Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Aravind_SA


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


Aravind_SA hosted the show "We Need to Talk" and received positive reviews for the hard work and thought put into the writing. The show dealt sensitively with mental health issues, exploring Indian experiences with this. Aravind_SA is also a Leeds fan, which was joked about. Tickets were sold and it is hoped that a picture will be taken with Aravind_SA after the show.

Topic Modeling

  1. Aravind SA - relating to his show, 'We Need to Talk', career, fans, and events
  2. Mental Health - exploring uncomfortable perspectives
  3. Leeds Football Club - mentions, banter, and predictions
  4. Concerts and Events - ticketing, performances, and opening acts
  5. Photography - commentary, captures, and memories

Emotional Analysis

The tweets in this thread express a range of emotions, from excitement and enthusiasm to admiration and respect. People are excited to have seen Aravind_SA's show, "We Need To Talk," and to have opened for him. They appreciate the thought and hard work that went into the show's writing, and are looking forward to his world tour. They also express admiration for Aravind_SA's accomplishments, calling him a legend and expressing joy at his successes. Finally, some of the tweets express anticipation for the upcoming show, with people excited to get their tickets and take a picture with Aravind_SA after the show.

Trend Analysis

  1. Support of @Aravind_SA and his show 'We Need To Talk'
  2. Exploring mental health in Indian context
  3. Leeds United and its fans
  4. Taking pictures and meeting with Aravind_SA after the show
  5. Elevating Aravind_SA to the level of legend

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 51
Twitter for iPhone 17
Twitter Web App 6
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
TheBanat Azeem Banatwalla I tell jokes for money, your offence is free • 2 specials on @primevideoIN • Co-host of #44two • Leaving this cancerous app soon. Follow @azeembanatwalla on IG 916,311
amoghranadive Amogh Ranadive Writer. "The Corner Flag" on all podcast apps. “Hasmukh” on Netflix. “Jestination Unknown” on Prime Video. 144,235
Aravind_SA SA || Madrasi || Stand Up Comedian || 2 shows on Amazon Prime || Leeds United fanatic || Contact - || 59,188
jaggenius Jagan krishnan Stand up comedian.Writer.(He/Him) 12,553
SIMoviesUSA iMoviesUSA All about Indian Movies;theaterical,streaming,festivals BO..etc. 10,601
saikirankannan Saikiran Kannan | 赛基兰坎南 Data Privacy, AI/ML| OSINT| Independent Journalist| Cover 🇨🇳, Conflicts & Global Affairs| Counter Terrorism| @HarvardBiz Advisory Council| @SGSMU| BlockChain 6,262
milified Mi (no tick - unofficial) If you stare long enough into the abyss, it stares right back. 4,671
FakeWinger PD Stats guy. CFC 💙 1,701
ImHharan Hari Haran Writer/Director #ennasollapogirai 1,660
worldofkarthic karthik swaminathan // andrea stan account - 1,426

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
deena0509 Deena MUFC IT Professional | MUFC Family 4,971
saikirankannan Saikiran Kannan | 赛基兰坎南 Data Privacy, AI/ML| OSINT| Independent Journalist| Cover 🇨🇳, Conflicts & Global Affairs| Counter Terrorism| @HarvardBiz Advisory Council| @SGSMU| BlockChain 3,375
Dubakoor_FC Shiva J Win, lose or tie... United till I die #MUFC@chennaiyinFC is Home#ARR kadavul 2,882
VikramUtd Vikram🇶🇦 - 1,778
shiv_kmrn Cinephile Media| எண்ணம் போல் வாழ்க்கை❣️ 1,773
i_Nishan_ Gypsy Tech dreamer # Car admirer # Frequent traveler # Photo clicker # home chef # தகப்பன் # மனைவியிடம் திட்டு வாங்குபவன் 1,703
Aravind_SA SA || Madrasi || Stand Up Comedian || 2 shows on Amazon Prime || Leeds United fanatic || Contact - || 1,448
sriramofearth Sriram Nostalgic / ❤️ to Tweet about Movies and Shows / Whistlepodu for CSK 💛/ Glory Glory Man United 🔴 1,393
UnoffLesnar ப்ராக் feels Qatari 23 || Novak Djokovic and Man Utd stan account 1,295

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
jaggenius Stand up comedian.Writer.(He/Him) 5
rj_manutd Potato and Rasam fan. Co-founder of @MUFCChennai. Genie Army. Lefty. 3
little_frnd Carpediem ✨ Pluviophile 💫#mufc❤️#csk💛 3
sebbamoodiyala all good things are my birthright. 2
Iam_Harisanth Tracking daily news | Ardent Music lover | Occasional online series enthusiast | Fan of #REDDEVILS and #YELLOVE and #TENNIS 2
saikirankannan Data Privacy, AI/ML| OSINT| Independent Journalist| Cover 🇨🇳, Conflicts & Global Affairs| Counter Terrorism| @HarvardBiz Advisory Council| @SGSMU| BlockChain 2
prasanarockz ⚽️Football. Proud Fan Of Manchester United (Red Devils) 👺🇧🇷 BRASIL 🇩🇪 GERMANY. Redbull F1 🏎 Racing. Chennai Super Kings 🏏 & Roger Federer 🎾 2
RamRedDevil1 Cricket, Football, Manchester United ❤️ 2
mufc_598 Messi. Man United. CSK. Dhoni. 2
Aravind_SA || Madrasi || Stand Up Comedian || 2 shows on Amazon Prime || Leeds United fanatic || Contact - || 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624808180453888000 Hello da @Aravind_SA 😁 6
1627237677975367681 Had a great time opening for @Aravind_SA 's new show "we need to talk". Glad to have seen how the material has evolved from the tester show stages. A testament to the thought and hard work put into the writing by SA. Vaazthukkal for the world tour thala 📸 - @srinivasanrames 3
1625126877273763840 @Aravind_SA @Aravind_SA you being a Leeds fan is the best joke that you've ever produced. 1
1626792174150094849 Caught @Aravind_SA’s We Need To Talk yesterday. It was quite lovely how the show didn’t shy away from exploring mental health even from uncomfortable perspectives, and how openly it articulated the Indian experience of struggling with these. 1
1624799209554874368 @Aravind_SA kickass show today in Singapore!💛 #weNeedtoTalk And a pleasure to meet on stage with the Garnacho jersey on. 2-0. 🤪 1
1625092112042840065 @Aravind_SA Hahaha ingaye va? Where did you watch the game later then? 😄 0
1624812583994654722 Lot of South Indian events happening from Feb to April in USAStandup#Alexperience 2/17 to 4/16 by @ILikeSlander present by #GlobalMediaUSA tkts at 3/11 to 4/15 by @Aravind_SA present by @PrimeMediaUS tkts at 0
1625021169865990145 @ih4r1n @Aravind_SA Olinjikitu irupan 0
1625033071765618688 @rj_manutd @Aravind_SA Wow I didn't spot a united shirt ! Where u sitting downstairs in the event? 0
1625078496660951041 @ih4r1n @Aravind_SA After draw at OT @Aravind_SA 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627237677975367681 Had a great time opening for @Aravind_SA 's new show "we need to talk". Glad to have seen how the material has evolved from the tester show stages. A testament to the thought and hard work put into the writing by SA. Vaazthukkal for the world tour thala 📸 - @srinivasanrames 119
1624808180453888000 Hello da @Aravind_SA 😁 77
1624797648850157568 Oh sorry wrong SA @Aravind_SA 😂 72
1625111682824683522 @Aravind_SA Buried your legend 42
1624799209554874368 @Aravind_SA kickass show today in Singapore!💛 #weNeedtoTalk And a pleasure to meet on stage with the Garnacho jersey on. 2-0. 🤪 37
1626792174150094849 Caught @Aravind_SA’s We Need To Talk yesterday. It was quite lovely how the show didn’t shy away from exploring mental health even from uncomfortable perspectives, and how openly it articulated the Indian experience of struggling with these. 30
1625159902770663424 @Aravind_SA Sometimes you gotta put your hands up and say wharra win for Leeds against man united 19
1625168978820874241 @Aravind_SA Hold that SA ❤️ 16
1625121628672909313 @Aravind_SA 7
1625126877273763840 @Aravind_SA @Aravind_SA you being a Leeds fan is the best joke that you've ever produced. 7

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#weneedtotalk 3
#leemun 2
#jaganethandhiram 1
#globalmediausa 1
#mufc 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@aravind_sa 79
@srinivasanrames 6
@jaggenius 4
@ih4r1n 3
@thebanat 3
@milified 2
@ilikeslander 2
@rj_manutd 2
@editorsuresh 2
@lufc 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 16 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 6 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🙏🏽 5 folded_hands_medium_skin_tone
💛 5 yellow_heart
😄 4 grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes
😅 3 grinning_face_with_sweat
😁 3 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
📸 2 camera_with_flash
🤪 2 zany_face
🤝 2 handshake

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 51
People & Body 9
Activities 2
Objects 2