Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Dallas, Texas



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

5 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 5633
life 3128
mom 2057
music 1684
lover 1452
follow 1325
god 1323
family 1272
account 1233
time 1188

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#teamstacks 220
#1 219
#blacklivesmatter 151
#blm 118
#ottosquad 114
#teampulte 91
#superfamily 86
#clearthelist 82
#cashappinbio 74
#maga 60

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
jimmyfallon 50797884 10918 14681
JohnCena 14104303 572070 7449
NickCannon 4615334 5795 30968
tanamongeau 2478182 1637 94104
DanaPerino 2358103 9739 43700
charliekirk11 2128666 191922 54600
KameronBennett 1812973 1488923 96174
TMobile 1459710 12177 551872
Walmart 1363630 350 636630
bjnovak 1298077 984 9119

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488923 1812973 96174
JDaIey 1016194 1228690 43001
MilesSTEREOS 687456 861488 8517
ZachBoychuk 683962 829645 9248
DaveVescio 576641 539315 15116
JohnCena 572070 14104303 7449
RealCoryMachado 371441 372267 18463
Dylan_Bostic 349605 349455 11832
zammit_marc 300193 387840 64619
Simonna 217325 503375 10951

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
LindaLeeKing 1331719 35424 25975
AvosFromMexico 1063169 55690 2954
SelenaTheWinner 989156 119499 21351
rydertracey 880433 3439 5002
AilsaForshaw 749203 21536 23581
_MonicaRWalker 698769 855 5001
rudyglove27 693441 18275 18505
Walmart 636630 1363630 350
puttnpdx 611903 15530 18172
thetoyman1 586477 74895 78004

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
jimmyfallon 59925 10918 50797884
JohnCena 31680 572070 14104303
NickCannon 11463 5795 4615334
Foodimentary 8786 6055 703810
chriscoyier 8588 3353 250901
DanaPerino 7939 9739 2358103
iSocialFanz 7415 76325 144840
EatThisNotThat 6897 632 579027
charliekirk11 6527 191922 2128666
JennyJohnsonHi5 6428 2201 303632

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

161 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1592551579672260609 when it’s easier to get a blue check mark than @taylorswift13 tickets << 3944
1600611145475301388 I don’t want CHILdren, I want CHILi’s 3761
1597668149587238912 GOOOOOOOO($500 gift card)AAAAALLLLLLLL Every goal the #USMNT scores = 1 $500 gift card, reply to this tweet for a chance to win. Each reply is an entry ⚽️🤝🌶 1793
1590018733866553344 Chili’s new @taylorswift13 album 🤝 always slaps 1678
1598684324714389505 when the server walks away before you order your 2nd marg 1006
1624075127804534784 Don't text your ex, we already have your plans for Valentine's Day. 25 people who reply #ChilisDateChallenge will win: -$150 Chili's Gift Card -Chili's Silk Robe -Chili's Champagne flutes -bath bombs & chocolates see u tuesday 💅 893
1591528892644589569 Robert Frost never got to eat at Chili’s. He could have written such a sick poem about our margaritas. 383
1603822323949240336 if you’ve ever stolen a presidente shaker from us, you’re on the naughty list 349
1637921465361215492 my chip diving into the salsa 294
1605639177369894912 his biggest red flag 🚩🚩🚩? not taking you to Chili’s for the holidays 260

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1597668149587238912 GOOOOOOOO($500 gift card)AAAAALLLLLLLL Every goal the #USMNT scores = 1 $500 gift card, reply to this tweet for a chance to win. Each reply is an entry ⚽️🤝🌶 12507
1624075127804534784 Don't text your ex, we already have your plans for Valentine's Day. 25 people who reply #ChilisDateChallenge will win: -$150 Chili's Gift Card -Chili's Silk Robe -Chili's Champagne flutes -bath bombs & chocolates see u tuesday 💅 7264
1633868760410132480 Reply with a 🫴 and we'll give you $3.13 Presidentes on 3/13 (we're actually serious its our birthday 👀👀) 1856
1628863457360478211 150 people who reply #3ForMeRemix and fill in the blanks will win a 3 for Me on us (don't tell our boss) oneeee, you gotta choose your ______ twoooo, now give an _____ a think threeee, girl its time to see - what you want your ____ _______ to be 1143
1641823079046209537 my boss said if 1000 people reply #chilis to this tweet then I can leave early for the tswift concert tonight in Dallas… plz help 767
1622646677688418307 reply if you’re single 723
1609310276683468800 pov: your next 24 hours party tonight hangover tomorrow recover @ Chili’s tag us with #chilissundayscaries be one of 150 ppl who win this shirt 278
1620452533083992066 reply with your worst dating story 267
1592551579672260609 when it’s easier to get a blue check mark than @taylorswift13 tickets << 227
1607810141025406982 to ~slightly~ offset the insane amount of flight cancellations - we’re offering gift cards to 30 of y'all who are stuck in the airport (with a Chili’s).. reply below and let us know where you’re stranded 214

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1592551579672260609 when it’s easier to get a blue check mark than @taylorswift13 tickets << 312
1600611145475301388 I don’t want CHILdren, I want CHILi’s 300
1597668149587238912 GOOOOOOOO($500 gift card)AAAAALLLLLLLL Every goal the #USMNT scores = 1 $500 gift card, reply to this tweet for a chance to win. Each reply is an entry ⚽️🤝🌶 279
1624075127804534784 Don't text your ex, we already have your plans for Valentine's Day. 25 people who reply #ChilisDateChallenge will win: -$150 Chili's Gift Card -Chili's Silk Robe -Chili's Champagne flutes -bath bombs & chocolates see u tuesday 💅 223
1603822323949240336 if you’ve ever stolen a presidente shaker from us, you’re on the naughty list 178
1590018733866553344 Chili’s new @taylorswift13 album 🤝 always slaps 152
1598684324714389505 when the server walks away before you order your 2nd marg 111
1602808289729052673 we need to know… why does an airport Chili’s slap harder than a regular Chili’s ? 109
1628863457360478211 150 people who reply #3ForMeRemix and fill in the blanks will win a 3 for Me on us (don't tell our boss) oneeee, you gotta choose your ______ twoooo, now give an _____ a think threeee, girl its time to see - what you want your ____ _______ to be 68
1620452533083992066 reply with your worst dating story 67

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1592551579672260609 when it’s easier to get a blue check mark than @taylorswift13 tickets << 38482
1600611145475301388 I don’t want CHILdren, I want CHILi’s 15193
1590018733866553344 Chili’s new @taylorswift13 album 🤝 always slaps 13793
1598684324714389505 when the server walks away before you order your 2nd marg 9445
1597668149587238912 GOOOOOOOO($500 gift card)AAAAALLLLLLLL Every goal the #USMNT scores = 1 $500 gift card, reply to this tweet for a chance to win. Each reply is an entry ⚽️🤝🌶 5706
1624075127804534784 Don't text your ex, we already have your plans for Valentine's Day. 25 people who reply #ChilisDateChallenge will win: -$150 Chili's Gift Card -Chili's Silk Robe -Chili's Champagne flutes -bath bombs & chocolates see u tuesday 💅 4491
1603822323949240336 if you’ve ever stolen a presidente shaker from us, you’re on the naughty list 3817
1591528892644589569 Robert Frost never got to eat at Chili’s. He could have written such a sick poem about our margaritas. 3742
1602808289729052673 we need to know… why does an airport Chili’s slap harder than a regular Chili’s ? 2741
1637921465361215492 my chip diving into the salsa 2199

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#chilissundayscaries 3
#nationalmargaritaday 2
#chilisdatechallenge 2
#usmnt 2
#chilis 1
#internationalwomensday 1
#3formeremix 1
#galentinesday 1
#thebachelor 1
#thrownbackthursday 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@golic 3
@mikegolicjr 3
@taylorswift13 2
@kstatembb 1
@chilis 1
@dkelce1 1
@jennafischer 1
@kimkardashian 1
@twitter 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👀 5 eyes
🤝 4 handshake
😤 4 face_with_steam_from_nose
💅 3 nail_polish
🚩 3 triangular_flag
3 check_mark_button
2 soccer_ball
🤫 1 shushing_face
❤️ 1 red_heart
❤️‍🔥 1 heart_on_fire

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 13
Smileys & Emotion 9
Flags 3
Symbols 3
Activities 3
Food & Drink 1