Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1 days
Average age of tweets authors' accounts
5 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 1171 |
Twitter for Android | 1107 |
Twitter Web App | 995 |
Twitter for iPad | 160 |
TweetDeck | 7 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
JoyAnnReid | Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) Reid 😷 | 2,131,141 |
RexChapman | Rex Chapman🏇🏼 | 1,241,996 |
DrJeffersnBoggs | #BlueCrew 🌊 #FBR #drcole #Resist 🌊 #FBPE🌊 #BLM | 582,052 |
PeterAlexander | Peter Alexander | 512,615 |
esglaude | Eddie S. Glaude Jr. | 345,463 |
AsianGuyStream | Atsu | 224,071 |
joelpollak | Joel Pollak | 212,916 |
JayPharoah | Jay Pharoah | 202,441 |
kurtbardella | Kurt Bardella | 171,169 |
BeyondMeat | Beyond Meat | 135,223 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
DrJeffersnBoggs | #BlueCrew 🌊 #FBR #drcole #Resist 🌊 #FBPE🌊 #BLM | 584,739 |
johncslaughter | Texas John Slaughter | 83,813 |
kodiak149 | kodiak149 | 68,754 |
BrenSumner | Brenda 💃🥂🌊 | 51,894 |
HeinzRudolf155 | HeinzRudolf155 | 43,179 |
PauWitkowski | Paul Witkowski | 39,150 |
bridgetekelly | Bridget E. Kelly | 37,326 |
1MikeyOB | Michael OBrien | 37,049 |
AriaaJaeger | Ariaa® Jaeger | 35,420 |
dawnresist | ☮🌻#Ukraine🌻#IndictmentWatch⚖ #TickTock☠ | 32,852 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
ElohimSaves | 44 |
1Heathbar | 37 |
lindaesther771 | 32 |
sixsign | 29 |
NotClaudeRains | 29 |
DaAnsahonSports | 28 |
OzielNatalie | 26 |
LentSjaak | 22 |
CommonGroundToo | 21 |
YukiCookie8 | 20 |
Tweets per day
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1564774877051207681 | Okay, here's my pitch for President @BarackObama and his Netflix deal: civics. There is a deeply deficient knowledge of how government works both philosophically and practically. Obama Teaches Civics, 9 episode series. Shoot it in a high school classroom with students. | 477 |
1564975566129872897 | Think about all the noise Republicans made about @BarackObama’s birth certificate. Now compare that to their response to Donald Trump’s efforts to steal classified documents. | 440 |
1565067267158597632 | We've never seen a White House demagogue against fellow Americans like this. Not under Trump, not even under @BarackObama. Calling opponents "semi-fascist"; falsely accusing them of backing violence; and refusing to absolve ordinary voters, all while "defending democracy." Awful. | 168 |
1564741950133215232 | 🚨Action Now ‼️ 🚨#StopWarOnTigray 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission | 163 |
1564712131924303878 | 🚨Action Now ‼️ 🚨#StopWarOnTigray 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission | 156 |
1564756308573786112 | 🚨Action Now ‼️ 🚨#StopWarOnTigray 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission | 136 |
1564743726307622914 | 🚨Action Now ‼️ 🚨#StopWarOnTigray 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission | 119 |
1564796100694798336 | IC Action Now ‼️ 🚨#StopWarOnTigray 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission @UN_HRC @CNN @cnni @AP @UN @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber | 111 |
1564762710088290304 | #BreakingNews! Abiy Ahmed's forces have bombed Mekelle today. The latest airstrike targeting residential areas and general hospital of mekelle.Aug.31/2022🚨Action Now ‼️ 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission | 111 |
1564774612688314368 | 🚨Action Now ‼️ 🚨#StopWarOnTigray 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack 🚨#MekelleUnderAttack @POTUS @USAmbUN @amnesty @PowerUSAID @BarackObama @antonioguterres @EU_Commission @ga_haile | 93 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1564774877051207681 | Okay, here's my pitch for President @BarackObama and his Netflix deal: civics. There is a deeply deficient knowledge of how government works both philosophically and practically. Obama Teaches Civics, 9 episode series. Shoot it in a high school classroom with students. | 1778 |
1564975566129872897 | Think about all the noise Republicans made about @BarackObama’s birth certificate. Now compare that to their response to Donald Trump’s efforts to steal classified documents. | 1681 |
1564979116453027841 | .@POTUS and @FLOTUS will host @BarackObama and @MichelleObama for the unveiling of their official White House portraits next Wednesday, as @carolelee first reported. | 730 |
1565067267158597632 | We've never seen a White House demagogue against fellow Americans like this. Not under Trump, not even under @BarackObama. Calling opponents "semi-fascist"; falsely accusing them of backing violence; and refusing to absolve ordinary voters, all while "defending democracy." Awful. | 487 |
1564729037091741696 | Ok whyyyy am I in here as "pundits???" I demand an audience with each and every person in this clip. Please contact @thereidout booking team immediately, @EricHolder @iamwill @JayPharoah and @BarackObama. Thank you for your time. And y'all out there be sure to REGISTER & VOTE! | 360 |
1564750585382834177 | @catturd2 @EricHolder and @BarackObama ran an operation called ‘fast and furious’. They supplied Mexican drug cartels with guns in hopes that an atrocity would be committed with one, giving them power to confiscated guns. Brian Terry was a federal agent killed by one of their guns. RIP. | 194 |
1565001277045702656 | NEW: Former President @BarackObama and former First Lady @MichelleObama will return to the White House on September 7 for the unveiling of their official portraits. | 178 |
1564803320245587970 | @baovtuber @BarackObama | 163 |
1565026116825407488 | Good news and congrats @BarackObama - "Former US president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will finally unveil their official portraits at the White House next week after being denied the honor by Donald Trump." | 145 |
1564691530857648128 | @DemRedistrict @BarackObama @EricHolder @johnlegend @JayPharoah @iamwill One of the least visible but most important parts of the effort to save democracy. | 92 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#mekelleunderattack | 234 |
#stopwarontigray | 46 |
#44 | 39 |
#projectyellowstonepark | 26 |
#inventorerrolraylynch | 24 |
#climateaction | 24 |
#patent | 23 |
#volcanoes | 23 |
#donaldjtrump | 21 |
#voteblue | 14 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@barackobama | 3498 |
@potus | 533 |
@joebiden | 387 |
@ericholder | 373 |
@jaypharoah | 335 |
@iamwill | 326 |
@demredistrict | 322 |
@johnlegend | 318 |
@obamafoundation | 216 |
@hillaryclinton | 171 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Percentage of Emojis used in tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🚨 | 307 | police_car_light |
🤡 | 133 | clown_face |
😡 | 99 | pouting_face |
😂 | 92 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
‼️ | 71 | double_exclamation_mark |
💙 | 63 | blue_heart |
❤️ | 52 | red_heart |
🤣 | 43 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🇺🇸 | 41 | United_States |
🌊 | 37 | water_wave |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 852 |
Travel & Places | 454 |
People & Body | 281 |
Flags | 170 |
Objects | 170 |
Symbols | 169 |
Animals & Nature | 47 |
Food & Drink | 38 |
Activities | 35 |