Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @ANTAC_ua


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Four prominent leaders in Ukraine made strong statements emphasizing the need for military support and the fight against corruption. In addition, a high-level dinner will be hosted in February discussing the strategy against Russia. Several people were also mentioned in the tweets and thanked for helping host and contribute to the cause. Lastly, some of the tweets shared strong sentiment and sentiment against the Russian government.

Topic Modeling

  1. Military support & fight against corruption in Ukraine
  2. High-level dinner at #MSC2023 topic- Strategy on Russia
  3. Russebn and their criminal activities
  4. Unbesehen spread of Nazi propaganda
  5. Involved stakeholders in Ukraine

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express strong messages of support for military action and a fight against corruption in Ukraine. The speakers are expressing gratitude for co-hosting events and for the support of others. They also express hope and prayer for the defenders in Bakhmut and for their efforts in the Russia strategy. Additionally, there is anger expressed towards the Russian regime, as well as disbelief and disappointment in the spread of Nazi propaganda. Finally, the tweets express feelings of solidarity and unity with the speakers and their allies.

Trend Analysis

  1. Military support and fight against corruption in Ukraine
  2. High-level dinner at #MSC2023
  3. Dialogue and cooperation between different organisation in Ukraine
  4. Sharing of thoughts and prayers
  5. Highlighting of Propaganda by Nazi regime in Ukraine

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 7
Twitter for Android 3
Twitter for iPhone 3
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dkaleniuk Daria Kaleniuk executive director at @AntAC_uaco-founder of @ICUVua 126,947
HopkoHanna Hanna Hopko Chairwoman of Democracy in Action Conference; ex-MP/Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2014-2019, ANTS Network, @ICUVua 16,908
Pisarski Zbigniew PISARSKI 🇺🇦 Founder & CEO @FundPulaskiego ◇ Founder @WarsawForum & @EAD_DIPLOMATS◇ social entrepreneur, defence & foreign affairs. ◇ Sanctioned by Russia. 7,106
KPisarska Katarzyna PISARSKA Founder & Chair at @WarsawForum, Co-Founder & Chair of Board of Directors @FundPulaskiego & @EAD_Diplomats, Professor @SGHWarsaw 5,581
FLojdquist Fredrik Löjdquist Director of @SCEEUS_UI Previously Sweden's Ambassador to the OSCE & for Hybrid Threats. Here also in private capacity. 3,362
eraseism Eraseism Freedom 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🇬🇧🇵🇱 2,075
sontagtd sontag - 1,054
Oswald1933 Oswald I like forests, trees and birdies singing ♥️🌳🌲🐦 959
WIIS_Portugal WIIS Portugal Women in International Security em 🇵🇹 promove a igualdade e a participação das mulheres na defesa, paz, e segurança internacional #WIISPT @WIIS_Global 🇺🇸 308
CollinFrMcMahon Collin McMahon German-American Writer & Translator 133

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
eraseism Eraseism Freedom 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🇬🇧🇵🇱 3,098
Pisarski Zbigniew PISARSKI 🇺🇦 Founder & CEO @FundPulaskiego ◇ Founder @WarsawForum & @EAD_DIPLOMATS◇ social entrepreneur, defence & foreign affairs. ◇ Sanctioned by Russia. 2,223
sontagtd sontag - 2,038
Oswald1933 Oswald I like forests, trees and birdies singing ♥️🌳🌲🐦 1,252
FLojdquist Fredrik Löjdquist Director of @SCEEUS_UI Previously Sweden's Ambassador to the OSCE & for Hybrid Threats. Here also in private capacity. 1,071
dkaleniuk Daria Kaleniuk executive director at @AntAC_uaco-founder of @ICUVua 835
CollinFrMcMahon Collin McMahon German-American Writer & Translator 810
HopkoHanna Hanna Hopko Chairwoman of Democracy in Action Conference; ex-MP/Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2014-2019, ANTS Network, @ICUVua 621
HAL96661 HAL9⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣ 🇫🇷🌻 PintatonicI love Smithwick's, Guiness & "À l'ail" 🥖🧈Sces 🇺🇦: 588
KPisarska Katarzyna PISARSKA Founder & Chair at @WarsawForum, Co-Founder & Chair of Board of Directors @FundPulaskiego & @EAD_Diplomats, Professor @SGHWarsaw 587

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
CollinFrMcMahon German-American Writer & Translator 1
FLojdquist Director of @SCEEUS_UI Previously Sweden's Ambassador to the OSCE & for Hybrid Threats. Here also in private capacity. 1
HAL96661 PintatonicI love Smithwick's, Guiness & "À l'ail" 🥖🧈Sces 🇺🇦: 1
HopkoHanna Chairwoman of Democracy in Action Conference; ex-MP/Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2014-2019, ANTS Network, @ICUVua 1
KPisarska Founder & Chair at @WarsawForum, Co-Founder & Chair of Board of Directors @FundPulaskiego & @EAD_Diplomats, Professor @SGHWarsaw 1
Marcschnider007 Projektleiter 1
Oswald1933 I like forests, trees and birdies singing ♥️🌳🌲🐦 1
Pisarski Founder & CEO @FundPulaskiego ◇ Founder @WarsawForum & @EAD_DIPLOMATS◇ social entrepreneur, defence & foreign affairs. ◇ Sanctioned by Russia. 1
VeraKehrli_ - 1
WIIS_Portugal Women in International Security em 🇵🇹 promove a igualdade e a participação das mulheres na defesa, paz, e segurança internacional #WIISPT @WIIS_Global 🇺🇸 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625495515294232577 We are heading to @MunSecConf soon. This year jointly with our angels from @FundPulaskiego we at @ICUVua are hosting a working high-level dinner on February 18 at #MSC2023. Guess what will be its topic? @ANTS_NGO @ANTAC_ua @opora 12
1625844805795295233 On my way to @MunSecConf from Kyiv This year jointly with @FundPulaskiego @ICUVua are hosting a working high-level dinner on Febr18 at #MSC2023 - strategy on russia. My thoughts and prayers with our defenders in Bakhmut @ANTS_NGO @ANTAC_ua @opora. Liberov Photographer 10
1623816462115778562 Strong messages on need for military support & fight against corruption in Ukraine from ⁦@dkaleniuk⁩ ⁦@tet_shevchuk⁩ ⁦@ANTAC_ua⁩ ⁦@MasiNayyem⁩ MP Olga Stefanyshyna. Thanks ⁦@TorbjornBecker⁩ ⁦@SITEStockholm⁩ for co-hosting w ⁦@SCEEUS_UI⁩ 9
1627079834852823042 @LuziaTschirky @ANTAC_ua Wir heben genügen von der Russebn sie sind alle verbrecher!!! 0
1625850042312495105 @HopkoHanna @MunSecConf @FundPulaskiego @ICUVua @ANTS_NGO @ANTAC_ua @opora Ох.... наша допомога наші серця з вами 🙏 0
1624353216354713600 @LuziaTschirky @ANTAC_ua Die Tschirky glaubt und verbreitet einmal mehr unbesehen die Propaganda des Nazi Regimes in Kiew. 0
1624312855431356416 @FLojdquist @dkaleniuk @tet_shevchuk @ANTAC_ua @MasiNayyem @TorbjornBecker @SITEStockholm @SCEEUS_UI 0
1623883382638759936 - @bradyafr- @ak2ki_- @mjluxmoore- @ragnarbjartur- @MacaesBruno- @guillaume_ancel- @Hromadske- @IuliiaMendel- @ANTAC_ua- @NTenzer- @kamilkazani- @olgatokariuk- @leonie_chaofong- @PaulGoble1- @LanguageIearner- @bfry1981- @AnonOpsSE 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623816462115778562 Strong messages on need for military support & fight against corruption in Ukraine from ⁦@dkaleniuk⁩ ⁦@tet_shevchuk⁩ ⁦@ANTAC_ua⁩ ⁦@MasiNayyem⁩ MP Olga Stefanyshyna. Thanks ⁦@TorbjornBecker⁩ ⁦@SITEStockholm⁩ for co-hosting w ⁦@SCEEUS_UI⁩ 62
1625844805795295233 On my way to @MunSecConf from Kyiv This year jointly with @FundPulaskiego @ICUVua are hosting a working high-level dinner on Febr18 at #MSC2023 - strategy on russia. My thoughts and prayers with our defenders in Bakhmut @ANTS_NGO @ANTAC_ua @opora. Liberov Photographer 47
1625495515294232577 We are heading to @MunSecConf soon. This year jointly with our angels from @FundPulaskiego we at @ICUVua are hosting a working high-level dinner on February 18 at #MSC2023. Guess what will be its topic? @ANTS_NGO @ANTAC_ua @opora 38
1623883382638759936 - @bradyafr- @ak2ki_- @mjluxmoore- @ragnarbjartur- @MacaesBruno- @guillaume_ancel- @Hromadske- @IuliiaMendel- @ANTAC_ua- @NTenzer- @kamilkazani- @olgatokariuk- @leonie_chaofong- @PaulGoble1- @LanguageIearner- @bfry1981- @AnonOpsSE 1
1627079834852823042 @LuziaTschirky @ANTAC_ua Wir heben genügen von der Russebn sie sind alle verbrecher!!! 0
1625850042312495105 @HopkoHanna @MunSecConf @FundPulaskiego @ICUVua @ANTS_NGO @ANTAC_ua @opora Ох.... наша допомога наші серця з вами 🙏 0
1624353216354713600 @LuziaTschirky @ANTAC_ua Die Tschirky glaubt und verbreitet einmal mehr unbesehen die Propaganda des Nazi Regimes in Kiew. 0
1624312855431356416 @FLojdquist @dkaleniuk @tet_shevchuk @ANTAC_ua @MasiNayyem @TorbjornBecker @SITEStockholm @SCEEUS_UI 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#msc2023 4
#ukraine 2
#antac 1
#shokin 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@antac_ua 14
@icuvua 7
@munsecconf 5
@fundpulaskiego 5
@ants_ngo 5
@opora 5
@dkaleniuk 4
@tet_shevchuk 3
@masinayyem 3
@torbjornbecker 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
2 alarm_clock
🇵🇹 2 Portugal
🇺🇦 2 Ukraine
🙏 1 folded_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 4
Travel & Places 2
People & Body 1