Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @b92vesti
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
The tweets express frustration and anger towards regime-controlled television stations in Serbia such as RTS Vesti, RtvPink, and B92vesti, accusing them of blocking coverage of protests and serving the regime instead of the people. There are also attacks on specific individuals, such as Aleksandar Vucic, and calls for legal action against threats and violence. Many of the tweets suggest that the stations should lose funding and accuse them of spreading propaganda.
Topic Modeling
- Media censorship
- Criticism of government and ruling party
- Disapproval of mainstream media
- Nationalism and patriotism
- Political corruption
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of negative emotions such as anger, frustration, and disgust towards Serbian news outlets that are perceived to be serving the government and blocking information from the public. There are also threats and insults directed towards these news outlets and their staff. The tweets also touch on political issues and accuse the government of lying and manipulating information. Overall, there is a sense of mistrust towards the media and the government.
Trend Analysis
- Criticism of Serbian government-run media outlets, including RTS Vesti, RtvPink, B92Vesti, PrvaSrpskaTV, and officialtvhappy
- Personal attacks on individuals and entities, including editors and reporters affiliated with B92Vesti
- Calls for action against the Serbian government and its leaders, including President Aleksandar Vucic
- Disparaging remarks and insults directed towards various news outlets and journalists, including InformerNovine, N1infoBG, and ALONovine
- Allegations of biased reporting and propaganda by several media organizations, including B92Vesti, RTS Vesti, and RtvPink
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 20 |
Twitter Web App | 10 |
Twitter for iPhone | 2 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
Ivkovic1244 | Вељко Ивковић 🇷🇸 | Апсолвент историје, родољуб, близанац... | 9,249 |
radostmala | Лудост | "Kad bi ljudi znali koliko malo pameti upravlja svetom, umrli bi od straha." | 3,017 |
valter41 | Igor | - | 2,535 |
VlaskiMag | Vlaški Mag 🧙♂️ 🇺🇦 | Gandalf za sirotilju. | 1,497 |
MraticSasa | Саша Мратић | Потпредседник Нове снаге Србије | 1,111 |
doockey | doockey | Moje vrline su skrivene, ali su mi zato mane vidljive! | 1,072 |
glitterDplanet | ✨Ruby glitter✨ | Priroda je lepa, al' zajebano društvo. I look yummy and they want a taste, but I'm a human not a sandwich. CEO of xe xe; | 989 |
namerniprolazn6 | Avraam Lauber | Vjerujem u dobro u ljudima. | 566 |
Blueeyeddvl333 | Dejan🇷🇸 | Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori | 559 |
NovinarZaPascad | Zlatiborska Paščad | #PokretaZaPreokrtetPaščadi Profil je kreativna zajebancija | 506 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
valter41 | Igor | - | 4,597 |
Ivkovic1244 | Вељко Ивковић 🇷🇸 | Апсолвент историје, родољуб, близанац... | 4,383 |
radostmala | Лудост | "Kad bi ljudi znali koliko malo pameti upravlja svetom, umrli bi od straha." | 2,776 |
glitterDplanet | ✨Ruby glitter✨ | Priroda je lepa, al' zajebano društvo. I look yummy and they want a taste, but I'm a human not a sandwich. CEO of xe xe; | 946 |
VlaskiMag | Vlaški Mag 🧙♂️ 🇺🇦 | Gandalf za sirotilju. | 933 |
NevenkaAtanack1 | Nevenka Atanackovic | - | 741 |
doockey | doockey | Moje vrline su skrivene, ali su mi zato mane vidljive! | 709 |
NovinarZaPascad | Zlatiborska Paščad | #PokretaZaPreokrtetPaščadi Profil je kreativna zajebancija | 679 |
VladimirSper | Vladimir Šper | Producer. Slobodni mediji imaju dozvolu da autorske fotografije i video klipove sa ovog naloga objavljuju u svojim glasilima OTPOR!Do pobede! #zrenjaninjezedan | 593 |
namerniprolazn6 | Avraam Lauber | Vjerujem u dobro u ljudima. | 574 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
NovinarZaPascad | #PokretaZaPreokrtetPaščadi Profil je kreativna zajebancija | 7 |
BillyTheGoatF | Nije onaj na kojeg mislite. | 1 |
VlaskiMag | Gandalf za sirotilju. | 1 |
uhas357 | In 300 years when Evil returns so shall we.. | 1 |
slaboje | Slah-bow-yeah Goo-zee-nah | 1 |
radostmala | "Kad bi ljudi znali koliko malo pameti upravlja svetom, umrli bi od straha." | 1 |
nemanjabumer | jedna polovina DJ dua zvanog LAZAR LAZAR ig: @itslazarlazar | 1 |
namerniprolazn6 | Vjerujem u dobro u ljudima. | 1 |
glitterDplanet | Priroda je lepa, al' zajebano društvo. I look yummy and they want a taste, but I'm a human not a sandwich. CEO of xe xe; | 1 |
doockey | Moje vrline su skrivene, ali su mi zato mane vidljive! | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1636855637282897921 | Ево и за режимске телевизије @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy, које примају новац из буџета, који грађани Србије пуне, а они служе режиму и блокирају да народ види скуп... | 60 |
1637400306408464385 | Jbš mi sve @avucic definitivno nije normalan. On nam prodaje muda za bubrege! Gospodo @tuzioci dali je vreme da se neko pozove na #UstavSrbije @OnlineDanas @novarsonline @tvnova_s @NedeljnikNIN @RTS_Vesti @b92vesti | 2 |
1637075699528880128 | Jebem vam sto mile majke da vam jebem sto mile majke svima, od urednika do portira! @b92vesti | 1 |
1639907992043765762 | @srdjanmil037 @zorantomicks @avucic Nemo da me zajebeš i ne dodješ sutra kod umene ,,tašte" da preriljaš vrt! @OnlineDanas @novarsonline @hit_tvit @PortalPinkRs @InformerNovine @RTS_Vesti @b92vesti | 0 |
1637151310641348619 | @Ivkovic1244 @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy | 0 |
1636707247844646912 | @Ikeanica @b92vesti Pa se udaj u Srbiji i rađaj, ako si glupa. | 0 |
1636714145566318594 | @Ikeanica @b92vesti Jebem li im sve po spisku baš. 🤮 | 0 |
1636856424310423553 | @Ivkovic1244 @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy Treba im takodje reci da cemo im jebati kevu kad tad. | 0 |
1636883325724835840 | @Ivkovic1244 @IvanKosancic @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy Treba im oduzeti finansirsnje zbog ignorisanja ljudi. | 0 |
1636889410238046209 | @Ivkovic1244 @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy Zar vas nije bar malo sramota? | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1636855637282897921 | Ево и за режимске телевизије @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy, које примају новац из буџета, који грађани Србије пуне, а они служе режиму и блокирају да народ види скуп... | 304 |
1637075699528880128 | Jebem vam sto mile majke da vam jebem sto mile majke svima, od urednika do portira! @b92vesti | 66 |
1639907992043765762 | @srdjanmil037 @zorantomicks @avucic Nemo da me zajebeš i ne dodješ sutra kod umene ,,tašte" da preriljaš vrt! @OnlineDanas @novarsonline @hit_tvit @PortalPinkRs @InformerNovine @RTS_Vesti @b92vesti | 3 |
1637400306408464385 | Jbš mi sve @avucic definitivno nije normalan. On nam prodaje muda za bubrege! Gospodo @tuzioci dali je vreme da se neko pozove na #UstavSrbije @OnlineDanas @novarsonline @tvnova_s @NedeljnikNIN @RTS_Vesti @b92vesti | 3 |
1638108690447310851 | @XXLTulip Kakvo pitanje Evo po tvojoj agendi kada si bio Srbin dezerter sa Korduna pa se uvlačio DB u guzicu da se opereš @InformerNovine @N1infoBG @ALOnovine @Objektiv_News @b92vesti @RTS_Vesti @tvnova_s @novarsonline @PortalPinkRs @novostivecernje @Oslobodjenjeba | 2 |
1636856424310423553 | @Ivkovic1244 @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy Treba im takodje reci da cemo im jebati kevu kad tad. | 2 |
1636986107861540864 | @Ivkovic1244 @RTS_Vesti @RtvPink @b92vesti @PrvaSrpskaTV @officialtvhappy Зато РТС извештава о протестима у Фрнацуској! | 2 |
1637083395120414721 | @VlaskiMag @b92vesti Pridružujem se čestitkama ovim "Klikbejt" govedima! | 1 |
1636707247844646912 | @Ikeanica @b92vesti Pa se udaj u Srbiji i rađaj, ako si glupa. | 1 |
1636714145566318594 | @Ikeanica @b92vesti Jebem li im sve po spisku baš. 🤮 | 1 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ustavsrbije | 2 |
#srbija | 1 |
#ukraine | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@b92vesti | 32 |
@rts_vesti | 20 |
@novarsonline | 10 |
@rtvpink | 10 |
@prvasrpskatv | 10 |
@officialtvhappy | 10 |
@onlinedanas | 9 |
@ivkovic1244 | 9 |
@avucic | 8 |
@n1infobg | 7 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤮 | 3 | face_vomiting |
😄 | 1 | grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes |
🤑 | 1 | money-mouth_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 5 |