Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @azconsulatela


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Tweets are discussing the role of Armenia and Israel in the alleged death of an innocent victim. Armenia is being criticized for the Khojaly Genocide and accused of killing innocent children. Israel is being praised for their swift actions to protect civilians.

Topic Modeling

1. Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict 2. Armenia and the world 3. Armenia and the Khojaly Genocide 4. Israeli aid to Azerbaijan 5. Azerbaijan's human rights record

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from frustration and anger to pride and admiration. The first tweet expresses a sense of anticipation and worry about the potential for a death to occur. The second tweet conveys a sense of disbelief and frustration. The third tweet expresses a sense of sadness and grief for the innocent lives lost in the conflict. The fourth tweet expresses a sense of disbelief and anger at the lies being spread. The fifth tweet expresses a sense of pride and admiration for the generous and swift actions of Israel. The final tweet expresses a sense of disbelief, anger, and disgust at the actions of Armenians.

Trend Analysis

  1. Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
  2. Armenian recognition of Artsakh
  3. Azerbaijani land occupation by Armenian origin
  4. Israel's generous swift action
  5. Armenian involvement in Khojaly massacre

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 5
Twitter for iPad 1
Twitter for Android 1
Twitter Web App 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
waldman_barbara Beni Democrat💙BLM💙Animal•Lover💙Art & Design💙LBGTQ✡️Be•Kind🇺🇦See Beauty in Most Everything PRO•CHOICE is always pro•LIFE! 4,724
mizzvelouria Mizz Velouria Stop racism against #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 I support a country younger than #Coca-Cola #KarabakhisAzerbaijanArmenians are occupants 233
afabaim AfAkh 🇦🇿 145
KerimovZaur1 Ne mutlu Türküm diyene - 90
AlaturkaAmerika Alaturka Amerika Alaturka Amerika 62
western_aze Western Azerbaijan - 49
AintebtseLady Aintebtse Lady #StopArtsakhBlockade Activist for Social Justice, fight for the rights of the working people and humanitarian needs. Peace for Armenia and Artsakh from aggressor nations 🙏 25

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
waldman_barbara Beni Democrat💙BLM💙Animal•Lover💙Art & Design💙LBGTQ✡️Be•Kind🇺🇦See Beauty in Most Everything PRO•CHOICE is always pro•LIFE! 4,626
KerimovZaur1 Ne mutlu Türküm diyene - 757
mizzvelouria Mizz Velouria Stop racism against #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 I support a country younger than #Coca-Cola #KarabakhisAzerbaijanArmenians are occupants 609
AintebtseLady Aintebtse Lady #StopArtsakhBlockade Activist for Social Justice, fight for the rights of the working people and humanitarian needs. Peace for Armenia and Artsakh from aggressor nations 🙏 298
afabaim AfAkh 🇦🇿 210
western_aze Western Azerbaijan - 51
AlaturkaAmerika Alaturka Amerika Alaturka Amerika 26

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
KerimovZaur1 - 2
AintebtseLady Activist for Social Justice, fight for the rights of the working people and humanitarian needs. Peace for Armenia and Artsakh from aggressor nations 🙏 1
AlaturkaAmerika Alaturka Amerika 1
afabaim 🇦🇿 1
mizzvelouria Stop racism against #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 I support a country younger than #Coca-Cola #KarabakhisAzerbaijanArmenians are occupants 1
waldman_barbara Democrat💙BLM💙Animal•Lover💙Art & Design💙LBGTQ✡️Be•Kind🇺🇦See Beauty in Most Everything PRO•CHOICE is always pro•LIFE! 1
western_aze - 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624692251954757636 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem In conclusion- you’re full of it... 0
1624692123927822336 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem As far as I know Armenia didn’t recognize so called “artsakh” neither did any other country in the world. How many “innocent civilians” died in Karabakh,recognized Azerbaijani land occupied by armed forces of armenian origin?From what I could gather less than in Azerbaijan. 0
1624484682980270080 @western_aze @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem Keep denying, the lies you 🇦🇿make up is truly astounding…! 0
1624457164336123909 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem I'm waiting for one dead victim 0
1624428836162007040 @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem I’m so proud of Israel’s generous swift actions. They do this over and over again. ✡️ 0
1624392690136752128 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem Hilarious, says an armenian? armenians who did #KhojalyGenocide ? Seriously? If there's the one who kills innocent children, its armenians who are happy for innocent children being killed. 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624457164336123909 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem I'm waiting for one dead victim 1
1624692251954757636 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem In conclusion- you’re full of it... 0
1624692123927822336 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem As far as I know Armenia didn’t recognize so called “artsakh” neither did any other country in the world. How many “innocent civilians” died in Karabakh,recognized Azerbaijani land occupied by armed forces of armenian origin?From what I could gather less than in Azerbaijan. 0
1624484682980270080 @western_aze @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem Keep denying, the lies you 🇦🇿make up is truly astounding…! 0
1624428836162007040 @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem I’m so proud of Israel’s generous swift actions. They do this over and over again. ✡️ 0
1624392690136752128 @AintebtseLady @DavidHarrisNY @NasimiAghayev @ElinSuleymanov @hazar_khazar @azembassyus @azconsulatela @GeorgeDeek @IsraelNitzan @DavidSaranga @EmmanuelNahshon @Yuval_Rotem Hilarious, says an armenian? armenians who did #KhojalyGenocide ? Seriously? If there's the one who kills innocent children, its armenians who are happy for innocent children being killed. 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#səninləyiktürkiyə 1
#khojalygenocide 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@azconsulatela 8
@davidharrisny 6
@nasimiaghayev 6
@elinsuleymanov 6
@hazar_khazar 6
@azembassyus 6
@georgedeek 6
@israelnitzan 6
@davidsaranga 6
@emmanuelnahshon 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇦🇿 2 Azerbaijan
🇹🇷 1 Turkey
✡️ 1 star_of_David

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 3
Symbols 1