Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Florida, USA



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

1 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
roblox 5751
love 1637
play 1598
youtube 1338
games 1315
youtuber 1227
follow 1057
twitter 1035
account 1019
channel 831

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#roblox 81
#rtc 38
#1 38
#nft 12
#flamtwt 11
#fortnite 11
#robloxdev 10
#gaming 9
#starrailcountdown 9
#petsimulatorx 8

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
ShapedInternet 875606 1573 13166
SantaDecides 272969 2643 33030
Shedletsky 156110 794 22844
travisa850 126478 113296 58504
danieladroz 118948 506 21105
LightningSplash 113049 245 812
TedPillows 81428 11449 6817
Shonduras 78408 5034 32919
KuyaSlyy 43478 243 1571
SmittyD9199 40086 44009 217142

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
travisa850 113296 126478 58504
SmittyD9199 44009 40086 217142
Mia4MD 19873 28847 31717
avrohomg 14442 27326 112140
Antonio90619609 13075 25108 77
TedPillows 11449 81428 6817
market_indices 11354 10313 5983
danpolydoris 11159 26377 1885
frenchcreamsoda 10426 10070 7029
Buzzcov1 7103 6481 4229

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
SAYSAYSAYSA 335286 2377 1893
SmittyD9199 217142 40086 44009
XaeSngkhanna 205083 1030 2611
zhaly_me 195903 134 47
salahvip11 190066 12908 816
BendBricks 189055 7440 4426
ColbysAngel_ 112725 635 1279
avrohomg 112140 27326 14442
heynerpacheco 90391 1344 5001
SurjeighIsTaken 87165 1860 2363

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
ShapedInternet 1256 1573 875606
Shedletsky 1114 794 156110
avrohomg 910 14442 27326
SantaDecides 397 2643 272969
SmittyD9199 395 44009 40086
Shonduras 394 5034 78408
danieladroz 311 506 118948
getsobeam 223 5384 6605
CesiumJS 197 6525 8332
heynerpacheco 189 5001 1344

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

526 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1605644002392514561 everyone subscribe to kreek on youtube and retweet this and ill give a soda code to one of the retweeters when he reaches 6 million subscribers Thanks to roblox for the codes! 3970
1603710888019632131 RBB SODA CUP GIVEAWAY! What are your fav #RBBattlesS3 round 1 moments from each of the 8 vids? TO ENTER 1. Retweet 2. Link to each vid with a timecode of your fav moment in each 3. Follow me I’ll DM codes to 10 with the best moments! Thanks to @Roblox for providing the codes! 3691
1579267599581388800 forget headless im giving away a popcorn code retweet and reply with Headless Horseman for a chance to win a popcorn bucket 1144
1604408821794738176 Don’t be sad about the golds you didn’t get! Kreek didn’t get the Robot Resonator, Devoun didn’t get the Cyber Shredder, NightFoxx didn’t get the Dynamic Dasher.. it’s all part of the experience! They’re designed to look good in any combo so everyone’s combo & story is unique! 💚 697
1609278721562738689 The finale is 3 hours of 12 tracks with 1080p 60fps clips. Currently there's thousands of cuts & now the project is a laggy mess & keeps crashing despite having a beast of a PC. We can't put a date on this right now but will spend our NYE editing & will update you when we can! 💚 567
1611647864635023361 Are you wearing any RB Battles items on your avatar? I wanna see! Reply with a screenshot! 441
1606308623126233094 Popcorn vs Soda Which is better? 🤔 409
1610027596531507200 Since today was technically supposed to be the end of the event, some games may be removing badges soon. We let them know about the final battle delay & recommended to keep them in for a bit, but we have to respect that many of the games have strict schedules, so it's up to them! 282
1604949513177030656 guys pls stop doing fake soda code giveaways im pretty sure it's against ToS to do a giveaway and not actually give away the thing you're saying you're giving away elon gonna be mad 227
1575908249261383680 Favorite part of RB Battles Season 2? 220

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1611647864635023361 Are you wearing any RB Battles items on your avatar? I wanna see! Reply with a screenshot! 3767
1603710888019632131 RBB SODA CUP GIVEAWAY! What are your fav #RBBattlesS3 round 1 moments from each of the 8 vids? TO ENTER 1. Retweet 2. Link to each vid with a timecode of your fav moment in each 3. Follow me I’ll DM codes to 10 with the best moments! Thanks to @Roblox for providing the codes! 3011
1637103322363469824 day 1 of asking everyone to say hi to me 2755
1626387011580968960 What is this? Wrong answers only. 2235
1606308623126233094 Popcorn vs Soda Which is better? 🤔 1773
1470033575592579076 What do you play Roblox on the most? PC Mac XBOX iPad iPhone Android Tablet Android Phone Potato iPotato 1693
1579267599581388800 forget headless im giving away a popcorn code retweet and reply with Headless Horseman for a chance to win a popcorn bucket 1456
1619391588324745216 wait is roblox really down? 1436
1605644002392514561 everyone subscribe to kreek on youtube and retweet this and ill give a soda code to one of the retweeters when he reaches 6 million subscribers Thanks to roblox for the codes! 1246
1527213232418705409 you can only pick one.. - consistent pet sim x updates for the next 2 years - revival of brick bronze with approval from pokemon - rb battles season 3 - new egg hunt 1201

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1605644002392514561 everyone subscribe to kreek on youtube and retweet this and ill give a soda code to one of the retweeters when he reaches 6 million subscribers Thanks to roblox for the codes! 301
1603710888019632131 RBB SODA CUP GIVEAWAY! What are your fav #RBBattlesS3 round 1 moments from each of the 8 vids? TO ENTER 1. Retweet 2. Link to each vid with a timecode of your fav moment in each 3. Follow me I’ll DM codes to 10 with the best moments! Thanks to @Roblox for providing the codes! 120
1465072801841299466 I'm going to follow everyone who replies to this tweet! 🐦 100
1609278721562738689 The finale is 3 hours of 12 tracks with 1080p 60fps clips. Currently there's thousands of cuts & now the project is a laggy mess & keeps crashing despite having a beast of a PC. We can't put a date on this right now but will spend our NYE editing & will update you when we can! 💚 64
1611647864635023361 Are you wearing any RB Battles items on your avatar? I wanna see! Reply with a screenshot! 52
1579267599581388800 forget headless im giving away a popcorn code retweet and reply with Headless Horseman for a chance to win a popcorn bucket 43
1606308623126233094 Popcorn vs Soda Which is better? 🤔 40
1604408821794738176 Don’t be sad about the golds you didn’t get! Kreek didn’t get the Robot Resonator, Devoun didn’t get the Cyber Shredder, NightFoxx didn’t get the Dynamic Dasher.. it’s all part of the experience! They’re designed to look good in any combo so everyone’s combo & story is unique! 💚 38
1618830149637771264 What do we do if Roblox goes down on Saturday? 🤣😂😅 36
1470033575592579076 What do you play Roblox on the most? PC Mac XBOX iPad iPhone Android Tablet Android Phone Potato iPotato 24

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1603710888019632131 RBB SODA CUP GIVEAWAY! What are your fav #RBBattlesS3 round 1 moments from each of the 8 vids? TO ENTER 1. Retweet 2. Link to each vid with a timecode of your fav moment in each 3. Follow me I’ll DM codes to 10 with the best moments! Thanks to @Roblox for providing the codes! 4232
1609278721562738689 The finale is 3 hours of 12 tracks with 1080p 60fps clips. Currently there's thousands of cuts & now the project is a laggy mess & keeps crashing despite having a beast of a PC. We can't put a date on this right now but will spend our NYE editing & will update you when we can! 💚 4164
1619391588324745216 wait is roblox really down? 4131
1611647864635023361 Are you wearing any RB Battles items on your avatar? I wanna see! Reply with a screenshot! 4043
1605644002392514561 everyone subscribe to kreek on youtube and retweet this and ill give a soda code to one of the retweeters when he reaches 6 million subscribers Thanks to roblox for the codes! 3770
1604408821794738176 Don’t be sad about the golds you didn’t get! Kreek didn’t get the Robot Resonator, Devoun didn’t get the Cyber Shredder, NightFoxx didn’t get the Dynamic Dasher.. it’s all part of the experience! They’re designed to look good in any combo so everyone’s combo & story is unique! 💚 3473
1606308623126233094 Popcorn vs Soda Which is better? 🤔 3417
1609414483474087936 Man.. we have been editing this finale video since 2022! 3326
1579267599581388800 forget headless im giving away a popcorn code retweet and reply with Headless Horseman for a chance to win a popcorn bucket 2680
1618830149637771264 What do we do if Roblox goes down on Saturday? 🤣😂😅 2655

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#roblox 11
#robloxdev 9
#rbbattles 2
#robloxdevs 2
#rdc2022 2
#teamseas 2
#pingbattles 1
#rbbattless3 1
#verifyroblox 1
#savetheoof 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@robloxbattles 7
@sabrinabrite 4
@elonmusk 4
@kreekcraft 3
@epidemicsound 3
@darealminitoon 3
@mrbeast 3
@seacleaningsim 3
@roblox 2
@terabritegames 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🟩 128 green_square
🤔 46 thinking_face
🤍 31 white_heart
💭 29 thought_balloon
🗯 27 right_anger_bubble
💚 26 green_heart
💬 25 speech_balloon
😭 22 loudly_crying_face
😎 19 smiling_face_with_sunglasses
😡 17 enraged_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 279
Symbols 136
Activities 22
People & Body 9
Objects 7
Animals & Nature 5
Food & Drink 5
Travel & Places 2