Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Capitol


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 46501
Twitter Web App 42289
Twitter for Android 28923
Twitter for iPad 6018
TweetDeck 1709

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Followers count
CNN CNN 60,916,082
nytimes The New York Times 54,830,438
BBCWorld BBC News (World) 39,276,276
POTUS President Biden 28,868,670
TheEconomist The Economist 27,156,393
Reuters Reuters 25,702,125
FoxNews Fox News 23,552,513
WSJ The Wall Street Journal 20,421,457
washingtonpost The Washington Post 19,979,325
TIME TIME 19,440,258

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Followers count
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 600,548
CordeiroRick RICK CORDEIRO 🇨🇦 560,809
krassenstein Brian Krassenstein 528,613
MisterSalesman M LeMont 405,347
bynsny Larry Kelly 325,538
Uldouz Uldouz 320,980
JohnFromCranber John Betts 235,012
CubaSinFrontera Cuba Sin Fronteras 234,926
_LoveLike_JESUS Love Like JESUS 220,539

Most active users

Username Number of tweets
PA_Capitol_Boy 299
tinfoilted1 168
TXLegeBills 137
dink1123 125
511SFBay 119
LtrkmMitchell 101
Liam66665 98
Commons87100891 86
PoliticalCrapp1 85
hateGOP 82

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1608882645915815938 This explosive story is spreading fast… House GOP members found texts and emails from Pelosi staffers proving they forcefully decreased J6 security measures despite objections from Capitol Police and Sergeants at Arms It was a setup and they got caught 12614
1608929584103460864 “Why haven’t you called for back-up?!” Now we know why Emails and texts from Pelosi’s staffers prove that they turned down requests for additional security from Capitol Police and Sergeants-at-Arms It was a setup Question now is, who else was in on it? 11299
1610667597128781824 FBI Washington Field Office, ATF Washington Field Division, and Metropolitan Police Department Raise Reward for Information About Capitol Hill Pipe Bomber to $500,000 @ATFWashington @DCPoliceDept 9210
1608995910905892865 HUGE: House Republicans Find Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 - While at Same Time Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day via @gatewaypundit 8015
1609913277999464448 So, as the Capitol was being overrun & democracy was on the line, Hope Hicks & Ivanka's chief of staff were texting to bemoan the fact that it would harm their future employment opportunities. 7323
1611453368110555148 Joe Biden just said that Capitol Police Officer William Evans died as a result of "threats by these sick insurrectionists." Officers Evans was killed by a black Nation of Islam supporter who rammed him with a car. 7286
1608389939305283584 The #FBI has identified many people who incited violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, but it still needs your help to bring others to justice. If the man in this photo looks familiar, submit a tip at or 1-800-CALL-FBI, and mention photo 119-AFO. 7102
1611340468226342913 2 yrs ago: Jan 6, 5:04pm, I took this photo of law enforcement using flash bang grenades & tear gas on a violent mob trying to break into the U.S. Capitol. It was hr 4 in my gas mask, helmet & bulletproof vest photographing hand-to-hand combat between police & U.S. citizens. 1/9 7087
1610466327726104577 The Speaker of the House Office in the Capitol is currently being occupied by Kevin McCarthy. Kevin McCarthy is not the Speaker of the House. He lost 3 consecutive votes today. I’m demanding answers from the Architect of the Capitol. 6726
1609113153173864449 The #FBI has identified many people who incited violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, but it still needs your help to bring others to justice. If the man in this photo looks familiar, submit a tip at or 1-800-CALL-FBI, and mention photo 125-AFO. 6584

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1611207832145108993 Tomorrow, we solemnly observe the January 6th Attack on the Capitol. As we mark a day that threatened our Democracy, let us show our respect for the great institution of the Congress. We must open the House and proceed with the People's work. 48309
1611141602159857665 JUST IN: Estate of Officer Brian Sicknick, who died after the Jan 6 2021 Capitol attack, suing Donald Trump for wrongful death seeking monetary damages of $10 million and more. 41317
1610372929333739520 We’re witnessing history on Capitol Hill – by unanimous consent. The first woman to be elected President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Congrats to you, Patty. I look forward to continuing our work together. 40885
1611412934248333312 Today, we honor members of law enforcement who defended our Capitol, and public servants who did their duty and prevented a much graver crisis. America needs honorable leaders who put their oath ahead of personal ambition and take seriously their obligation to defend our nation. 37199
1611438384198696960 7AM: Surgery 2PM: Back at the Capitol, still wearing my slippers and hospital socks Time to vote for Hakeem Jeffries! 36935
1610697697735876608 Fetterman Struggling To Adapt To Size Of Capitol Building 33994
1609913277999464448 So, as the Capitol was being overrun & democracy was on the line, Hope Hicks & Ivanka's chief of staff were texting to bemoan the fact that it would harm their future employment opportunities. 33753
1611381992939220992 Members of the House gathered on the steps of the U.S. Capitol for a moment of silence for the 140 officers seriously injured on January 6th. 33200
1608135939985133568 In six days the new Republican majority will fully reopen and restore the U.S. Capitol to the American people. 32721
1610466327726104577 The Speaker of the House Office in the Capitol is currently being occupied by Kevin McCarthy. Kevin McCarthy is not the Speaker of the House. He lost 3 consecutive votes today. I’m demanding answers from the Architect of the Capitol. 31073

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#january6th 2519
#capitol 947
#trump 630
#jan6 466
#fbi 400
#j6 360
#january6thinsurrection 315
#speakerofthehouse 298
#maga 293
#neverforgetjanuary6th 289

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@repmtg 2042
@speakerpelosi 1934
@adamkinzinger 1646
@gopleader 1644
@gop 1312
@ronfilipkowski 1140
@dc_draino 1045
@potus 990
@beschlossdc 820
@repthomasmassie 730

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 1769 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 1678 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🇺🇸 1212 United_States
🤡 649 clown_face
🤔 601 thinking_face
👇 543 backhand_index_pointing_down
🙄 511 face_with_rolling_eyes
🚨 423 police_car_light
😭 398 loudly_crying_face
😡 333 pouting_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 10789
People & Body 4332
Symbols 2177
Food & Drink 1920
Objects 1872
Flags 1841
Travel & Places 1474
Activities 762
Animals & Nature 444