Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Aui_2000


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


@Aui_2000 discussed his latest experiences in Dota 2, including his strategy of buying boots early and utilizing them for the rest of the game. He was mentioned in the old good days by @Cloud9, along with @SingSing, @bOne7Dota, @EternaLEnVy1991, and @PieLieDieDota. There is speculation about True Sight being scrapped, and @Cloud9 is reminiscing about the collective's performance at MLG in Columbus. The discussion concluded with a fond appreciation for their feat and its potential impact.

Topic Modeling

  1. Aui_2000
  2. NA Dota
  3. Strategy Conversations
  4. Gaming Memes
  5. History of Esports

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from admiration and respect for @Aui_2000's achievements to nostalgia for the "good old days" of Dota. There is also a sense of camaraderie between the members of the Dota community, as they express appreciation for each other and share strategies and tips. Finally, there is a sense of optimism for the future, as they look forward to the potential of future successes.

Trend Analysis

  1. Aui_2000's esports career: winning a second TI and NA Dota holding him back
  2. Strategy and other game advantages: buying boots for movespeed and TP slot
  3. Memories and discussion of MLG Columbus, Good old days,& True Sight
  4. The Dota community- interacting with fellow players and supporting each other
  5. True Sight from Aui_2000's perspective and comparisons with We Say Things

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 15
Twitter Web App 15
Twitter for iPhone 11
#Esports 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
SVGDota Avery @Dota2 Professional Player/Analyst 7,654
EsportsTweeter Esports RTs Esports Retweets. Supporting Esports Worldwide!@ us for a retweet 4,866
RubyDota ruby hardcore girl gamer💘. marketing @ESLDota2. views are my own. Stand With Ukraine, Free Palestine, BLM. 3,552
CryingL1ghtning Lightning Pretty toxic, heavy conscience weighing on my soul... six shots in my revolver when im on my own 🎶 #mgk 1,894
bbbaked andrey funny seeing you here 791
Jacqthehermit Jacq | NEVER AGAIN Hermit. 587
FinleySkynner TUNDRA FIN 20 | Social Media @TundraEsports | 📧 | Prev @X13GG @B8EsportsGG @BelongArenas 368
periodknock ヨサ/ ikz 🐧❄️⚗️🎼 Den farligste Forræder blandt alle er den, ethvert Menneske har i sig selv. 365
XGeiin XGein🎮🕹 インドネシア人English/インドネシア語/日本語:Okay 初級日本語能力試験Don't Simp Respect IdolsPixiv|Steam|Origin|YouTube|Twitch: XGeinPlayStation: XGeiin 300
ImmortalFunk Christkind-Ultra semi-pro bad opinion haver. mostly music and Dota, also politics I guess. 236

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
RubyDota ruby hardcore girl gamer💘. marketing @ESLDota2. views are my own. Stand With Ukraine, Free Palestine, BLM. 4,046
XGeiin XGein🎮🕹 インドネシア人English/インドネシア語/日本語:Okay 初級日本語能力試験Don't Simp Respect IdolsPixiv|Steam|Origin|YouTube|Twitch: XGeinPlayStation: XGeiin 3,356
nesbiteleanor38 Eleanor - 3,128
delgadoloren72 Loren - 3,024
roweemma89 Emma - 1,691
ImmortalFunk Christkind-Ultra semi-pro bad opinion haver. mostly music and Dota, also politics I guess. 1,523
rahuliyer95 Rahul Iyer #SWE @Apple | ex @Twitter 1,511
periodknock ヨサ/ ikz 🐧❄️⚗️🎼 Den farligste Forræder blandt alle er den, ethvert Menneske har i sig selv. 922
manacoon ORACLE | MNCN マナ繭 Composer | Sounddesigner | 2D & 3D Artist | Coder & Developer | CC Member Addicted to games & animation | Oracle since 2k16 | #TeamModerna 887
price_linda35 Linda - 815

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
manacoon Composer | Sounddesigner | 2D & 3D Artist | Coder & Developer | CC Member Addicted to games & animation | Oracle since 2k16 | #TeamModerna 2
CokeYesPepsiNo Simultaneously smart and stupid. 1
k1t3k1t3 Bel'Bussy Enjoyer 1
bbbaked funny seeing you here 1
bengoy - 1
chephy_s Loving to play, learn and teach video games. 1
coolkeedsidk Michelangelo the Sister Chapin outta her 1
delgadoloren72 - 1
femto555 Thy Kingdom Come, Falconia 1
friesandmeat I’ll be in the garden. 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627763374355529728 Somehow I managed to convince @Aui_2000 to tell me how he won a second TI and why NA dota was holding him back all these years: 6
1626542166435676162 @JenkinsDota When I buy boots I keep them for the rest of the game, gives you lots of movespeed and is generally really useful to have Happy to talk strategy anytime @Aui_2000 🫡 2
1627974738978177026 @Aui_2000 @SVGDota This was one of the most interesting pieces of dota content I can remember. Thoroughly enjoy an Aui retrospective, like on We Say Things. As someone who has long thought you guys could have won it all if things went differently g3 vs VG, TI4 discussion was a personal highlight <3 0
1624205929448103936 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota MLG in Columbus will always go down in history in my book! 0
1624827909818159104 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota legends 0
1624359537447960578 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota And now 2023 master singsong is a wizard at hogwarts nice time to be alive 0
1624274661164089345 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota shoot arrow hit arrow masta samsung 0
1624265220310048774 @randywijoyoo @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota They are heroes who made us have extra tp slot 🥲 0
1624238679542706177 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota Master 🤗 0
1624204152544059392 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota No tp meme 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627763374355529728 Somehow I managed to convince @Aui_2000 to tell me how he won a second TI and why NA dota was holding him back all these years: 97
1626542166435676162 @JenkinsDota When I buy boots I keep them for the rest of the game, gives you lots of movespeed and is generally really useful to have Happy to talk strategy anytime @Aui_2000 🫡 47
1624178543998672905 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota singsing🫡 7
1624172483074002948 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota Good old days! aui2000, pieliedie, bone7, ferrari430 and ee... 🥲 5
1624359537447960578 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota And now 2023 master singsong is a wizard at hogwarts nice time to be alive 2
1625228460065955854 @TundraEsports @GaiminGladiator @TopsonDota @Nightfall_dota @Saksadota @Sneyking1995 @33Dota @Skiter @RAX_Nine @Aui_2000 @1xBet_Esports GGS ❤️ 2
1627790586609541121 @SVGDota @Aui_2000 NA’s doing just fine without him! 1
1627419581894598658 @Aui_2000 is there any confirmation true sight is coming out or is it scrapped? 1
1626627783400079362 @Aui_2000 @RubyDota @JenkinsDota Careful she might push you down some stairs and take your place 1
1624204152544059392 @Cloud9 @SingSing @Aui_2000 @bOne7DotA @EternaLEnVy1991 @PieLieDieDota No tp meme 1

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#esports 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@aui_2000 42
@cloud9 13
@singsing 13
@bone7dota 13
@eternalenvy1991 13
@pieliediedota 13
@svgdota 8
@tundraesports 4
@saksadota 4
@jenkinsdota 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇺🇸 3 United_States
🤗 2 smiling_face_with_open_hands
🥲 2 smiling_face_with_tear
❤️ 1 red_heart
🇵🇰 1 Pakistan
🇨🇦 1 Canada

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 5
Flags 5