Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @FIBAAsiaCup


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Dr. @Iam_KGovindaraj was unanimously nominated as the first Indian President of FIBA Asia, which represents the promotion of basketball in Asia. Additionally, the second round of the FIBA Asia Cup Pre Qualifiers is taking place from Feb 20 to Feb 26, with UAE, Qatar, Palestine, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Thailand, Jamaica, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Malaysia, and Singapore participating. Lastly, people are also wishing JoshBett1 a happy birthday.

Topic Modeling

  1. FIBA Asia Cup
  2. Indian Basketball Players
  3. Basketball in Asia
  4. Birthday Celebrations
  5. Emotional Support and Prayers

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from joy and excitement to congratulations and support. The first tweet expresses congratulations and hope for the promotion of basketball in Asia, while the second expresses pride in a fellow Indian being nominated as the President of FIBA Asia. Other tweets express admiration and support for Dr. @Iam_KGovindaraj, and excitement for the upcoming FIBA Asia Cup Pre Qualifiers. The tweets also express empathy and care for those in need, with several expressing prayers for a quick recovery. Finally, the tweets show love and celebration for JoshBett1's birthday, with birthday wishes and happy emojis.

Trend Analysis

  1. Dr. KGovindaraj nominated as FIBA Asia President
  2. Basketball in Asia being promoted
  3. FIBA Asia Cup Pre Qualifiers
  4. Trash talk during FIBA Asia Cup Pre Qualifiers
  5. Happy Birthdays tweets

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 118
Twitter for Android 54
Twitter Web App 32
Twitter for iPad 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
publictvnews PublicTV HR Ranganath and His Young team's dream Venture. News Channel For the people. Not Owned by any Politician, or Businessman. 455,235
GNorwood5 Gabe Norwood George Mason Alum. Rain or Shine/Gilas Pilipinas #BlessedBeyondBelief #LabanPilipinas #GMUknow Psalm 118:24 | @_TheAces 170,129
pallablochandas Pallab Lochan Das MP, Tezpur, Assam । General Secretary @BJP4Assam । Ex Minister, Govt of Assam & 2-Time MLA 37,085
pilarcasado pilarcasado Periodista 🏀 @MovistarBasket @tjcope @partidazocope @deportescope 31,182
gsole14 Gerard Solé 🎙 Narrador 🏀🤾 en @DAZN_ES. Trabajé 10 años en @ACBCOM. 📝 en @EurohoopsES @GigantesBasket. CONTRATOS y MERCADO 22/23 ➡: 28,840
sharjawyCOM الجماهير الشرجاوية 👑 حساب يرصد أخبار نادي الشارقة والإمارة الباسمة ودولتنا الحبيبة⚪️إعادة إرسال بعض التغريدات لا تعني بالضرورة رأي الحساب⚪️المنتدى الجماهيري الأول منذ 2002 25,599
FIBA_media FIBA Media Official Twitter account of @FIBA for all media releases 12,789
Queenjohn4 Queen John-Moseph Wife,mother,basketball writer,media manager @RiversHoopers & Zenith 🏀 league, Women football enthusiast.Featured on BBC, Super Sport, AWATV, AfroSport, VOA 12,429
JoshBett1 Josh Benfiquista Bett International Basketball Commentator for @londonlions @londonlionsw @BasketballCL @FIBAWC @B_LEAGUE and @FIBA studying languages for fun. 10,492
hoopnut Enzo Flojo You cannot be afraid to lose. ✍🏽: @FIBA @tiebreakertimes @ClutchPointsApp 📊: Data Analytics | Basketball Analytics | Batang Gilas 🇵🇭🏀 10,433

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Half20171 Half2017 Tuga 🇵🇹 meio (Half) doido, amante das coisas boas da vida..... Sex .. and drugs 🎭 and Rock&Roll...🎸🎸🎸 5,001
nobeernolife38 すみかすみれ 無許可フォロー 失礼します #ちばグルメ 生まれ育ったふくしま、郡山推し #おいでよふくしま #おいでよ郡山 #逆神の女 戌年40歳 #iPhone8📱ミュート推奨 #顔は履歴書 5,001
atuka Atuka - 4,995
Gottrocks Lance Fogel A Yank that is passionate about the #SouthSydneyRabbitohs, #Padres, #USC, and #Collingwood_FC !! And to fill out remainder of day, I trade Futures. 3,864
Queenjohn4 Queen John-Moseph Wife,mother,basketball writer,media manager @RiversHoopers & Zenith 🏀 league, Women football enthusiast.Featured on BBC, Super Sport, AWATV, AfroSport, VOA 3,393
AlkhairySameer Aghdam أغدام 🇵🇸🇦🇿 هلال القدس NerazzurriForza_Inter 3,253
BblFix bbl fix All things British Basketball | IG - bbl.fix 2,723
Hodgeythehack Stuart Hodge Chief Editor @GPFansGlobal. From 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, speak 🇪🇸. @Cal_Gladiators 🏀🎙commentator. Do @CelticFansTV and ex-@SkySportsNBA. Views mine. #ChooseLove 💜 2,672
Kleshk Javi Enjuanes 📸 @flleida 📸 @cbflleida 📸 @baloncestoesp 📸 @FCBQ 📸 @segrecom 📸 todo lo que se mueva 🙋🏻‍♂️ Frikencio de lvl 37 2,632
koji_takaki koji - 2,624

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
JoshBett1 International Basketball Commentator for @londonlions @londonlionsw @BasketballCL @FIBAWC @B_LEAGUE and @FIBA studying languages for fun. 35
UaeBasketball اتحاد الإمارات العربية المتحدة لكرة السلة - Official Twitter account of the UAE Basketball Association 10
elias_BL 32 y.o. I tweet about Sports and Gaming. 4
SORA09667243 - 3
johnlanning123 Onboard Twitter to keep updated with all things @surreyscorchers. Views expressed are my own. 3
VSpotts10 You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. 🌐#SportsNow #SportsToday#SportsNews 3
DessieDreamer God gave me such a fantastic family and friends 2
MayfieldDemario Official Twitter account of Demario Mayfield. Husband. Father. Son. Brother. #RomeWasntBuiltInOneDay #InternationalFoodConnoisseur 2
fluffytannies_ a girl who love bts, seventeen, txt, lesserafim, new jeans, kpop, kdrama and heo fam 💜💃🏻🕺🏻🏀 2
nobeernolife38 無許可フォロー 失礼します #ちばグルメ 生まれ育ったふくしま、郡山推し #おいでよふくしま #おいでよ郡山 #逆神の女 戌年40歳 #iPhone8📱ミュート推奨 #顔は履歴書 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626232843990077440 Heartiest congratulations to Dr. @Iam_KGovindaraj, President, @BFI_basketball on being unanimously nominated as FIBA Asia President. He is the first Indian to be nominated as the President of FIBA Asia. I hope that you will further promote Basketball in Asia. @FIBAAsiaCup 4
1625509872241618950 ಫಸ್ಟ್‌ ಟೈಂ ಭಾರತೀಯ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗೆ ಪಟ್ಟ – ಫಿಭಾ ಏಷ್ಯಾ ವಿಭಾಗದ ಅಧ್ಯಕ್ಷರಾಗಿ ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ ಗೋವಿಂದರಾಜ್ ಆಯ್ಕೆ #KGovindaraj #FIBA #Asia #India #Basketball #Bengaluru @Iam_KGovindaraj @FIBAAsiaCup 3
1625934011129335835 @JoshBett1 @DLScoaching @BasketballCL @FIBA @FIBAWC @FIBAAsiaCup @JeffreyNTaylor @AmeriCup @EuroBasket @AfroBasket @azania13 Happy Birthday to My favourite commentator 💯🏀👍🥳🎂 hope your having a great day 1
1625840949753528320 @JoshBett1 @DLScoaching @BasketballCL @FIBA @FIBAWC @FIBAAsiaCup @JeffreyNTaylor @AmeriCup @EuroBasket @AfroBasket @azania13 Happy birthday haver shelanu 💜💛🎊🍰🍷🎂🥳 1
1628050190060978176 @MayfieldDemario Demario Mayfield best trash talk quotes from today's @FIBAAsiaCup Pre qualifying match! 🗣️HE CANT SHOOT!🗣️I TOLD YOU HE DONT WANT TO PLAY TODAY!@MayfieldDemario is a certified walking bucks averaging 20ppg 9rpg & 10 apg!#FIBAAsiaCup 1
1628051287961894912 Demario Mayfield best trash talk quotes from today's @FIBAAsiaCup Pre qualifying match! 🗣️HE CANT SHOOT!🗣️I TOLD YOU HE DONT WANT TO PLAY TODAY!@MayfieldDemario is a certified walking bucket averaging 20ppg 9rpg & 10 apg for #Iraq in the #FIBAAsiaCup pre qualifiers🇮🇶🏀 1
1628052268871213058 @elias_BL @FIBAAsiaCup I’m commentating them in a few days vs Gilas. If you love international hoops like I do then you can’t miss Lebanon! Wael Arakji is amazing! 1
1626495521924734976 تبدأ الجولة الثانية من التصفيات المؤهلة لنهائيات كأس أمم آسيا 2025 اعتبارا من يوم 20 فبراير الجاري وتستمر حتى يوم 26 من نفس الشهر، بمشاركة 12 منتخبا وهي الامارات وقطر وفلسطين والعراق والكويت وعمان إضافة إلى تايلاند وجوام وهونج كونج ومنغوليا وماليزيا وسنغافورة @FIBAAsiaCup 1
1627943878312579075 #شجع_الأبيض كونوا معنا على الموعد اليوم في مباراة منتخبنا الوطني مع منتخب العراق الشقيق في تمام الخامسة والنصف مساء بتوقيتنا المحلي .#وياك_يا_الأبيض🇦🇪 #منتخبنا_الوطني_في_تصفيات_آسيا @FIBAAsiaCup #اتحاد_كرة_السلة🏀 1
1625809174373302275 @JoshBett1 @DLScoaching @BasketballCL @FIBA @FIBAWC @FIBAAsiaCup @JeffreyNTaylor @AmeriCup @EuroBasket @AfroBasket @azania13 Sretno! 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626232843990077440 Heartiest congratulations to Dr. @Iam_KGovindaraj, President, @BFI_basketball on being unanimously nominated as FIBA Asia President. He is the first Indian to be nominated as the President of FIBA Asia. I hope that you will further promote Basketball in Asia. @FIBAAsiaCup 30
1625509872241618950 ಫಸ್ಟ್‌ ಟೈಂ ಭಾರತೀಯ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗೆ ಪಟ್ಟ – ಫಿಭಾ ಏಷ್ಯಾ ವಿಭಾಗದ ಅಧ್ಯಕ್ಷರಾಗಿ ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ ಗೋವಿಂದರಾಜ್ ಆಯ್ಕೆ #KGovindaraj #FIBA #Asia #India #Basketball #Bengaluru @Iam_KGovindaraj @FIBAAsiaCup 20
1625900411759493120 @JoshBett1 @DLScoaching @BasketballCL @FIBA @FIBAWC @FIBAAsiaCup @JeffreyNTaylor @AmeriCup @EuroBasket @AfroBasket @azania13 Only 33? Really??? Hahaha!! Feliz cumpleaños chaval! 🎂🎂 ❤️ 4
1626178932096778241 @FIBAAsiaCup I hope he will get well soon.🙏 4
1628044623359737856 I am watching the FIBA Asia Cup Pre Qualifiers. The UAE ‘United Arab Emirates’ have a good team! @FIBAAsiaCup #FIBAAsiaCup 4
1626174947432464385 @FIBAAsiaCup praying for his quick recovery😭😭😭 4
1628051287961894912 Demario Mayfield best trash talk quotes from today's @FIBAAsiaCup Pre qualifying match! 🗣️HE CANT SHOOT!🗣️I TOLD YOU HE DONT WANT TO PLAY TODAY!@MayfieldDemario is a certified walking bucket averaging 20ppg 9rpg & 10 apg for #Iraq in the #FIBAAsiaCup pre qualifiers🇮🇶🏀 3
1626495521924734976 تبدأ الجولة الثانية من التصفيات المؤهلة لنهائيات كأس أمم آسيا 2025 اعتبارا من يوم 20 فبراير الجاري وتستمر حتى يوم 26 من نفس الشهر، بمشاركة 12 منتخبا وهي الامارات وقطر وفلسطين والعراق والكويت وعمان إضافة إلى تايلاند وجوام وهونج كونج ومنغوليا وماليزيا وسنغافورة @FIBAAsiaCup 2
1625812863108489218 @JoshBett1 @DLScoaching @BasketballCL @FIBA @FIBAWC @FIBAAsiaCup @JeffreyNTaylor @AmeriCup @EuroBasket @AfroBasket @azania13 Happy b-day josh💚❤️ we love you 2
1625936002324869120 @DessieDreamer @DLScoaching @BasketballCL @FIBA @FIBAWC @FIBAAsiaCup @AmeriCup @EuroBasket @AfroBasket @azania13 You are a great person who shows love and empathy to everyone. Next Lions' game a beer on me mate! 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#fibaasiacup 33
#fibawc 6
#منتخبنا_الوطني_في_تصفيات_آسيا 5
#اتحاد_كرة_السلة 5
#fiba 5
#basketball 4
#akatsukijapan 3
#iraq 2
#شجع_الأبيض 2
#وياك_يا_الأبيض 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@fibaasiacup 207
@fiba 126
@fibawc 126
@basketballcl 125
@dlscoaching 124
@americup 124
@eurobasket 124
@afrobasket 124
@azania13 124
@joshbett1 107

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🏀 17 basketball
🎂 16 birthday_cake
🥳 11 partying_face
🗣️ 8 speaking_head
🔥 7 fire
🇯🇵 7 Japan
🎈 7 balloon
❤️ 7 red_heart
🇦🇪 6 United_Arab_Emirates
📺 6 television

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 57
Flags 46
Activities 37
People & Body 35
Food & Drink 27
Objects 18
Travel & Places 16
Symbols 6
Animals & Nature 6