Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @amerhadiazmi


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


It appears the tweets are discussing different topics, including a man having sleepless nights, needing to be careful with political points, losing sight of the plot, getting creative with radio ads, crows being aggressive in Singapore, and foreign wives getting visa privileges.

Topic Modeling

  1. Political Points
  2. Cultural Practices
  3. Religious Practices
  4. Urban Infrastructure
  5. Intercultural Relationships

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from frustration and anger to hope and joy. In particular, the first tweet expresses frustration with someone having a sleepless night, while the second expresses frustration with someone trying to gain political points. The third tweet expresses joy and gratitude for those affected by a particular matter. The fourth tweet is an expression of hope that Singapore will be spared from further harm. The fifth tweet expresses anger at people who put others in difficult positions. The sixth tweet expresses a sense of understanding and compassion for those who practice cultural practices not mentioned in the Quran. The seventh tweet expresses a sense of awe and admiration for a particular piece of art. The eighth tweet expresses frustration at the lack of progress in Singapore. The ninth tweet expresses confusion and curiosity about why crows in Singapore are so aggressive. The tenth tweet expresses admiration for Singapore's productivity. The eleventh tweet expresses concern about dual citizenship. The twelfth tweet expresses admiration for a political move. The thirteenth tweet expresses shock at being attacked in Singapore. The fourteenth tweet expresses sarcasm at the newsworthiness of a crow attack. The fifteenth tweet expresses approval of a smart move to increase popularity. The sixteenth tweet expresses disbelief at the lack of understanding of the privileges of Malaysian men who marry foreign women. The seventeenth tweet expresses amusement at the focus on TikTok.

Trend Analysis

  1. Politics
  2. Cultural Practices
  3. Singapura/Malaysia
  4. Productivity
  5. Dual Citizenship

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 489
Twitter for iPhone 450
Twitter Web App 131
Twitter for iPad 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
H_Bakkaniy Mohammad Faeez Harith Peminat,Pengkaji,Penggiat Seni Warisan Alam Melayu.Sesekali mencelah isu semasa.Pelajar seumur hidup,bukan guru atau adiguru. 79,279
bingregory Zayn bin Gregory Allah reverent US emigrant, semakin kita tua semakin tidak relevant; tweets bahasa cromulent, teaches to pay the rent wa tawakkal ala Yang Maha Provident 36,412
ConnellyAL Aaron Connelly Senior fellow for Southeast Asian politics and foreign policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), a think tank headquartered in London. 28,146
paultantk Paul Tan 🚦 199 akaun post gambar jam trafik light 199 shah alam 24,328
climateaidil aidil 23. intersectional environmentalist. @yseali fellow. founder of @kolektifiklim. climate justice & ecological wisdom. views are my own. (he/they) 23,330
maxwalden_ Max Walden Journalist, Editor @electionwatch_, PhD researcher @MelbLawSchool. Bad opinions my own. 21,226
buletinfm Buletin FM🇲🇾 Buletin FM Isu Semasa dan Info Terkini | Strim melalui AUDIO+ 21,016
ushardaniele Ushar Daniele Malaysian independent journalist covering climate, current affairs. Text/TV/Documentaries @AJEnglish @VICE @SCMP @CNA etc. I emcee too, managed by @nadardin 18,496
jsadiq Jahabar Sadiq here, there & everywhere! 18,290
ZackAvaricious Zachry Jamaluddin ISTP-T | Certified Loyar Buruk | ATM Machine for Ungrateful Cats | Aspiring to be the world renown Palataologist | Typoist | AN’s 16,351

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ushardaniele Ushar Daniele Malaysian independent journalist covering climate, current affairs. Text/TV/Documentaries @AJEnglish @VICE @SCMP @CNA etc. I emcee too, managed by @nadardin 5,271
ahmfreimann BBNU LTD 🏴 Apparently , when you treat people the same way they way they treat you they get offended 5,003
Shawn35154099 shawn Roland 4,994
Sauffie_84 Sauffie Tunang kepada Nor Hafizah (bad girl).Siswi UG/PG puji berusia masih handsome.Akaun ke 2 @sauffie_1984.5 menteri pernah ulas twit,kau ada?.piew piew.Kah! 😮 4,993
Ic0514 N⭕🔺🇲🇾🧲🚫n🪒e❌T TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR ❤️ Since i Born ™️ From N9 🇲🇾 To N17 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤍 4,988
serigala DinAmri Melayu North West of England. Living in @ManCity Design matters at 4,953
jihadar jihadar Muslim. Father. Teacher. Son. gAMER 4,934
faridimranz CEO OF MEDIA - 4,923
Kenken0606 Ken - 4,913
TwtSemenyih P.101 Hulu Langat #TeamSemenyih43500 Dapatkan segala jenis info Semenyih dan sekitarnya yang ingin diuar uarkan kepada rakyat jelata, disini. #TwtSemenyih 4,881

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
LyanaKhairuddin Political & Human Rights Adviser for @UKinMalaysia I Former virologist, academic, & columnist #naturalLy | Founder #BringBackTheKebaya I All views mine I Dr. 8
DanielAlaudin Proaktif 8
Retrogina Mum to 2 premmies due to eclampsia & HELLP. Misses the 80s. Migraine sufferer. 😺 lover. Wishes to be a spy 😎 & play the drums 🥁 PTSD sucks 👊🏼 🇲🇾🇦🇺 7
domesticgod8 I tweet/retweet many things but I may agree/disagree with them too 6
mokciknab Frustrated fifty-something, forebear of five. Friendly on Fridays. Flights of fantasy are free. 6
Kuasaaliens Malaysia untuk Rakyat Malaysia🦧 5
adzra Ailurophile.Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it. 5
DanBGunners Gunners 5
DolRizal "We would all like to vote for the best man, but he is never a candidate." - Kin Hubbard 5
ShazGhaF me/we 5

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625404542329438208 @amerhadiazmi That guy is having sleepless night 86
1626118242539544576 @amerhadiazmi Singapura dilanggar Todak ❌ Singapura dilanggar Gagak ✅ 34
1623676120406315011 @amerhadiazmi Ingenious move by Team Khairy Jamaluddin. If KJ gets it right on air with Hot FM, he can reach 1.94 million listeners age 18-39, the attention of roughly 1.67 million each gender, 2.94 million in urban Malaysia, 430k rural. A Malay audience of 3.22 million. What a play Team KJ👍 26
1625434323733168130 See true nepotism in action this Sunday as I sit on a panel moderated by @mokciknab talking about a film edited by @Tengkufirhad ! Orètulo by @amerhadiazmi is playing at Riwayat KL. RSVP here: 21
1626744302457221125 @amerhadiazmi Now we wait for someone to twist this just for the sake of gaining political points 18
1626778788158902272 @amerhadiazmi Dalam negara pun bersepah, lelaki warga asing kawin wanita tempatan untuk anak dapat ic. Dan suami Warga asing diberikan terus Visa dan PR. Ini adalah taktik warga asing untuk berada dan menjajah ekonomi 18
1625389774285725697 @amerhadiazmi 17
1624685096661053440 @amerhadiazmi Yes. Like stesen LRT Plaza Rakyat until today isnt connected to anything since the Plaza Rakyat project was never completed. 16
1624993048668295169 @amerhadiazmi "Hadi mengaku gerakkan Langkah Sheraton, calonkan Muhyiddin sebagai PM" 15
1625724173657194496 Watcha doin’ this Sunday, 19th February 2023? Come on down to Downtown #KualaLumpur at @riwayatmy bookstore to watch #FatBidin’s feature documentary #Oretulo (directed by journalist @amerhadiazmi), which talks about the complicated relationship between #Kelantan & #Patani. [1/2] 13

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625404542329438208 @amerhadiazmi That guy is having sleepless night 287
1626744302457221125 @amerhadiazmi Now we wait for someone to twist this just for the sake of gaining political points 239
1625389774285725697 @amerhadiazmi 229
1626750464112082944 @amerhadiazmi OMG…. Alhamdulillah… so many people effected this matter . Semoga semua urusan di permudahkan 171
1626118242539544576 @amerhadiazmi Singapura dilanggar Todak ❌ Singapura dilanggar Gagak ✅ 170
1625478464798183425 @amerhadiazmi Kadang kan org belakang yg hon. Suruh pi ke depan gak. Aku duk sakit hati awat duk hon hon ni. Satgi pas dah boleh jalan slow2 sikit pi gerak depan. Bangsa perlu diajar. 137
1624629506987401219 @naadiraisyajay @amerhadiazmi Don't blame Him or put God in the driver seat of the truck driven by those who have lost their way. The Qur'an makes no mention of the need to cut women and girls. That is entirely a cultural practice. 133
1625393064461365250 @amerhadiazmi 97
1625475925919010817 @amerhadiazmi @anthraxxx781 Petak kuning hanya sebuah seni abstrak. Dia duduk dekat, tangkap feel 93
1624685096661053440 @amerhadiazmi Yes. Like stesen LRT Plaza Rakyat until today isnt connected to anything since the Plaza Rakyat project was never completed. 92

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#sayajugaanakmalaysia 2
#kualalumpur 2
#fatbidin 2
#oretulo 2
#kelantan 2
#patani 2
#djkj 2
#stopsufferingofmalaysianmoms 1
#repealarticle153 1
#whysoserious 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@amerhadiazmi 1075
@anthonyloke 82
@mokciknab 58
@aditrahim 56
@bawalsakti 55
@keanmwong 52
@rahah_ghazali 52
@the_mamu 52
@perpaduanmelayu 51
@michellelanious 51

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 31 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 18 face_with_tears_of_joy
😅 13 grinning_face_with_sweat
👍 10 thumbs_up
🙄 10 face_with_rolling_eyes
🤔 8 thinking_face
🤡 7 clown_face
💰 7 money_bag
😆 6 grinning_squinting_face
🙏 5 folded_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 154
People & Body 29
Objects 7
Symbols 4
Animals & Nature 4
Activities 3
Food & Drink 3
Flags 1