Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @eduardheger


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


German firm KMW failed to meet legal requirements for a license. Slovak Prime Minister @eduardheger and culture minister Natalia Milanova held a meeting where they discussed issues of protecting journalists, supporting the Anti-SLAPP proposed directive, and establishing the office for protection of whistleblowers. European countries are mobilizing in France and Europe to support investigative journalism and fight against corruption and disinformation. The Slovak delegation raised issues to the Prime Minister of the need to further strengthen press freedom. Facing the pressure of the public and journalists, @eduardheger is urged to take urgent measures to send the migrants away and send mafia leader Fico to jail. Further developments are to be announced at a press conference later today.

Topic Modeling

  1. Legal and Management: Licensing, Transparency, Office for protection of whistleblowers
  2. Politics and Leadership: Slovak Prime Minister and Minister of Culture, Press conferences, governments role, Fight against corruption and disinformation
  3. Social Issues: Support journalism, Anti-SLAPP proposed directive, Free independent journalism
  4. Elections: Volby osm mesiacov, Premiér, Ministr
  5. International Relations: Moldova, Romania, Poland, Putin W Balkans Policy, EU class leader, PM-Fiala

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from frustration to praise. In some of the tweets, people are frustrated with the lack of action taken by Prime Minister @eduardheger and his government. They express their disapproval of the government's decisions, such as not recognizing Kosovo, and their lack of transparency. Other tweets express praise for the government's efforts to protect journalists, whistleblowers, and media pluralism. There is also a sense of hope that the Prime Minister will take action to ensure the safety of journalists and the stability of media services. Finally, there is a sense of shame and disbelief that the government has not taken action to protect democracy and freedom of speech.

Trend Analysis

  1. Job performance of German firm KMW not meeting legal criteria
  2. Transparency and openness of government in protecting whistleblowers and journalists
  3. Decisive action against corruption and misinformation
  4. Importance of press freedom and independent journalism
  5. Election postponement and the lack of action from government officials

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 127
Twitter for Android 103
Twitter for iPhone 59
Twitter for iPad 6
NavidAfkari 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
globalfreemedia IPI - The Global Network for Independent Media Official account of the International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, journalists and media executives defending #pressfreedom since 1950. 50,988
LaurenceBoone Laurence Boone Secrétaire d’État chargée de l’Europe 28,212
drkatraphael Rev Dr Kathleen Raphael DD LPN Don't hurt humans or animals. Let's live together & pool resources. #DisabilitiesHappen #NoViolence 🌿 LonelyNoMore 🌱 #Resist 🌊 #YoureGonnaGetOldToo ❤#Love❤ 27,421
SeverMaja Maja Sever Novinarka. President of the European Federation of Journalists 27,305
DenisMacShane Denis MacShane Ex Europe Minister, Speaker/Writer EU policy, politics. Latest book "Must Labour Always Lose?" Contact via Linked In 21,334
freepressunltd Free Press Unlimited Free Press Unlimited works in 54 countries with 120 partners to ensure that independent, reliable news & information remain available to people worldwide. 18,032
JaroNad Jaro Nad Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic 16,016
SLOVAKIAinEU Slovakia in the EU Official account of #Slovakia's Permanent Representation to the #EU | Previously the #Slovak EU Council Presidency @eu2016sk | RT≠endorsement 13,093
Chr_Steven_76 Christian Steven Western European with many relatives in Asia and the US. Currently I am Ukrainian with all my heart! #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🇯🇵 9,588
GunterFehlinger Gunther Fehlinger Austrian Atlantic Council Chairman - Austrian Cross Party Committee for Austria, Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia and EU joining NATO 2023 8,330

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
drkatraphael Rev Dr Kathleen Raphael DD LPN Don't hurt humans or animals. Let's live together & pool resources. #DisabilitiesHappen #NoViolence 🌿 LonelyNoMore 🌱 #Resist 🌊 #YoureGonnaGetOldToo ❤#Love❤ 28,904
Chr_Steven_76 Christian Steven Western European with many relatives in Asia and the US. Currently I am Ukrainian with all my heart! #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🇯🇵 9,982
GunterFehlinger Gunther Fehlinger Austrian Atlantic Council Chairman - Austrian Cross Party Committee for Austria, Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia and EU joining NATO 2023 9,163
Camaro_mandela MISS CARINE Science fiction. Journalist, advertiser, historian, Geographer, Economists, Human rights activist. 7,478
noriesun のりえ 日本の大地に産まれ、日本の季節に育てられ、日本の自然に生きて、日本の伝統に時を超え、ご先祖様に護られて、今の私が力強く生かされている。日本の八百万の神様に感謝して、日本が未来永劫、平和で子孫繁栄できますように、日本人として誇りを持って精進して参ります。 5,578
lazlototh67 lazlo tooth I am tired of being Joe Biden's stochastic taxidermist (whatever that is); he can't hold up no matter what. Follows/likes mean anything & nothing. 5,207
petzvalus Harald Ulrich S. DEESKALATION Aufgrund des Wechsels der gesellschaftlichen Mitte nach links nunmehr im konservativen Bereich beheimatet (ohne Scheuklappen) 5,020
ukraine_ua123 Europeans supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺 Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.Ukraine needs allies, not mediators. No to silence on genocide. No to appeasement. No to spheres of influence. 4,998
AristophaneGomi aristophane gomi P D G GOMI & co IMPORT-EXPORT 4,997
gmbhipsolingen AK 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇵🇱🇫🇮🇺🇸🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱 Senior Fact Checker at NDA, Social Dynamics, #NAFO supporter, 4,993

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
YuraSH_Lviv "Я переможу у цій війні, навіть якщо не доживу" Олександр "Мадяр" Матяш. Слава Україні! Героям Навіки Слава! 26
GunterFehlinger Austrian Atlantic Council Chairman - Austrian Cross Party Committee for Austria, Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia and EU joining NATO 2023 10
LogDamn - 10
polkadood A loitering Jew with a cigarette. Pronouns: Fearless/Swashbuckler #Follow4Follow offered and appreciated. 'Veritatem cognoscere ruat cælum et pereat mundus' 7
TarasKu2 - 6
GiorgosLikouri1 Educated.. And righteous 5
Suprak15 - 4
noriesun 日本の大地に産まれ、日本の季節に育てられ、日本の自然に生きて、日本の伝統に時を超え、ご先祖様に護られて、今の私が力強く生かされている。日本の八百万の神様に感謝して、日本が未来永劫、平和で子孫繁栄できますように、日本人として誇りを持って精進して参ります。 4
ukraine_ua123 Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.Ukraine needs allies, not mediators. No to silence on genocide. No to appeasement. No to spheres of influence. 4
dillysillywilly to everyone who views this have a good day/night! Long live king von Fan of watching Arms movements / Drone strikes #Ukraine #ArmUkrainenow i love dogs! 4

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627968746668032004 Nous sommes mobilisés en France comme en Europe pour soutenir le journalisme d’investigation, le pluralisme des médias et la lutte contre la corruption et la désinformation, piliers de l’Etat de droit et de notre démocratie européenne. #EUDemocracy @eduardheger 5
1626486590016040964 @EuromaidanPress @HradOfficial @P_Fiala @niinisto @MarinSanna @Ulkoministerio @Haavisto @jonasgahrstore @NorwayMFA @AHuitfeldt @AnneBeathe_ @AndrzejDuda @PremierRP @PolandMFA @SwedishPM @TobiasBillstrom @ZuzanaCaputova @eduardheger @nmusar @klausIohannis @kmitsotakis @MFATurkiye 2
1626854746807234562 EU must stand against terrorism by designating the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Its support for militant groups and involvement in acts of violence undermines global peace and security @KlausIohannis @eduardheger @govSlovenia @sanchezcastejon #IRGCterrorists 2
1628016953380970497 @sternenko @GitanasNauseda @LithuanianGovt @AlarKaris @GLandsbergis @valstsgriba @kajakallas @sandumaiamd @eucopresident @eduardheger @MinPres @niinisto @krisjaniskarins @ZuzanaCaputova @hugodejonge @SigridKaag @WBHoekstra @EP_President @guyverhofstadt @FedericaMog @MartinSchulz @donaldtusk 2
1626740178135007236 @JaroNad @pavolsadlon @GibisVB @eduardheger @FinancnaSprava Ukrajinská krv je na ich rukách a teraz sa to snažia ospravedlniť byrokratickými prekážkami! Stále blokujete! Ukrainian blood is on your hands and now you are trying to justify it with bureaucratic hurdles! You're still blocking! @JaroNad #Treason 2
1626207209758797824 @pavolsadlon @GibisVB @eduardheger @FinancnaSprava Nemecká firma KMW nesplnila právne predpoklady na licencie. Štandardná vec. Tam je problém, všetci zodpovední to vedia. 2
1627397930394034176 @MarinSanna @kajakallas @krisjaniskarins @IngridaSimonyte @MorawieckiM @KlausIohannis @KirilPetkov @P_Fiala @eduardheger @AndrejPlenkovic @govSlovenia @sanchezcastejon @RishiSunak Women lead the fight! 1
1627777050252660742 @eduardheger @POTUS @ZelenskyyUa I just can see your slavery.. 1
1627605008354091008 @GitanasNauseda @NOELreports @SebLecornu @Armees_Gouv @eduardheger @JaroNad @DefenceHQ @Poland_MOD 1
1627914035587911687 @eduardheger @POTUS @ZelenskyyUa It's a good thing you do not have any future political ambitions, Mr. Heger. 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626207209758797824 @pavolsadlon @GibisVB @eduardheger @FinancnaSprava Nemecká firma KMW nesplnila právne predpoklady na licencie. Štandardná vec. Tam je problém, všetci zodpovední to vedia. 20
1627896428650528768 Radni ručak sa slovačkim premijerom @eduardheger i ministricom kulture Natalia Milanova. Otovoreno o problemima važnosti zaštite sigurnosti novinara, stabilnog financiranja javnog medijskog servisa, prijedlogu SLAPP direktive i #EMFA. 17
1627796042274988032 Good meeting with Slovak PM @eduardheger and culture minister Natalia Milanova. We praised the goverment for being transparent, for supporting Anti-SLAPP proposed directive & for establishing the office for protection of whistleblowers. More tomorrow during our press conference. 14
1627968746668032004 Nous sommes mobilisés en France comme en Europe pour soutenir le journalisme d’investigation, le pluralisme des médias et la lutte contre la corruption et la désinformation, piliers de l’Etat de droit et de notre démocratie européenne. #EUDemocracy @eduardheger 10
1627940880379256832 Yesterday our delegation raised these issues, & the need to further strengthen #pressfreedom, with Prime Minister @eduardheger & the Minister of Culture. We welcomed the strong defence of the role of free and independent journalism for Slovakia's democracy. 10
1627941984034758656 @eduardheger At a press conference later today, we'll present interim findings from our mission. We'll seek to answer the question of whether, five years on from the killing, reforms have been strong enough to ensure the murder of a journalist never happens again. 8
1625140244864548868 @ZzMatuSs Ďalší dôvod mať voľby až o 8 mesiacov. Však @i_matovic @eduardheger @stranasas @SulikRichard @JurajSeliga @Veronika_Remis. 8
1626184891485282305 @GibisVB Dobrý deň prajem, prosím vás, pán premiér @eduardheger, pán minister @jaronad a @FinancnaSprava, je toto pravda?? 8
1625747516405829632 @Aktualitysk @eduardheger pán premiér, najvyšší čas zakopať basu a kopnúť s tými migmi do vrtule 7
1627786061223952384 @eduardheger @POTUS @ZelenskyyUa Pan Heger … len ostante našim premiérom a poslať Fica do basy 🙏🏻 6

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#irgcterrorists 16
#slovakia 5
#eudemocracy 4
#euco 4
#ukraine 4
#emfa 3
#pressfreedom 2
#westwende 2
#euacquis 2
#cfsp 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@eduardheger 296
@zelenskyyua 83
@minpres 64
@eucopresident 61
@kajakallas 61
@gitanasnauseda 57
@zuzanacaputova 51
@visegrad24 51
@krisjaniskarins 50
@potus 48

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
⬇️ 18 down_arrow
🇺🇦 15 Ukraine
🇸🇰 13 Slovakia
🇦🇹 9 Austria
😂 5 face_with_tears_of_joy
5 down_arrow
🇪🇺 4 European_Union
🙏 4 folded_hands
👍 3 thumbs_up
☝🏻 3 index_pointing_up_light_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 61
Symbols 25
Smileys & Emotion 19
People & Body 15
Objects 4
Travel & Places 2