Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
music 5796
love 3913
life 3851
artist 2933
god 2055
producer 1779
hip 1696
hop 1675
follow 1500
live 1495

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#hiphop 201
#1 165
#music 159
#blacklivesmatter 144
#blm 92
#artist 81
#raidernation 74
#producer 70
#rap 69
#fba 67

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
wizkhalifa 36611802 902 52962
SnoopDogg 20938813 2789 42938
JohnCena 14101247 571931 7450
Spotify 9444259 17422 41275
Tip 9165716 721 19781
IAMQUEENLATIFAH 8021679 827 6499
IAmSteveHarvey 6213806 982 75974
icecube 5652624 338 10363
wyclef 3732843 3766 34264
ochocinco 3242307 7141 190794

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4024154 2034934 183298
KameronBennett 1488441 1814148 96271
SinghLions 1431568 1334430 33930
djkingassassin 1374740 474213 137838
JDaIey 1015945 1230215 43014
SleepSkee 782532 710719 42058
richardthomas81 735113 395273 904
jnob911 700848 433623 63047
ZachBoychuk 683808 829245 9256
TayeDiggs 657444 647291 39949

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
RaymondBrown__ 1000797 8607 7363
vbycxzmop 921086 41918 30820
Stonefree63 919059 8174 6846
chilkathaiku 901988 84324 118944
MsTosciMarie 897357 3978 2756
007Dufour007 889715 3346 4997
BellaDonaModels 866150 2478 5002
boxticker 786117 14990 52391
MySoulRadio 773714 4537 4549
DJAYTIGER 747744 1700 1632

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
SnoopDogg 40916 2789 20938813
JohnCena 31682 571931 14101247
wizkhalifa 25000 902 36611802
ochocinco 22843 7141 3242307
IAMQUEENLATIFAH 18464 827 8021679
Spotify 17418 17422 9444259
PleasureEllis 13402 408387 685708
Tip 13000 721 9165716
wyclef 11869 3766 3732843
JasonLaCanfora 10947 5138 492267

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,571 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1040060279906881536 19 sisters running for Judge in Harris County, this is where it starts y’all.... VOTE!!!! 6234
1313933522890043395 I need a kidney y’all any volunteers? B+ blood type 5428
1573006569914372096 So Brett Farve can’t get no coverage @espn @fox @cnn @abc @cbs ??? 3796
877690026649423874 Make rap great again..... 1128
1003534147640537088 2Pac was a genius.... 1009
846542591189487616 Nas is so fucking dope...... 796
1314635903076364288 Just found out blood type don’t matter if you are a donor they will match me with my kidney in exchange so anyone can be a donor, can’t thank y’all enough 🙏🏾 671
988816500202057728 J Cole giving you young cats the bidness 😂😂😂 535
877989984493387776 Make Rap Great Again 513
1038857984171028483 The internet will kill you quicker than a gun will.I sympathize with people who are really sick with cancer God be with you... And as happy as the news of me being down will make some it will also make them even sadder to know its all untrue I’m alive and well yea I know😔😔 😜 460

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1313933522890043395 I need a kidney y’all any volunteers? B+ blood type 831
1573006569914372096 So Brett Farve can’t get no coverage @espn @fox @cnn @abc @cbs ??? 398
1314635903076364288 Just found out blood type don’t matter if you are a donor they will match me with my kidney in exchange so anyone can be a donor, can’t thank y’all enough 🙏🏾 329
1136474814380683265 Should I run for Houston City Council?? 251
1314625679636541441 I’ve started the process to get a kidney transplant, I appreciate the love! it should take me 2-3 months to see if I’m a good candidate, in the meantime you stay healthy, the list will open shortly there after and we can discuss who’s a match.. again I appreciate that y’all.. 215
1331305451938603008 I’m not ever gonna do a VS. unless I don’t like the nigga, then I’ll destroy his ass... revisit that catalog again... 1988-2020 smoke💨💨 200
1038857984171028483 The internet will kill you quicker than a gun will.I sympathize with people who are really sick with cancer God be with you... And as happy as the news of me being down will make some it will also make them even sadder to know its all untrue I’m alive and well yea I know😔😔 😜 171
1092218564671623169 Is this Super Bowl weak or is it just me?? 171
1003534147640537088 2Pac was a genius.... 166
1367560340146446338 I want to start a pac let’s vote Everyone over 65 out of office for good, we need new blood Democrat or Republican stand with me ✊🏾 164

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1313933522890043395 I need a kidney y’all any volunteers? B+ blood type 654
1040060279906881536 19 sisters running for Judge in Harris County, this is where it starts y’all.... VOTE!!!! 392
1331305451938603008 I’m not ever gonna do a VS. unless I don’t like the nigga, then I’ll destroy his ass... revisit that catalog again... 1988-2020 smoke💨💨 215
1573006569914372096 So Brett Farve can’t get no coverage @espn @fox @cnn @abc @cbs ??? 196
877690026649423874 Make rap great again..... 115
1136474814380683265 Should I run for Houston City Council?? 110
1314625679636541441 I’ve started the process to get a kidney transplant, I appreciate the love! it should take me 2-3 months to see if I’m a good candidate, in the meantime you stay healthy, the list will open shortly there after and we can discuss who’s a match.. again I appreciate that y’all.. 107
1324799803478429697 Man we so glad you bout to leave office @realDonaldTrump we bout to throw a big ass party... You racist ass gargoyle lookin lizard shaped sub human upright walking mouse built mother fu** you, you have killed over 225k people with your negligence you are complete failure 104
882110562737455104 Zro Big boi Titty boy khali and hov shit make me wanna go back in..... thank you!!! 94
1314635903076364288 Just found out blood type don’t matter if you are a donor they will match me with my kidney in exchange so anyone can be a donor, can’t thank y’all enough 🙏🏾 78

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1040060279906881536 19 sisters running for Judge in Harris County, this is where it starts y’all.... VOTE!!!! 16139
1573006569914372096 So Brett Farve can’t get no coverage @espn @fox @cnn @abc @cbs ??? 10433
1313933522890043395 I need a kidney y’all any volunteers? B+ blood type 6365
1003534147640537088 2Pac was a genius.... 3088
1367560340146446338 I want to start a pac let’s vote Everyone over 65 out of office for good, we need new blood Democrat or Republican stand with me ✊🏾 2907
1587447268856287232 I’m devastated…. way too young and too dope, my condolences goes out to his family I am absolutely crushed… 🙏🏾 2879
1314635903076364288 Just found out blood type don’t matter if you are a donor they will match me with my kidney in exchange so anyone can be a donor, can’t thank y’all enough 🙏🏾 2496
1314625679636541441 I’ve started the process to get a kidney transplant, I appreciate the love! it should take me 2-3 months to see if I’m a good candidate, in the meantime you stay healthy, the list will open shortly there after and we can discuss who’s a match.. again I appreciate that y’all.. 2302
1038857984171028483 The internet will kill you quicker than a gun will.I sympathize with people who are really sick with cancer God be with you... And as happy as the news of me being down will make some it will also make them even sadder to know its all untrue I’m alive and well yea I know😔😔 😜 1732
1324799803478429697 Man we so glad you bout to leave office @realDonaldTrump we bout to throw a big ass party... You racist ass gargoyle lookin lizard shaped sub human upright walking mouse built mother fu** you, you have killed over 225k people with your negligence you are complete failure 1689

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#icontour 19
#icon 18
#salute 4
#beforetheboxmixtape 4
#mixtapeoftheyear 4
#scarface 3
#govote 3
#8 2
#standwithsongwriters 2
#tbt 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@realdonaldtrump 53
@brothermob 30
@tedcruz 11
@youtube 10
@tarantoanthony 5
@joebiden 3
@djmistercee 3
@kamalaharris 3
@techn9ne 3
@moveon 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 296 face_with_tears_of_joy
🔥 67 fire
😡 50 enraged_face
👍🏿 19 thumbs_up_dark_skin_tone
👍🏾 17 thumbs_up_medium-dark_skin_tone
🙏🏾 15 folded_hands_medium-dark_skin_tone
🤣 10 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🎙 10 studio_microphone
✊🏿 8 raised_fist_dark_skin_tone
😳 7 flushed_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 387
People & Body 94
Travel & Places 69
Objects 13
Animals & Nature 3
Activities 2
Symbols 2
Food & Drink 1