Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

3 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 2118
life 1757
student 1228
nature 1110
lover 1076
world 967
photographer 784
music 717
science 707
live 568

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#nature 57
#photography 39
#art 31
#nft 29
#blm 28
#travel 28
#bitcoin 27
#sustainability 25
#climatechange 24
#crypto 23

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105435 571098 7447
miguelhotero 1928512 1089457 65360
keremgorsev 724866 311 37692
France5tv 668522 1027 31571
RVCJ_FB 633584 1464 130777
LearnEnglish_BC 438832 4906 15616
MyNintendoNews 412057 966 69883
GastonTrezeguet 373342 196 3197
RealCoryMachado 372603 371532 18463
MelBala 368870 2142 74554

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
miguelhotero 1089457 1928512 65360
JohnCena 571098 14105435 7447
RealCoryMachado 371532 372603 18463
aveirjapan 177163 202306 126090
1drcole 167106 180743 237864
captsingh 79802 72731 342007
_SgtSlaughter 79387 100049 81546
RealisticPoetry 75205 81770 95189
IzabelleFores 58225 154167 42908
coffee_anytime 45485 110761 171942

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
SergeyUsatchev 1251446 9180 6615
M0NI0 1245227 1240 4292
MonoFai 1202131 2071 2361
Allchanges 1100906 7109 7830
mumaralid 716462 1343 505
ivyisaivy 562455 93 416
rurya_niji 471361 1149 751
PuddinSkippyy 433203 46763 33518
VenusManTrap22 404156 4092 4807
valameen 402904 2324 2411

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31685 571098 14105435
miguelhotero 6709 1089457 1928512
umairh 6032 1671 229349
MyNintendoNews 5005 966 412057
LearnEnglish_BC 3429 4906 438832
France5tv 2423 1027 668522
holamaytte 1884 107 240602
BBCNewsEnts 1754 48 113358
aveirjapan 1532 177163 202306
santoshajmeera 1403 10050 16043

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,086 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1292022742137466880 Happy #InternationalCatDay! Who knew deadly could be so cute! The black-footed cat is the deadliest wild cat in the world 😲 6558
1290965802838097921 Adaptation in action. Look closely... that is not a spider. 🐍 The spider-tailed horned viper was only discovered recently and has been seen in Western Iran. #SevenWorldsOnePlanet 5005
1344976667194875907 A New Year’s message from Sir David Attenborough. 🌍 #PerfectPlanet 2361
1344931386206134272 Cautiously stepping into 2021 like... #NaturalWorld 2182
1313841620496904193 A very rare sight 😍 ⁣ Earlier this year, photographer Anurag Gawande captured something very special. The black leopard, whose dark coat is caused by a genetic mutation called melanism, was spotted roaming through Tadoba National Park in India. #EarthCapture by Anurag Gawande 1931
1348364501964484615 The wood frog freezes during the winter months and its heart completely stops beating. As the sun reappears, over a period of 12-24 hours, the frog will thaw and come back to life. Pretty neat, huh? 🐸 #PerfectPlanet 1373
1292098251643072516 Friend: Just smile normally Me: #InternationalCatDay 1300
1402232587427487744 The story behind that haunting image... #WorldOceansDay 1087
1314188816077533186 That's certainly one way to get from A to B. πŸ˜†πŸ™ #WorldOctopusDay 874
1524757183577083904 This is what the centre of our Milky Way ACTUALLY looks like 🀯 This the first ever photo of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. But how on Earth do you photograph a black hole? #BlackHole 839

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1290965802838097921 Adaptation in action. Look closely... that is not a spider. 🐍 The spider-tailed horned viper was only discovered recently and has been seen in Western Iran. #SevenWorldsOnePlanet 245
1292022742137466880 Happy #InternationalCatDay! Who knew deadly could be so cute! The black-footed cat is the deadliest wild cat in the world 😲 222
1407654792164483077 Peek a boo! #EarthsTropicalIslands 174
1344976667194875907 A New Year’s message from Sir David Attenborough. 🌍 #PerfectPlanet 135
1348364501964484615 The wood frog freezes during the winter months and its heart completely stops beating. As the sun reappears, over a period of 12-24 hours, the frog will thaw and come back to life. Pretty neat, huh? 🐸 #PerfectPlanet 133
1298674078237286400 We want to see your doggos! πŸ‘€ Share your pics in the comments below 😍🐢 #InternationalDogDay 110
1313841620496904193 A very rare sight 😍 ⁣ Earlier this year, photographer Anurag Gawande captured something very special. The black leopard, whose dark coat is caused by a genetic mutation called melanism, was spotted roaming through Tadoba National Park in India. #EarthCapture by Anurag Gawande 105
1362763873649098752 Who knew ravens were so clever?! 🀯 #AnimalEinsteins 79
1365995179115753472 Just a honey badger making a quick getaway. πŸ˜‚ #NaturalWorld 76
1344931386206134272 Cautiously stepping into 2021 like... #NaturalWorld 75

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1290965802838097921 Adaptation in action. Look closely... that is not a spider. 🐍 The spider-tailed horned viper was only discovered recently and has been seen in Western Iran. #SevenWorldsOnePlanet 1753
1292022742137466880 Happy #InternationalCatDay! Who knew deadly could be so cute! The black-footed cat is the deadliest wild cat in the world 😲 994
1344976667194875907 A New Year’s message from Sir David Attenborough. 🌍 #PerfectPlanet 428
1348364501964484615 The wood frog freezes during the winter months and its heart completely stops beating. As the sun reappears, over a period of 12-24 hours, the frog will thaw and come back to life. Pretty neat, huh? 🐸 #PerfectPlanet 350
1369664360373686274 The early bird catches ALL of the worms! 🐦⁣ The South Island takahΔ“ is a flightless bird indigenous to New Zealand. Thought to be extinct, the species was re-discovered in 1948 and there are now just over 400 takahΔ“ birds in New Zealand.⁣ ⁣ #EarthCapture by Douglas Thorne 294
1344931386206134272 Cautiously stepping into 2021 like... #NaturalWorld 188
1291781170498342912 In the dictionary under heart-stopping. 😳 #Serengeti 180
1333017984584060930 Taking a big whiff! 🌼 ⁣ Photographer Dick Van Duijn captured this incredible photograph of a European ground squirrel in Vienna, Austria. He spent over two hours, taking over 200 photos before the squirrel leaned in and took a tasty bite! #EarthCapture by @dickvduijn 176
1313841620496904193 A very rare sight 😍 ⁣ Earlier this year, photographer Anurag Gawande captured something very special. The black leopard, whose dark coat is caused by a genetic mutation called melanism, was spotted roaming through Tadoba National Park in India. #EarthCapture by Anurag Gawande 172
1322508786549071874 Despite their name, genetic research shows that the maned wolf is neither fox or wolf. Instead, it's classified as its own distinct species and the only member of the Chrysocyon family. The perfect hybrid animal to celebrate Halloween! πŸŽƒ #EarthCapture by Luigi Seronni 168

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1292022742137466880 Happy #InternationalCatDay! Who knew deadly could be so cute! The black-footed cat is the deadliest wild cat in the world 😲 15720
1290965802838097921 Adaptation in action. Look closely... that is not a spider. 🐍 The spider-tailed horned viper was only discovered recently and has been seen in Western Iran. #SevenWorldsOnePlanet 13951
1344931386206134272 Cautiously stepping into 2021 like... #NaturalWorld 10030
1313841620496904193 A very rare sight 😍 ⁣ Earlier this year, photographer Anurag Gawande captured something very special. The black leopard, whose dark coat is caused by a genetic mutation called melanism, was spotted roaming through Tadoba National Park in India. #EarthCapture by Anurag Gawande 8027
1348364501964484615 The wood frog freezes during the winter months and its heart completely stops beating. As the sun reappears, over a period of 12-24 hours, the frog will thaw and come back to life. Pretty neat, huh? 🐸 #PerfectPlanet 6313
1344976667194875907 A New Year’s message from Sir David Attenborough. 🌍 #PerfectPlanet 5252
1477640841481105408 On Wednesdays we wear pink πŸ’β€β™€οΈ The pink robin (Petroica rodinogaster) is native to south-eastern Australia. Unlike its European relatives, it is quite small in size, measuring about 13.5 cm. #EarthCapture by Ravi Arora 4258
1322508786549071874 Despite their name, genetic research shows that the maned wolf is neither fox or wolf. Instead, it's classified as its own distinct species and the only member of the Chrysocyon family. The perfect hybrid animal to celebrate Halloween! πŸŽƒ #EarthCapture by Luigi Seronni 4181
1327355578851713027 Pininga turtles will travel vast distances over sand dunes in search of water and food. This is what happens when they come across a lagoon. #EarthFromSpace 4026
1355972135890677775 The keepers of these orphaned elephants replace a lost elephant family. They provide the tender, loving care and the nurturing that is so important for them to heal. πŸ’š #PerfectPlanet 3926

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#earthcapture 634
#perfectplanet 189
#primates 100
#sevenworldsoneplanet 85
#earthonlocation 79
#stayinandexplore 67
#animalimpossible 58
#animaleinsteins 43
#frozenplanet2 31
#greenplanet 31

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@bbcnews 309
@bbc_future 87
@bbc_travel 29
@bbcworld 26
@bbcone 24
@bbciplayer 23
@dr_shack_ 8
@spiderdaynight 8
@bbccountryfile 5
@hannahstitfall 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
πŸ‘‰ 217 backhand_index_pointing_right
😍 111 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
πŸ‘€ 99 eyes
Β© 67 copyright
πŸ“Έ 59 camera_with_flash
πŸ€” 55 thinking_face
❄️ 48 snowflake
🀯 46 exploding_head
🌱 43 seedling
😲 42 astonished_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 682
Animals & Nature 681
People & Body 524
Travel & Places 258
Objects 154
Symbols 106
Food & Drink 69
Activities 49
Flags 32