Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @derya_tn


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


An 18 year old, Mehdi Mohammadi Fard, is among many anonymous prisoners in danger of execution after being sentenced to death twice by a branch of the court for corruption on earth. People have called for his voice to be heard and for his life to be saved. These tweets also discussed the social situation of the population and the need for improved education of the young generation to improve this situation. Additionally, people have shown support for the victims and for Iranian people, calling for freedom from the #IRGCterrorists and a free, safe world.

Topic Modeling

  1. MehdiMohammadiFard, an 18 y/o teenager in danger of execution
  2. Appell for human rights in the kurdish regions
  3. Sondersitzung des Ausschuss für Menschenrechte & humanitäre Hilfe
  4. Reisepässe and Hab und Gut
  5. #FritzBauerForum, Bundestag, Ausschuss für Menschenrechte & humanitäre Hilfe

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from fear and anger to hope and love. The tweets address the injustice of the death sentence of an 18-year-old prisoner accused of corruption, and call for people to be his voice and take action. They also express outrage at the atrocities committed by the IRGC terrorists and appeal to world leaders to take action. The tweets also convey sympathy for those affected by the conflict in the Kurdish regions, and express love and respect for those who are trying to save victims. There is also hope for a better future, with a call for a safer world without IRGC terrorists.

Trend Analysis

  1. The death sentence of 18-year-old Mehdi Mohammadi Fard
  2. Appeals from NGOs and initiatives on the Kurdish regions
  3. The situation of refugees and asylum-seekers
  4. Continued criticism of AfD by SPD Members
  5. Criticisms of Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) actions

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 65
Twitter for iPhone 48
Twitter Web App 19
Twitter for iPad 8
projekt-bund-ab 7

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
playground345ii Ely -Nurse practitioner (NP )🩺 🇨🇦 -IRAN is my homeland @playgroup56 اکانت دوم 26,849
zidan_yezidi Zidan Ismail Yezidi-German activist, Genocide Survivor of 74 Genocide campaigns Translator&Interpreter Tweets in English, German(Deutsch) العربية Arabic 20,681
Leylaimret_73 Leyla İmret #DayanışmaYaşatır 03.2014-03.2019 Hevşaredara Cizîra-Botan,Co-Vorsitzende der HDP-Deutschland Vertretung, 18,536
Arrested_voice мιlad اگه کسی از آشناهات بازداشت شده اسمش نشر داده نشده به آیدی تلگرام بفرستید The voice of the detainees of the Iranian revolution کانال تلگرام👇 15,201
ilknurbilir_ İlknur Bilir Journalist - Producer | Podcaster PhD in Media and Communication @UniHalle | @UniBogazici alumni : 13,633
BolligGreta Greta Salome Bollig #Linksgruenglaenzend #fckafd Busfahrerin, Marathonläuferin, Weltbürgerin, Musikliebhaberin, #fckNzs #fckAfD ✡️ she/her 🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ #TransRightsAreHumanRights Patin für Wälder+Artenvielfalt 7,874
SebRoloff Sebastian Roloff Giesinger. ⚽️ 🔴 SPD Bundestagsabgeordneter aus München. Co-Vorsitzender @forum_dl21 , Anwalt,Manager,Metaller. Liebt ☕️und umstrittene...🎶. #fickdieafd he/him 6,369
yudhapati88 Oka ॐ 🇲🇨 Amor Patria Lex Deus!ॐ Namo Aryātārā Mahecakya 4,654
France_Verte #FranceVerte 🇫🇷💚🌱 ✌️🤖 👌 Le bot qui roule pour la #FranceVerte 🌱💚🇫🇷 #Légalisation = pouvoir gérer les risques et les bienfaits ! #Cannabis #StopProhibition #CannabisPourTous 3,429
DersimDagdevire Dersim Dağdeviren Ärztin, Co-Vorsitzende von @KurdAkad, Board member of @EUTCC1, stellv. Vorsitzende Marburger Bund GE, Vorstandsmitglied @asg_nrw 2,821

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Arrested_voice мιlad اگه کسی از آشناهات بازداشت شده اسمش نشر داده نشده به آیدی تلگرام بفرستید The voice of the detainees of the Iranian revolution کانال تلگرام👇 7,991
mamtora Mamtora-Architect Architect living in Chicago. Always open to new ideas. Travel,history, literature,poetry and interacting with people. 5,018
zidan_yezidi Zidan Ismail Yezidi-German activist, Genocide Survivor of 74 Genocide campaigns Translator&Interpreter Tweets in English, German(Deutsch) العربية Arabic 3,984
playground345ii Ely -Nurse practitioner (NP )🩺 🇨🇦 -IRAN is my homeland @playgroup56 اکانت دوم 3,969
yudhapati88 Oka ॐ 🇲🇨 Amor Patria Lex Deus!ॐ Namo Aryātārā Mahecakya 3,302
BolligGreta Greta Salome Bollig #Linksgruenglaenzend #fckafd Busfahrerin, Marathonläuferin, Weltbürgerin, Musikliebhaberin, #fckNzs #fckAfD ✡️ she/her 🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ #TransRightsAreHumanRights Patin für Wälder+Artenvielfalt 3,008
Mitzi62042431 Mitzi. ..No Hass und Hetze.. No Homophobie und Transphobie.. No Rassismus Nationalität.. altruistischer Mensch..🤘🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦼..🎌🏳️‍🌈🆔🪔⚔️🗡️💚🌏🐾🥃 2,553
army_universe_0 𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑦 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒☕︎|فراخوان ²⁷ بهمن| بکیرم 1,854
BBattmer birgit battmer-holz - 1,832
jaigreat555 🌚Jai🌚 The world is not in black and white, It's always in shades of grey. Try to read between the lines and find the truth#Humanity is the god you are in search for 1,570

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
bundestag_tweet Hier werden alle Tweets, Retweets und Kommentare der Bundestagsabgeordneten repostet. 7
durrwanget SPD-Mitglied seit 1966. Links orientiert. #NoAFD Antifa. Alt68er und 4x geimpft 4
Roksana41572838 ۲۷ بهمن ✌🏻💚🤍❤🕊 4
BBattmer - 4
WomanLifreedom بَرَندازم، خشمگینم، ایرانیم، اهلِ تبریز، اینروزها هر لحظه قلبم در یک گوشه ی ایرانم میتپد. #مهسا_امینی #انقلاب_۱۴۰۱ 3
jaigreat555 The world is not in black and white, It's always in shades of grey. Try to read between the lines and find the truth#Humanity is the god you are in search for 3
tnhop Born 322, 💉💉💉 3
Farnaz90050443 کنار ما باش که محزون به انتظار بهاریم... کنار باش که با هم خورشیدو بیرون بیاریم🌞 3
reybaaa Woman, life, freedom 2
Freedom202219 زورگو بودنو با شجاع بودن اشتباه نگیر 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624306594291896321 #MehdiMohammadiFard, an 18 y/o teenager, is one of the anonymous prisoners who are in danger of execution. The first branch of the Court has sentenced him to death twice, accusing him of corruption on earth. BE HIS VOICE #IRGCterrorists کفیل @derya_tn @Melanie_Vogel_ 93
1624312188558090241 @playground345ii @derya_tn @Melanie_Vogel_ #MehdiMohammadiFard, an 18 y/o teenager, is one of the anonymous prisoners who are in danger of execution. The first branch of the Court has sentenced him to death twice, accusing him of corruption on earth. BE HIS VOICE #IRGCterrorists 27
1623753411169492994 Anlässlich der morgigen Sondersitzung des Ausschuss für Menschenrechte & humanitäre Hilfe ein Appell von Vereinen & Initiativen mit wichtigen Aspekten im Kontext der kurdischen Gebiete 👇 @RenataAlt_MdB @FrankSchwabe @max_lucks @derya_tn @NAltenkamp @Knut_Abraham @ZaklinNastic 7
1625389384022507520 Von Bochum nach Berlin.Letzten Mittwoch, dem 08.02., haben wir im Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe im @Bundestag und das #FritzBauerForum vorgestellt.Vielen Dank an @max_lucks @Mi_Muentefering @J_Pahlke @derya_tn und allen weiteren Beteiligten! 4
1625906944002207752 #IRGC-Terroristen ist eine terroristische Organisation, @zeitonline@nancyFaeser@derya_tn@DjirSarai@isabelschayani@k_willinger@AuswaertigesAmt@pooyanmokari@OlafScholz@GildaSahebi@Afelia@SawsanChebli@GolinehAtai@Khani2Mina@KEigendorf@dunjahayali@jagodamarinic 3
1624344881438097410 @playground345ii @derya_tn @Melanie_Vogel_ #MehdiMohammadiFard an 18 y/o teenager, is one of the anonymous prisoners who are in danger of execution. The first branch of the Court has sentenced him to death twice,accusing him of corruption on earth. Please help him and save his life🙏🏻🤍 @derya_tn @Melanie_Vogel_ 2
1626310042650611713 @LBerneburg @GerschauKnut @GermanyinKenya @derya_tn Improving the social situation of the population means to improve the education of the young generation. 2
1624513050823782400 Die Frauen in den betroffenen Gebieten leiden am stärksten unter den katastrophalen hygienischen Bedingungen. #toitoi #dixi mobile Toiletten könnten helfen. @FranziskaGiffey @DuezenTekkal @derya_tn @NalanSipar @LadyBitchRay1 @cem_oezdemir 1
1623689403695505411 @HakanDemirNK @KeremSchamberg @derya_tn @berivan_aymaz. . @Ceyhun_Kara ... 1
1623540251867377664 @YeOne_Rhie @arlt_johannes @IraninBerlin @CaroWagner_in @El_KaWeh_ @Timon_Gremmels @Krawallstein @stuewer @derya_tn @ZandaMartens @andreaslarem @Helge_Limburg @C_AB_ Thank you dear #Ye_One_Rhie for standing by us. We appreciate your efforts. Hope to VICTORY & FREEDOM. #MahsaAmini #IRGCterorrists #BoycottIRIDay #ToomajSalehi #FreeToomaj #IranRevolution #WomanLifeFreedom #RezaPahlavi 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624306594291896321 #MehdiMohammadiFard, an 18 y/o teenager, is one of the anonymous prisoners who are in danger of execution. The first branch of the Court has sentenced him to death twice, accusing him of corruption on earth. BE HIS VOICE #IRGCterrorists کفیل @derya_tn @Melanie_Vogel_ 137
1624312188558090241 @playground345ii @derya_tn @Melanie_Vogel_ #MehdiMohammadiFard, an 18 y/o teenager, is one of the anonymous prisoners who are in danger of execution. The first branch of the Court has sentenced him to death twice, accusing him of corruption on earth. BE HIS VOICE #IRGCterrorists 42
1623753411169492994 Anlässlich der morgigen Sondersitzung des Ausschuss für Menschenrechte & humanitäre Hilfe ein Appell von Vereinen & Initiativen mit wichtigen Aspekten im Kontext der kurdischen Gebiete 👇 @RenataAlt_MdB @FrankSchwabe @max_lucks @derya_tn @NAltenkamp @Knut_Abraham @ZaklinNastic 13
1623957169686077441 Das @AuswaertigesAmt will immer noch alle Dokumente haben, wie z.B. Reisepässe. Die Menschen haben keine Reisepässe (mehr). Sie haben gar kein Hab und Gut. Das muss anders gelöst werden! @ABaerbock @berivan_aymaz @derya_tn @FrankSchwabe @helgelindh 8
1625389384022507520 Von Bochum nach Berlin.Letzten Mittwoch, dem 08.02., haben wir im Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe im @Bundestag und das #FritzBauerForum vorgestellt.Vielen Dank an @max_lucks @Mi_Muentefering @J_Pahlke @derya_tn und allen weiteren Beteiligten! 7
1624368845161914368 @derya_tn Wenn ich deinen Einsatz für die Menschenrechte sehe bin ich froh dass du es in den Bundestag geschafft hast. Weiter so!! 5
1624580859130007552 @zidan_yezidi @ABaerbock @ABaerbockArchiv @derya_tn @HawarHelp @cem_oezdemir @DeutscheWelle @olafinderbeek @Bundeskanzler @SaveChildrenDE @c_lindner This picture breaks your heart to see her protecting her brother and uttering those words. 4
1625071702563594242 Vielleicht interessant für SPD-Menschis wie @AnnieMuc @schmittthiel @Vorlaender_Muc @SebRoloff @jessi_rosenthal @derya_tn @mischrodi @Mehli zur Reibung für Leute wie @DerLenzMdB @DFoest @koehler_fdp @AndreaLindholz cc @f_karig @samelou 4
1623933504580096001 @derya_tn @CarloMasala1 @JTrittin Gibt es eigentlich mal nicht nur Gülle von der AfD zu lesen? Obwohl: das ist eine Beleidigung für die Gülle. Die ist wenigstens auf dem Feld teilweise nützlich. 3
1625906944002207752 #IRGC-Terroristen ist eine terroristische Organisation, @zeitonline@nancyFaeser@derya_tn@DjirSarai@isabelschayani@k_willinger@AuswaertigesAmt@pooyanmokari@OlafScholz@GildaSahebi@Afelia@SawsanChebli@GolinehAtai@Khani2Mina@KEigendorf@dunjahayali@jagodamarinic 3

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#irgcterrorists 32
#freetoomaj 24
#mehdimohammadifard 17
#مهسا_امینی 13
#iranrevolution 13
#boycottiriday 13
#mahsaamini 9
#weedmob 4
#iranrevoiution 4
#howhealthyistoomajreally 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@derya_tn 144
@yeone_rhie 47
@helge_limburg 43
@arlt_johannes 42
@el_kaweh_ 42
@c_ab_ 42
@timon_gremmels 41
@krawallstein 36
@carowagner_in 35
@iraninberlin 34

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💔 7 broken_heart
❤️ 5 red_heart
🙏🏻 4 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
🤍 4 white_heart
🆘 3 SOS_button
🕊 3 dove
🥺 2 pleading_face
💜 2 purple_heart
🙏 2 folded_hands
💚 2 green_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 31
People & Body 17
Animals & Nature 4
Symbols 3
Flags 2
Travel & Places 2