Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @dilbixwindara


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Dilbixwindara responds to several tweets about Erdbebenhilfe donations for Kurdistan, as well as other topics such as MIT connection to Syria, thanks to the Kurdish government for their aid to Aleppo, appreciation for Mihanî Licokic helbestvan, and the role of Kurds in rescuing and aid operations. He also comments on Turkish government not providing enough resources to the hospital. The other users show appreciation, thanks and solidarity with Dilbixwindara.

Topic Modeling

  1. Kurdistan and Kurdish Help
  2. Syria and Relations
  3. Government Aid
  4. Thankfulness and Gratitude
  5. Culture and Language

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from appreciation and gratitude for aid and assistance, to pride and joy for a shared heritage, to surprise and confusion in response to certain events, to anger and indignation at perceived injustice, to sorrow and sadness for those in need. Overall, the tweets reflect a wide range of emotions that demonstrate a strong sense of solidarity and community among the people who wrote them.

Trend Analysis

  1. Kurdistan
  2. Erdbebenhilfe
  3. Kurden
  4. Adiyaman, Maras, Hatay, Antep, Amed, Ruha, Elbistan, Pazarcik, Afrin
  5. Suriye

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 57
Twitter for iPhone 36
Twitter Web App 21

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dildarherki Dildar Herki Journalist. Presenter at @rudawkurdi . RTs & Likes ≠ endorsement. 22,451
VivaRevolt VivaRevolt Retweet≠endorsement,Poli Sci/IR Grad Student,History&Poli Sci Graduate,Updates on Syria,following Egypt,Kurdistan,Palestine,Libya,Iraq,Yemen,Sudan,Tunisia,US,Wx 19,983
MuhsinDoski Muhsîn Doskî Member of the Kurdistan Parliament 7,624
Herkyhizm Nevîçirkê Qeto DENO☀️ Eslê xwe Şemzînaneyî ye. Li Sikakên Gevera Rengîn ji dayik bû û gihîşt.Jiyana xwe Konstantînopolîsê-Stenbolê- didomîne.Hêvîdar e ku li ser welatekî azad bimre🍀 6,014
BrjCelali Barij Celalî Peyvdar û Rêvebirê Hereketa Zimanê Kurdî(#HEZKURD) *HezKurd mala hemî Kurdan e* 3,666
pitoke473 Xatûnek kınık zırav û xwîn şérîn😌 Her Rt ve ❤️ Onayladığım anlamna gelmez. Pitoka😌 Dil Zarok🙆‍♀️ Evînek Xwezayî🏞️ Hevalek📚 Jıyanek✏ Ciwanîyek⚰ Heneké min wé Cîhan é Ava bike 3,087
Hussein05633026 Hussein Omar Journalist, writer and translatorfranco-kurdo-arabophone 2,678
MemoTanriverdi Mehmet Tanriverdi ☀️ Deutsch-kurdischer Unternehmer, Ehrenpräsident der BAGIV e.V., stellvertetender Vorsitzender der KGD und 1.Vorsitzender des MTV 1846 Giessen. 1,971
helles246 Robin Ji zimanê dagirkerên Kurdistan heznakim û profîlên bi wan zimanan naşopînim. 1,868
iman_kurdstani ئیمان من هاوڵاتی سەربەخۆم ئينتيمام تەنها بۆ نيشتيمانه..بژى كورد بژی كوردستان✌️ 1,853

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
VivaRevolt VivaRevolt Retweet≠endorsement,Poli Sci/IR Grad Student,History&Poli Sci Graduate,Updates on Syria,following Egypt,Kurdistan,Palestine,Libya,Iraq,Yemen,Sudan,Tunisia,US,Wx 15,333
Herkyhizm Nevîçirkê Qeto DENO☀️ Eslê xwe Şemzînaneyî ye. Li Sikakên Gevera Rengîn ji dayik bû û gihîşt.Jiyana xwe Konstantînopolîsê-Stenbolê- didomîne.Hêvîdar e ku li ser welatekî azad bimre🍀 5,194
mavidenize Mavi - 5,007
pitoke473 Xatûnek kınık zırav û xwîn şérîn😌 Her Rt ve ❤️ Onayladığım anlamna gelmez. Pitoka😌 Dil Zarok🙆‍♀️ Evînek Xwezayî🏞️ Hevalek📚 Jıyanek✏ Ciwanîyek⚰ Heneké min wé Cîhan é Ava bike 3,974
SRihae Sami RIHAe(Kerkuki) Twitter YAZARI 3,951
meletiaga BrêzErdal 🇩🇪 ❤️‍☀️‍💚 2 + 2 = 1 3,931
serhisk1 serhisk Kesekî serhişk 3,195
BrjCelali Barij Celalî Peyvdar û Rêvebirê Hereketa Zimanê Kurdî(#HEZKURD) *HezKurd mala hemî Kurdan e* 2,832
dagcierdal4456 erdal - 1,927
AliFuadAZAD Alî Fuad - 1,759

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
AH70H04 الانسجام والتناغم مع الذات ضروريان لتعيش بشكل سوي . بلدي كوردستان ،وعفرين دم يجري في شراييني 💖🌺💖 3
BedranKurdi - 3
Basharbaliya wil je ster zijn, dan moet je sterk zijn 2
hbrdr13 - 2
PXerabate Mirov bi mafên xwe mirov e! Ya, netewe? Arjen Arî 2
MemoTanriverdi Deutsch-kurdischer Unternehmer, Ehrenpräsident der BAGIV e.V., stellvertetender Vorsitzender der KGD und 1.Vorsitzender des MTV 1846 Giessen. 2
MamosteyeFizike Xalek piştgirî bidin min ezê cîhanê ji cihê wê bihejînim. Archimedes 2
FreeAfrin1 fighting for liberation of kurdish City of Afrin, solidarity with 🇺🇦✌️ 2
ChalangShingaly - 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624049906926161934 Zor sipas 🇩🇪 ❤️☀️💚 @KGDOnline @TobiasHuch @DuezenTekkal @janilkiz @toprak_aliE @dilbixwindara @RudawKurdi #Erdbebenhilfe #Kurden #Kurdistan #adiyaman #maras #hatay #antep #amed #ruha #elbistan #pazarcik #afrin 10
1625827927966244864 @dilbixwindara Dijminên baw û kalan, nabin dostên lavan. Bila enks wî bizane. Enks bûye leyîstika dijmina bûye kûçikê ber derîyê dagirkeran 1
1627128086641639430 @dilbixwindara @MazloumAbdi @brett_mcgurk @MylesCaggins @mutludc @rami_sohr @ixbaran @Hussein05633026 Dest xoş 0
1624086955179888642 @dilbixwindara @BarzaniCF عفرين جرحنا كاك دل بخوين 0
1624096310986002432 @MemoTanriverdi @KGDOnline @TobiasHuch @DuezenTekkal @janilkiz @toprak_aliE @dilbixwindara @RudawKurdi Sind das die Spenden an Heyva Sor? 0
1624113044883111940 @dilbixwindara @BarzaniCF Barzani's family is always at the top 0
1624131853044092929 @BSKC17 @KGDOnline @TobiasHuch @DuezenTekkal @janilkiz @toprak_aliE @dilbixwindara @RudawKurdi Nein. Hier ist alles erklärt 0
1624132174222921732 @dilbixwindara @BarzaniCF ژبۆ خۆشک و برایێن عفرینی جەرگێ مە د شەوتە: ئەگەر دەستم رەسەد بەر چەرخ گەردون ئەز ژ وی پرسەم کە ئی چونەست و ئان چون یەکی را می دەهی سەد ناز و نێعمەت یەکی را نان جوو ئالودە دەر خوون (بابا تاهرێ هەمەدانی سەدێ یازدێ زایینی) 0
1624307687952420869 @dilbixwindara نشكر حكومة اقليم كوردستان على هذه المساعدات السخية 🙏🙏🙏 أهلنا في حلب بأمس الحاجة إلى يد العون 0
1624319027064590337 @dilbixwindara وين حلب تحت سيطرة مين ؟ 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624049906926161934 Zor sipas 🇩🇪 ❤️☀️💚 @KGDOnline @TobiasHuch @DuezenTekkal @janilkiz @toprak_aliE @dilbixwindara @RudawKurdi #Erdbebenhilfe #Kurden #Kurdistan #adiyaman #maras #hatay #antep #amed #ruha #elbistan #pazarcik #afrin 55
1626820583110455298 @dilbixwindara @MazloumAbdi @brett_mcgurk @MylesCaggins @mutludc @rami_sohr @ixbaran Ev berdevkê MITê ye. Tu pêwendiya wî bi Sûriyê re tune ye. Pirsên te ji wî kirin ew rût û tazî kirin. 10
1624307687952420869 @dilbixwindara نشكر حكومة اقليم كوردستان على هذه المساعدات السخية 🙏🙏🙏 أهلنا في حلب بأمس الحاجة إلى يد العون 6
1626296534491881476 @BrjCelali @HezKurd @felci_HezKurd @serbilindkarker @ElifHalefoglu1 @CemalBatun @hevidarzana1 @SterkRawin @rojbin_kizil @ImanDerbas @dilbixwindara Her hebin 4
1626298180550656002 @dildarherki @HezKurd @felci_HezKurd @serbilindkarker @ElifHalefoglu1 @CemalBatun @hevidarzana1 @SterkRawin @rojbin_kizil @ImanDerbas @dilbixwindara Hêja û rêzdar î kak Dildar.. 4
1625947977750614034 @Re_w_Re @BarzaniCF @masoud_barzani @masrourbarzani @hevidarzana1 @CemalBatun @AbkhezrSima @MuhsinDoski @Mihemed @dilbixwindara @AmediIrfan Mihanî Licokic helbestvan e.Bi Zazakî û Kurmancî helbestan dinivîse. 3
1624069097070764032 @BedranKurdi @MemoTanriverdi @KGDOnline @TobiasHuch @DuezenTekkal @janilkiz @toprak_aliE @dilbixwindara @RudawKurdi Veröffentlichen Sie doch Ihre eigenen Spendenbelege Herr Doktor (wovon auch immer). Aus Ihren Zeilen spricht so viel Undankbarkeit und Arroganz gegenüber den Menschen, die im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten spenden. Wir jedenfalls sind DANKBAR! 3
1624016398669303811 @dilbixwindara يعني من كتر ما حاربو 😎 2
1625999914906918912 @dilbixwindara هاد التافه اللي يقول "شمال العراق " تنويها للمساعدات من اقليم گوردستان ،غريب هاي المقابلات مع الامعات الارزال اذناب العثمنلي 2
1625819385557385216 @dilbixwindara raste 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#efrin 4
#erdbebenhilfe 3
#kurden 3
#kurdistan 3
#adiyaman 3
#maras 3
#hatay 3
#antep 3
#amed 3
#ruha 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@dilbixwindara 116
@barzanicf 24
@rudawkurdi 13
@masoud_barzani 11
@kgdonline 11
@tobiashuch 11
@duezentekkal 11
@janilkiz 11
@toprak_alie 11
@memotanriverdi 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 7 red_heart
😥 5 sad_but_relieved_face
😁 5 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
💚 4 green_heart
☀️ 4 sun
😡 4 enraged_face
🙏 4 folded_hands
🇩🇪 4 Germany
👍 3 thumbs_up
👏 3 clapping_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 39
People & Body 11
Flags 9
Objects 5
Travel & Places 4
Animals & Nature 1