Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @DrJessTaylor


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


This thread discusses @DrJessTaylor, who is not a qualified forensic psychologist but has been using the protected title regardless. Tweets in the thread suggest that she has blocked certain people and is using her brand of publicity-seeking to the lowest bidder. Some have submitted a complaint in regards to her involvement in a tragic case, while others have expressed their shock at her misuse of the protected title. Furthermore, many questions have been raised about her qualifications and ethical practices.

Topic Modeling

  1. Misuse of protected titles
  2. Data collection methods
  3. Psychology/psychiatry competency
  4. Victim's rights/voices
  5. Unethical behavior/opinions

Emotional Analysis

The overall sentiment of these tweets is one of anger and frustration. The tweets criticize @DrJessTaylor for posing as a forensic psychologist without the qualifications and for exploiting victims of abuse for her own gain. There is also a sense of disbelief that she was allowed to get away with this, and shock that she is peddling her brand of publicity seeking to the lowest bidder. The tweets also express sadness for the family of the missing male and call for more ethical and trauma-informed behaviour from @DrJessTaylor.

Trend Analysis

  1. Misuse of protected titles
  2. Publicity seeking behavior
  3. Data collection methods
  4. Victim’s voice
  5. Mockery & exploitation of survivors

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 533
Twitter Web App 428
Twitter for Android 386
Twitter for iPad 77
TweetDeck 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
DrJessTaylor Dr. Jessica Taylor Sunday Times Bestselling Author | Chartered Psychologist | PhD Forensic Psychology | CEO of VictimFocus | Media | TV | Radio | Agent: @TBP_Agency 97,007
IndyVoices Independent Voices Comment desk @Independent. Please pitch to @nakedvix and @harriepw. US pitches: @LucyAnnaGray. ( 73,595
LadyNadiaEssex Nadia Essex ❤️ Launching a new Women’s Safety App ❤️ Love Coach ❤️ Broadcaster 63,514
drjanaway Dr Benjamin Janaway Psychiatrist. Interest in psychodynamics and psychopathology. Science Communicator. Popular displacement object. 57,190
k8_lister Kate Lister Blonde Bomb Site. #PhD #ADHD #PMT Owner of @WhoresofYore. Sex Historian, Author, & Host of Betwixt the Sheets Podcast 50,816
BBCJohnBeattie John Beattie I host Radio and TV for BBC Scotland, commute by bike, play the guitar, dad/grandpa, ex Scotland and Lions rugby player. This is an official @BBCNews account 35,654
pigletish Anneli 🍄🍂 Mental health advocate | DV survivor | Artist | Cymraes | Love my dog, Doug | Believes in magic 🧚‍♀️✨ Small business @hellopumpkinuk she/her 27,311
jonathanstea Dr. Jonathan N. Stea 🇨🇦 Clinical Psychologist. Adjunct Assistant Professor @UCalgary. Movement: @ScienceUpFirst. Bylines: @Sciam, @CBCNews, @Slate, @Globalnews, @PsychToday et al 26,206
ManduReid Mandu Reid Leader of the Women's Equality Party @WEP_UK. 1st person of colour to lead a UK political party. Usually reading something. Plenty of fire in my belly. 21,852
RuthCoppingerSP Ruth Coppinger Socialist activist, socialist feminist, for workers' rights, was Solidarity TD for Dublin West in 31st & 32nd Dáil, @SocialistParty member. 20,382

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
drjanaway Dr Benjamin Janaway Psychiatrist. Interest in psychodynamics and psychopathology. Science Communicator. Popular displacement object. 18,982
EnterpriseSBox Bernie 💙 Author | Speaker Innovative Enterprise: School Workshops | Author #TheLadder | Fellow @PSAUK | @TEDx Speaker | @CareersWeek Director | Enterprise Soapbox | Cyclist | Own Views 10,498
BBCJohnBeattie John Beattie I host Radio and TV for BBC Scotland, commute by bike, play the guitar, dad/grandpa, ex Scotland and Lions rugby player. This is an official @BBCNews account 9,568
SameiHuda Doctor Who(da) the Unretracted Views my own -not my employer: #LFC #psychiatry RT not agreement/ endorsement. Uppity. Master of Arts & Science 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇬🇧 9,486
RealFactsVsFake FactsVsFake ❄#VetsResistSupportSquadron Fight Fake with Facts! #News #Politics Current events #Humor #Military Brat. #VetsResistSupportSquadron She/ Her 8,955
sallywilts Sally W ساللي 🌷🥀🌻🌺🌸🌼🪴🍃🍀🌴💐🇺🇦🇬🇧🇮🇹⚖️ 🎇There will be no peace in the world until Putin’s regime is completely defeated.🏆🎭🧬 8,708
AndrewCicchett1 Coercive Control - Education, Support, Recovery Dr. Andrew Cicchetti, LCSW-R é psicoterapeuta, ativista, educador e sobrevivente do controle coercitivo. Protect the mothers, save the planet. #RevogaLAP 8,454
SallyRMelb SRPasses it on Anti-Trump,gender dialogues,mvawc,diversity,music,art,news junkie,veer left. RT stuff that may be of interest, thrilled by Twitter-wit, courage & the unexpecte 7,954
JodiKoberinski Jodi Koberinski Settler-descended living in Anishnaabek/Algonquin Territories @jodikoberinski on CoSo she/they Donate for Bobby Ramroop’s funeral: 7,839
DrAnnieHickox Dr Annie Hickox Personal account. Clinical Psychologist. PhD Neurosciences. Writing about mental illness/psychosis/family/shame. Anti-Szaszian. Pfizer shill. Biopsychosocial✌️. 7,439

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
ellabrand6 Mum & teacher 40
Rsb0121 Teacher of 20 years, survivor of sexual abuse and coercive control, mum who always puts her girl first. Love fairy lights and 40s music ❤️Soon releasing a book. 28
tonyrandallrave It's me, I'm him, I'm Tony Randall. (He/him/his.... probably.... I think.... maybe....? I dunno). 21
dgn_893x 🦋 20
davidhockey121 Interested in the corruption of: relative power, privilege & elitism, when used for the prevention of accountability. CJS experience. Publish a bit as well. 16
ScamAlertJT Concerned about the many women taken in by Dr Jessica Taylor. She is toxic. Please dont give her your money. 15
folkposse back on my bullshit!! 15
Resurgamblog Bi. Socialist.Radfem.INTJ. Navy Veteran.Lay Ignatian.Quite nice really 15
BettyBlue168 PhD Student. Feminist. ADHD. #mentalillnessawareness #IStandWithSallyAnn #ALLthewaywithSallyAnn 14
zgirboc f everybody 14

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625625014732042242 Quick question for @The_HCPC - is it or is it not illegal to knowingly use a protected title for which one is not qualified? @netflix and @firstlooktv - @drjesstaylor should have told you she isn’t a forensic psychologist and it’s illegal to pose as one. 73
1626631487784091665 I was blocked by @drjesstaylor for questioning her data collection methods. Since then I’ve seen her progress from dodgy statistics to now peddling her brand of publicity seeking to the lowest bidder (#GBNews anyone?) the fact is she is not a psychologist, and she is not a 1/2 35
1626696401789898763 @jodieannalder @DrJessTaylor Everyone knows apart from her flying monkeys! 9
1625631645230309381 @BettyBlue168 @The_HCPC @netflix @firstlooktv @DrJessTaylor This from the @UK_ACP’s website, warning about the dangers of “unregulated psychologists” abusing protected titles in the media. It’s shocking she was allowed to get away with this 9
1627735313085829121 Here are #feminist liars @FarahNazeer (@womensaid) @nicolejacobsST (@CommissionerDA) @DrProudman @DrJessTaylor I will debate live on air ONLY any & all of them #FeminismIsCancer #Feminism #DomesticViolence #DomesticAbuse #FakeRape #FalseRape #ToxicFeminism #ToxicMasculinity 8
1627065861952643072 Please Twitterverse, help find this UK based American mom with a 6 year old (7 next month) daughter planning to go introduce her daughter to bio dad any day now.DON'T GO IT'S A TRAP TO TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER FROM YOU PLEASE DONT GO @DrJessTaylor @DrProudman @BBCWorld it happens lots 8
1626279234908872705 @JoolzCook @DrJessTaylor The woman got up , had the house organised , loaded the children & dog into the car , did the school run, took the dog for a walk , emailed a boss , arranged a play date , began a teams meeting all by 9.20 am . I think she deserves better than the current narrative #nicolabully 8
1627758238807519234 @IndyVoices @DrJessTaylor Hi @IndyVoices just to let you know Jess runs an organisation whos employees and herself engaged in messages about finding victims of abuse address and ‘sharpening knives and bullets’, alongside mocking images of survivors & changing names to stalk victims. She’s a danger 6
1627626015353888769 @DrJessTaylor 6
1627753275037519892 @IndyVoices @DrJessTaylor This is an ethical nightmare - all throughout this tragic case she has speculated about what has happened to this poor woman. She’s gone against what the police - and most importantly her traumatised family - have begged people not to do. Hardly trauma-informed. 5

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625625014732042242 Quick question for @The_HCPC - is it or is it not illegal to knowingly use a protected title for which one is not qualified? @netflix and @firstlooktv - @drjesstaylor should have told you she isn’t a forensic psychologist and it’s illegal to pose as one. 438
1626631487784091665 I was blocked by @drjesstaylor for questioning her data collection methods. Since then I’ve seen her progress from dodgy statistics to now peddling her brand of publicity seeking to the lowest bidder (#GBNews anyone?) the fact is she is not a psychologist, and she is not a 1/2 201
1626153769611284480 @DrJessTaylor It’s also hard to imagine the police releasing a statement about a missing male along the lines of “he had suffered with alcohol issues following his ongoing struggles with erectile dysfunction” 117
1627626015353888769 @DrJessTaylor 100
1625236900612083713 So proud of @DrJessTaylor today (and always). 2 new true crime Netflix seasons that she was the Psychologist on are top 10 global trending! Jess’ job ensuring that the victim’s voice is heard after they’ve had it taken away is so important. Never give up, Jess 85
1626279234908872705 @JoolzCook @DrJessTaylor The woman got up , had the house organised , loaded the children & dog into the car , did the school run, took the dog for a walk , emailed a boss , arranged a play date , began a teams meeting all by 9.20 am . I think she deserves better than the current narrative #nicolabully 82
1625492770558447616 Jess & I celebrate our love a lot, so Valentine’s Day is another excuse❤️ Most never come close to a love like ours @DrJessTaylor, & I’ll hold onto it forever Our love is safety, adventures, excitement, comfort, so much laughter, encouragement, & more than I can fit in a tweet. 81
1627753275037519892 @IndyVoices @DrJessTaylor This is an ethical nightmare - all throughout this tragic case she has speculated about what has happened to this poor woman. She’s gone against what the police - and most importantly her traumatised family - have begged people not to do. Hardly trauma-informed. 73
1625921437834813440 @DrJessTaylor @LancsPolice My thoughts too. An attempt to shift narrative from “questionable police investigation” to “struggling mum who couldn’t cope” 71
1625626396793110537 @BettyBlue168 @The_HCPC @netflix @firstlooktv @DrJessTaylor Does she realize forensic psychology/psychiatry is a highly involved sub-specialty with its own set of competencies? Many of my students have done at least one risk for recidivism assessment in jail settings for breadth of experience. Has she? 59

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#feminism 14
#feminismiscancer 12
#feminist 11
#nicolabulley 10
#drjesstaylor 10
#toxicfeminism 7
#feminists 6
#domesticabuse 5
#toxicmasculinity 5
#domesticviolence 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@drjesstaylor 1429
@firstlooktv 113
@the_hcpc 111
@bettyblue168 110
@netflix 108
@indyvoices 77
@jodieannalder 44
@jonathanstea 36
@bpsofficialdfp 33
@kerrydaynes 32

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 27 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
❤️ 23 red_heart
😂 22 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤬 14 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
💯 9 hundred_points
👏 8 clapping_hands
🤷‍♀️ 7 woman_shrugging
👍 6 thumbs_up
💕 6 two_hearts
🧵 5 thread

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 166
People & Body 48
Activities 9
Objects 8
Animals & Nature 7
Flags 5
Symbols 5
Food & Drink 5
Travel & Places 3