Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @dizdarm


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


Deputy Secretary, School Performance @dizdarm participated in the Professional Learning Collective, LEAP seminar and Capability Summit to discuss different approaches to school improvement and partnering with school leaders to ensure student success. The McKinsey & Co 2022 list was presented to promote deep thinking, and a differentiated approach to support schools is being discussed. Experiencing rural settings and playgrounds, hosting international study programs, allowing students to learn valuable life skills via cooking programs and welcoming educators to Cultural Circle Conferences are a few of the initiatives being explored.

Topic Modeling

  1. School Improvement
  2. International Programs
  3. Differentiated Support
  4. Capability Building
  5. Professional Learning

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are overwhelmingly positive. People are expressing enthusiasm and excitement for Deputy Secretary School Performance @dizdarm and the initiatives they are leading. There is a sense of pride and appreciation for the work being done, as well as a strong sense of collaboration and partnership. People are also expressing admiration for the rural setting and enthusiasm for the FASTstream program. Finally, there is a sense of optimism and eagerness to continue learning and growing.

Trend Analysis

  1. Partnering with school leaders to optimize student success
  2. Adopting a differentiated approach to school improvement
  3. Exploring international study programs
  4. Moving from good to great education system
  5. Differentiated support for schools

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 33
Twitter for Android 6
Twitter for iPad 5
Twitter Web App 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dizdarm Murat Dizdar Deputy Secretary School Performance. NSW Department of Education. All views expressed are personal. 11,214
LilaMularczyk 💧Lila Mularczyk OAM JP FACE FACEL💗🌈 - 6,013
NSWSLI NSW DoE School Leadership Institute We provide leadership development programs and support for current and future NSW public school leaders. Director, Joanne Jarvis. 4,412
CathyBrennan1 Cathy Brennan R/Deputy Secretary School Performance, NSW Department of Education; working with extraordinary school and system leaders. All opinions expressed are my own. 4,050
NSWSPC NSW Secondary Principals' Council The NSW SPC is the professional body representing Principals of government schools and colleges in NSW that have secondary school enrolments 3,950
johnqgoh johnqgoh Real me after being hacked. School Principal by day and night. NSW Rugby referee & referee coach. ALL views are my own and not my employer. 3,922
jangreen31 Jan Green Director, Educational Leadership NSW Department of Education. All opinions expressed are personal. 3,233
daskkiphil phil seymour The opinions expressed are mine.. I'm a recently retired primary school principal, & immediate past President of NSWPPA & Dep President APPA 2,935
k_rigas Kay Rigas All views expressed are personal. 2,732
HaskettsHSC Melinda Haskett ✏️👩🏼‍💻🏈👩🏼‍🏫 👩🏼‍🏫 #NSWHALT now corporate👩🏼‍💼#aussieED 🏈 AFL Team Captain & club President ❤️sport & dogs🐶 Edu Hot Lister🏅 Views personal 🙅🏼‍♀️RT not endorsement 2,582

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
LilaMularczyk 💧Lila Mularczyk OAM JP FACE FACEL💗🌈 - 6,593
kelmarx83 Kelly Marks teacher, mum, unionist. current Teachers Fed officer. Likes travel, coffee, snorkelling, wining and dining, smelly cheese and the Sydney Swans! views my own 4,999
KerrieQ Kerrie Quee EAL/D Education Leader DoE, Accredited at Highly Accomplished, ARCO Trainer, WSU Professional Experience Advisor & Casual Academic, NESA MCC 2,472
dizdarm Murat Dizdar Deputy Secretary School Performance. NSW Department of Education. All views expressed are personal. 1,767
johnqgoh johnqgoh Real me after being hacked. School Principal by day and night. NSW Rugby referee & referee coach. ALL views are my own and not my employer. 1,609
daskkiphil phil seymour The opinions expressed are mine.. I'm a recently retired primary school principal, & immediate past President of NSWPPA & Dep President APPA 1,569
suemaxworthy 𝕊𝕦𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕩𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕪 🍎 Primary Principal-Kotara South PS. Leadership. Growth. Passion. Kindness. President-Newcastle PPC. Ideas are my own, retweets aren’t endorsements. 1,524
miss_manda_k Amanda Kowalczyk Principal and lead learner at the fabulous @KoonawarraPs. Tweets are my own and retweets are not endorsements. 1,440
schoolofintedn UTS School of International Studies & Education Offering innovative programs on global perspectives in the humanities/social sciences and teacher education, including a range of postgrad research degrees. 1,384
jangreen31 Jan Green Director, Educational Leadership NSW Department of Education. All opinions expressed are personal. 1,159

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
AmandaDawkins7 - 4
k_rigas All views expressed are personal. 4
HaskettsHSC 👩🏼‍🏫 #NSWHALT now corporate👩🏼‍💼#aussieED 🏈 AFL Team Captain & club President ❤️sport & dogs🐶 Edu Hot Lister🏅 Views personal 🙅🏼‍♀️RT not endorsement 4
LoveAlwaysTeach Supporter of Teachers. Public Education Advocate. 3
BobDyson74 Looking to develop a New Business as Usual to create a new normal Interested in CQ - change intelligence, The Best Next Step Forward & Pause Points Broken Hill 2
ForbesNorthPS Located in Forbes shire on the Lachlan River, providing quality public education since 1957 on ancestral lands of the Galari river people, Wiradjuri nation. 2
daskkiphil The opinions expressed are mine.. I'm a recently retired primary school principal, & immediate past President of NSWPPA & Dep President APPA 1
dizdarm Deputy Secretary School Performance. NSW Department of Education. All views expressed are personal. 1
jangreen31 Director, Educational Leadership NSW Department of Education. All opinions expressed are personal. 1
johnqgoh Real me after being hacked. School Principal by day and night. NSW Rugby referee & referee coach. ALL views are my own and not my employer. 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624928476422864898 LEAP Seminar has kicked off. School leaders sharing the benefits of our international study programs. ⁦@nswppa⁩ ⁦@dizdarm⁩ ⁦@NSWEducation⁩ ⁦@smitchellmlc⁩ ⁦@Lofts1964⁩ ⁦@Anncaro11⁩ ⁦@GeorgeHarrisson⁩ ⁦@LeanneNixon⁩ 6
1624970948112945153 REGISTER NOW: Mon, 27 March 2023, 9am-2.40pm @UTSEngage @NSWEducation @LilaMularczyk @dizdarm @LiverpoolBoysHS @johnqgoh @misterwootube @belinda_giudice @NSWSLI @NewsAtNESA @TeachersFed @AGavrielatos @BreeseTracey @AAREBlog 4
1625619411926417408 I really like this McKinsey & Co 2022 insights list in moving an education system from good to great. Some food for thought & discussion to promote deep thinking. Presented by @dizdarm & @CathyBrennan1 4
1624967314075705346 Wonderful to hear from Deputy Secretary, School Performance @dizdarm at the PSL professional learning collective. PSLs & PCMs partnering with school leaders to optimise student success. Exploring how we adopt a differentiated approach to school improvement. @lisa_stipanovic 3
1625698655658459136 Great to hear final remarks from our Dep Secretaries @dizdarm @CathyBrennan1 as they share reflections on the learnings at the Stronger Together Capability Summit @HaskettsHSC @lisa_stipanovic 3
1624199960471425025 Having visiting @TroyWestcott in his rural setting, it has honestly opened my eyes to the wonder of our country towns & schools. What a fantastic opportunity to experience this via the FASTstream program. @NSWEducation @NSWSLI @GeorgeHarrisson @dizdarm 2
1625610458375024640 @LilaMularczyk @NSWSPC @nswppa @daskkiphil @aliceleung @johnqgoh @pef_paul @schoolofintedn @UTSEngage @FormbyAmanda @poole_wj @tim_lloyd2 @EmmaMansfield10 @dizdarm 1
1625620189730729984 How do we get differentiated support right for schools? @dizdarm #SPCapabilitySummit @CathyBrennan1 1
1623974359949013000 Contact his manager @dizdarm for more details 🤣 1
1626539100424781825 Thanks to our school captains for hosting @smitchellmlc & @FelicityMPNSW for a capital works visit @NthSydDem yesterday #thedem #lovewhereyoulearn @NSWEducation @LeanneNixon @dizdarm #SINSW 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624967314075705346 Wonderful to hear from Deputy Secretary, School Performance @dizdarm at the PSL professional learning collective. PSLs & PCMs partnering with school leaders to optimise student success. Exploring how we adopt a differentiated approach to school improvement. @lisa_stipanovic 33
1624928476422864898 LEAP Seminar has kicked off. School leaders sharing the benefits of our international study programs. ⁦@nswppa⁩ ⁦@dizdarm⁩ ⁦@NSWEducation⁩ ⁦@smitchellmlc⁩ ⁦@Lofts1964⁩ ⁦@Anncaro11⁩ ⁦@GeorgeHarrisson⁩ ⁦@LeanneNixon⁩ 25
1625698655658459136 Great to hear final remarks from our Dep Secretaries @dizdarm @CathyBrennan1 as they share reflections on the learnings at the Stronger Together Capability Summit @HaskettsHSC @lisa_stipanovic 22
1624199960471425025 Having visiting @TroyWestcott in his rural setting, it has honestly opened my eyes to the wonder of our country towns & schools. What a fantastic opportunity to experience this via the FASTstream program. @NSWEducation @NSWSLI @GeorgeHarrisson @dizdarm 16
1625619411926417408 I really like this McKinsey & Co 2022 insights list in moving an education system from good to great. Some food for thought & discussion to promote deep thinking. Presented by @dizdarm & @CathyBrennan1 14
1625620189730729984 How do we get differentiated support right for schools? @dizdarm #SPCapabilitySummit @CathyBrennan1 12
1623609562086670337 Forbes North is looking better and better every week and we are very proud of our playground and surroundings @dizdarm @GeorgeHarrisson @LeanneNixon @CathyBrennan1 @NSWEducation 11
1625699180747591680 A great wrap up of Day 2 #SPCapabilitySummit with @dizdarm and @CathyBrennan1 6
1625612774100312067 “We have impact” @CathyBrennan1 #SPCapabilitySummit @dizdarm 6
1626539100424781825 Thanks to our school captains for hosting @smitchellmlc & @FelicityMPNSW for a capital works visit @NthSydDem yesterday #thedem #lovewhereyoulearn @NSWEducation @LeanneNixon @dizdarm #SINSW 6

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#spcapabilitysummit 4
#thedem 2
#lovewhereyoulearn 2
#sinsw 2
#connections 1
#empower 1
#idwgis 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@dizdarm 45
@cathybrennan1 16
@nsweducation 15
@georgeharrisson 10
@leannenixon 9
@smitchellmlc 8
@haskettshsc 7
@nswsli 6
@nswppa 6
@lisa_stipanovic 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 2 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👀 1 eyes
💡 1 light_bulb
🤩 1 star-struck
🙌🏼 1 raising_hands_medium-light_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 3
People & Body 2
Objects 1