Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
financial 1735
business 1624
life 1615
finance 1519
love 1375
investor 1307
trader 1241
crypto 1103
world 1051
investment 1040

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 575
#btc 190
#crypto 173
#blockchain 112
#ai 110
#eth 108
#fintech 100
#nft 83
#finance 83
#web3 67

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104042 572026 7449
trondao 1410338 429 12127
BaronDavis 1030627 10763 19085
Nnauye_Nape 958956 7987 4330
TheSergioGarcia 919034 51 2444
lpbragancabr 919014 371 2912
TheStreet 850545 1534 239536
ZachBoychuk 829604 683923 9248
Cognizant 741746 2844 49428
WipeHomophobia 697093 687883 31671

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
WipeHomophobia 687883 697093 31671
ZachBoychuk 683923 829604 9248
JohnCena 572026 14104042 7449
KmPasso 456099 454757 285454
memobarba 218600 224875 173703
tveitdal 200141 343609 77596
FXStefan 196455 368260 313121
jjjinvesting 173519 157789 154566
BillionMagazine 159623 246582 6173
matthewtoren 147692 187971 3544

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bmurphypointman 2466684 84525 28973
InsdataInter 1503493 2205 2718
sofokleous10 839685 25141 23464
descifradocom 799750 194873 2823
LimaDoc 726695 15885 16989
SafetyMentalst 590296 15954 17522
MaryVicky2017 589865 2661 4582
ptialex77 549512 575 4336
macsanto787 520043 9771 7309
CianGaia 518231 799 1809

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 572026 14104042
arrington 9437 5272 295949
TheStreet 7557 1534 850545
kazu_fujisawa 6167 1561 201770
BaronDavis 5922 10763 1030627
SpirosMargaris 5869 21331 128698
JenniferJJacobs 5570 52105 369069
trondao 5213 429 1410338
JimHarris 5127 125973 257853
BernardMarr 4813 56660 137768

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,363 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1637541084631822338 Credit Suisse Group announces it has entered into a merger agreement with UBS. All details available here: 700
1144251452455563265 "I have no problem starting again from scratch in a different area". Find out more about what Roger Federer still has left to learn. 624
1163756243418255361 Do you remember the days of the brick mobile phone? Martin Cooper, the inventor of the cell phone, does. Read more about the mobile evolution here. 518
1148565547543605248 Only 9% of the 6,300 megatons of plastic waste produced annually across the world are recycled. Javier Goyeneche, Founder and President of @Ecoalf, talks to Marisa Drew, CEO Impact Advisory and Finance, about how recycling rates could be improved. Find out more. 409
1144245831723360257 By 2015, around 79% of plastic waste was accumulated in landfills or in the natural environment, were it does not decompose. Find out more about the waste crisis and how the circular economy can be a powerful transformative tool. 361
1407609568620843010 In 2020 wealth creation remained resilient in spite of the economic slowdown caused by the pandemic. We analyze wealth growth and its distribution in our latest Global wealth report 2021, find out more. 273
1143869655616036870 Did you know that half of all plastics ever produced were made in the last 13 years? Find out which sector is mainly responsible for this increase. 216
1066957662267555840 #China now dominates the middle class segment worldwide and has vastly increased its number of ultra-rich individuals by 200 times since 2000. Find out more. #CSgwr 195
1414918465207549953 Roughly 2% of global GDP worth of food went unsold or uneaten, ultimately generating significant economic, environmental and social costs. Learn more about it in our latest report on the global food system. 192
1075775793467281408 Emerging economies will be responsible for almost one third of the growth, although they account for just a little more than one fifth of current wealth. Find out more. 185

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1637541084631822338 Credit Suisse Group announces it has entered into a merger agreement with UBS. All details available here: 643
1042723980979908608 Congratulations to Pips Bunce on being listed on the Top 100 Female Executives list in the 2018 @HeroesinB & @FT champion of #WomeninBusiness #FTHERoes18 600
1585560696737120259 Today, we unveiled our new strategy and transformation plan, which are based on a series of decisive actions to create a simpler, more focused and more stable Credit Suisse built around client needs. Find out more here: #CSresults 532
1585496082112471040 Today, we announced our new strategy and transformation plan. Find out more here: #CSresults 268
887973753099100160 #AskRoger is back! Post your questions using #AskRoger by 25.07 to stand a chance of receiving a reply from @rogerfederer ! Good luck🍀! 232
1635667511071866880 Credit Suisse would like to reiterate, as announced this morning, our financial results for 2022 and preceding years are accurate and reliable, as supported by a clean audit opinion by our external auditor, PwC. 201
1636175115468648449 Following the latest announcement, our CEO, Ulrich Körner, comments on the strategy and the progress of our transformation. Full details available here: 192
1506933862869389317 In the United Kingdom, have equities always outperformed bonds? Read more about the UK's long-term investment performance in the Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2022: 168
1636037824041320451 Credit Suisse is reiterating its core financials and key facts: 165
790501168309043200 Is there something you’ve always wanted to ask @RogerFederer? Post your Q’ using #AskRoger by Wed to stand a chance of receiving a reply! 136

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1042723980979908608 Congratulations to Pips Bunce on being listed on the Top 100 Female Executives list in the 2018 @HeroesinB & @FT champion of #WomeninBusiness #FTHERoes18 431
1637541084631822338 Credit Suisse Group announces it has entered into a merger agreement with UBS. All details available here: 262
1635667511071866880 Credit Suisse would like to reiterate, as announced this morning, our financial results for 2022 and preceding years are accurate and reliable, as supported by a clean audit opinion by our external auditor, PwC. 93
793141107823611904 #AskRoger: Some of you were curious to know what @RogerFederer is wearing for #Halloween. Here’s what he responded: 58
1144251452455563265 "I have no problem starting again from scratch in a different area". Find out more about what Roger Federer still has left to learn. 54
1585560696737120259 Today, we unveiled our new strategy and transformation plan, which are based on a series of decisive actions to create a simpler, more focused and more stable Credit Suisse built around client needs. Find out more here: #CSresults 39
1148565547543605248 Only 9% of the 6,300 megatons of plastic waste produced annually across the world are recycled. Javier Goyeneche, Founder and President of @Ecoalf, talks to Marisa Drew, CEO Impact Advisory and Finance, about how recycling rates could be improved. Find out more. 35
1136601434202525696 Did you know that in 2018 almost 400 million people watched competitive video gaming globally, either online or live in stadiums? Find out more about how the emerging millennials are boosting this industry. 29
1636033370017636352 Our CEO, Ulrich Körner, spoke to Channel News Asia to reiterate the key points of the Credit Suisse’s strategy and the latest developments. He stated “We are a strong bank. We are a global bank, under Swiss regulation. 29
1414918465207549953 Roughly 2% of global GDP worth of food went unsold or uneaten, ultimately generating significant economic, environmental and social costs. Learn more about it in our latest report on the global food system. 27

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1144251452455563265 "I have no problem starting again from scratch in a different area". Find out more about what Roger Federer still has left to learn. 3184
1163756243418255361 Do you remember the days of the brick mobile phone? Martin Cooper, the inventor of the cell phone, does. Read more about the mobile evolution here. 1994
1407609568620843010 In 2020 wealth creation remained resilient in spite of the economic slowdown caused by the pandemic. We analyze wealth growth and its distribution in our latest Global wealth report 2021, find out more. 1732
1637541084631822338 Credit Suisse Group announces it has entered into a merger agreement with UBS. All details available here: 1645
1148565547543605248 Only 9% of the 6,300 megatons of plastic waste produced annually across the world are recycled. Javier Goyeneche, Founder and President of @Ecoalf, talks to Marisa Drew, CEO Impact Advisory and Finance, about how recycling rates could be improved. Find out more. 959
1414918465207549953 Roughly 2% of global GDP worth of food went unsold or uneaten, ultimately generating significant economic, environmental and social costs. Learn more about it in our latest report on the global food system. 915
1305525900692332549 According to the Credit Suisse Youth Barometer, alongside the impact on society, many young people are drawing individual conclusions from the pandemic. Find out what young people conclude from the COVID-19 pandemic in the graphic below. (1/3) #youthbarometer 858
1261189573469704192 On the International #DayOfFamilies, we want to discuss with you the meaning of families and their role for the growth of the Next Generation and a better society. Listen to what the NextGen has to say. #NextGenCan #YIO 847
1424249059175505922 Happy Birthday @RogerFederer! We are proud to have been at your side for the last 40 years and are looking forward to many years to come. 727
910431259394023424 Economic Outlook: Global Economy remains robust with #EmergingMarket growth catching up with advanced economies. 650

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#csresults 135
#csgwr 100
#cssupertrends 59
#ecsurvey 58
#wef17 51
#csbulletin 44
#hackzurich 31
#globalization 30
#impactinvesting 28
#wef18 28

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@rogerfederer 85
@bloombergtv 44
@cnbc 38
@business 37
@hackzurich 34
@thesergiogarcia 27
@flacqua 26
@nationalgallery 22
@oneyoungworld 15
@ft 14

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
➡️ 18 right_arrow
🎾 15 tennis
👩‍💻 15 woman_technologist
👨‍💻 15 man_technologist
🏆 13 trophy
7 flag_in_hole
🤖 5 robot
📷 4 camera
🎉 4 party_popper
🏌️ 4 person_golfing

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Activities 48
People & Body 40
Symbols 21
Objects 16
Smileys & Emotion 12
Travel & Places 9
Food & Drink 6
Animals & Nature 4
Flags 2