Account Summary

Writer, nerd, thrifter queen, Magnum P.I. fan. Catholic. Mom. All panic, no disco. Find me @ActonInstitute @Deseret Opinions my own but should be yours.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Nashville, TN
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
5 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14095090 | 586978 | 7473 |
SaraCarterDC | 1519641 | 6778 | 44449 |
prageru | 940211 | 895 | 68108 |
NikkiHaley | 936769 | 929 | 9165 |
brianstelter | 792513 | 7521 | 234215 |
paul_steele | 645280 | 157776 | 190010 |
IamMzilikazi | 550659 | 380322 | 131958 |
SydneyLWatson | 487842 | 990 | 12254 |
TRHLofficial | 426506 | 1448 | 112248 |
zammit_marc | 386351 | 299512 | 64586 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 586978 | 14095090 | 7473 |
IamMzilikazi | 380322 | 550659 | 131958 |
zammit_marc | 299512 | 386351 | 64586 |
MikeWellsAuthor | 247920 | 228063 | 171849 |
paul_steele | 157776 | 645280 | 190010 |
We_Are_Right_ | 130233 | 143793 | 105882 |
travisa850 | 129595 | 129640 | 59014 |
EssexPR | 116697 | 289376 | 199147 |
SteveGutzler | 113147 | 142354 | 82992 |
StephenRCrook | 100094 | 91000 | 18876 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
misstozak | 501843 | 14098 | 14475 |
sheila14all | 397761 | 14311 | 13095 |
ComfortablySmug | 378387 | 286040 | 7032 |
WittSheryl | 335847 | 5255 | 4514 |
Obsessedabroad | 298950 | 3948 | 3446 |
PHYS878 | 294679 | 1934 | 3248 |
BamaStephen | 290911 | 12622 | 10085 |
PhxKen | 287059 | 74703 | 66448 |
LadyJessMacBeth | 273308 | 4712 | 1091 |
Opinionherehi | 268463 | 627 | 898 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31627 | 586978 | 14095090 |
brianstelter | 14163 | 7521 | 792513 |
paul_steele | 9860 | 157776 | 645280 |
schadjoe | 5258 | 36567 | 235300 |
SaraCarterDC | 5016 | 6778 | 1519641 |
20committee | 4372 | 2119 | 243611 |
prageru | 3268 | 895 | 940211 |
chrisabraham | 3251 | 24215 | 42833 |
NikkiHaley | 2826 | 929 | 936769 |
ComfortablySmug | 2377 | 7032 | 286040 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
91 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 2881 |
Twitter Web App | 278 |
Poshmark | 81 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1641912566082314243 | those kids who died on Monday? Their funerals are this weekend. maybe a benefit for their families, instead | 310 |
1632800315543023617 | Absolutely not. This one is personal. No, “anyone” cannot develop endometriosis. it affects *only biological women,* it is a horrendous disease, and it has taken so much from me — *almost my life* — that I refuse to have this very specific, very *female* pain co-opted. | 200 |
1643978527757467649 | This is also your reminder that Allyson Felix got pregnant and Nike slashed her pay by 70% | 163 |
1644335301609902080 | Riley Gaines was sucker punched by a dude. | 155 |
1661076465322950656 | Some personal news: I was laid off last Friday. I am ok, it is ok. We are, of course, mid-housing loan, so that's probably not going to happen, but it is what it is. If you know of someone who needs an editor, communications professional, writer, etc., please send them my way. | 115 |
1643966084318470144 | for people who so desperately insist there is no gender binary, their interpretation of gender roles and stereotypes are hilariously anachronistic | 106 |
1644326222539661314 | This is beyond. It’s not just the students, it’s the “rights” organizations who’ve whipped this into a frenzy trying to keep people in fear so that their pocket books stay lined. | 101 |
1643699829908856832 | apparently, the ideal female body is..a vaguely prepubescent male body damn, the patriarchy is crafty | 99 |
1641171916093259777 | I'm starting to think we are in less of an age of gender progress and more of an age of raging parental narcissism. | 93 |
1642569330935189506 | This is giving strong “they deserved it” vibes on *the day of at least one child victim’s funeral* | 76 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1641912566082314243 | those kids who died on Monday? Their funerals are this weekend. maybe a benefit for their families, instead | 2103 |
1633858767929634816 | I am very sad to report that the bestest, chonkiest, most wonderful boy in the whole wide world, Fat George, passed yesterday. We are broken-hearted. | 2001 |
1660312026512490507 | Two years ago today, and a reminder that while some babies scream through their whole baptism, Maggie just treated it like the coronation it was. | 1584 |
1632800315543023617 | Absolutely not. This one is personal. No, “anyone” cannot develop endometriosis. it affects *only biological women,* it is a horrendous disease, and it has taken so much from me — *almost my life* — that I refuse to have this very specific, very *female* pain co-opted. | 1351 |
1656071426804178946 | There was a time in my life where I was really depressed about having to formula feed my baby and today she ate salad out of the trash so maybe that wasn’t the best use of my emotional energy | 1330 |
1654833901762670602 | Yes, queen. | 1199 |
1647041288343277570 | Yes. Yes it is you absolute piece of trash. | 1185 |
1641418309869379585 | Okay, people, I go in for endometriosis surgery today — a follow-up to the horrors of December. Let’s all pray this goes well, so I can birth a couple more weirdos before the equipment ages out. | 1168 |
1647958313030516743 | This may be controversial, but I always feel it is my responsibility to clean up after my kids in any shared space, especially at restaurants. | 1154 |
1661745936920641537 | You don’t have to see Taylor Swift live in concert. But if you want to see Taylor Swift, no one else cares why. If your politics are making you this miserable, shut off your phone and go outside. | 1064 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#poshmark | 81 |
#shopmycloset | 81 |
#alexmurdaugh | 4 |
#alexmurdaughtrial | 4 |
#belowdeck | 1 |
#jaredbridegan | 1 |
#alexmurdagh | 1 |
#alexmurdaghtrial | 1 |
#goghimmighoul | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@adrienneroyer | 97 |
@poshmarkapp | 86 |
@godandchocolate | 68 |
@bethanyshondark | 49 |
@frmatthewlc | 43 |
@mfjlewis | 40 |
@leahlibresco | 38 |
@katiepmcgrady | 32 |
@tonyannett | 30 |
@kerrirawson | 29 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😂 | 100 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
👇 | 19 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
😅 | 15 | grinning_face_with_sweat |
❤️ | 10 | red_heart |
🤣 | 8 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🙌 | 5 | raising_hands |
🥰 | 4 | smiling_face_with_hearts |
😬 | 4 | grimacing_face |
✅ | 3 | check_mark_button |
🔥 | 3 | fire |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 162 |
People & Body | 33 |
Activities | 6 |
Travel & Places | 5 |
Food & Drink | 4 |
Symbols | 3 |
Animals & Nature | 3 |
Flags | 2 |
Objects | 1 |