Account Summary

Sharing things I'm learning through my foundation work and other interests.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Seattle, WA
Followers Analysis (based on 10M followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
2 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
ImRaina | 20334442 | 1570 | 7561 |
ParisHilton | 16930105 | 18052 | 26501 |
urstrulyMahesh | 12866355 | 30 | 2102 |
SteveMartinToGo | 8788892 | 397 | 924 |
GaryLineker | 8594626 | 1329 | 45531 |
Mascherano | 8096660 | 373 | 1835 |
piersmorgan | 7942654 | 2071 | 150030 |
antanddec | 6852592 | 815 | 15982 |
allkpop | 6045460 | 790 | 244955 |
DangeRussWilson | 5670541 | 121 | 12265 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
benlandis | 1551904 | 2915761 | 3033 |
DaveVescio | 573676 | 541390 | 14455 |
TedRubin | 481259 | 515916 | 248326 |
BrianDEvans | 392275 | 1020747 | 39192 |
worthSeeingPic | 383658 | 543811 | 49126 |
Ranal55 | 369733 | 403025 | 140976 |
bouska | 353343 | 854115 | 15780 |
StephenCaggiano | 325946 | 339798 | 95992 |
zammit_marc | 302992 | 390665 | 64354 |
WorldTourisms | 246001 | 358495 | 7242 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
falconhamada_90 | 1795774 | 2423 | 2218 |
bankingnewsgr | 1282513 | 25117 | 527 |
vrai777 | 1268955 | 6962 | 326 |
madfall1213 | 1141456 | 1976 | 4097 |
soniacolpo | 1108420 | 9010 | 1902 |
globalissuesweb | 1078019 | 22094 | 287 |
VonRosenchild | 1066622 | 13802 | 10951 |
sakumariko | 1045222 | 9575 | 1888 |
deepdown2019 | 1039347 | 113 | 987 |
joefrancis | 978209 | 1392 | 2569 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
rclnatasyaa | 77931 | 404 | 380135 |
ParisHilton | 45796 | 18052 | 16930105 |
JefriNewbie | 43372 | 971 | 3197 |
SteveMartinToGo | 41066 | 397 | 8788892 |
Scobleizer | 22255 | 11059 | 401022 |
piersmorgan | 17199 | 2071 | 7942654 |
nelsonbocaranda | 17143 | 1346 | 3369259 |
ZachLowe_NBA | 16920 | 2997 | 979180 |
gizmodojapan | 16473 | 21599 | 576365 |
Refugees | 14398 | 1995 | 2766774 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
3,443 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Sprinklr | 882 |
Hootsuite | 876 |
Twitter Web App | 766 |
Twitter Web Client | 422 |
Twitter Media Studio | 163 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1250292126643941376 | Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever. | 88847 |
1138520780042465280 | I’m always amazed by the disconnect between what we see in the news and the reality of the world around us. As my late friend Hans Rosling would say, we must fight the fear instinct that distorts our perspective: | 39759 |
1389316412259270657 | | 36694 |
733332967540461568 | #RedNoseDay is a week away! Tweet or RT using #RedNose4Kids and our foundation will donate $10 to end child poverty. | 21065 |
1300110509455282176 | Happy 90th birthday, Warren! | 19222 |
1346184604827279360 | It’s great to see India’s leadership in scientific innovation and vaccine manufacturing capability as the world works to end the COVID-19 pandemic @PMOIndia | 17981 |
1031329972311535616 | I hate mosquitoes. The diseases they spread kill more than half a million people every year. In fact, mosquitoes kill more people in one day than sharks kill in 100 years: #WorldMosquitoDay | 15744 |
1131930463688306689 | Congratulations @NarendraModi on a remarkable win in #IndianElections2019. Your continued commitment to improve health, nutrition, and development will significantly improve lives of many. @BJP4India | 12586 |
1086662632587907072 | This is one of my favorite infographics. A lot of people underestimate just how much life has improved over the last two centuries: | 12405 |
543410052494024704 | This might be the most mind-blowing fact I learned this year: | 11990 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1250292126643941376 | Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever. | 60933 |
1255902245922709506 | Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. It’s going to require a global cooperative effort like the world has never seen. But I know we’ll get it done. There’s simply no alternative. | 15723 |
1256292084954230784 | There are over 100 different coronavirus vaccine candidates in the works. These candidates take a variety of approaches to protecting the body against COVID-19: | 6394 |
1253362888678371329 | We don't yet have all the tools we need to stop the novel coronavirus and safely re-open the economy. But they are on the horizon. | 6265 |
1247629990675374081 | On #WorldHealthDay — and every day — I want to thank all of the health heroes for their sacrifices and for keeping us safe. | 5976 |
631602128574881792 | I drank water made from human feces. Here’s an update on the machine that produced that water: | 4929 |
1270563826115600385 | The horrifying killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and far too many other Black people—and the protests they sparked—are shining a light on the brutal injustices that Black people experience every day… | 4059 |
1260374775144251393 | I’m hopeful that this program will improve our understanding of the coronavirus outbreak in Seattle and provide valuable information about the virus for other communities around the world. | 3393 |
1257729137697054726 | Class of 2020, these are not easy times. But we will get through them. And with your leadership, the world will be stronger than before. | 3239 |
1207681997612748801 | What’s next for our foundation? I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines. | 2933 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1389316412259270657 | | 58738 |
1250292126643941376 | Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever. | 14578 |
1473333996868149248 | Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic. Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I’ve canceled most of my holiday plans. | 13146 |
1352662770416664577 | One of the benefits of being 65 is that I’m eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. I got my first dose this week, and I feel great. Thank you to all of the scientists, trial participants, regulators, and frontline healthcare workers who got us to this point. | 8521 |
1524142708628934656 | I've tested positive for COVID. I'm experiencing mild symptoms and am following the experts' advice by isolating until I'm healthy again. | 7472 |
631602128574881792 | I drank water made from human feces. Here’s an update on the machine that produced that water: | 6844 |
1300110509455282176 | Happy 90th birthday, Warren! | 5485 |
1528470905554280448 | Movies like Outbreak nailed it when they imagined a global disease-fighting team who is ready to respond to a crisis on a moment’s notice. Now we need to make it a reality. | 4325 |
1207681997612748801 | What’s next for our foundation? I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines. | 4162 |
1138520780042465280 | I’m always amazed by the disconnect between what we see in the news and the reality of the world around us. As my late friend Hans Rosling would say, we must fight the fear instinct that distorts our perspective: | 3873 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1250292126643941376 | Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever. | 358336 |
1389316412259270657 | | 206678 |
1300110509455282176 | Happy 90th birthday, Warren! | 129067 |
1138520780042465280 | I’m always amazed by the disconnect between what we see in the news and the reality of the world around us. As my late friend Hans Rosling would say, we must fight the fear instinct that distorts our perspective: | 105347 |
1346184604827279360 | It’s great to see India’s leadership in scientific innovation and vaccine manufacturing capability as the world works to end the COVID-19 pandemic @PMOIndia | 81148 |
1352662770416664577 | One of the benefits of being 65 is that I’m eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. I got my first dose this week, and I feel great. Thank you to all of the scientists, trial participants, regulators, and frontline healthcare workers who got us to this point. | 69297 |
1131930463688306689 | Congratulations @NarendraModi on a remarkable win in #IndianElections2019. Your continued commitment to improve health, nutrition, and development will significantly improve lives of many. @BJP4India | 68410 |
1305993098682445824 | My dad was the “real” Bill Gates. He was everything I try to be and I will miss him every day. | 66465 |
1325138314861580289 | Congratulations to President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris. Thank you to the election officials and campaign workers who worked tirelessly to ensure a record number of Americans could cast a ballot and have it counted during such an challenging time for our country. | 60684 |
1270563826115600385 | The horrifying killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and far too many other Black people—and the protests they sparked—are shining a light on the brutal injustices that Black people experience every day… | 48905 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#endpolio | 39 |
#tbt | 22 |
#polio | 13 |
#givingtuesday | 12 |
#vaccineswork | 12 |
#goalkeepers18 | 12 |
#malaria | 10 |
#mdgs | 9 |
#teachers | 9 |
#rednoseday | 8 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@melindagates | 66 |
@theeconomist | 31 |
26 | |
@gatesfoundation | 25 |
@warrenbuffett | 21 |
@donorschoose | 16 |
@globalfund | 13 |
@hansrosling | 13 |
@wired | 12 |
@johngreen | 11 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
▪️ | 3 | black_small_square |
⬇️ | 1 | down_arrow |
🦟 | 1 | mosquito |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 4 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |