Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @fforigin


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


People attended the KupoCon in Glasgow which featured Mocean Melvin, the voice actor for Jack from Final Fantasy Origin. People mentioned their favorite 2022 games, what their experience was with the game and its DLCs, and people expressed their desire for a sequel for the game. People also discussed the difficulty curve for Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin and the soundtrack for it.

Topic Modeling

  1. Final Fantasy/Origin
  2. Upcoming Video Games/Favorite Games
  3. Interactions/Events/Conventions
  4. Gameplay/Performance Reviews
  5. Game Requests/Updates

Emotional Analysis

The tweets above express a wide range of emotions, from admiration and excitement to gratitude and joy. The people in the tweets are expressing their appreciation for the people and organizations involved in the Final Fantasy Origin game, such as Mocean Melvin, KupoConEN, TeamNINJAStudio, SquareEnix, SonySantaMonica, ValkyrieGame, OverBorderGames, SifuGame, and Dotemu. They are also expressing enthusiasm for the 2022 games, their love for the game and its characters, and their eagerness for the release of the game's soundtrack and the 1.31 update. Additionally, they are expressing their frustration with the game's difficulty curve and their desire for a sequel. Overall, the tweets demonstrate a strong sense of passion and admiration for the game and its creators.

Trend Analysis

  1. Popularity of Final Fantasy Origin
  2. Games released in 2022
  3. Game speedrunning
  4. Game features of Stranger of Paradise
  5. Difficulty of Final Fantasy Origin

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 15
Twitter for Android 11
Twitter for iPhone 6

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
FFVIINovels M. J. Gallagher (FFVII books) I write books about Final Fantasy VII and mythology. FFVII Remake breakdown videos commissioned by @KupoConEN. @AxteleraRay author. DMs open. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 7,754
Mega_Mii51 Jacob  Age: 20 | I am Jacob but you can call me Mega_Mii51/Mega Mii. | Nintendo, Sonic, KH, MCU, MHA etc. | Sexuality: Straight | Banner by @TogeReturna 3,433
MissRRH 🦇MissRRH🦇 🦇Video Game Designer🦇Artist/Writer for Devil Slayer web comic🦇Castlevania🦇DemonSlayer🦇Capcom🦇FinalFantasy🦇I am she 2,258
BirdsofPlayFF Birds of Play - Final Fantasy A YouTube channel dedicated to the study and appreciation of Final Fantasy! 1,899
shingeekyjo ShinGeekyJo Content Creator #Marvel #DC | Pop Culture Writer @geekforever | Geek of all trades, master of none | TikTok/IG: shingeekyjo | biz: 1,066
winstonoftang Winston Tang Creative Director at Samurai Punk. I make weird games. Opinions my own. He/him #JUSTICESUCKS #AmericanDreamVR #Screencheat #Feather #RoomboFirstBlood 724
Gear_Project It's 2023 and Guilty Gear is still LEGIT. Too old to be considered a Modern Fan of Guilty Gear, but might actually know more about the Series than I let on. 553
PrimeraEspada91 Primera Create guides & no hit boss fights on YT. Stranger of Paradise & Steelrising WR Speedrunner. Digimon, Megaman, Soulsborne, RDR2.📧 371
ReinerMorrison Alias of Morrison Legal Adult |Writer | Doodler |Banner by @DawnuisSleepy|pfp by @Starbostudios | for writing and Socials. 358
SchalaAsha Schala I play games, comm art & complain. Medical Lab Manager. EN/FR/Latin/Patois. 日本語 OK! Learning ES. @acenoi is my 💝💍 A: @kurosaki_sasori B: @RuShifaa_ 313

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Mega_Mii51 Jacob  Age: 20 | I am Jacob but you can call me Mega_Mii51/Mega Mii. | Nintendo, Sonic, KH, MCU, MHA etc. | Sexuality: Straight | Banner by @TogeReturna 5,000
ReinerMorrison Alias of Morrison Legal Adult |Writer | Doodler |Banner by @DawnuisSleepy|pfp by @Starbostudios | for writing and Socials. 2,856
seiryunoun $€!R& rolero semi profesional, aficionado a la narrativa y a la creación de historias , odiarse ya paso de moda 2,616
winstonoftang Winston Tang Creative Director at Samurai Punk. I make weird games. Opinions my own. He/him #JUSTICESUCKS #AmericanDreamVR #Screencheat #Feather #RoomboFirstBlood 995
shingeekyjo ShinGeekyJo Content Creator #Marvel #DC | Pop Culture Writer @geekforever | Geek of all trades, master of none | TikTok/IG: shingeekyjo | biz: 971
MouadKasmi91 Kasmi~Mouad 😎 😈 #BlackkThunder91CFN : Black_Thunder91~Gamer Otaku Vapeur~ 🤟 🎮 😈 😤 765
BirdsofPlayFF Birds of Play - Final Fantasy A YouTube channel dedicated to the study and appreciation of Final Fantasy! 638
Gear_Project It's 2023 and Guilty Gear is still LEGIT. Too old to be considered a Modern Fan of Guilty Gear, but might actually know more about the Series than I let on. 513
painkiller_jenn Painkiller Jenn but with Seasonal Depression Variety streamer mostly RPGs and some horror. Sky Pirate Extraordinaire. Long live me, I am the Pirate King. 🏳️‍🌈 🏴‍☠️… 425
_hunk_1992 Hunk_1992 Cuenta oficial de Hunk_1992 407

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
PrimeraEspada91 Create guides & no hit boss fights on YT. Stranger of Paradise & Steelrising WR Speedrunner. Digimon, Megaman, Soulsborne, RDR2.📧 4
MasterNinjaRyu1 Italian Reference Point for Team Ninja 🇮🇹Streamer, especially Action Hack'N'Slash Games. Lover of Hard Challenges.🥷Twitch & Youtube: MasterNinjaRyu 3
BirdsofPlayFF A YouTube channel dedicated to the study and appreciation of Final Fantasy! 2
Raikohz - 1
shingeekyjo Content Creator #Marvel #DC | Pop Culture Writer @geekforever | Geek of all trades, master of none | TikTok/IG: shingeekyjo | biz: 1
seiryunoun rolero semi profesional, aficionado a la narrativa y a la creación de historias , odiarse ya paso de moda 1
painkiller_jenn Variety streamer mostly RPGs and some horror. Sky Pirate Extraordinaire. Long live me, I am the Pirate King. 🏳️‍🌈 🏴‍☠️… 1
kentokazima Content creator and twitch streamer!… 1
hanyukkei29259 - 1
authentic_party jevvy |he/him|18 |you're a boy in a man's world and I'm a man that loves to play with little boys ho | 💝 @cummmfpk_ 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625091372163256320 Had the privilege of meeting @MoceanMelvin, the voice actor for Jack from @fforigin. Underneath those good looks, and that winning smile, beats the heart of a true Final Fantasy ambassador, and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. @KupoConEN 2
1627316087850164226 Here are my favourite 2022 games; the clips shown are my gameplay. you @TeamNINJAStudio , @SquareEnix , @SonySantaMonica , @fforigin @ValkyrieGame @OverBorderGames , @SifuGame , @Dotemu , you won my heart this year with your mesmerizing games ❤️ 2
1625162715256786945 Watch my PS5 World Record Solo NG (Full Story) Speedrun of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin! From tutorial to final boss fight of Different Future DLC@fforigin @SquareEnix @TeamNINJAStudio #StrangerOfParadiseFinalFantasyOrigin #DifferentFuture 1
1628071869055217677 @fforigin Lmk when 1.31 drops on steam kthanks 0
1626769619594649600 Unlocking the Liberator Class and hopefully finally beating Tiamat tonight on @fforigin #Garland #chaos #LiveNow 0
1625099893386752001 @BirdsofPlayFF @MoceanMelvin @fforigin @KupoConEN I’m so glad one of these turned out great after I accidentally sabotaged the first attempt. 0
1625103138825940995 @FFVIINovels @MoceanMelvin @fforigin @KupoConEN Next time you'll be our designated photographer for the entire trip. See you in Papa New Guinea 🇵🇬 0
1625386403281469440 Thanks @TeamNINJAStudio @fforigin for this great game that I (divine knight/arch wizard) had so much fun playing with my husband (high summoner/lunarian)! I loved my time with it during the base game and I enjoyed the DLCs while getting all of the references. 0
1626033228393119746 @fforigin would be nice if friends can rejoin in rift floors without starting their progress over every time. 0
1626269573392605190 Great to attend @KupoConEN on my home turf in Glasgow.Lucky enough to meet @MoceanMelvin, Jack’s voice actor from @fforigin and have a chat about his favourite video games.The after party was wild and had a stunning performance from @SusanCalloway #KupoCon 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625091372163256320 Had the privilege of meeting @MoceanMelvin, the voice actor for Jack from @fforigin. Underneath those good looks, and that winning smile, beats the heart of a true Final Fantasy ambassador, and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. @KupoConEN 16
1627316087850164226 Here are my favourite 2022 games; the clips shown are my gameplay. you @TeamNINJAStudio , @SquareEnix , @SonySantaMonica , @fforigin @ValkyrieGame @OverBorderGames , @SifuGame , @Dotemu , you won my heart this year with your mesmerizing games ❤️ 8
1626269573392605190 Great to attend @KupoConEN on my home turf in Glasgow.Lucky enough to meet @MoceanMelvin, Jack’s voice actor from @fforigin and have a chat about his favourite video games.The after party was wild and had a stunning performance from @SusanCalloway #KupoCon 7
1625103138825940995 @FFVIINovels @MoceanMelvin @fforigin @KupoConEN Next time you'll be our designated photographer for the entire trip. See you in Papa New Guinea 🇵🇬 4
1625099893386752001 @BirdsofPlayFF @MoceanMelvin @fforigin @KupoConEN I’m so glad one of these turned out great after I accidentally sabotaged the first attempt. 3
1624884394111426560 @jeivindr @fforigin @FinalFantasy Extremely common Clive enjoyer W! Congrats!!🎉🎉 1
1627697082340372483 The World's Best Swordfighter....plays Axe?? Watch my Solo Story NG Speedrun of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin! 2nd Place for my 3rd attempt ever in this category.@fforigin @SquareEnix @TeamNINJAStudio#StrangerOfParadiseFinalFantasyOrigin 1
1627321339127164930 @MasterNinjaRyu1 @TeamNINJAStudio @SquareEnix @SonySantaMonica @fforigin @ValkyrieGame @OverBorderGames @SifuGame @Dotemu strangers numbah 1 1
1625162715256786945 Watch my PS5 World Record Solo NG (Full Story) Speedrun of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin! From tutorial to final boss fight of Different Future DLC@fforigin @SquareEnix @TeamNINJAStudio #StrangerOfParadiseFinalFantasyOrigin #DifferentFuture 1
1625386403281469440 Thanks @TeamNINJAStudio @fforigin for this great game that I (divine knight/arch wizard) had so much fun playing with my husband (high summoner/lunarian)! I loved my time with it during the base game and I enjoyed the DLCs while getting all of the references. 1

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#strangerofparadisefinalfantasyorigin 2
#differentfuturehttps 2
#strangerofparadisefforigin 1
#differentfuture 1
#garland 1
#chaos 1
#livenow 1
#kupocon 1
#dissidiaffoo 1
#strangerofparadise 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@fforigin 29
@teamninjastudio 10
@squareenix 9
@finalfantasy 5
@kupoconen 5
@moceanmelvin 5
@sonysantamonica 4
@valkyriegame 4
@overbordergames 4
@sifugame 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 2 red_heart
🎉 2 party_popper
🔥 1 fire
🇵🇬 1 Papua_New_Guinea

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 2
Activities 2
Travel & Places 1
Flags 1