Account Summary


Gematria Effect News



Twitter ID



Created on


Bio PayPal: CashApp: $GematriaEffectNews VenMo: @Zachary-Hubbard-9

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Yakima, Washington



Followers Analysis


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
truth 637
love 540
life 460
god 416
world 352
free 239
sports 236
music 219
seeker 196
time 192

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 66
#maga 48
#xrp 32
#gematria 29
#gg33 28
#1 25
#crypto 25
#patriot 16
#btc 16
#nft 14

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
djkingassassin 474109 1395384 137550
Lauren_Southern 446362 1039 8270
ElleKnoxxxAu 424623 130 18768
geoff_deweaver 370328 83482 543501
ACTforAmerica 351427 283039 14034
robtswthrayguns 264817 271823 80635
ChrisHarrisJr 220640 1159 29868
Randallsanimals 197733 70700 38828
AMD1_CEO 163588 130132 131131
irritatedwoman 153594 93037 474754

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
djkingassassin 1395384 474109 137550
ACTforAmerica 283039 351427 14034
robtswthrayguns 271823 264817 80635
AMD1_CEO 130132 163588 131131
irritatedwoman 93037 153594 474754
geoff_deweaver 83482 370328 543501
jessykigen 77405 143176 48545
Randallsanimals 70700 197733 38828
ICAP11 55866 19117 3818
ayoitsmiami 52127 56934 188

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
geoff_deweaver 543501 370328 83482
toujourEB_ 515997 9729 5599
PDP00000001 482636 6128 6099
irritatedwoman 474754 153594 93037
1W1nningDrive 429548 1345 2586
ayoo_noah 406289 7077 7310
dihoppy 389519 3926 2264
yeah_Tyler 384137 2945 2859
whoisteezy 354723 4253 1932
em2wice 325287 4299 4913

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
geoff_deweaver 3581 83482 370328
Lauren_Southern 2066 1039 446362
Shayan86 1464 7270 70939
ElleKnoxxxAu 1436 130 424623
ACTforAmerica 1231 283039 351427
irritatedwoman 1199 93037 153594
IndigoHawthorne 1195 4799 3680
TimothyCarter 1164 3919 22198
robtswthrayguns 1044 271823 264817
_tm3k 797 8069 41166

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

441 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 1826
Twitter for iPhone 1389
Periscope 16

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1423415408648884224 So why should anyone get one? 171
1422405329296396289 Tonight CNN confirms it is Black Rock along with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase buying up all the homes in the U.S. and Europe. What they’re not saying is that it is for Agenda 21 and 2030. 131
1517511667772403712 These conspiracy theorists just can’t appreciate the super mega talented rapper’s psychic abilities. #Future 94
1457464777240838145 This happened 11/5, the week of the vaccine being approved for 11-5 year olds, in a CDC meeting that lasted from 11AM - 5PM. Plus they’re saying people were getting poked before they collapsed at the “Astroworld Festival.” Think about it. 86
1429824289507667969 Is it an accident the FDA approval of the Pfzier vaccine comes 66 days before Bill Gates' 66th birthday, in light of all the 666 rituals with the vaccine, documented to date? 84
1459339253385629697 Pharmacists all over are noticing that the vaccines they’ve been provided to give to children ages 5-11 for Covid 19 have expiration dates for August 31, 2021, over two months before the supposed FDA and CDC approval. Let that sink in. 84
1461133802730786820 Order of Illuminati = 201Paper Route Empire = 201-Young Dolph's label*This post from #YoungDolph on the 201st day, July 20, 2021*Neil Alden Armstrong = 201 (Moon landing, July 20, 1969)*Adam Weishaupt died 201 days after the anniversary of the establishment of the Illuminati 83
1544095614169784322 The Fourth of July shooter has 47 tattooed on his face?Learn #Gematria. 82
1558496900885581824 Congratulations to all those who never bowed down to the mandates. And did you notice this CDC update for Covid-19 protocols came on the day leaving 142 days in the year, August 11, 2022?Coronavirus = 142 78
1408554108437467136 Wow. Do you remember the 225 ritual with George Floyd, dying on his 225th day of his age, the week the Minnesota Catholic Church settled for $22.5 million in a sexual assault case? There have been a few more 225s, including this one. 77

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1550123820442259467 39 years goes by fast. 75
1439731111815368709 Guess how old Chris rock is… 50
1482465773817774083 Have you had empty shelves in your area? We haven’t had any empty shelves in #Yakima, Washington. Just wondering if this is happening outside of the news. 38
1480270271638478849 I spy with my little eye... #BronxFire 34
1563191309971574785 Does anyone get a notification anymore? These views are TERRIBLE. 34
1475989456515571713 #JohnMadden is dead at 85. #NFLNational Football League = 85Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85We just talked about the death of Ryan Kelly's son on #PopeFrancis's 85th birthday in a crystal clear #Jesuit Order ritual.And in the Bowl Games they paid tribute to 85 and the NFL today... 34
1423415408648884224 So why should anyone get one? 33
1469322863966449665 #DemaryiusThomas found dead at 33 in Atlanta, a former Bronco? The Broncos won Super Bowl 33 over Atlanta, the city on the 33rd Parallel. It's sick and people don't want to see it. 33
1564991354496700417 Sweet Lady passed her exams! She is officially done with school! Just had to share, it's been a long road. 30
1521534721573801984 For everyone tuned into the @SciManDan debate drama, what do you think? Should I debate him on his boyfriend's channel? Through email correspondence he says that is the only way he will do it. He says his boyfriend's channel is a "neutral" place. #BritishComedy #FaultyLogic 29

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1460978447413436419 Uh oh. It's 'Wednesday', and it is November 17, the day leaving 44 days in the year? So just how '44' will the news get today? As we all know, 'Joe Biden' doesn't want to see another 'shooting'... 34
1423415408648884224 So why should anyone get one? 26
1439731111815368709 Guess how old Chris rock is… 17
1529192841649455104 On the 144th day of the year, 14 dead, 4 days after 14 dead in Chicago. Learn #Gematria. Dead = 14 16
1461133802730786820 Order of Illuminati = 201Paper Route Empire = 201-Young Dolph's label*This post from #YoungDolph on the 201st day, July 20, 2021*Neil Alden Armstrong = 201 (Moon landing, July 20, 1969)*Adam Weishaupt died 201 days after the anniversary of the establishment of the Illuminati 16
1453788565372997651 #Facebook is now rebranded #MetaMETA = 13+5+20+1 = 39Today is 167 days after Zuckerberg's 167th birthday.167, 39th prime number 15
1422405329296396289 Tonight CNN confirms it is Black Rock along with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase buying up all the homes in the U.S. and Europe. What they’re not saying is that it is for Agenda 21 and 2030. 15
1455705107274899460 Watch this live coverage of the Braves home run on the 42nd pitch on the anniversary of Hank Aaron being released by the Braves. 14
1457464777240838145 This happened 11/5, the week of the vaccine being approved for 11-5 year olds, in a CDC meeting that lasted from 11AM - 5PM. Plus they’re saying people were getting poked before they collapsed at the “Astroworld Festival.” Think about it. 14
1516145158592647168 Ronaldo’s son is dead on the kill date, April 18, 2022, his 73rd day of being 37-years old.Sacrifice=73Ritual Sacrifice=73 14

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1423415408648884224 So why should anyone get one? 389
1544095614169784322 The Fourth of July shooter has 47 tattooed on his face?Learn #Gematria. 314
1461133802730786820 Order of Illuminati = 201Paper Route Empire = 201-Young Dolph's label*This post from #YoungDolph on the 201st day, July 20, 2021*Neil Alden Armstrong = 201 (Moon landing, July 20, 1969)*Adam Weishaupt died 201 days after the anniversary of the establishment of the Illuminati 295
1516513885796372486 Truth seekers unite! #OKCApril19 286
1478812860482416640 Can anyone think of a bigger mockery in history? 251
1457464777240838145 This happened 11/5, the week of the vaccine being approved for 11-5 year olds, in a CDC meeting that lasted from 11AM - 5PM. Plus they’re saying people were getting poked before they collapsed at the “Astroworld Festival.” Think about it. 247
1517511667772403712 These conspiracy theorists just can’t appreciate the super mega talented rapper’s psychic abilities. #Future 240
1455705107274899460 Watch this live coverage of the Braves home run on the 42nd pitch on the anniversary of Hank Aaron being released by the Braves. 237
1477187999188197382 Do you think it is an accident the 666th day of the pandemic will come January 5, 2022, at the start of the year? 666 is taught about in 22 chapters of Revelation.Satanic= 22#Gematria 234
1529192841649455104 On the 144th day of the year, 14 dead, 4 days after 14 dead in Chicago. Learn #Gematria. Dead = 14 233

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#gematria 460
#jesuitorder 38
#ukraine 38
#nfl 29
#jesuit 26
#okcapril19 26
#buffalo 23
#tfr 22
#nba 17
#tops 17

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@highimpactflix 22
@scimandan 19
@adamfrancisco_ 16
@youtube 14
@fakemicrealnews 7
@markpassio 7
@csingleton__2 7
@daveexplains 4
@tarapoam 3
@yearigh81227533 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets