Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

3 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
liverpool 3594
love 2267
ynwa 2220
football 2174
lfc 2076
life 1661
fc 1377
god 1231
music 768
sports 712

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#ynwa 959
#lfc 515
#jft97 148
#liverpool 91
#fsgout 88
#liverpoolfc 53
#fpl 28
#football 27
#1 25
#dontbuythesun 23

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
FabrizioRomano 14428848 2286 25246
JohnCena 14105589 570163 7445
WWESheamus 4795783 705 6032
belufrancese 1001891 20537 57204
yahyaalghamri 753469 32861 28042
TheAnfieldWrap 557147 2744 103418
IamMzilikazi 543761 375516 130300
DaveVescio 539394 576564 15105
OllieHolt22 435616 1403 71606
MaggieHeroDog 412920 124906 7279

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
DaveVescio 576564 539394 15105
JohnCena 570163 14105589 7445
IamMzilikazi 375516 543761 130300
HerbertRSim 245251 251499 29307
laurentbaheux 140381 247792 23116
WeDontHaveTime 126400 128718 33788
TheKop_com 125490 110482 16649
MaggieHeroDog 124906 412920 7279
exoticgamora 90799 97904 68243
Ahmed_Saber_Gad 86989 89461 41644

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
drmydearr 1376475 668 4422
_flanatico 537079 1163 1482
Torcedorescom 526643 42245 1636
nur911207 512693 842 367
fernkantarat 457512 1174 3585
beckmansasikter 417359 29415 29791
jellyjeanboyyy 408120 24 3070
UC_0153 399350 21 2567
pairdpt 386867 285 666
ColdHeart_Baby 382015 426 593

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31685 570163 14105589
FabrizioRomano 19131 2286 14428848
WWESheamus 4589 705 4795783
Hyken 3431 15172 110539
OllieHolt22 3253 1403 435616
Raindance 2662 15222 115681
laurentbaheux 2625 140381 247792
MLBastian 2475 1243 61488
TheAnfieldWrap 2437 2744 557147
EmmaKennedy 2087 3050 286409

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

50 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1632286558626758658 πŸ—£οΈRio Ferdinand: "Nervous? This is the most confident I've been going into a Liverpool fixture for the last six or seven years." 1893
1636120477717475328 2018 - Knocked out by Real 2019 - Won it in Madrid 2020 - Knocked out by Atletico 2021 - Knocked out by Real 2022 - Knocked out by Real 2023 - Knocked out by Real Would love a year away from Madrid please πŸ˜” #LFC 620
1633214689000960001 Liverpool entered the box 77 times during our 7-0 victory over Manchester United. No team has ever recorded more box entries since Opta's Premier League records began 😱7⃣ #LFC 357
1633035382160871425 Robbie Fowler on Mo Salah breaking his record πŸ”΄βš½οΈ #LFC πŸ—£οΈ"People have asked me how it felt and I’m being genuine when I say I was absolutely delighted for Mo. I’m a Liverpool fan. I’m a season ticket holder. I want to see my forwards scoring goals and breaking records." 336
1632645909665271808 Fancy watching ALL seven goals again? You can thanks to @LFC 😍 #LFC 319
1645128295262961665 Sky's pundits DROOLING over the Anfield atmosphere - and rightly bloody so πŸ”₯ #LFC 197
1632622037087961088 Gooooooooood morning, Reds! 😎 #LFC 170
1632682436759879680 We defy you to find a better stat than this - we'll waitπŸ˜… #LFC 129
1639897741563133954 Fair play to the Celtic fans yesterday, they were boss πŸ‘ #LFC 129
1632475746496131077 Salah putting players on their arses will never get old 🀣#LFC πŸ“½οΈ @bornnredlfc 123

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1637453880169762824 Would you extend James Milner's contract beyond the end of this season? πŸ€” #LFC 748
1632286558626758658 πŸ—£οΈRio Ferdinand: "Nervous? This is the most confident I've been going into a Liverpool fixture for the last six or seven years." 582
1636738923362672643 What are you talking about Didi πŸ™„ #LFC 372
1631006194029547523 Hate it? Love it? Let us know, Reds? One of the alleged leaked Liverpool kits for 2023/24 πŸ”΄ #LFC 343
1642143748640342017 Tsimikas and Arthur showing some huge restraint there, horrible from Pep 😑 #LFC 335
1638289984540082176 A 20% reduction of our allocation in just four years😑 #LFC [via @spiritofshankly] 230
1646038510430814208 Alright, Reds. Now that the dust has settled... how are we all feeling about the reported no Bellingham situation this summer? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ #LFC 229
1637423675841339394 πŸ€”β¬‡οΈ #LFC 179
1636120477717475328 2018 - Knocked out by Real 2019 - Won it in Madrid 2020 - Knocked out by Atletico 2021 - Knocked out by Real 2022 - Knocked out by Real 2023 - Knocked out by Real Would love a year away from Madrid please πŸ˜” #LFC 170
1642148734015270914 What do we change here to win the game? #LFC 167

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1632286558626758658 πŸ—£οΈRio Ferdinand: "Nervous? This is the most confident I've been going into a Liverpool fixture for the last six or seven years." 1109
1642143748640342017 Tsimikas and Arthur showing some huge restraint there, horrible from Pep 😑 #LFC 233
1636120477717475328 2018 - Knocked out by Real 2019 - Won it in Madrid 2020 - Knocked out by Atletico 2021 - Knocked out by Real 2022 - Knocked out by Real 2023 - Knocked out by Real Would love a year away from Madrid please πŸ˜” #LFC 145
1636738923362672643 What are you talking about Didi πŸ™„ #LFC 137
1638289984540082176 A 20% reduction of our allocation in just four years😑 #LFC [via @spiritofshankly] 123
1637453880169762824 Would you extend James Milner's contract beyond the end of this season? πŸ€” #LFC 100
1643901676154236928 Harvey Elliott on Mo Salah's guidance [@LFC] 🍞 #LFC πŸ—£οΈ"In Austria, it was breakfast and I had two bread rolls, because I normally do so with every breakfast or meal, just because it's one of my favourites." [1/2] 56
1631006194029547523 Hate it? Love it? Let us know, Reds? One of the alleged leaked Liverpool kits for 2023/24 πŸ”΄ #LFC 51
1638460048203563009 Some Bayern fans are questioning the signing of Sadio Mane 😱 #LFC [via @SPORT1] 51
1645741638961053696 Referees covering each other's backs - what a shock! ⬇️ #LFC 41

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1632286558626758658 πŸ—£οΈRio Ferdinand: "Nervous? This is the most confident I've been going into a Liverpool fixture for the last six or seven years." 9344
1633035382160871425 Robbie Fowler on Mo Salah breaking his record πŸ”΄βš½οΈ #LFC πŸ—£οΈ"People have asked me how it felt and I’m being genuine when I say I was absolutely delighted for Mo. I’m a Liverpool fan. I’m a season ticket holder. I want to see my forwards scoring goals and breaking records." 8454
1636120477717475328 2018 - Knocked out by Real 2019 - Won it in Madrid 2020 - Knocked out by Atletico 2021 - Knocked out by Real 2022 - Knocked out by Real 2023 - Knocked out by Real Would love a year away from Madrid please πŸ˜” #LFC 5613
1633214689000960001 Liverpool entered the box 77 times during our 7-0 victory over Manchester United. No team has ever recorded more box entries since Opta's Premier League records began 😱7⃣ #LFC 3987
1634265536501633042 Darwin's wife has been loving being at Anfield ❀️ #LFC 3284
1638209503760883714 Gakpo on the struggles of understanding Scouse 🀣 #LFC 2809
1643901676154236928 Harvey Elliott on Mo Salah's guidance [@LFC] 🍞 #LFC πŸ—£οΈ"In Austria, it was breakfast and I had two bread rolls, because I normally do so with every breakfast or meal, just because it's one of my favourites." [1/2] 2668
1636792691357806593 Scouser πŸ’ͺ @LucasLeiva87 Best of luck on your retirement and thanks for 10 amazing years at Anfield ❀️ #LFC 2615
1645128295262961665 Sky's pundits DROOLING over the Anfield atmosphere - and rightly bloody so πŸ”₯ #LFC 2424
1639897741563133954 Fair play to the Celtic fans yesterday, they were boss πŸ‘ #LFC 2320

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lfc 1639
#onthisday 8
#ynwa 3
#mufc 3
#ucl 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@lfc 75
@skysportspl 54
@caughtoffside 45
@footyinsider247 33
@theathleticfc 32
@fabrizioromano 30
@livecholfc 30
@jamespearcelfc 28
@bbcsport 26
@carra23 24

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
πŸ”΄ 930 red_circle
πŸ“° 584 newspaper
πŸŽ₯ 429 movie_camera
πŸ’Έ 407 money_with_wings
πŸ—£οΈ 235 speaking_head
⚽ 173 soccer_ball
πŸ€” 87 thinking_face
πŸ‘ 50 clapping_hands
πŸ‘€ 43 eyes
πŸ˜‚ 43 face_with_tears_of_joy

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 1531
Symbols 1030
People & Body 480
Smileys & Emotion 327
Activities 217
Flags 84
Travel & Places 45
Food & Drink 11