Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3848
views 3768
lover 2726
life 2558
music 2390
mum 2146
proud 1881
retired 1715
teacher 1594
world 1468

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#fbpe 1390
#gtto 997
#rejoineu 290
#toriesout 257
#blm 229
#johnsonout 191
#fbppr 184
#fbpa 155
#generalelectionnow 140
#nhs 140

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14102361 571981 7450
lemontwittor 3342621 3262 98462
KlasraRauf 2370747 5330 114332
SinghLions 1334576 1431666 33929
RexChapman 1254696 30794 330194
NOH8Campaign 801473 346060 13960
NHSMillion 795083 12745 31103
DrEricDing 781035 12216 70334
cracked 754968 826 108235
carolvorders 751714 2030 59503

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431666 1334576 33929
JohnCena 571981 14102361 7450
IamMzilikazi 376263 546798 130552
NOH8Campaign 346060 801473 13960
EvanKirstel 310862 344505 1131547
Dorsetghost 273342 411048 420
simongerman600 229343 255987 38842
Coreandor 214672 195511 237410
JeanetteJoy 192491 219371 334361
Ryanintheus 190124 198562 26470

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bmurphypointman 2470632 84566 29022
Car01am 1573574 178847 133560
Kat4Obama 1471833 8440 4792
JamesRoy 1256986 11933 12687
EvanKirstel 1131547 344505 310862
SupremeBeingNes 1030964 74275 69057
aldoceccarelli 820210 16062 14992
Kilsally 785849 8176 9001
tarundsnaol 726601 982 5002
NewsInTweetsCom 718058 2867 4868

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31684 571981 14102361
EvanKirstel 12977 310862 344505
DrEricDing 9214 12216 781035
cracked 8371 826 754968
NOH8Campaign 7557 346060 801473
secupp 6401 11195 459685
RexChapman 5900 30794 1254696
yashar 5490 34171 704756
JohnBarrowman 4572 985 485941
glennkirschner2 4502 51287 718424

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

60 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1634240595492257807 Just so we’re clear, if you’re one of @GaryLineker’s colleagues and you agree to step into his chair, you’re a c*nt. The end. 1716
1630490492369612800 Dear broadcasters, if you're letting Sunak and Baker and every other Tory Mouth Honk say it's a "great opportunity" for NI to have access to the SM without then asking "So why can't the rest of the UK have that?", you're doing it wrong. You're welcome. 1604
1640707781429985292 Just had email from British Gas telling me my energy prices are going up in April. Meanwhile, energy companies are lobbying the Govt to drop the windfall tax, despite making obscene profits and despite increasing our bills. Remind me why we're not rioting? 1533
1639575476833247233 Given @Conservatives have banned all media from their conference, I’d suggest no media outlet publishes a single press release they send out from it. 1452
1636288663909695489 Know what I hate the most about yesterday's budget? They've taken deliberate decisions to harm the next govt. That's not responsible governing. It's spite. 1260
1631561250458021892 When you read that a Pret Barista makes £14.10 an hour and a new NHS doctor makes £14.13 an hour, it’s no surprise they’re going to Australia is it? 1070
1641851693187907584 Whoever made this, I salute you. 1035
1638184349790089220 Everybody knew the rules. Everybody. Why? Because we were told what they were on a daily basis. Remember the clowns who are trying to tell you otherwise. They’re insulting the lot of us. 917
1645363689703235584 Thanks ⁦@Conservatives⁩ 891
1633410430986076162 The current @Conservatives are now the old BNP. I'm sure there will be some Tory MPs who are aghast at that. If you're one of them, do something about it. 762

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1637167792582541324 I’d love to know why all the people who’ve suddenly decided drag queens are sexualising children haven’t got a single peep to say about American Child Pageants. 919
1631657366587334659 Do you know what? I think Boris Johnson is finally f*cked. 765
1628066080777199617 I've been told I can't eat cheese any more and I genuinely think this might be worse than dying. 721
1634240595492257807 Just so we’re clear, if you’re one of @GaryLineker’s colleagues and you agree to step into his chair, you’re a c*nt. The end. 489
1640707781429985292 Just had email from British Gas telling me my energy prices are going up in April. Meanwhile, energy companies are lobbying the Govt to drop the windfall tax, despite making obscene profits and despite increasing our bills. Remind me why we're not rioting? 302
1641699477982523392 Can somebody sensible please explain to me how in the name of f*ck energy companies are justifying a price hike? 266
1636288663909695489 Know what I hate the most about yesterday's budget? They've taken deliberate decisions to harm the next govt. That's not responsible governing. It's spite. 242
1642435439977021446 You may recall a few weeks back, I had a series of terrible turns. I was carted off in an ambulance by medics who thought I was having an heart attack. After every heart test possible, I now know all of it was menopause. I thought I was out the other side. (1) 241
1627275687714340864 Censorship would be recalling and destroying all the millions of Roald Dahl’s books that are sitting on bookshelves across the world. Editing is revising future editions, as he did himself in his lifetime. The outrage over this is ridiculous. 220
1648286738421362689 The whole emergency alert thing is just making me think they think Russia is going to drop a nuclear bomb on us. 209

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1637167792582541324 I’d love to know why all the people who’ve suddenly decided drag queens are sexualising children haven’t got a single peep to say about American Child Pageants. 129
1627275687714340864 Censorship would be recalling and destroying all the millions of Roald Dahl’s books that are sitting on bookshelves across the world. Editing is revising future editions, as he did himself in his lifetime. The outrage over this is ridiculous. 65
1645363689703235584 Thanks ⁦@Conservatives⁩ 62
1634240595492257807 Just so we’re clear, if you’re one of @GaryLineker’s colleagues and you agree to step into his chair, you’re a c*nt. The end. 59
1631657366587334659 Do you know what? I think Boris Johnson is finally f*cked. 50
1641851693187907584 Whoever made this, I salute you. 48
1642435439977021446 You may recall a few weeks back, I had a series of terrible turns. I was carted off in an ambulance by medics who thought I was having an heart attack. After every heart test possible, I now know all of it was menopause. I thought I was out the other side. (1) 47
1640707781429985292 Just had email from British Gas telling me my energy prices are going up in April. Meanwhile, energy companies are lobbying the Govt to drop the windfall tax, despite making obscene profits and despite increasing our bills. Remind me why we're not rioting? 44
1639575476833247233 Given @Conservatives have banned all media from their conference, I’d suggest no media outlet publishes a single press release they send out from it. 42
1636288663909695489 Know what I hate the most about yesterday's budget? They've taken deliberate decisions to harm the next govt. That's not responsible governing. It's spite. 39

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1634240595492257807 Just so we’re clear, if you’re one of @GaryLineker’s colleagues and you agree to step into his chair, you’re a c*nt. The end. 16928
1631657366587334659 Do you know what? I think Boris Johnson is finally f*cked. 9283
1631561250458021892 When you read that a Pret Barista makes £14.10 an hour and a new NHS doctor makes £14.13 an hour, it’s no surprise they’re going to Australia is it? 8877
1630490492369612800 Dear broadcasters, if you're letting Sunak and Baker and every other Tory Mouth Honk say it's a "great opportunity" for NI to have access to the SM without then asking "So why can't the rest of the UK have that?", you're doing it wrong. You're welcome. 8873
1634241252907528192 David Attenborough should tell the BBC to get fucked as well. 8334
1636288663909695489 Know what I hate the most about yesterday's budget? They've taken deliberate decisions to harm the next govt. That's not responsible governing. It's spite. 8197
1640707781429985292 Just had email from British Gas telling me my energy prices are going up in April. Meanwhile, energy companies are lobbying the Govt to drop the windfall tax, despite making obscene profits and despite increasing our bills. Remind me why we're not rioting? 7934
1639575476833247233 Given @Conservatives have banned all media from their conference, I’d suggest no media outlet publishes a single press release they send out from it. 7644
1633380316072034306 I see @garylinekar is going to be “spoken to” for telling the truth. How very North Korean. 7014
1630479013645828098 One day, sense will prevail and we will rejoin the Single Market. I have no doubt, in my lifetime, we’ll also rejoin the EU. Brexit has achieved nothing. It’s been an epic waste of time and talent that’s done nothing but damage. A pox on all those who advocated for it. 6776

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ynwa 63
#thecursedseason 4
#bluetickwankers 2
#oscars 2
#lfc 2
#baftas 2
#localelections2023 1
#taskmaster 1
#england 1
#steps 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@conservatives 8
@garylineker 5
@lbc 3
@surreyheathlds 2
@elonmusk 2
@shelaghfogarty 2
@stephenking 1
@jennyeclair 1
@ofgem 1
@emmakennedy 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets