Account Summary
Twitter ID
Created on
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
7 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14093166 | 586073 | 7471 |
SarahKSilverman | 11881446 | 1803 | 20633 |
minakimes | 865673 | 1702 | 90233 |
NOH8Campaign | 799052 | 356911 | 13975 |
ThomasSanders | 733358 | 1198 | 96792 |
guarnaschelli | 711480 | 1016 | 67799 |
WeirdMedieval | 654749 | 98 | 2533 |
MissyXMartinez | 633171 | 2984 | 116033 |
IamMzilikazi | 550457 | 380227 | 131857 |
TheRealXPac | 513560 | 2352 | 5332 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 586073 | 14093166 | 7471 |
IamMzilikazi | 380227 | 550457 | 131857 |
NOH8Campaign | 356911 | 799052 | 13975 |
darcydonavan | 196998 | 240713 | 83346 |
TheSoulfulEMU | 130121 | 128255 | 160267 |
TheTNHoller | 126711 | 185378 | 73960 |
DMovies_org | 118829 | 120723 | 37163 |
AmyTaylorNYC | 112719 | 122452 | 31763 |
GoodpodsHQ | 99058 | 95853 | 10107 |
Chicago_History | 96369 | 122198 | 47165 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
monaeltahawy | 542426 | 366028 | 4510 |
joejaggi | 512078 | 1736 | 4935 |
ITSilverback | 507946 | 1421 | 2194 |
dardar1126 | 466141 | 1872 | 2536 |
GinadeMiranda2 | 448443 | 3233 | 5004 |
PeopleDied2Vote | 399949 | 5882 | 6416 |
andrewdwilliams | 357648 | 519 | 654 |
ActorX | 328258 | 151 | 1027 |
Cruellaisdevine | 304969 | 79638 | 87818 |
tomservo10 | 291982 | 6197 | 6467 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
SarahKSilverman | 48342 | 1803 | 11881446 |
JohnCena | 31629 | 586073 | 14093166 |
NOH8Campaign | 7538 | 356911 | 799052 |
minakimes | 7026 | 1702 | 865673 |
monaeltahawy | 5776 | 4510 | 366028 |
emilynussbaum | 3652 | 2338 | 284517 |
DaveSFoley | 3018 | 1498 | 204760 |
guarnaschelli | 2970 | 1016 | 711480 |
ParkerMolloy | 2721 | 2878 | 244163 |
TheSoulfulEMU | 2338 | 130121 | 128255 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
3,030 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 532 |
Twitter for iPhone | 96 |
Twitter Web Client | 2 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1623558368374980616 | Anthony Allosaurus sends his regards..! | 614 |
1648792561648037893 | | 512 |
1625247595504234521 | How we treat trans people, especially young trans people, is a major test of our love, compassion and shared humanity. So many are answering 'to hell with all that, the only thing that matters is following the RULES. Following MY rules. If you don't, you deserve to suffer.' | 392 |
1608120722315952129 | No big plans for 2023, but it WILL be the year I defeat God. | 269 |
1656493363678310400 | CNN was more responsible for bringing us Trump in 2016 than Fox News, and it’s not even close. They’ve decided to do it again because: $$$. Absolutely fuck @CNN, forever. Do not watch them, starve them of ratings, kill this shitty network. cc: @jaketapper @andersoncooper | 234 |
1651998836473184257 | What a fucking monster | 212 |
1636077559212302337 | @bethanyshondark A full day later, and all you got is: 1) I'm the real victim, the nasty Black lady said something mean about mommies 2) a ridiculous word salad 100% dependent on overuse of the word "radical." But still "how they dress cartoon M&Ms in commercials" qualifies in your victim-brain. | 198 |
1625247597202927629 | Whatever your opinions on trans issues -- whether simple or complicated (and without going into details, my history is not exemplary) -- my god, if you don't see trans people as fellow humans worthy of love and compassion, and declare them a threat... well, you've lost your soul. | 184 |
1608192535872020482 | @elonmusk @sevensixfive @DanielleFong you GO, girl! live your truth queen. | 173 |
1619749950665134080 | For the Superbowl they should just rerun all the crypto ads from last year. Good fun for all. | 162 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1608192535872020482 | @elonmusk @sevensixfive @DanielleFong you GO, girl! live your truth queen. | 14391 |
1623558368374980616 | Anthony Allosaurus sends his regards..! | 6709 |
1636077559212302337 | @bethanyshondark A full day later, and all you got is: 1) I'm the real victim, the nasty Black lady said something mean about mommies 2) a ridiculous word salad 100% dependent on overuse of the word "radical." But still "how they dress cartoon M&Ms in commercials" qualifies in your victim-brain. | 5355 |
1631808986868580356 | RIP to our mother, Ursula Corbett. A wonderful mom and lovely person. Born in Brooklyn NY, daughter of immigrants, she survived some hard times and always kept her sunny sense of humor. We’ll miss her so much! Love you Mom, see you on the other side someday. Rest well. ❤️ | 4052 |
1640527432145854468 | RIP to our dad, Jack Corbett. A great father and grandpa. This comes just three weeks after our Mom passed away. So much grief. But Jack was clear that he wanted to join Ursula soon. And… he did! We’ll miss them both so much. Rest well together, folks. We love you! ❤️ | 3866 |
1648792561648037893 | | 3741 |
1625247595504234521 | How we treat trans people, especially young trans people, is a major test of our love, compassion and shared humanity. So many are answering 'to hell with all that, the only thing that matters is following the RULES. Following MY rules. If you don't, you deserve to suffer.' | 2454 |
1651998836473184257 | What a fucking monster | 2139 |
1619749950665134080 | For the Superbowl they should just rerun all the crypto ads from last year. Good fun for all. | 2087 |
1637939389803245568 | @alexmeshkin Unpopular, probably. Fucking stupid as hell, definitely. | 1968 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#rippele | 2 |
#bonerses | 1 |
#bebest | 1 |
#coronation | 1 |
#apes | 1 |
#nft | 1 |
#profit | 1 |
#jimmyfallon | 1 |
#maxfundrive | 1 |
#tyrenichols | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@elonmusk | 10 |
@daveanthony | 7 |
@sfsketchfest | 7 |
@tesla | 7 |
@petersagal | 6 |
@jamesurbaniak | 6 |
@edzitron | 5 |
@gailsimone | 4 |
@kristinhersh | 4 |
@rachelmillman | 4 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
❤️ | 16 | red_heart |
🏆 | 10 | trophy |
👍 | 6 | thumbs_up |
🐈⬛ | 3 | black_cat |
🇺🇸 | 2 | United_States |
🐈 | 2 | cat |
✊ | 1 | raised_fist |
🙏 | 1 | folded_hands |
💕 | 1 | two_hearts |
💙 | 1 | blue_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 19 |
Activities | 10 |
People & Body | 8 |
Animals & Nature | 5 |
Flags | 2 |
Food & Drink | 1 |
Symbols | 1 |