Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @FrancieMolloy


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


These tweets are questioning Francie Molloy's stance on the use of violence vs. peaceful politics, as well as his party's (Sinn Fein) relationship with the IRA. The tweets also make reference to specific violent acts, such as IRA attacks on the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the 22nd Special Air Service (SAS) neutralising criminal sectarian terrorist IRA vermin. Furthermore, they suggest that Sinn Fein and Francie Molloy have been complicit in the murders of innocent people, by helping the IRA kill Frederick Lutton and spreading false narratives.

Topic Modeling

  1. Law and justice
  2. Political processes and ideologies
  3. Military and security forces
  4. Religious violence and persecution
  5. Republicanism and Loyalism

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are predominantly negative, with feelings of anger, disgust, and resentment towards Francie Molloy, an Irish Republican politician, and the IRA. The tweets also express frustration and disbelief towards the violence committed by the IRA, as well as admiration for the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the 22nd Special Air Service for their efforts to combat terrorism. Finally, there is a sense of sadness for the lives lost due to the violence.

Trend Analysis

  1. Use of violent means for political causes.
  2. Criticism of Francie Molloy for his relations to the IRA.
  3. Praise for the Royal Ulster Constabulary and SAS for their anti-IRA initiatives.
  4. Attempt by Francie Molloy to revise historical views of the IRA's activities.
  5. Criticism of the IRA for their violent and sectarian activities.

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 336
Twitter for iPhone 272
Twitter Web App 167
Twitter for iPad 37
TweetDeck 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
pikaso_me Pikaso (Screenshot Bot) 1️⃣ Follow me 2️⃣ Reply to any tweet 3️⃣ Write "@pikaso_me screenshot this" 🎯 DM @soheilpro for paid promotion & ads. 173,118
theskibeagle The Skibbereen Eagle - Орел Скібберін Nesting in Skibbereen since 1857 Keeping an Eye on the Czar since 1898, Casting a Cold Eye on Life Today. 49,126
PhilipIngMBE Philip Ingram MBE 🇺🇦 Ex Mil spook, specialised in taking over countries, write & broadcast about intelligence, security, cyber, CBRNE, geopolitics, terror & more, published novelist 12,598
TremendoHendo72 Tr5m5ndo Family man. Rangers man. Thoroughly decent chap. 8,785
scottie__444 scottie Linfield FC 🇬🇧 Rangers FC 🇬🇧 7,809
BTriagain Brían Tríagáin is maith liom subh 6,926
prodlegacy forgotten ppl I vow to thee, my country 6,781
markrowantree markrowantree Member of the SNP Socialist Group and member and supporter of the party for many more years than I wish to recall. Follower of Partick Thistle and Everton. 6,647
markhumphrys Mark Humphrys Irish. 🇮🇪 Pro-West. 📜🏛️ 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Pro-Israel. 🇮🇱 Atheist. Anti-jihad. Anti-communist. See my site for articles. Twitter, Parler and Gettr: markhumphrys 5,886
Amanda7MUFC Amanda#UTFR👹🇾🇪✌🏻 MUFC 🇾🇪 🔰 RangersFC 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Football chat/banter. 🚫 NO DMs PLEASE!! 🚫👍🏻 Fuelled by ☕🍺🍷🍹 Pugs🐾❤ 5,714

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
theskibeagle The Skibbereen Eagle - Орел Скібберін Nesting in Skibbereen since 1857 Keeping an Eye on the Czar since 1898, Casting a Cold Eye on Life Today. 92,120
PhilipIngMBE Philip Ingram MBE 🇺🇦 Ex Mil spook, specialised in taking over countries, write & broadcast about intelligence, security, cyber, CBRNE, geopolitics, terror & more, published novelist 9,902
scottie__444 scottie Linfield FC 🇬🇧 Rangers FC 🇬🇧 8,424
markrowantree markrowantree Member of the SNP Socialist Group and member and supporter of the party for many more years than I wish to recall. Follower of Partick Thistle and Everton. 7,296
prodlegacy forgotten ppl I vow to thee, my country 6,826
Amanda7MUFC Amanda#UTFR👹🇾🇪✌🏻 MUFC 🇾🇪 🔰 RangersFC 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Football chat/banter. 🚫 NO DMs PLEASE!! 🚫👍🏻 Fuelled by ☕🍺🍷🍹 Pugs🐾❤ 5,842
rfc_mac TAM Rangers Champions 55 🏆❤️🤍💙 🇬🇧GE loyal🇬🇧. Respect to our Armed Forces🇬🇧 Fck SNP. I am a female, because I was born one. #wheesht 💯 woman 5,430
BorderSolution_ Northern Ireland Border Solution European politicians have been causing uncertainty for 2 years with constant unimaginative dithering over the Irish border. The solution is simple lads. 5,306
janforindy2 Janforindyref2 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 mother grandmother SNP member and Celtic supporter 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪”Scottish independence 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 5,067
Linfield_Fan 🇬🇧 David Andrew Sanlon esq 🇬🇧 Linfield FC fanatic - Proud Unionist, Ditch the Northern Ireland Protocol, hate left wing BS, Gettr @davidandrew553 #novaccinepassportsanywhere 🇬🇧 5,018

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Uibhfhaili Reunification of Ireland, followed by a proper Republic. 30
porksathome Hate terrorists, ETA, FARC, HAMAS, PLO, UVF, UDA, GAA or IRA (who surrendered to the RUC) RTs are not endorsements. If you are here to be offended, move on. 27
IvorNother - 16
MairtinDAlto - 15
weeOnion69 making twitter better everyday 😉 ... still haven't found Frank though 🤷‍♂️ 9
jonno02070193 - 9
sam_snide - 8
SimonCatRiley Unimpressed by a range of popular belief systems. Centre left, but not one of those w*nkery ones. Late rising son of Ulster, giving you the 140 - in, um, 280. 8
smokiesteele12 - 8
gan_Geilleadh Irish Unionist, open to all faiths and political parties opposed to terrorism, British/local history. ☘👑🇬🇧🏳️‍🌈 #rethink32 #CANZUK 7

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626192041968279554 @FrancieMolloy 9
1626240426087747586 @FrancieMolloy They weren't murdered Francie. They undertook a military action and met with an opposing military action. You and your I'll refer to the terrorist campaign as a war. I guess Loughgall caught up with them. Maybe the same SAS?? Cheers to Gerry for another great piece of MI5 work. 8
1626148084429295616 @FrancieMolloy Did you think it was strange that so many Volunteers were murdered in your area Francie, while Belfast and Derry were effectively left untouched, I think there was a RAT! 6
1626300145766727680 @FrancieMolloy The best special forces in the world 22nd Special Air Service neutralised Criminal Sectarian Terrorist IRA Vermin.. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 6
1626348503776612355 @FrancieMolloy Get it right up ye! #SFIRA Terrorists and Terrorist sympathising apologist bastards! The day when you soldiers meet real soldiers 😂 #SAS 6
1626150641897799681 @FrancieMolloy That the funeral service you went to and walked out in disgust when Priest told SF IRA "to stop violence and only use peaceful politics" while Gerry+Marty remained in church and ignored your protest. Do you still believe violence and not politics is the way forward Francie? 🤔 6
1626215946128875520 @FrancieMolloy That Day at Clonoe A Hail of Bullets, Four IRA Dead, Their tank like lorry, Was ripped to shreds. The enemy wounded, From head to toe, Another SAS victory, That Day at Clonoe! ~ Who Dares Wins ~ 5
1626326129882677255 @FrancieMolloy Why did they have a Russian anti-aircraft gun mounted on the back of a lorry in the middle of a village? Would-be cop killers are never martyrs - terrorists are terrorists. Thankfully, the forces of law and order prevailed and prevented innocent loss of life #SinnFeinHypocrisy 4
1626705559708737537 @FrancieMolloy Sinn Fein hypocrites. 4 terrorists get killed while on “active duty”, Francie calls it murder. An unknown number of terrorists “murder” innocent people at a remembrance ceremony and @molloy1916 says “it was not murder” 3
1626223863582322688 @FrancieMolloy 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626175170846023681 @FrancieMolloy They fought the law, and the law won… 122
1626150641897799681 @FrancieMolloy That the funeral service you went to and walked out in disgust when Priest told SF IRA "to stop violence and only use peaceful politics" while Gerry+Marty remained in church and ignored your protest. Do you still believe violence and not politics is the way forward Francie? 🤔 86
1626240426087747586 @FrancieMolloy They weren't murdered Francie. They undertook a military action and met with an opposing military action. You and your I'll refer to the terrorist campaign as a war. I guess Loughgall caught up with them. Maybe the same SAS?? Cheers to Gerry for another great piece of MI5 work. 70
1626158310679359488 @FrancieMolloy Francie its alledged in Republican circles you touted & those martyred would still be alive, tell me again how Tyrone lost the most IRA in forewarned attacks, you'd almost think there was an IRA high placed security forces asset, in the Tyrone Brigade 60
1626300145766727680 @FrancieMolloy The best special forces in the world 22nd Special Air Service neutralised Criminal Sectarian Terrorist IRA Vermin.. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 56
1626213461956116480 @FrancieMolloy A great operation by the SAS taking out these SF/PIRA sectarian death squad members. Molloy, & SF/PIRA should celebrate the lives saved by the SAS, when they took out these SF/PIRA sectarian death squad members. 52
1626223869450240000 @FrancieMolloy 48
1626159373968875520 @FrancieMolloy Still at this they were IRA terrorists. Deserve to be where they are! I honestly don't know why people vote for you or your party knowing the IRA killed so many people. Are you still trusted in your community? Know the way you're an informant and all that? 47
1626215946128875520 @FrancieMolloy That Day at Clonoe A Hail of Bullets, Four IRA Dead, Their tank like lorry, Was ripped to shreds. The enemy wounded, From head to toe, Another SAS victory, That Day at Clonoe! ~ Who Dares Wins ~ 42
1626148084429295616 @FrancieMolloy Did you think it was strange that so many Volunteers were murdered in your area Francie, while Belfast and Derry were effectively left untouched, I think there was a RAT! 38

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#tout 5
#davidholdensentence 2
#bahrain 2
#sfira 2
#sas 2
#sinnfeinhypocrisy 2
#humanrights 1
#realitybites 1
#whodareswins 1
#fitchdowngradedpakistan 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@franciemolloy 815
@gawa_tyrone 46
@nelsonmandela 31
@uibhfhaili 28
@ivornother 14
@mairtindalto 12
@gan_geilleadh 11
@factcheckni 10
@happyulster 10
@johnmurrray 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 78 face_with_tears_of_joy
🇮🇪 53 Ireland
🇬🇧 41 United_Kingdom
🤔 21 thinking_face
👏 21 clapping_hands
🤣 17 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👍 11 thumbs_up
😅 9 grinning_face_with_sweat
😉 8 winking_face
💥 8 collision

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 171
Flags 108
People & Body 54
Objects 4
Travel & Places 4
Animals & Nature 3
Food & Drink 2
Symbols 2
Activities 1