃣@blur_io Sparks Outrage From US-Based Users 2️⃣@HelloPetsLabs Plans to Become the Disney of Web3 3️⃣Kinetix Emotes To Revolutionize The Metaverse 4️⃣@blur_io To Be Valued at $1 B USD 5️⃣@gamefamstudios Brings SpongeBob and TMNT to @Roblox #NFTs #nftnews 12

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#roblox 15
#robloxdev 9
#sonicspeedsimulator 4
#superbowllvii 4
#robloxgfx 3
#robloxart 3
#vehiclesimulator 2
#defamation 2
#exploitation 2
#summitstudios 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@gamefamstudios 251
@saweetie 58
@sonicsimulator 26
@lyte_games 20
@choochufk 17
@evanzir 17
@sega 16
@roblox 16
@woodreviewerrbx 16
@intuit 15

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🥵 19 hot_face
😩 16 weary_face
💀 12 skull
🎮 4 video_game
👇🏼 4 backhand_index_pointing_down_medium-light_skin_tone
💪 4 flexed_biceps
1️⃣ 3 keycap_1
😁 3 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
😊 3 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
🔥 3 fire

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 69
Symbols 22
People & Body 15
Travel & Places 8
Activities 6
Objects 5
Animals & Nature 1