Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @elgorilavip


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

6 days

Average age of authors' accounts

11 years


The tweets share a list of songs by artist J Alvarez, including remixes and collaborations. The hashtag #ETDMDeluxev is used. The final tweet mentions a political dispute over a football game while acknowledging violence in the country.

Topic Modeling

  • Music and artists (#JAlvarez, #DJUnic, #AlexisElPitbull, #CarlitosRossy, #JonnaTorres)
  • Songs and remixes (Voces, Matame, Haré Haré, Faya, Nadie Lo Sabe)
  • Social commentary (insecurity and violence)
  • Political figures (Berni and Anibal)
  • Sports (partido de fútbol)

Emotional Analysis

The tweets consist of a list of songs by J Alvarez, with an additional tweet that expresses frustration and anger towards politicians for fighting over a soccer match while the issue of insecurity persists. The tweets do not convey any particular emotions related to the songs themselves, but the additional tweet expresses frustration and disappointment towards politicians.

Trend Analysis

  1. Music: #JAlvarez, #DJUnic, #Alexis, #CarlitosRossy, #JonnaTorres
  2. Song releases and remixes: Voces, Matame (Remix), Haré Haré, Faya, Nadie Lo Sabe (Remix)
  3. Social interaction: @AleBZamorano, @arielviano, @danilerer, @TotyFlores, @CCARIPba, @elgorilavip, @SusanaCB6, @Ga_Piedrabuena, @MonicaFradeok, @M_Campagnoli
  4. Politics: Berni y Anibal se pelean por un partido de fútbol
  5. Social issues: inseguridad nos mata

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 1
Twitter for Android 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Andrestwiters Andrés Villanueva 💪 🟡Amarillo en La Matanza 🟡 10,964
AJRoM8Tachira_V ♓☯ϯĦỢ₦Ұ💛🖤 🇻🇪WTáchizolanisimo😎™  25.♂® 🌎✝️☮⚛🌑 Ⓜ⚡️✌🏽🎮🎄 Signo:#Piscis.#Sex✨ Me Gusta tod tipo d #Music. Mis Equipos dl Alma d Mi País,son;@DvoTachira⭐️, @SeleVinotinto⚽, @Magallanes_bbc⚾⚓ ✍️ 1,498

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Andrestwiters Andrés Villanueva 💪 🟡Amarillo en La Matanza 🟡 11,080
AJRoM8Tachira_V ♓☯ϯĦỢ₦Ұ💛🖤 🇻🇪WTáchizolanisimo😎™  25.♂® 🌎✝️☮⚛🌑 Ⓜ⚡️✌🏽🎮🎄 Signo:#Piscis.#Sex✨ Me Gusta tod tipo d #Music. Mis Equipos dl Alma d Mi País,son;@DvoTachira⭐️, @SeleVinotinto⚽, @Magallanes_bbc⚾⚓ ✍️ 5,011

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
AJRoM8Tachira_V 25.♂® 🌎✝️☮⚛🌑 Ⓜ⚡️✌🏽🎮🎄 Signo:#Piscis.#Sex✨ Me Gusta tod tipo d #Music. Mis Equipos dl Alma d Mi País,son;@DvoTachira⭐️, @SeleVinotinto⚽, @Magallanes_bbc⚾⚓ ✍️ 1
Andrestwiters 🟡Amarillo en La Matanza 🟡 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1641158284320096268 14. #JAlvarez, #DJUnic – Voces 15. J Alvarez, #Alexis El Pitbull, @elgorilavip, #CarlitosRossy, #JonnaTorres – Matame (Remix) 16. J Alvarez – Haré Haré 17. J Alvarez – Faya 18. J Alvarez, @Juhnelallstar, @NioGarcia, @Casper_magico – Nadie Lo Sabe (Remix) ... #ETDMDeluxev 0
1638691239208861696 @AleBZamorano @arielviano @danilerer @TotyFlores @CCARIPba @elgorilavip @SusanaCB6 @Ga_Piedrabuena @MonicaFradeok @M_Campagnoli Berni y Anibal se pelean por un partido de fútbol, mientras la inseguridad nos mata. 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1641158284320096268 14. #JAlvarez, #DJUnic – Voces 15. J Alvarez, #Alexis El Pitbull, @elgorilavip, #CarlitosRossy, #JonnaTorres – Matame (Remix) 16. J Alvarez – Haré Haré 17. J Alvarez – Faya 18. J Alvarez, @Juhnelallstar, @NioGarcia, @Casper_magico – Nadie Lo Sabe (Remix) ... #ETDMDeluxev 0
1638691239208861696 @AleBZamorano @arielviano @danilerer @TotyFlores @CCARIPba @elgorilavip @SusanaCB6 @Ga_Piedrabuena @MonicaFradeok @M_Campagnoli Berni y Anibal se pelean por un partido de fútbol, mientras la inseguridad nos mata. 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#jalvarez 1
#djunic 1
#alexis 1
#carlitosrossy 1
#jonnatorres 1
#etdmdeluxev 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@elgorilavip 2
@juhnelallstar 1
@niogarcia 1
@casper_magico 1
@alebzamorano 1
@arielviano 1
@danilerer 1
@totyflores 1
@ccaripba 1
@susanacb6 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets