Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Demos


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


The tweets cover a range of topics related to democracy, technology, and community development. @Demos is mentioned frequently, with discussions on the need for new thinking in levelling up and the impact of generative AI on democracy. There is also mention of @Demos' work on double devolution and the importance of local power. There is some discussion on the need for cross-party collaboration and distance from Labour, as well as some playful tweets about blue jays and monogamy.

Topic Modeling

  1. Local improvement and levelling up
  2. Impact of technology on democracy
  3. Cross-party collaboration and movement building
  4. Double devolution and local power
  5. Unrelated tweet about Blue Jays

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions including interest, excitement, gratitude, and caution. The first tweet expresses concern about the lack of improvements in some areas and the need for new thinking, while the second expresses interest in data collation and the desire to bring in experts for discussion. The third and fourth tweets express excitement about the impact of generative AI on democracy and exploring ethical alternatives with emerging technologies. The remaining tweets express gratitude for the work of Demos and interest in cross-party collaboration for levelling up communities, while caution is expressed regarding the potential negative effects of devolution if not implemented properly. Overall, the emotions expressed in the tweets are largely positive or neutral, with occasional expressions of concern or caution.

Trend Analysis

  1. Levelling up agenda and the need for new thinking
  2. Data, AI, and their impact on Democracy
  3. Emerging technologies and building ethical alternatives
  4. Cross-party collaboration on devolution and power at the local level
  5. Devo deals and their effectiveness in delivering for people

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 15
Twitter for Android 8
Twitter for iPhone 6
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
pollycurtis Polly Curtis Chief Executive, @Demos. Journalist ex @Guardian @HuffPostUK @Tortoise. Author, Behind Closed Doors, Orwell Prize finalist. Non-executive director, PHSO. 27,537
prospect_clark Tom Clark Fellow, @jrf_uk; Contributing Editor, @prospect_uk. Hopefully: NEW edited collection BROKE out March: 24,120
danhind Dan Hind Studying political philosophy at the University of York. Occasional publisher, writer, and podcaster. 9,285
davidjbuck David Buck Senior Fellow in Public Health & Inequalities at the King's Fund. Bit of a magpie, views my own, and don't necessarily agree with those i (re)tweet. 9,043
jonjalex Jon Alexander Author CITIZENS: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us. activist / strategist/ citizen / co-founder @NewCitProj / advisor @DemocracyNext 8,483
Richard_Harries Richard🇯🇲 Associate Director, Institute for Community Studies 1,716
DanFJones72 Dan Jones In top 1% of PJ Harvey fans on Spotify, apparently. #BLM Inclusion, equity, social justice, innovation, evidence, getting stuff done. MD ANT 🙏🏅 1,504
charliehrysmith Charlie Harry Smith Developing a political philosophy of digital ID systems • @ESRC doctoral student at @OIIOxford/@BalliolOxford • Media analyst @OpenIDExchange • @Demos Intern 1,033
mrskingle Kim K ~ ☮️🌻🇨🇦 Wife. Mother. Grandma. Dog lover. Eternal optimist. Born to be mild. Based on a true story. ✌ 792
savenathefish Savena send me Luddite memes | Co-Creator of @identity2_0 | @creativeequals #FutureLeader 2022 | #webchampion for @webfoundation she/her 547

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
jonjalex Jon Alexander Author CITIZENS: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us. activist / strategist/ citizen / co-founder @NewCitProj / advisor @DemocracyNext 4,936
danhind Dan Hind Studying political philosophy at the University of York. Occasional publisher, writer, and podcaster. 4,817
prospect_clark Tom Clark Fellow, @jrf_uk; Contributing Editor, @prospect_uk. Hopefully: NEW edited collection BROKE out March: 3,756
pollycurtis Polly Curtis Chief Executive, @Demos. Journalist ex @Guardian @HuffPostUK @Tortoise. Author, Behind Closed Doors, Orwell Prize finalist. Non-executive director, PHSO. 3,108
sophia_a_knight Sophia Knight Researcher at CASM @Demos | Alumna of @mscdigsoc & #SICSS | Tweets about: Tech policy! Data science! Virtue ethics!! 2,023
charliehrysmith Charlie Harry Smith Developing a political philosophy of digital ID systems • @ESRC doctoral student at @OIIOxford/@BalliolOxford • Media analyst @OpenIDExchange • @Demos Intern 1,782
AndrewDSPhil Andrew Phillips Senior Researcher @Demos. Interests include relational public services, climate, levelling up, remote working. Also Classics and ancient history. Views my own. 1,683
Richard_Harries Richard🇯🇲 Associate Director, Institute for Community Studies 1,605
davidjbuck David Buck Senior Fellow in Public Health & Inequalities at the King's Fund. Bit of a magpie, views my own, and don't necessarily agree with those i (re)tweet. 1,121
ActorX Run, Seeaich, Run Former Boy Wizard. Gone to seed.… 1,029

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
CourtSteph13 Researching power, place and all things local @Demos. // Chair of @WCWonks (she/her) 5
AndrewDSPhil Senior Researcher @Demos. Interests include relational public services, climate, levelling up, remote working. Also Classics and ancient history. Views my own. 4
sophia_a_knight Researcher at CASM @Demos | Alumna of @mscdigsoc & #SICSS | Tweets about: Tech policy! Data science! Virtue ethics!! 2
felixdjango Comms at @Demos. Views my own. 2
savenathefish send me Luddite memes | Co-Creator of @identity2_0 | @creativeequals #FutureLeader 2022 | #webchampion for @webfoundation she/her 2
pollycurtis Chief Executive, @Demos. Journalist ex @Guardian @HuffPostUK @Tortoise. Author, Behind Closed Doors, Orwell Prize finalist. Non-executive director, PHSO. 2
prospect_clark Fellow, @jrf_uk; Contributing Editor, @prospect_uk. Hopefully: NEW edited collection BROKE out March: 1
mrskingle Wife. Mother. Grandma. Dog lover. Eternal optimist. Born to be mild. Based on a true story. ✌ 1
julietmellor Chair @Demos & the Skills Federation. Trustee @involveUK. Interests: deliberative democracy, community wellbeing, inclusive economy 1
jonjalex Author CITIZENS: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us. activist / strategist/ citizen / co-founder @NewCitProj / advisor @DemocracyNext 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1640391976678834176 An interesting collation of data on the remorseless & unequal march of data from @Demos here Definitely keen to bring them into our @jrf_uk chats on assets and all that! 7
1639263661205213184 Thank you @Demos for hosting a great talk about the impact of generative AI on Democracy 🚀 Some interesting insights from @LauraMGiesen and @carysafoko about the importance of regulation, the amplification of misinformation, and @mozilla's new AI startup ✨ 2
1638872345711394816 So if you are a member of any of the orgs in @TheDemNet - @CompassOffice @ukdemocracy_ @demos @CSDWestminster @SortitionNow @electoralreform or any of the groups listed here - - tell them to establish a degree of distance from Labour, before it's too late. 1
1638179443330908160 Lots of talk about the recent trailblazer devo deals in WMCA & GMCA. @zoe_billingham warns against mayoral authorities becoming new 'Whitehall departments'. We at @Demos agree - more power at the local level is good, but these deals need to deliver differently for people. 0
1638179447508459521 So how can we bring the levelling up agenda closer to communities? Very heartened to hear the widespread support for double devolution, something we at @Demos have been advocating for in our recent work on power and place. 0
1638179456962670597 @ahawksbee makes the point that if this is going to happen, we'll need a cross party, cross faction movement to 'bang the drum that communities are not just a nice thing to have'. At @Demos we look forward to being part of that movement! (END) 0
1638227617471168512 @demos Blue Jays are monogamous. 0
1638295549722996742 @CourtSteph13 @ahawksbee @Demos Yes, but does this vision of cross-party collaboration include the DUP, Sinn Féin, Plaid Cymru and the SNP? Or is levelling up just a game for Little Englanders? 0
1638491144412594178 @Richard_Harries @ahawksbee @Demos Personally, I'd like to see this being a truly cross party conversation - not least because England has a lot to learn when it comes to devo 0
1640690950249881600 @Demos @LauraMGiesen What's the simple answer? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1638117468932562945 Really interesting & chimes with what @Demos found in polling last year - 87% of people had not seen improvements in their area in the last 18 months when we asked them in October last year - suggests some new thinking needed to make a success of levelling up! 7
1640391976678834176 An interesting collation of data on the remorseless & unequal march of data from @Demos here Definitely keen to bring them into our @jrf_uk chats on assets and all that! 6
1639263661205213184 Thank you @Demos for hosting a great talk about the impact of generative AI on Democracy 🚀 Some interesting insights from @LauraMGiesen and @carysafoko about the importance of regulation, the amplification of misinformation, and @mozilla's new AI startup ✨ 5
1639340352732528649 Was so exciting last night @Demos to hear from people engaging constructively with emerging technologies & building new ethical alternatives - @carysafoko @mozilla @LauraMGiesen @DemTech_org 💻🌐💡 2
1640354328211869698 @TendaiChetse @metpoliceuk I think the good folks @Demos (inc @Lucyjwbush @pollycurtis) are working on something on these lines… 1
1639265636722397192 @charliehrysmith @Demos @LauraMGiesen @carysafoko @mozilla @ellenejudson No way! Demos are lucky. Let me know if you’re down for any of there other talks and we’ll try to link up 1
1640395414120669184 @prospect_clark @Demos @jrf_uk Thanks Tom x 1
1638872345711394816 So if you are a member of any of the orgs in @TheDemNet - @CompassOffice @ukdemocracy_ @demos @CSDWestminster @SortitionNow @electoralreform or any of the groups listed here - - tell them to establish a degree of distance from Labour, before it's too late. 1
1640361535292731394 @jonjalex @metpoliceuk @Demos @Lucyjwbush @pollycurtis Interested to see what's in the works! Especially as I'm sure it will be focused predominantly on exploring...what actually works! 😬 0
1639264269861629956 @savenathefish @Demos @LauraMGiesen @carysafoko @mozilla @ellenejudson Can't believe I missed you! I've been working there for the past few months—but back to Oxford from the end of next week 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@demos 30
@carysafoko 8
@lauramgiesen 7
@mozilla 5
@jrf_uk 3
@ahawksbee 3
@prospect_clark 2
@metpoliceuk 2
@lucyjwbush 2
@pollycurtis 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👇 4 backhand_index_pointing_down
🚨 4 police_car_light
🚀 2 rocket
2 sparkles
🗣️ 2 speaking_head
🤔 1 thinking_face
📺 1 television
😬 1 grimacing_face
💻 1 laptop
🌐 1 globe_with_meridians

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Travel & Places 7
People & Body 6
Objects 4
Smileys & Emotion 2
Activities 2