Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



United Kingdom



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

5 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
f 1666
love 808
vida 798
life 704
real 494
formula 487
madrid 475
enthusiast 451
amante 434
futbol 429

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#f1 116
#bitcoin 68
#1 44
#btc 41
#nft 40
#crypto 35
#ln4 33
#fa14 26
#eth 22
#ynwa 21

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
BRKsEDU 1616315 2254 761
Albert_Rivera 1198085 2544 55839
loonaaa8 750061 365 1821
pritipatel 457693 417 6730
carrusel 401952 1208 288915
TheBraxXter 278765 258 19813
alertatotal 243054 3101 48879
lapoelkann_ 193449 214 2510
SXX6YY 191815 21927 492587
EdwardTHardy 153218 5484 4731

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
its_for_sale 75127 97809 18711
CarlosMaizOK 65272 87150 6754
luciahoff 61694 59606 190332
donderisja 52084 62102 101636
Josh_tindall 48303 44521 2770
altamiranoMLG 44248 65887 44267
alfavina 43353 124604 46876
nieuwelente 35992 40934 10104
alexpinillos82 34957 35450 18725
BrainTumourOrg 29822 29738 32612

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
MiguelHilargiak 1093435 27768 28802
AACRCD2009 828342 220 4961
lifcita 798859 3173 1944
fiomama 582827 228 480
NahidAlaei 558964 1005 2453
SXX6YY 492587 191815 21927
__gggging 475153 91 393
tanja_henry 429602 6028 2539
Rubenet085 394827 2583 2241
mariomax7 387946 2182 2935

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
Albert_Rivera 4938 2544 1198085
carrusel 3010 1208 401952
loonaaa8 2283 365 750061
pritipatel 2056 417 457693
MSweetwood 1900 958 146294
theRab 1248 7669 8500
JavierBeBee 1230 1191 19034
PonsetiRadio 1045 2097 62960
SXX6YY 919 21927 191815
BRKsEDU 861 2254 1616315

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

277 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1632420330613473280 That’s P3 Fernando, THAT'S P3!! YESSSS! 👏 22067
1637584243789291520 ¡Feliz Día del Padre! 14572
1554014220643143680 NEWS: @AstonMartinF1 announces Fernando Alonso for 2023. We are delighted to confirm that two-time #F1 World Champion @alo_oficial will join the team from next season on a multi-year contract. Tap below to read more. ⬇️ #WeClimbTogether 13282
1637576103224041474 IT'S OURS! FERNANDO RE-TAKES P3! 🏆 10483
1579079234814885890 It's not goodbye, it's see you later. Arigato gozaimasu, Suzuka. #F1 #JapaneseGP 7504
1552595356898234370 NEWS: Sebastian Vettel will retire from #F1 at the end of the 2022 season, bringing one of the greatest careers in the history of the sport to a close. Read more from Sebastian, Lawrence Stroll and Mike Krack. ⬇️ 7225
1594973233266446337 Hello, Fernando. 6958
1632447627282243584 Ooohhhh Fernando Alonso! 👏 #BahrainGP 6555
1585776853037432832 Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of respect, Sebastian Vettel will return to one of his original, iconic helmet designs at this weekend's #MexicoGP. From everybody at @AstonMartinF1, Danke Didi. #F1 6060
1609519807602331649 Welcome, @alo_oficial. 🤝 2023 starts here. 5906

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1554014220643143680 NEWS: @AstonMartinF1 announces Fernando Alonso for 2023. We are delighted to confirm that two-time #F1 World Champion @alo_oficial will join the team from next season on a multi-year contract. Tap below to read more. ⬇️ #WeClimbTogether 3489
1632420330613473280 That’s P3 Fernando, THAT'S P3!! YESSSS! 👏 2237
1631686369788526593 It’s only practice. 👀 #BahrainGP 1839
1637576103224041474 IT'S OURS! FERNANDO RE-TAKES P3! 🏆 1621
1552595356898234370 NEWS: Sebastian Vettel will retire from #F1 at the end of the 2022 season, bringing one of the greatest careers in the history of the sport to a close. Read more from Sebastian, Lawrence Stroll and Mike Krack. ⬇️ 1515
1637520737148837888 BACK-TO-BACK PODIUMS! @alo_oficial takes P3 at the #SaudiArabianGP. Let’s go, team! 💚 1031
1637584243789291520 ¡Feliz Día del Padre! 968
1628039406970871809 UPDATE: @FelipeDrugovich will attend the Bahrain test to share driving duties with Fernando Alonso. Felipe is scheduled to drive AMR23 on Thursday morning with Fernando taking over in the afternoon. Schedule for Friday and Saturday to be confirmed. 926
1625213478939009042 Introducing the #AMR23. #NewEnergy 893
1569310522155192320 NEWS: We are delighted to announce that 2022 @Formula2 Champion @FelipeDrugovich will become the first member of the @AstonMartinF1 Driver Development Programme. Tap below to find out more. 862

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1554014220643143680 NEWS: @AstonMartinF1 announces Fernando Alonso for 2023. We are delighted to confirm that two-time #F1 World Champion @alo_oficial will join the team from next season on a multi-year contract. Tap below to read more. ⬇️ #WeClimbTogether 16297
1552595356898234370 NEWS: Sebastian Vettel will retire from #F1 at the end of the 2022 season, bringing one of the greatest careers in the history of the sport to a close. Read more from Sebastian, Lawrence Stroll and Mike Krack. ⬇️ 6070
1632420330613473280 That’s P3 Fernando, THAT'S P3!! YESSSS! 👏 3212
1625213478939009042 Introducing the #AMR23. #NewEnergy 3032
1569310522155192320 NEWS: We are delighted to announce that 2022 @Formula2 Champion @FelipeDrugovich will become the first member of the @AstonMartinF1 Driver Development Programme. Tap below to find out more. 2424
1628039406970871809 UPDATE: @FelipeDrugovich will attend the Bahrain test to share driving duties with Fernando Alonso. Felipe is scheduled to drive AMR23 on Thursday morning with Fernando taking over in the afternoon. Schedule for Friday and Saturday to be confirmed. 2395
1585776853037432832 Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of respect, Sebastian Vettel will return to one of his original, iconic helmet designs at this weekend's #MexicoGP. From everybody at @AstonMartinF1, Danke Didi. #F1 2179
1631686369788526593 It’s only practice. 👀 #BahrainGP 2141
1629816258102284290 An update on our driver line-up for the #BahrainGP.  The team will continue to give Lance every chance to race, pending recovery from his injury. Should he not be fit to compete, then Felipe will drive the AMR23 alongside Fernando. 2104
1579079234814885890 It's not goodbye, it's see you later. Arigato gozaimasu, Suzuka. #F1 #JapaneseGP 1995

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1632420330613473280 That’s P3 Fernando, THAT'S P3!! YESSSS! 👏 130724
1637584243789291520 ¡Feliz Día del Padre! 95059
1594973233266446337 Hello, Fernando. 94868
1637576103224041474 IT'S OURS! FERNANDO RE-TAKES P3! 🏆 94165
1554014220643143680 NEWS: @AstonMartinF1 announces Fernando Alonso for 2023. We are delighted to confirm that two-time #F1 World Champion @alo_oficial will join the team from next season on a multi-year contract. Tap below to read more. ⬇️ #WeClimbTogether 87400
1631686369788526593 It’s only practice. 👀 #BahrainGP 65654
1632447627282243584 Ooohhhh Fernando Alonso! 👏 #BahrainGP 64946
1585776853037432832 Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of respect, Sebastian Vettel will return to one of his original, iconic helmet designs at this weekend's #MexicoGP. From everybody at @AstonMartinF1, Danke Didi. #F1 55734
1552595356898234370 NEWS: Sebastian Vettel will retire from #F1 at the end of the 2022 season, bringing one of the greatest careers in the history of the sport to a close. Read more from Sebastian, Lawrence Stroll and Mike Krack. ⬇️ 54905
1579027349340704768 Your driver of the day. #F1 #JapaneseGP #SV5 52571

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#f1 1032
#sv5 149
#ls18 128
#feelthepassioninside 123
#frenchgp 109
#bahraingp 99
#ausgp 97
#abudhabigp 95
#usgp 94
#hungariangp 92

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@lance_stroll 148
@astonmartinf1 115
@alo_oficial 102
@felipedrugovich 67
@aramco 63
@cognizant 56
@conormcdphoto 53
@1jessicahawkins 52
@tiktok_uk 42
@hulkhulkenberg 38

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💚 282 green_heart
⬇️ 119 down_arrow
➡️ 100 right_arrow
👊 77 oncoming_fist
💪 46 flexed_biceps
🤩 40 star-struck
👀 36 eyes
👏 34 clapping_hands
🇦🇺 27 Australia
🤝 24 handshake

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 408
People & Body 307
Symbols 266
Flags 124
Objects 64
Travel & Places 48
Activities 24
Food & Drink 8
Animals & Nature 3