Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @cluesdotlife


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2 days

Average age of authors' accounts

12 years


The tweets are discussing a Japanese concept called Ikigai, related concepts Seppuku and Sugondese, the transcendent function mentioned by Jung, and treatments developed by @wearebighealth. The conversation also acknowledges that following one's passions may not always have a business model and addresses the need for balance and motivation.

Topic Modeling

  1. Japanese concepts (Ikigai, seppuku, sugondese)
  2. Self-transformation/ emergence
  3. Psychic transformation
  4. Health and wellbeing
  5. Motivation/support

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from enthusiasm and appreciation to curiosity and motivation. The first tweet expresses appreciation for the Japanese concept of Ikigai. The second tweet suggests a meeting between two people. The third tweet expresses curiosity about another Japanese concept. The fourth tweet expresses enthusiasm for an episode. The fifth tweet expresses admiration for a concept. The sixth tweet expresses interest in treatments. The seventh tweet is neutral. The eighth tweet expresses surprise. The ninth tweet expresses motivation. The tenth tweet expresses a wish.

Trend Analysis

  1. Japanese concepts
  2. Finding passions
  3. Transcendent function
  4. Psychic transformation
  5. Health treatments

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 6
Twitter Web App 4
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
schlaf Steve Schlafman I help high performers discover and manifest their next calling. Tweets about change, transition, self-leadership, consciousness, and my journey. 67,765
jrdorkin Joshua Dorkin Founded BiggerPockets. Helped millions learn real estate. Focused on startups, angel investing, personal finance, health & happiness. Author. Podcaster. 31,074
amyjokim Amy Jo Kim I deconstruct breakout hits to help you find PMF. Game Designer & Startup Coach prev. Rock Band, The Sims, Netflix, Covet Fashion. Free resources here πŸ‘‡ 16,000
henrikberggren Henrik Product @ Big Health. Founder of and @readmill, ex @dropbox @soundcloud @carbonhealth β€” hinke.eth 5,176
Dr_MatthewJones Dr. Matthew Jones Coach To Startup Cofounders | Teaching founders & investors how to prevent cofounder conflict. Tweets on psychology & entrepreneurship. 3,540
jimmurphy Jim Murphy πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ x-Engineering Director @shopify, founder @boltmade (acquired @shopify), founder @elorabrewingco 2,435
LouisShulman Louis Shulman Growing Businesses with Data, Analytics, and Automations @orbit_metrics | 23 y/o | Accumulating Leverage | Podcasting | #Bitcoin | DMs Open πŸ“© 1,310
timjschwartz Tim Schwartz - 430
davelasto Dave Lastovskiy Marketing @maximustribe | Passionate about building companies, simple living, and adventuring outdoors 319
Ou_est_Charlie Charlie Preston Long - 238

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
jrdorkin Joshua Dorkin Founded BiggerPockets. Helped millions learn real estate. Focused on startups, angel investing, personal finance, health & happiness. Author. Podcaster. 3,952
jimmurphy Jim Murphy πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ x-Engineering Director @shopify, founder @boltmade (acquired @shopify), founder @elorabrewingco 3,395
amyjokim Amy Jo Kim I deconstruct breakout hits to help you find PMF. Game Designer & Startup Coach prev. Rock Band, The Sims, Netflix, Covet Fashion. Free resources here πŸ‘‡ 1,556
schlaf Steve Schlafman I help high performers discover and manifest their next calling. Tweets about change, transition, self-leadership, consciousness, and my journey. 1,203
LouisShulman Louis Shulman Growing Businesses with Data, Analytics, and Automations @orbit_metrics | 23 y/o | Accumulating Leverage | Podcasting | #Bitcoin | DMs Open πŸ“© 1,056
henrikberggren Henrik Product @ Big Health. Founder of and @readmill, ex @dropbox @soundcloud @carbonhealth β€” hinke.eth 871
timjschwartz Tim Schwartz - 773
Dr_MatthewJones Dr. Matthew Jones Coach To Startup Cofounders | Teaching founders & investors how to prevent cofounder conflict. Tweets on psychology & entrepreneurship. 311
Ou_est_Charlie Charlie Preston Long - 246
davelasto Dave Lastovskiy Marketing @maximustribe | Passionate about building companies, simple living, and adventuring outdoors 150

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Dr_MatthewJones Coach To Startup Cofounders | Teaching founders & investors how to prevent cofounder conflict. Tweets on psychology & entrepreneurship. 1
LouisShulman Growing Businesses with Data, Analytics, and Automations @orbit_metrics | 23 y/o | Accumulating Leverage | Podcasting | #Bitcoin | DMs Open πŸ“© 1
Ou_est_Charlie - 1
amyjokim I deconstruct breakout hits to help you find PMF. Game Designer & Startup Coach prev. Rock Band, The Sims, Netflix, Covet Fashion. Free resources here πŸ‘‡ 1
davelasto Marketing @maximustribe | Passionate about building companies, simple living, and adventuring outdoors 1
henrikberggren Product @ Big Health. Founder of and @readmill, ex @dropbox @soundcloud @carbonhealth β€” hinke.eth 1
jimmurphy πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ x-Engineering Director @shopify, founder @boltmade (acquired @shopify), founder @elorabrewingco 1
jrdorkin Founded BiggerPockets. Helped millions learn real estate. Focused on startups, angel investing, personal finance, health & happiness. Author. Podcaster. 1
nategrebelsky computer science, stocks, crypto, mathematics 1
schlaf I help high performers discover and manifest their next calling. Tweets about change, transition, self-leadership, consciousness, and my journey. 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1628195874814758914 @Ou_est_Charlie @davelasto @cluesdotlife my favorite one is sugondese 0
1628192269340749826 @davelasto @cluesdotlife Another interesting Japanese concept you should look into is Seppuku. 0
1628183324203094017 @cluesdotlife I've always appreciated the Japanese concept of Ikigai. Following your passion is too generic, and often may not have a business model. 0
1627888170670112768 @cluesdotlife That episode was SO GOOD πŸ‘πŸ½ 0
1627718903601455104 @cluesdotlife Woah 0
1627662131666776069 @cluesdotlife This emergence of self you each reference is what Jung called the transcendent function.He noted when you tolerate the tension of the opposite aspects of your experience, a third path is born. Holding tension in the messy middle is vital to psychic transformation. 0
1627649596020125697 @cluesdotlife @lessin Yup. Gotta find the motivation somewhere. For most it ain’t a healthy balanced life with tons of support. 0
1627544383963951105 @cluesdotlife I wish we had a good Myofascial practitioner here on Maui. I’ve been looking. 0
1627154596627095552 @henrikberggren @cluesdotlife @wearebighealth +1 think you two would enjoy meeting!! 0
1627144521694736387 @cluesdotlife Would love to talk to you about the treatments we’ve developed at @wearebighealth 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1628183324203094017 @cluesdotlife I've always appreciated the Japanese concept of Ikigai. Following your passion is too generic, and often may not have a business model. 3
1627154596627095552 @henrikberggren @cluesdotlife @wearebighealth +1 think you two would enjoy meeting!! 2
1628192269340749826 @davelasto @cluesdotlife Another interesting Japanese concept you should look into is Seppuku. 1
1627888170670112768 @cluesdotlife That episode was SO GOOD πŸ‘πŸ½ 1
1627662131666776069 @cluesdotlife This emergence of self you each reference is what Jung called the transcendent function.He noted when you tolerate the tension of the opposite aspects of your experience, a third path is born. Holding tension in the messy middle is vital to psychic transformation. 1
1627144521694736387 @cluesdotlife Would love to talk to you about the treatments we’ve developed at @wearebighealth 1
1627125848825380869 @cluesdotlife 1
1628195874814758914 @Ou_est_Charlie @davelasto @cluesdotlife my favorite one is sugondese 0
1627718903601455104 @cluesdotlife Woah 0
1627649596020125697 @cluesdotlife @lessin Yup. Gotta find the motivation somewhere. For most it ain’t a healthy balanced life with tons of support. 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@cluesdotlife 11
@davelasto 2
@wearebighealth 2
@ou_est_charlie 1
@lessin 1
@henrikberggren 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
πŸ‘πŸ½ 1 thumbs_up_medium_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 1