Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Arizona
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 70932 |
Twitter Web App | 58453 |
Twitter for Android | 42517 |
Twitter for iPad | 7780 |
TweetDeck | 3139 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
BarackObama | Barack Obama | 133,310,390 |
cnnbrk | CNN Breaking News | 64,100,623 |
CNN | CNN | 60,453,642 |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,620,325 |
NFL | NFL | 31,647,109 |
TheEconomist | The Economist | 27,110,634 |
Reuters | Reuters | 25,631,830 |
FoxNews | Fox News | 22,898,290 |
CNNEE | CNN en Español | 22,254,804 |
WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 20,313,572 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 608,335 |
BarackObama | Barack Obama | 573,632 |
luxurytravel | A Luxury Travel Blog | 509,439 |
MrLeonardKim | Leonard Kim ✝️📝📚 | 399,074 |
ElNacionalWeb | El Nacional | 339,992 |
bynsny | Larry Kelly | 326,858 |
DanGlover1 | Dan Glover | 301,031 |
SwedishCanary | Swedish Canary | 296,501 |
NewsArch | Architecture News | 288,043 |
thejimjams | James Hirsen | 275,598 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
SamGunderson10 | 678 |
Enix_Of_Arizona | 595 |
votepledges | 450 |
LUFC_Arizona | 428 |
Kathy_Arizona | 393 |
Radar_Assistant | 245 |
Arizona__Cowboy | 240 |
azcsports | 233 |
Arizona_RN | 232 |
Tia_Arizona | 221 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1587236120517120002 | The Saudis are now the 2nd biggest owner of Twitter The owner of America’s largest oil refinery The owner of Arizona water rights The owner of Trump, Mnuchin & Kushner, whom MBS bragged was “in his pocket” The owner of LIV golf which pays Trump What could possibly go wrong? | 9729 |
1590024412363132929 | No matter what you do today, do not sacrifice your vote. The stakes are just too high, Arizona. I love you all. Let’s win this thing. | 9600 |
1590020171921764352 | Arizona voters — please be aware that there are dozens of Republican lawyers monitoring the tabulating situation in Maricopa County (and all AZ Counties), speaking with the county lawyers, and ensuring that votes WILL count. Please do your part and VOTE! We have your back! 🗳🇺🇸 | 9312 |
1587466054393004033 | TIL that as the CO river dries up, AZ is leasing its largest underground aquifer to the Saudis, who are growing water-intensive alfalfa, which is then shipped back to S.A. to feed cattle. Market rate for the lease is $5 million/yr. Saudis pay $86K. | 8553 |
1589357273763450880 | My opponent was arrested on Oct. 4th for sexual indecency 190 ft from children playing at a childcare center. We still have not heard about a charging decision from the Maricopa County Attorney. Anyone know if this a typical timeframe for this process? | 8450 |
1590084210517475328 | Arizona patriots - We need all of you to swamp the polls in support of Kari Lake and Blake Masters. And STAY IN LINE no matter what. We can win this!!! | 7253 |
1588321079243657217 | 💣 BOMBSHELL 💣 @KatieHobbs is an avid supporter of gender reassignment surgery on children in Arizona. Now we know why: Her husband profits off it as a therapist "treating" minors who want to transition. Horrific. | 7121 |
1590080562618044416 | Arizona’s GOP Candidate Kari Lake pointed her finger at an NBC journalist and told the cameras “I'm going to be your worst frickin' nightmare for eight years.” This is an explicit threat against America’s free press. It is also a clear-cut violation of the First Amendment. | 6993 |
1589740512382443520 | My family left California & moved to the free state of Arizona because individual liberties were trampled in the guise of liberalism which was just disguised authoritarianism.The lives of Americans have been made more difficult under these Dem run states. I’m voting for Kari Lake | 6629 |
1590033193507639296 | First Arizona, now New Jersey.. | 6391 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1589740512382443520 | My family left California & moved to the free state of Arizona because individual liberties were trampled in the guise of liberalism which was just disguised authoritarianism.The lives of Americans have been made more difficult under these Dem run states. I’m voting for Kari Lake | 66908 |
1590024412363132929 | No matter what you do today, do not sacrifice your vote. The stakes are just too high, Arizona. I love you all. Let’s win this thing. | 50925 |
1590084210517475328 | Arizona patriots - We need all of you to swamp the polls in support of Kari Lake and Blake Masters. And STAY IN LINE no matter what. We can win this!!! | 32498 |
1590020609169592320 | Já estamos com problemas na votação em Maricopa County, Arizona, onde as pessoas não conseguem votar. Justamente o condado problemático que deu a vitória no estado a Joe Biden nas eleições de 2022 - as que disseram para você que foram classificada como limpas por todos. kkkkkk | 31502 |
1590020171921764352 | Arizona voters — please be aware that there are dozens of Republican lawyers monitoring the tabulating situation in Maricopa County (and all AZ Counties), speaking with the county lawyers, and ensuring that votes WILL count. Please do your part and VOTE! We have your back! 🗳🇺🇸 | 29285 |
1587636612330053632 | A fed'l judge in Arizona just granted a restraining order to keep armed people from intimidating voters within 75' of a drop off box. This is the right result, unlike an earlier Arizona case where a judge ruled in favor of the 1st Amendment rights of people harassing voters. | 24426 |
1588219308273983488 | The road to saving America from the woke Left goes right through Arizona, by electing @KariLake and @bgmasters. Blake and Kari will be warriors for the people of Arizona, and I’m proud to support their campaigns. | 24339 |
1587236120517120002 | The Saudis are now the 2nd biggest owner of Twitter The owner of America’s largest oil refinery The owner of Arizona water rights The owner of Trump, Mnuchin & Kushner, whom MBS bragged was “in his pocket” The owner of LIV golf which pays Trump What could possibly go wrong? | 22580 |
1590080562618044416 | Arizona’s GOP Candidate Kari Lake pointed her finger at an NBC journalist and told the cameras “I'm going to be your worst frickin' nightmare for eight years.” This is an explicit threat against America’s free press. It is also a clear-cut violation of the First Amendment. | 22516 |
1588571758206279681 | Arizona Latino Republican STUNS Pete Hegseth LIVE on-air with answer about who he's voting for... | 21934 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#arizona | 15580 |
#ohio | 1937 |
#florida | 1810 |
#nevada | 1466 |
#texas | 1452 |
#electionday | 1392 |
#az | 1338 |
#georgia | 1324 |
#karilake | 1241 |
#michigan | 1173 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@karilake | 11365 |
@katiehobbs | 9502 |
@bgmasters | 2874 |
@realmarkfinchem | 1458 |
@captmarkkelly | 1337 |
@arizona_lp | 1304 |
@elonmusk | 1279 |
@youtube | 1223 |
@abrahamhamadeh | 1220 |
@lpofdelaware | 1093 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🇺🇸 | 4279 | United_States |
😂 | 2642 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
💙 | 2443 | blue_heart |
🤣 | 2039 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🚨 | 1982 | police_car_light |
🔴 | 1540 | red_circle |
👇 | 1407 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
🔥 | 1334 | fire |
🌵 | 1248 | cactus |
🌊 | 1191 | water_wave |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 21828 |
People & Body | 8768 |
Symbols | 8489 |
Travel & Places | 7640 |
Objects | 6616 |
Flags | 6020 |
Activities | 3174 |
Animals & Nature | 2959 |
Food & Drink | 659 |