Account Summary
Let’s take action to help create positive change for those living with mental health issues. #BellLetsTalk
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
8 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14100146 | 572828 | 7452 |
WilliamShatner | 2560307 | 613 | 109474 |
MapleLeafs | 2082156 | 186 | 113245 |
6BillionPeople | 2033683 | 4023158 | 183298 |
Meghan_Trainor | 1987659 | 3042 | 13641 |
foleyispod | 1975095 | 3304 | 26927 |
JDaIey | 1230363 | 1015775 | 43029 |
johnnyorlando | 1027288 | 22729 | 6591 |
NikkiSixx | 930249 | 422 | 29857 |
BuffaloSabres | 916619 | 426 | 103615 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4023158 | 2033683 | 183298 |
JDaIey | 1015775 | 1230363 | 43029 |
ZachBoychuk | 683625 | 828902 | 9259 |
JohnCena | 572828 | 14100146 | 7452 |
PleasureEllis | 408269 | 685347 | 184195 |
EthanCramer | 379395 | 174691 | 14826 |
nonprofitorgs | 369944 | 773939 | 35346 |
Road_2_Ft_Worth | 239899 | 224147 | 59808 |
Free_Media_Hub | 224632 | 240671 | 725067 |
LeahWestMusic | 207833 | 273201 | 14965 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
InSpiteOfTrump | 1245532 | 32313 | 18155 |
bannerite | 1207388 | 95689 | 78020 |
TeshawnEdmonds | 1159518 | 3920 | 4994 |
GRANDFINERY | 845851 | 42135 | 22205 |
FrecklesXX20 | 832415 | 6963 | 6098 |
terpsichore_los | 738355 | 1497 | 4931 |
Free_Media_Hub | 725067 | 240671 | 224632 |
trinleylhamo17 | 659385 | 503 | 2226 |
LOYALFAN1 | 656533 | 20290 | 22473 |
AWorldOutOfMind | 608635 | 33907 | 31603 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31664 | 572828 | 14100146 |
WilliamShatner | 23394 | 613 | 2560307 |
good | 18146 | 1346 | 816543 |
PleasureEllis | 13399 | 408269 | 685347 |
PierreVLeBrun | 11449 | 1387 | 840829 |
jeffjarvis | 11114 | 4730 | 175518 |
paul_steele | 9872 | 158002 | 647292 |
nonprofitorgs | 9466 | 369944 | 773939 |
MapleLeafs | 7502 | 186 | 2082156 |
margaretcho | 7039 | 87301 | 449933 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
811 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1486179587495186437 | It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day! Check out how these celebrities look after their own mental health and join the conversation. For each video view, Bell donates an additional 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives. #BellLetsTalk | 24083 |
1486307933348499459 | Rise and shine! Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Skip the snooze button this morning and join the conversation to help drive Bell donations for mental health initiatives in Canada! | 5252 |
1618223471682621443 | Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! One of the ways we can all take action is to learn about mental health organizations creating positive change for mental health in Canada…every day. | 4581 |
1354966251077062656 | Hey Westcoast! It's getting a little late out east, so we're passing the torch west! Help us push across the finish line, we're counting on you! #BellLetsTalk | 2445 |
1354923384333873152 | That’s 100 million interactions! Thank you for your incredible participation. Let’s keep going! Now more than ever, every action counts! | 2327 |
1354963068602769420 | Congratulations everyone, we’ve reached 125 million interactions! Go, go, go! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 1886 |
1354996156766556163 | We are getting close to beating our record of 154 million interactions. Help us break it! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 1827 |
1355010478976741379 | Breaking news: we’ve just set a new #BellLetsTalk Day record with 154 971 256 interactions! But the day is not over yet! 😎 | 1658 |
1486362667317174278 | We've reached 25 million interactions and counting! Let's keep the conversation going and see how far we can go #BellLetsTalk | 1316 |
1618234245574709248 | Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day! We are thrilled to be highlighting 30 organizations across Canada that are working to create positive change. Learn more below about the actions people are taking today: #BellLetsTalk | 1293 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1486179587495186437 | It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day! Check out how these celebrities look after their own mental health and join the conversation. For each video view, Bell donates an additional 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives. #BellLetsTalk | 1914 |
1611010940182429696 | Together, we can all take action and help create positive change for people living with mental health issues. Join us on January 25th for Bell Let’s Talk Day. #BellLetsTalk **Visit for mental health resources.** | 395 |
1618223471682621443 | Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! One of the ways we can all take action is to learn about mental health organizations creating positive change for mental health in Canada…every day. | 345 |
1486307933348499459 | Rise and shine! Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Skip the snooze button this morning and join the conversation to help drive Bell donations for mental health initiatives in Canada! | 135 |
1355137626723000326 | Canadians and people around the world set all-new records for engagement in the mental health conversation on #BellLetsTalk Day 2021, sharing 159,173,435 messages of support and driving $7,958,671.75 in new mental health funding by Bell. | 115 |
1354966251077062656 | Hey Westcoast! It's getting a little late out east, so we're passing the torch west! Help us push across the finish line, we're counting on you! #BellLetsTalk | 82 |
1355010478976741379 | Breaking news: we’ve just set a new #BellLetsTalk Day record with 154 971 256 interactions! But the day is not over yet! 😎 | 71 |
1478352083493527558 | #BellLetsTalk Day 2022 is January 26! As we continue to focus on action to increase awareness around #mentalhealth and mental illness, we encourage Canadians to keep listening, keep talking and keep being there for ourselves and each other. Learn more: | 70 |
1479090383627894786 | This week we launched the 12th annual #BellLetsTalk Day campaign where we are encouraging Canadians to keep listening, keep talking and keep being there for themselves and each other. Visit our website to learn how you can join in: | 64 |
1354996156766556163 | We are getting close to beating our record of 154 million interactions. Help us break it! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 59 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1486179587495186437 | It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day! Check out how these celebrities look after their own mental health and join the conversation. For each video view, Bell donates an additional 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives. #BellLetsTalk | 3276 |
1486307933348499459 | Rise and shine! Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Skip the snooze button this morning and join the conversation to help drive Bell donations for mental health initiatives in Canada! | 439 |
1618223471682621443 | Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! One of the ways we can all take action is to learn about mental health organizations creating positive change for mental health in Canada…every day. | 373 |
1355137626723000326 | Canadians and people around the world set all-new records for engagement in the mental health conversation on #BellLetsTalk Day 2021, sharing 159,173,435 messages of support and driving $7,958,671.75 in new mental health funding by Bell. | 264 |
1354923384333873152 | That’s 100 million interactions! Thank you for your incredible participation. Let’s keep going! Now more than ever, every action counts! | 232 |
1355010478976741379 | Breaking news: we’ve just set a new #BellLetsTalk Day record with 154 971 256 interactions! But the day is not over yet! 😎 | 222 |
1354996156766556163 | We are getting close to beating our record of 154 million interactions. Help us break it! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 173 |
1354966251077062656 | Hey Westcoast! It's getting a little late out east, so we're passing the torch west! Help us push across the finish line, we're counting on you! #BellLetsTalk | 143 |
1486362667317174278 | We've reached 25 million interactions and counting! Let's keep the conversation going and see how far we can go #BellLetsTalk | 116 |
1354963068602769420 | Congratulations everyone, we’ve reached 125 million interactions! Go, go, go! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 112 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1486179587495186437 | It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day! Check out how these celebrities look after their own mental health and join the conversation. For each video view, Bell donates an additional 5¢ to Canadian mental health initiatives. #BellLetsTalk | 22687 |
1618223471682621443 | Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! One of the ways we can all take action is to learn about mental health organizations creating positive change for mental health in Canada…every day. | 4413 |
1486307933348499459 | Rise and shine! Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Skip the snooze button this morning and join the conversation to help drive Bell donations for mental health initiatives in Canada! | 3527 |
1355010478976741379 | Breaking news: we’ve just set a new #BellLetsTalk Day record with 154 971 256 interactions! But the day is not over yet! 😎 | 2794 |
1354923384333873152 | That’s 100 million interactions! Thank you for your incredible participation. Let’s keep going! Now more than ever, every action counts! | 2479 |
1355137626723000326 | Canadians and people around the world set all-new records for engagement in the mental health conversation on #BellLetsTalk Day 2021, sharing 159,173,435 messages of support and driving $7,958,671.75 in new mental health funding by Bell. | 2164 |
1354966251077062656 | Hey Westcoast! It's getting a little late out east, so we're passing the torch west! Help us push across the finish line, we're counting on you! #BellLetsTalk | 1934 |
1354963068602769420 | Congratulations everyone, we’ve reached 125 million interactions! Go, go, go! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 1437 |
1354996156766556163 | We are getting close to beating our record of 154 million interactions. Help us break it! Now more than ever, every action counts! #BellLetsTalk | 1373 |
1611010940182429696 | Together, we can all take action and help create positive change for people living with mental health issues. Join us on January 25th for Bell Let’s Talk Day. #BellLetsTalk **Visit for mental health resources.** | 1338 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#bellletstalk | 259 |
#mentalhealth | 77 |
#mentalhealthweek | 13 |
#covid19 | 11 |
#miaw21 | 9 |
#pridemonth | 4 |
#getreal | 4 |
#depression | 4 |
#pride | 4 |
#mentalillness | 4 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@kidshelpphone | 14 |
@camimh_acmmsm | 13 |
@cmha_ntl | 10 |
@foundrybc | 7 |
@camhnews | 6 |
@redcrosscanada | 5 |
@cmhaww | 5 |
@anxiety_canada | 4 |
@mhcc_ | 4 |
@jackdotorg | 4 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
💙 | 4 | blue_heart |
🎙 | 2 | studio_microphone |
🙌 | 1 | raising_hands |
😉 | 1 | winking_face |
👏 | 1 | clapping_hands |
😎 | 1 | smiling_face_with_sunglasses |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 6 |
Objects | 2 |
People & Body | 2 |