Account Summary
Twitter ID
Created on
The genius of the Establishment has always been to convince the poor and the vulnerable to vote against their own best interests.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Sous les pavés, la plage !
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
7 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
mrjamesob | 1141146 | 4084 | 93766 |
IamMzilikazi | 550189 | 380052 | 131766 |
MarinaPurkiss | 439007 | 3085 | 16832 |
EvanKirstel | 346989 | 311787 | 1135919 |
JulianClary | 285229 | 1894 | 7490 |
gracedent | 280626 | 3922 | 9707 |
ConnieSchultz | 266070 | 14897 | 23924 |
MikeWellsAuthor | 228147 | 248001 | 171843 |
Fubarrockchick | 206362 | 215872 | 205684 |
eddiemarsan | 184001 | 1241 | 30076 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
IamMzilikazi | 380052 | 550189 | 131766 |
EvanKirstel | 311787 | 346989 | 1135919 |
MikeWellsAuthor | 248001 | 228147 | 171843 |
Fubarrockchick | 215872 | 206362 | 205684 |
travisa850 | 127738 | 129426 | 58937 |
exoticgamora | 91601 | 97982 | 68219 |
RealisticPoetry | 82200 | 82881 | 96428 |
smoothsale | 54166 | 56567 | 352484 |
JohnOSullivan36 | 53909 | 53208 | 264797 |
ChrisMilbank | 45784 | 45433 | 42429 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
EvanKirstel | 1135919 | 346989 | 311787 |
NewsInTweetsCom | 719447 | 2984 | 3779 |
rockethulsey | 628036 | 30987 | 29279 |
albolt76 | 482540 | 21055 | 20341 |
adelaidebeatric | 466758 | 2103 | 3393 |
RiskAlert | 447960 | 17480 | 17904 |
DivaKnevil | 422485 | 2747 | 5001 |
amandajs11 | 407066 | 5588 | 5615 |
smoothsale | 352484 | 56567 | 54166 |
Noisynanawarat1 | 319249 | 3364 | 2173 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
EvanKirstel | 12961 | 311787 | 346989 |
mrjamesob | 4619 | 4084 | 1141146 |
smoothsale | 4121 | 54166 | 56567 |
gracedent | 2110 | 3922 | 280626 |
MikeWellsAuthor | 1907 | 248001 | 228147 |
ConnieSchultz | 1592 | 14897 | 266070 |
AmyEGardner | 1412 | 1560 | 116308 |
pink80sgirl | 1295 | 1254 | 43164 |
JulianClary | 1177 | 1894 | 285229 |
RobertMackey | 1173 | 2346 | 33239 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
985 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPad | 2699 |
Twitter for iPhone | 494 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1608940062959624195 | If @BBCNews are not reporting on the wanton destruction of our NHS, then what exactly is the point of you ? | 4575 |
1592531912014581760 | There is no Migrant crisis here. What there is, is a massive racist problem. We should be talking about how to combat that. But as a lot of the racism is coming from our government and our media I don’t see it happening. | 3164 |
1373015555641344010 | Interesting that @Keir_Starmer can discover a pair of balls to join in on an establishment pile on to @NicolaSturgeon but can’t so much as challenge the Tory government on corruption and criminal behaviour that beggars belief. | 2608 |
1616113962956853249 | If I try and hide money from you for a few years, and then you investigate me and I get caught. All I do is pay back the money and we’re all good ? Is that right @HMRCpressoffice ? | 2212 |
1415629101767987200 | I want to know where £37Billion went on Track and Trace. It’s an astounding amount of money to spend on something so shit. It stinks to high heaven, it is so dodgy. | 1787 |
1621512326330585088 | Shell make record profits of £40B while there are people dying because they can’t afford to heat their homes. How is that allowed to happen ? Have we gone back to the 19th and 18th centuries where social justice wasn’t even a thing ? | 1510 |
1456991003332780035 | Dear @waitrose why do the signs in your stores say “Due to countrywide supply issues we are currently experiencing shortages of certain items........” instead of “Due to Brexit.........” when anyone with half a brain knows that that is the cause of your supply issues. #Brexit | 1482 |
1601361696500908032 | The enemy of the people are the government. The UK government. | 1281 |
1561328352312557570 | If the outpouring of raw sewage into the seas and rivers around coastal England isn’t a metaphor for the Tory leadership race then I don’t know what is. | 1189 |
1468906463196332033 | I take it the reason the Met won’t be investigating the party at No. 10 is because they not only knew about it, they were standing outside guarding it. They were complicit. It would be yet another reason why Cressida Dick would have to resign. What a shower. | 1157 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1608940062959624195 | If @BBCNews are not reporting on the wanton destruction of our NHS, then what exactly is the point of you ? | 18719 |
1592531912014581760 | There is no Migrant crisis here. What there is, is a massive racist problem. We should be talking about how to combat that. But as a lot of the racism is coming from our government and our media I don’t see it happening. | 17345 |
1549459233409753089 | Shetland series 7 is coming soon. Don’t have a date yet, but it’s coming. #Shetland | 14642 |
1579152236042944512 | Man, who doesn’t despise these Tory’s. | 13522 |
1651515033786916865 | I hope it grows up and fucking eats you. | 12556 |
1373015555641344010 | Interesting that @Keir_Starmer can discover a pair of balls to join in on an establishment pile on to @NicolaSturgeon but can’t so much as challenge the Tory government on corruption and criminal behaviour that beggars belief. | 12306 |
1606584555342905344 | Whatever you’re celebrating at this time of year, or if you’re not celebrating anything, or if you’d rather just bury yourself under a duvet and not reappear until January I hope you get through it with the least amount of drama and stress and the maximum amount of joy. Big love. | 12280 |
1484190166340161538 | And Shetland 7 is wrapped. Shooting two series back to back over nearly a year during a pandemic has been a hell of a journey. I take my hat off to our crew. It would be hard to find a more talented, hard working, good humoured and resilient bunch of people. #Shetland | 11477 |
1616113962956853249 | If I try and hide money from you for a few years, and then you investigate me and I get caught. All I do is pay back the money and we’re all good ? Is that right @HMRCpressoffice ? | 11127 |
1570142089308151812 | Ok. Here we go. Enjoy the ride. I know I have. #Shetland | 11072 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#shetland | 56 |
#tiktok | 7 |
#indyref2 | 4 |
#tourdefrance | 4 |
#internationalwomensday | 3 |
#mary | 3 |
#johnsonvariant | 3 |
#engvsger | 3 |
#supportournhsworkers | 2 |
#fifaworldcup | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@louiseteaches | 48 |
@draconit | 27 |
@mark_bonnar | 22 |
@southlondongirl | 21 |
@youtube | 20 |
@atotheod | 17 |
@charlietabloid | 17 |
@vickilucy | 16 |
@hamps_theatre | 16 |
@mythicalbritain | 15 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
💪 | 1 | flexed_biceps |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 1 |