Account Summary
I have a hairless cat named Andy Jr and I’m very proud of him.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Chicago, IL
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
5 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
ZachBoychuk | 827870 | 692685 | 9743 |
NOH8Campaign | 799051 | 356914 | 13975 |
unkonfined | 662495 | 264880 | 636161 |
HeyBuckHey | 470860 | 2647 | 3453 |
zammit_marc | 386421 | 299574 | 64586 |
MagicMikeHung1 | 382352 | 15290 | 11555 |
garyhgoodridge | 360813 | 322560 | 106042 |
wernikalam | 263112 | 2301 | 2815 |
KimMangone | 250290 | 35790 | 17357 |
homoblanket | 200982 | 1810 | 6869 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
ZachBoychuk | 692685 | 827870 | 9743 |
NOH8Campaign | 356914 | 799051 | 13975 |
garyhgoodridge | 322560 | 360813 | 106042 |
zammit_marc | 299574 | 386421 | 64586 |
unkonfined | 264880 | 662495 | 636161 |
NYCtwinks | 217562 | 198445 | 265131 |
BigBlueWaveUSA | 134832 | 137422 | 18582 |
travisa850 | 129168 | 129531 | 58982 |
asdrubal3000 | 101235 | 92027 | 12131 |
DavidCastain | 84223 | 107334 | 21870 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
unkonfined | 636161 | 662495 | 264880 |
Chappells_Show | 340199 | 7531 | 937 |
Brocklesnitch | 277049 | 63848 | 7874 |
NYCtwinks | 265131 | 198445 | 217562 |
8Doggg | 257029 | 1521 | 888 |
jmkuhn99 | 203425 | 24087 | 24060 |
dguy621 | 202389 | 555 | 1278 |
_NCaballero | 193778 | 209 | 3820 |
purplechrain | 189077 | 3915 | 3689 |
onorblog | 185855 | 4625 | 5088 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
NOH8Campaign | 7538 | 356914 | 799051 |
HeyBuckHey | 4122 | 2647 | 470860 |
ZachBoychuk | 2017 | 692685 | 827870 |
zammit_marc | 1588 | 299574 | 386421 |
garyhgoodridge | 1383 | 322560 | 360813 |
BryantMcGill | 1333 | 41967 | 37831 |
MagicMikeHung1 | 1089 | 15290 | 382352 |
alexanderchee | 1042 | 15583 | 96757 |
NYCtwinks | 802 | 217562 | 198445 |
jmkuhn99 | 786 | 24060 | 24087 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
509 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 3120 |
Twitter Web App | 102 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1574239938538676224 | Taylor is the best winner in Big Brother history. She is the most satisfying winner ever. I love that a black woman is now the face of the show. It is long overdue. #BB24 | 531 |
1621297250700779525 | In honor of it being Ina Garten’s birthday, here is a video of her being absolutely terrible at picking out candy for children! ♥️ | 440 |
1631761988266098688 | Learning that Tom Sandoval cheated on Ariana with Raquel will be a defining moment of my life. On my deathbed, I will remember where I was when I got the news. | 339 |
1481837182306467841 | Scream (2022) did THAT, honey!!!!!!! | 330 |
1477001902315479041 | Thank you for being a friend. 🥺♥️ | 279 |
1590007171500363776 | Since most of you follow me because I was on Big Brother, I’ll put the election in Big Brother terms: Aaryn, the person whose racism made the show have a disclaimer, will be enthusiastically voting red in this election. Is that whose side you want to be on? | 223 |
1570509402301665280 | If Taylor wins this season she will be the most satisfying winner in Big Brother history, which is amazing because she’ll also be the first black woman winner. A black woman taking the satisfying winner title from a bunch of white men. We love to see it. #BB24 | 183 |
1616463074684276738 | She was so real for this. Ahead of her time. | 175 |
1560720269014081538 | Considering becoming a wall yeller to save Joseph. #BB24 | 174 |
1549939378948132864 | Big Brother could absolutely be the best show on television if production didn’t assume that the fans are all morons who can’t understand strategy. The show has become such a goofy shell of what it once was. #BB24 | 126 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1574239938538676224 | Taylor is the best winner in Big Brother history. She is the most satisfying winner ever. I love that a black woman is now the face of the show. It is long overdue. #BB24 | 8220 |
1621297250700779525 | In honor of it being Ina Garten’s birthday, here is a video of her being absolutely terrible at picking out candy for children! ♥️ | 6509 |
1560720269014081538 | Considering becoming a wall yeller to save Joseph. #BB24 | 4798 |
1590007171500363776 | Since most of you follow me because I was on Big Brother, I’ll put the election in Big Brother terms: Aaryn, the person whose racism made the show have a disclaimer, will be enthusiastically voting red in this election. Is that whose side you want to be on? | 3627 |
1570509402301665280 | If Taylor wins this season she will be the most satisfying winner in Big Brother history, which is amazing because she’ll also be the first black woman winner. A black woman taking the satisfying winner title from a bunch of white men. We love to see it. #BB24 | 3620 |
1631761988266098688 | Learning that Tom Sandoval cheated on Ariana with Raquel will be a defining moment of my life. On my deathbed, I will remember where I was when I got the news. | 3461 |
1575914154736910336 | Julie constantly pushing her religious beliefs on people who clearly don’t share them makes me so uncomfy. | 3304 |
1549939378948132864 | Big Brother could absolutely be the best show on television if production didn’t assume that the fans are all morons who can’t understand strategy. The show has become such a goofy shell of what it once was. #BB24 | 3183 |
1593464643070185472 | Wait it’s just now hitting me how boring Big Brother seasons are going to be without Twitter. Twitter is the best part about Big Brother. | 2963 |
1558112429099343872 | I truly love Michael and want him to do well BUT any player who everyone is clocking as “the best player in many seasons” during week 5 is not doing great. The *actual* best player is someone nobody realizes is playing the best game. See: Joseph. #BB24 | 2957 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#bb24 | 136 |
#survivor | 21 |
#cbbus3 | 16 |
#survivor43 | 9 |
#1 | 6 |
#pumprules | 3 |
#oscars | 3 |
#whitelotus | 2 |
#thechallengeusa | 2 |
#wwhl | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@diskordilis | 39 |
@soneall89 | 39 |
@dehardy37 | 36 |
@msaulnier7 | 29 |
@giangyhai | 29 |
@mikeychops | 28 |
@jakegiles | 24 |
@kaleifornia | 23 |
@amyweiss | 22 |
@sodannysaid | 21 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
♥️ | 188 | heart_suit |
🥰 | 122 | smiling_face_with_hearts |
🚩 | 57 | triangular_flag |
😭 | 33 | loudly_crying_face |
💕 | 31 | two_hearts |
🤣 | 21 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🥺 | 16 | pleading_face |
🧡 | 12 | orange_heart |
🥴 | 9 | woozy_face |
🔪 | 8 | kitchen_knife |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 307 |
Activities | 199 |
Flags | 66 |
Travel & Places | 11 |
Food & Drink | 9 |
Objects | 7 |
Symbols | 6 |
People & Body | 6 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |