Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Common


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

0 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


Australian cricket will play on a doctored wicket instead of the original one for their second innings. Iranian opposition unites to end the gender apartheid regime and create a secular, pluralistic, and democratic nation. Cristiano Ronaldo is considered the greatest soccer player with top campaigns in the UCL, Premier League, and Copa/euro. Theloderma corticale, commonly known as the mossy frog, is found in rainforests and subtropical forests of Asia. An aged common snapping turtle can be identified by green algae on the shell and cataracts in the eyes. Having common sense, the ability to offend someone, and common practices of people ghosting their widowed friends are all mentioned. Also mentioned are Zingiber zerumbet, a species of plant from the ginger family, and Abrar and Todd, two spinners who both took seven wickets on debut. Lastly, it is highlighted that the common man in Pennsylvania feels safer, car control is needed, and Splatoon 3's maps are bad.

Topic Modeling

  1. Australia Cricket
  2. Politics in Iran
  3. Cristiano Ronaldo's Career
  4. Wildlife Conservation
  5. Common Sense

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from optimism and excitement to shock and dismay. The first tweet expresses a sense of frustration with the unfairness of the playing conditions in Australia. The second tweet conveys a sense of unity and common cause among Iranian opposition groups. The third tweet conveys admiration and pride in Ronaldo's achievements. The fourth tweet expresses a sense of awe and admiration for the Theloderma corticale, a species of frog. The fifth tweet conveys a sense of urgency and common sense. The sixth tweet conveys a sense of appreciation for the Zingiber zerumbet plant. The seventh tweet conveys a sense of dedication and generosity. The eighth tweet conveys a sense of curiosity and intrigue. The ninth tweet conveys a sense of relief and hope for democracy. The tenth tweet conveys a sense of safety and security. The eleventh tweet conveys a sense of exasperation at how easily people are offended nowadays. The twelfth tweet conveys a sense of sadness and betrayal at the lack of friendship. The thirteenth tweet conveys a sense of admiration and appreciation for the wildlife. The fourteenth tweet conveys a sense of urgency and necessity for car control. The fifteenth tweet conveys a sense of confusion and misunderstanding. The sixteenth tweet conveys a sense of happiness and pride. The seventeenth tweet conveys a sense of shock and disbelief at the taboo of homosexuality in some African countries. The eighteenth tweet conveys a sense of admiration and respect for Shiv Thakare's journey and achievements.

Trend Analysis

  1. Australian cricket match
  2. Iranian opposition
  3. Soccer players/records
  4. Wildlife/Nature
  5. Common sense/Democracy

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 17546
Twitter for iPhone 16937
Twitter Web App 11564
Twitter for iPad 1183
Cheap Bots, Done Quick! 351

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
YouTube YouTube like and subscribe. 78,613,386
NatGeo National Geographic Taking our understanding and awareness of the world further for more than 130 years 28,768,581
TheEconomist The Economist News and analysis with a global perspective. Subscribe here: 27,196,903
WSJ The Wall Street Journal Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: | Got a tip? | For WSJ customer support: 20,483,407
TIME TIME News and current events from around the globe. Subscribe: 19,458,463
ABC ABC News The only official ABC News Twitter account. Download our new mobile app: 17,807,298
ABPNews ABP News Follow for latest news alerts from India. 13,254,820
business Bloomberg The first word in business news. Our newsletters: Our podcasts: The Big Take podcast: 9,165,777
CBSNews CBS News Your source for original reporting and trusted news. 📺 CBS | Streaming on the CBS News app | @ParamountPlus 8,902,327
htTweets Hindustan Times One of India's largest media companies. Latest news from around the world. Retweets are not endorsements 8,701,341

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
LollyDaskal Lolly Daskal Dedicated to bringing Heart Based Leadership to organizations & individuals |Coach |Consultant |Speaker |Columnist| Best Selling Author: The Leadership Gap 1,101,676
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 Retired, progressive, human rights, politics, equality, LGBTQ+, anti-racist, anti-fascist (AntiFa), #BLM #Resist co-founder @FreedomWritersc 602,689
MisterSalesman M LeMont 💙 🌊Casi Famoso Author 20 Books Writer/Producer/Curator As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. 409,908
RobertBohan Dr Robert Bohan Irish contemporary artist, doctor of science & historian | #Art | Drawing & Painting | He/Him | Acquire here 271,278
GordonTredgold Gordon Tredgold I Help Good Leaders Develop into Great Leaders. +34 64 11 50 890 229,736
edstetzer Ed Stetzer One beggar telling other beggars where to find bread. Writing a book— so I'm usually off Twitter & don't check DMs. Tweets mostly from staff & auto delete. 220,439
SupermanHotMale Tim Pro-Woman Respect Earth/Animals #ILoveUkraine 213,041
TweetYourBooks TweetYourBooks 🔆 Great Books Daily! 🔆 WORLD'S LARGEST Twitter Book Promotion Network for Authors - Reaching over ONE MILLION Readers - #WritingCommunity #BookPromo 207,380
SSscoop475 ❤Scott S Cooper❤ ♏♂(スコット)FEED THE NEEDY& ENLIGHTEN THE GREEDY! ❤TIBETAN BUDDHIST ❤@Tashaeva ❤#TM1DN _ ❤#TeamUnidoS ❤@1LA_Lady ❤@ynovak ❤@Stelanovaeva❤@oksana_tasha 205,622
dekebridges Deke Bridges Social Media, Online Marketing, SEO, IT Geek STUFF, Great tips! Creative writing, Running, Entrepreneur, Breathe deep, Smile more! #GoDucks 199,665

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Real_common_man A Catholic. Father. A capitalist with social conscience. Clintonian-diehard #Resistance. African American. 🇳🇬 🇺🇲 . Blues 4 ever. Enugun Rangers Omo-Odua 89
Common_Senseit - 85
Common_Man_255 #Mtanzania wa kawaida sana# Rafiki wa wote. 70
common_raven Amo l'ACE COMBAT e YOASOBI, GOLDEN KAMUY! La mia squadra preferita è BLAUBLITZ. Il mio preferito è il giocatore della maglia numero 50. monogataryで日々頭をほぐしてます。 65
common_sister ゲーム🎮とおえかき🎨の雑多垢 🫰🏻💕︎⇝V6/声優/🍜’s/🐟’s/i7🐉/🎮実況/ゼンカイジャ💙👓/ドゲンジャーズ🐏💙など ●甘藤、審神者、twst監督生、ガッパ隊 ●スプラ、Sky、第五をよくやります ●20↑ 江雪左文字激推し 2次・3次元オタ ●好きな人やモノがいっぱいです 61
sannagaonkar - 57
k_on_common_18 #なぞなぞ部 関西ふるっぱー⤴︎ 👼🏻🎀🤍🌙❤️‍🔥 新居歩美の先生💌 #ちあにあちあち 葉月なるの先生 56
TrollColors TrollColors: Observations on Markets, Politics, and the Obvious. Tweets & RTs Observations. Have Fun, Stay In Trouble: Be Safe & Well. 53
common_sense54 I'm not here for followers. I'm here to beat common sense into those who are, knowingly or unknowingly, attempting to disassemble our democracy. 50
Common_Sense_71 Just someone who wants a better world - PC free.. lol 43

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624386575005089793 Iranian oppositions unites against the Islamic republic. This is the new phase of Iran’s revolution against the gender apartheid regime. Both within and outside of Iran we are united in common cause for a secular, pluralistic, democratic Iran, And this… 2140
1624273326867877888 My love towards the clinic, sampai aku siapkan series of booklet (rajin lah sangat) utk semua disease yg common Di clinic and how to manage it. Aku ringkaskan semua dari cpg. Then aku share for free to HO and MO newcomers supaya semua boleh belajar sama2. 824
1624351360971075589 Top 3 greatest UCL campaigns ever: 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2017 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2008 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2014 Top 3 greatest League campaigns ever: 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2011/12 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2007 🇦🇷 Messi 2012/13 Top 3 greatest Copa/euro campaigns ever: 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2016 🇧🇷Pelé 1958 🇦🇷 Messi 2021 One common name.🇵🇹🐐 791
1624423795946553344 @@DaddyC00L_O1's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more. 791
1624293444326940673 As is common practice, Australia’s second innings will be once again played on the doctored wicket instead of the road India got to bat on 693
1624293006139613185 Our Mighty King @ShivThakare9 🏆 gained organic support from Common people's. It's called Unlimited Happiness 🥰😍🥰 Please 🙏🏽🗳️ #VoteForShivThakare Till Sunday 12 PM [Voot/Jio] Few Hours Left #ShivKiSena #ShivSquad 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐕™ #ShivThakare #Biggboss16 #BB16 652
1624286903725084673 The support he is receiving is massive and unbeatable 🔥 The last one was so cute archana kalu ko babate h guys common bacha party ki mandali ka power♥️✊🏻✊🏻 #ShivThakare #ShivKiSena #ShivSquad #VoteForShivThakare @ShivThakare9 639
1624479804002119682 Theloderma corticale, its common name mossy frog as it resembles moss growing on a rock, blending into its background In rainforests and subtropical forests of Asia 591
1624406499215695872 The common man feels safe with Obi. Just look at this picture! 571
1624301296621694977 I came across #ShivThakare 's journey video, it's really good. It appears he & umar bhai have few things in common. Humbleness, love for friends and killer strea in tasks. @BiggBoss robbed #UmarRiaz & #UmarAmry last year, hope shiv gets what he deserves 🏆 #BiggBoss16 #BB15 541

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624293444326940673 As is common practice, Australia’s second innings will be once again played on the doctored wicket instead of the road India got to bat on 11380
1624386575005089793 Iranian oppositions unites against the Islamic republic. This is the new phase of Iran’s revolution against the gender apartheid regime. Both within and outside of Iran we are united in common cause for a secular, pluralistic, democratic Iran, And this… 7453
1624351360971075589 Top 3 greatest UCL campaigns ever: 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2017 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2008 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2014 Top 3 greatest League campaigns ever: 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2011/12 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2007 🇦🇷 Messi 2012/13 Top 3 greatest Copa/euro campaigns ever: 🇵🇹 Ronaldo 2016 🇧🇷Pelé 1958 🇦🇷 Messi 2021 One common name.🇵🇹🐐 7228
1624479804002119682 Theloderma corticale, its common name mossy frog as it resembles moss growing on a rock, blending into its background In rainforests and subtropical forests of Asia 4864
1624336730517127170 This is an elderly Common Snapping Turtle. You can tell it's aged by the algae on his shell, not harmful to his health, and cataracts in its eyes [📹 Nicholas A. Breaux:] 3760
1624283638815768576 have some COMMON SENSE 3395
1624365469527416834 Zingiber zerumbet is a species of plant from the ginger family clear juice in the flower heads is used as a shampoo hence the common name of the plant , shampoo ginger 📹@MiamiFruit 2792
1624273326867877888 My love towards the clinic, sampai aku siapkan series of booklet (rajin lah sangat) utk semua disease yg common Di clinic and how to manage it. Aku ringkaskan semua dari cpg. Then aku share for free to HO and MO newcomers supaya semua boleh belajar sama2. 2735
1624286890638692352 Abrar & Todd. Both spinners. Both in their early 20s. Both took 7 wickets on debut. And they've got one other thing in common that I can't quite put my finger on... 2111
1624402951207895041 “It’s not just the people of Pennsylvania who can breathe a sigh of relief after last Tuesday's. So can people all over the country who value democracy and common sense.” 2055

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#shivthakare 141
#biggboss16 109
#bb16 106
#obidattiinlagos 96
#crypto 75
#voteforshivthakare 72
#nft 60
#gold 55
#bbtitans 51
#lifechangingtips 44

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@elonmusk 1189
@twitter 211
@potus 208
@twittersupport 189
@twitterkorea 183
@peterobi 158
@narendramodi 144
@shivthakare9 96
@pmoindia 90
@hodgetwins 90

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🔹 1820 small_blue_diamond
😂 1460 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 734 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😭 686 loudly_crying_face
🔥 431 fire
👇 304 backhand_index_pointing_down
❤️ 300 red_heart
🙏 294 folded_hands
🤔 287 thinking_face
👍 176 thumbs_up

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 8110
Symbols 3077
People & Body 2899
Objects 1085
Travel & Places 1021
Activities 681
Flags 619
Animals & Nature 476
Food & Drink 153