Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @batcowls
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
This tweets discusses the Batman: Year One digital comic that those who own Bat Cowls in the Palm wallet on May 3 2023 will receive for free. Also, some holders of Bat Cowls were being sent POAPs for part 2 of the Battle of the Cowls. Lastly, it mentions the Flash trailer which resulted in an increase of interest in the comic.
Topic Modeling
- Batman universe
- DC Comics
- BroadsideNFT & BatCowls
- Digital comics & open marketplaces
- Community interaction and fan appreciation
Emotional Analysis
The overall sentiment expressed in these tweets is one of enthusiasm and excitement. The tweets mention various topics related to Batman, such as the Bat Cowl, Batman: Year One, Brainiac, and The Flash movie. Many of the tweets express appreciation for the Batman-related products and experiences available, such as the DCNFTOfficial marketplace and the Battle of the Cowls event. Additionally, there is a sense of community, as the tweets mention the support of other Batman fans and the collaboration of different teams and organizations.
Trend Analysis
- BAT COWLS – Airdropping of Batman comic and features of a digital comic.
- Matt Mason Interview – Key Takeaway & why only floor we care.
- DC Comics – Batman Comics, limited pieces of copy and the free DC comics copy to Bat Cowl holders.
- Battle of the Cowls – POAPs message to all Round 1 participants.
- The Flash trailer – Major Boost of the comic.
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 584 |
Twitter for Android | 354 |
Twitter Web App | 175 |
DCRetweetBot | 3 |
Twitter for iPad | 3 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
JLEEWALLS1 | 🎙 JLΞΞ | 🟥 jleewalls.eth | d3g3nerous.eth | 🎶life is beta in the Metaverse let’s fuckin’ goooo🎶💋| #THEMETAVERSESONG is minting now on .01 $ETH | 🚫DMs🚫 | @othersidemeta #48884 | 21,294 |
BlockchainAndy | Blockchain Andy | Crypto OG - Finding low cap gems on YouTube since 2017. All of my posts are my own opinions and NOT financial advice/ALWAYS DYOR! | 20,924 |
ComicsandCrypto | Comics and Crypto Podcast ⭕️🦇®👾 | A podcast discussing comic books, collectibles, and NFTs! Now on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify! (tweets are not financial advice, always DYOR). | 17,606 |
VectorMeldrew | ✦ Vector ☠️ Meldrew ✦ 🏴☠️ | Chief of Metaverse LARPs Building: @BroadsideNFT / @dazzleship Art: | 16,599 |
VeVeViral | ⭕️VeVeViral🦇 | Let me know if you’re buying/selling a 🏡 anywhere in the 🌎, as a realtor I’ll make sure $OMI gets burnt! 🔥⭕️Keep an emergency fund & diversify #321 Collector | 16,474 |
__TheGale__ | TheGale.nft 🌬️🌪️🕉️☠️ | Just your friendly neighborhood genius... | 12,650 |
ahchoen | ChoenLee.eth/tez ArtBaselHK NFTNYC 🎨🖼💙💛 | Award winning creative. Will steal a smile or challenge your perception of things. Robot beyond gender. Probably fictional. Curator #m1ntedasia #OffNFTNYC. | 11,782 |
ISLAND_THUNDER | Alpha⚡️ | 🎙Host of #TheJungle 🌴🔥🙉😻🐢🦁🔥🌴Every day 4:20pm EST and Coffee&Cro☕ 8:30am💎💎 @THNDR_Token @cro_kickz @CroJungleBook | 11,428 |
RetweetDc | DC Tweets | This bot RTs tweets with # s related to #DCComics, 5 random tweets per hour. Check out the pinned tweet for current retweeting # s | 10,359 |
VeVeVault | VeVe Vault | aka @OG_Vault - VeVe Vault Discord Server - | 9,513 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
JLEEWALLS1 | 🎙 JLΞΞ | 🟥 jleewalls.eth | d3g3nerous.eth | 🎶life is beta in the Metaverse let’s fuckin’ goooo🎶💋| #THEMETAVERSESONG is minting now on .01 $ETH | 🚫DMs🚫 | @othersidemeta #48884 | 21,063 |
ahchoen | ChoenLee.eth/tez ArtBaselHK NFTNYC 🎨🖼💙💛 | Award winning creative. Will steal a smile or challenge your perception of things. Robot beyond gender. Probably fictional. Curator #m1ntedasia #OffNFTNYC. | 9,726 |
VeVeVault | VeVe Vault | aka @OG_Vault - VeVe Vault Discord Server - | 9,284 |
DCBK2LA | nflchampion.eth ⭕️ Mr669.eth Dave | 3 Areas of Focus: VeVe + ENS + ChatGPT = Busy 🐝 I live in Twitter Spaces 🎙️ #SpacesHost | 6,572 |
SjtyYates | YATES ⭕G ♊️ 🅧 powercosmic.eth | Partners #108 / Todd #6832 / Miles #41 / Pride #1171 / BrokenCrayons #60 / BatCowl #82647 / Feesh #1465 / Broadside #857/858 / AKCB #3125 FF #3792 TL #2250 BS | 5,002 |
PaarthShahYT | Paarth | I am a YouTuber and a ttv streamer and I play @fortnitegame | 5,001 |
PeterBenson1969 | 7 Rings /•\ ✍️ ☠️💎 | Quadriplegic, Dad to a beautiful young lady. Lover of life. I'll know where I'm going when I get there & what I'm doing when I'm done. NFT Guru of Goats ~Swaggy | 5,000 |
CryptoTorn | Crypto Chemistry ⭕️ | We are on the verge of #cryptocurrencies mass adoption $BTC $ETH $EGLD $SOL $OMI $CRO #BTC #ETH #EGLD #SOL #OMI #CRO | 4,999 |
ReakwonE | 🟢Reakw🟢nnji | Mentally strong and physically strong #MalcomX #BruceWayne | 4,997 |
blocksmokeshow | smoke | @GenuineUndead, @NFTCryptoChicks, @weisethers and @LazyLionsNFT 💯 | 4,994 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
squawkingJAKE | NFT collector/enthusiast | 93 |
42Point0 | - | 46 |
prezweb3 | 🇵🇭🇬🇧what is web3? join me on my journey - @batcowls, @broadsidenft, @veve_official, @hro, @csgo, @godhatesnftees, @ggpoker | 44 |
BungJawstin | BatCowls 8X 🦇 | Tweety Birds 2X 🐥 |🚶🏻♂🆚 🥶🌎 | Broadsiders 7X ☠🏴☠️ | SmokeItIfYouGotIt.eth 💨 | 41 |
Legacyt02 | I am here to learn. | 34 |
frank122109 | NICE | 33 |
PirateBroNFT | Bat Cowls OG | DC3 Collector | 22 |
0011_Cederic | #BatCowls Primary Minter Host of WXYZ Gotham City Radio: DC Fanatic | 20 |
marquee005 | “Mr. Dollar Digitals” NFT 🦖🐬 Enthusiast - 🦇•🟢•☠️•💔💙•🐥•🐩⛹️♂️ | 17 |
ThaBoSS504 | Playing the game of Life | 16 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1626289791582060547 | For anyone who hasnt seen the excellent @MattMason interview with @prezweb3 this is the KEY TAKEAWAY & why the only floor we care about is THE DANCE FLOOR. 👀👇 The team's long-term vision is why we're in safe hands with @BroadsideNFT & also @batcowls. We good 😎🔥 #BONESUP ☠️🦇 | 24 |
1624221561958895619 | The creativity of the @batcowls community continues to grow. Meet one of my very favorite cowls. Big ups to @42Point0 for the love. 🔥🔥🔥🤯🥵🦇🦇🦇 #dccomics #palmNFT #Batcowls #Batfam #CowlsUp 🦇 | 14 |
1624071784818409472 | 🦇Battle of the Cowls: Part 2🦇 POAPs have been messaged to all Round 1 participants! Congratulations and thank you for your support of the @batcowls community!! Huge shout out to @mqcks108 for the artwork! They look amazing! Thank you! #battleofthecowls2 #batfam #batcowl | 13 |
1623548291903520773 | There's a @Batman comic, created by @DCComics, that has him & Nightwing fighting Brainiac in the streets of Gotham. They only made 6,667 copies & it's only available digitally through the @DCNFTOfficial marketplace. @batcowls holders got a copy for free! Pretty damn cool, IMO! | 12 |
1624832302537904128 | People that minted a Bat Cowl and still have that Cowl in their Palm wallet on May 3rd, 2023 - the one year anniversary of minting - should get airdropped a copy of Batman: Year One as a digital comic. cc: @DCNFTOfficial / @batcowls | 12 |
1625610252073988096 | @ISLAND_THUNDER Key Word Utility— because it’s the principle. @ISLAND_THUNDER @wedripz @ApersonLyeque @Crono_Ballz @MunkFinance @MrG_Nodes @BoredCandyCity @CronoSteakHouse @CrolonMars @ICawrey @crodexapp @NoBuddiesNFT @JonnyChimps @chriskaleher @Pamaj96 @batcowls @DavCas87 @GdrToken #cro #eth… | 11 |
1624409420175220736 | I’ve made a few of these 🦇 Card Markups and I’m going to do 3-4 more today first 4 to comment or DM Specs of Cowl! #heedthecall Happy Saturday @Legacyt02 @drtitomaza @DCNFTOfficial @batcowls let’s have fun and grow together💪💜🦇 | 11 |
1623994373615517697 | Future utility? @DCNFTOfficial @batcowls @PalmNft #dcnft #BatCowls | 10 |
1623902806473154561 | I would like to take the opportunity to thank @DrewBradley2323 for recovering one of my stolen @BroadsideNFT, our community is unmatched @batcowls @BroadsideNFT #LFG | 9 |
1625219376415916038 | THIS is the main reason I bought a @batcowls. The opportunity to help create a @Batman comic was too good to pass up. Seeing things I voted on come to life on the page with writing by @VincentAbnett, art by @PabloMCollar & cover by @mikeljanin has been awesome! cc: @DCComics | 9 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1624832302537904128 | People that minted a Bat Cowl and still have that Cowl in their Palm wallet on May 3rd, 2023 - the one year anniversary of minting - should get airdropped a copy of Batman: Year One as a digital comic. cc: @DCNFTOfficial / @batcowls | 93 |
1626289791582060547 | For anyone who hasnt seen the excellent @MattMason interview with @prezweb3 this is the KEY TAKEAWAY & why the only floor we care about is THE DANCE FLOOR. 👀👇 The team's long-term vision is why we're in safe hands with @BroadsideNFT & also @batcowls. We good 😎🔥 #BONESUP ☠️🦇 | 69 |
1623548291903520773 | There's a @Batman comic, created by @DCComics, that has him & Nightwing fighting Brainiac in the streets of Gotham. They only made 6,667 copies & it's only available digitally through the @DCNFTOfficial marketplace. @batcowls holders got a copy for free! Pretty damn cool, IMO! | 61 |
1623546598595891202 | Found this today wandering through the streets of Harajuku in Tokyo ⬇️ AMAZING 🤩 @batcowls #batcowls #HRO #Veve #Batman @veve_official #lookslikeRisso | 60 |
1623994373615517697 | Future utility? @DCNFTOfficial @batcowls @PalmNft #dcnft #BatCowls | 53 |
1623759880870830085 | 🤯 first time I hit a legendary LFG @batcowls @DCNFTOfficial @DCComics the wait was totally worth it. 🔥🦇🔥 | 50 |
1623902806473154561 | I would like to take the opportunity to thank @DrewBradley2323 for recovering one of my stolen @BroadsideNFT, our community is unmatched @batcowls @BroadsideNFT #LFG | 47 |
1626305477750452226 | Got my first legendary on early access! @DCNFTOfficial @batcowls | 45 |
1626432218888536066 | My new cowl 🔥 @batcowls | 45 |
1624221561958895619 | The creativity of the @batcowls community continues to grow. Meet one of my very favorite cowls. Big ups to @42Point0 for the love. 🔥🔥🔥🤯🥵🦇🦇🦇 #dccomics #palmNFT #Batcowls #Batfam #CowlsUp 🦇 | 45 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#batfam | 78 |
#batcowl | 73 |
#batcowls | 55 |
#battleofthecowls2 | 47 |
#batman | 31 |
#dccomics | 30 |
#nft | 23 |
#nftcommunity | 14 |
#87 | 13 |
#veve | 12 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@batcowls | 1131 |
@dcnftofficial | 653 |
@dccomics | 263 |
@palmnft | 217 |
@jimlee | 174 |
@caitlin_burns | 173 |
@squawkingjake | 146 |
@prezweb3 | 142 |
@legacyt02 | 134 |
@42point0 | 128 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🦇 | 377 | bat |
🔥 | 241 | fire |
🤣 | 80 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
💯 | 43 | hundred_points |
👀 | 34 | eyes |
☠️ | 28 | skull_and_crossbones |
🙏 | 28 | folded_hands |
😂 | 26 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
❤️ | 21 | red_heart |
🚀 | 18 | rocket |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Animals & Nature | 401 |
Smileys & Emotion | 373 |
Travel & Places | 289 |
People & Body | 175 |
Activities | 37 |
Symbols | 35 |
Food & Drink | 20 |
Objects | 16 |
Flags | 3 |