Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Akramkdeen
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
6 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
A group of people (@VMookey, @adamazim, @Akramkdeen, @faya_i, @AslamAslamtey, @HKurusee, @Imthiyazfahmy, @evattey, @abdulla_shahid, @haseeenu, @AfshanLatheef, @lgaMaldives, @Arttey, @Amath62873257, @haam76) are discussing many topics related to Maldives such as resources sharing, corruption, parking slots, budget and planning, equipment supply, bridge construction, and development projects. They also mention about pursuing their discussion in more detail with other key people such as @rdcmaldives, @MTCCPlc and @MMuizzu. Lastly, @Akramkdeen is described as a corrupt official and other people suggest that the government should take necessary action on it.
Topic Modeling
- Resources and project sharing
- Corruption
- Equipment allocation
- Parking slot allocation and prices
- Public infrastructure and planning
Emotional Analysis
The emotions expressed in these tweets range from positive to negative. There is a lot of enthusiasm for the projects being discussed, with people applauding and expressing their appreciation for the efforts being made. There is also a sense of hope and determination as people look for solutions to the problems they face. Additionally, there is a lot of frustration and anger towards corrupt officials, with some accusing them of greed and selling out. Finally, there is a sense of solidarity and camaraderie among the people, with them expressing support and appreciation for each other's efforts.
Trend Analysis
- Share resources to aid project development
- Corruption in government
- Inadequate infrastructure/equipments
- Transport/traffic congestion
- Financial irregularities
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 52 |
Twitter for Android | 38 |
Twitter Web App | 4 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
Nawar_Amina | Nawar #RN2023 | - | 9,868 |
MeenazyLilee | 🌷𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑦 🌷 | Freelance journalist 📝 Traveling 🧭 👩✈️✈️ | 8,662 |
MrPhazyl | PAX - #Ibu2023 | If you don't have the courtesy to tweet from your personal account, please don't tag me. | 7,118 |
HdhMoadu | Hdh Mode#HaramHukum #FreeRYnow | Hadcore supporter of HEP Yameen. PPM SMedia activist. Member of PPM Council | 4,124 |
amathyn | #SaveThilafushi | Electrical & Building Services Engineer, Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy | Sustainable Development MSc in Building Services Eng. BSc in Electrical Eng. | 3,605 |
AishathLubna | Aishath Lubna | - | 3,400 |
Adamiington | @.d.@.m🤳 | Blogger I Cinephile I Political Criticism I “Somewhere in my mind I still wonder, whether everything happens for a reason” I ٱلْـحَـمْـدُ للهِ I | 3,194 |
SaimMoosa | Saim | Journalist | Political Science & IR Student |Tweets are my own opinions. Retweets are not my endorsement | 2,808 |
ad_abdulla | Abdulla Ali Ad | Dad, Husband, Lawyer, Former Vice President of Employment Tribunal of the Maldives | 2,696 |
bin_aadhanu | Adam | "Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease" 94:06 | 2,512 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
haam76 | H@@M ®️ | Former Principal Immigration Officer- Department of Immigration & Emigration 🇲🇻 | 4,996 |
safiiq | އަޙްމަދު ޝަފީޤް | ..Always stand for a free & fair society.. | 4,072 |
ad_abdulla | Abdulla Ali Ad | Dad, Husband, Lawyer, Former Vice President of Employment Tribunal of the Maldives | 3,853 |
EesaaRiza | Eesa | #JusticeForPresidentNasheed #FikureggeDhirun #BanIslamicExtremismInMaldives | 3,467 |
auxamu | auxam 🇲🇻 | Born at a very young age. | 2,982 |
kalanch03 | kalanchoe | - | 2,778 |
Nawar_Amina | Nawar #RN2023 | - | 2,479 |
Ishanuge | bongo fury | - | 2,370 |
Adamiington | @.d.@.m🤳 | Blogger I Cinephile I Political Criticism I “Somewhere in my mind I still wonder, whether everything happens for a reason” I ٱلْـحَـمْـدُ للهِ I | 2,269 |
bin_aadhanu | Adam | "Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease" 94:06 | 2,093 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
DhajaaluM | - | 8 |
Milandhoo_PPM | The official twitter account of PPM Milandhoo💜 | 4 |
AfrahAli333 | - | 3 |
Amath62873257 | 👋 | 3 |
1Maldivian | 🇲🇻 🏝️ Aᴀᴅʜᴀɪɢᴇ Dʜɪᴠᴇʜssᴇʜ- #ʀɪsᴇ𝗥𝗧 | 2 |
a_husham_ | 🇲🇻 | 2 |
beeruboa | ބީރުބޯ ވަޒީރު | 2 |
Ibrahim86463388 | އިންސާފަކީ ވަކިބަޔެއްގެ ތަރިކައެއް | 2 |
ad_abdulla | Dad, Husband, Lawyer, Former Vice President of Employment Tribunal of the Maldives | 2 |
maskurolhi2 | - | 2 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1625477189046243330 | Ekuveri kamakee gadhafadha baareh. Miadhu fenigen midhanee sarukaaruge 2 kunfuni resources share koggen sarukaaruge project thah huttumeh nethi baarah kuriah gengos nimeythan👏👍Big applause to @VMookey @adamazim @Akramkdeen | 39 |
1625733001098448896 | މިތިބީ ވަގުންނަށް އައު ކުކުޅަކަށް ގާބިހެތް އެޅިފާ. ދައުރު ނިމެން މަދުމަސްކޮޅަކަށް ވީމާ ވަގުންތައް އުޅޭގޮތެއް @faya_i @Akramkdeen | 8 |
1624113943257178112 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives @MTCCPlc ކިހާވަރެއް އިތުރަށް ހަރަދުވާނެ؟ ޖީބަށް ލާން ކިހާވަރެއް ލިބޭނެ؟ | 3 |
1624134932057686016 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives @MTCCPlc ދެން މިވަރު ވީމާ ރައްޔިތުން އެވާހަކަ ދައްކާނެދޯ!! ދަޢުރެއް ހަމަވެގެން ދިޔަ އިރު ތާރު އެޅުނު މަގެއް ނެތް ނަމަވެސް 3 އަހަރު ހަމަ ނުވާ ކުންފުންޏެއްގެ ތިޖޫރީ 3 ފަހަރަށް ވަގަށް ނަގައިފި! | 2 |
1624117465600126977 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives މަގު ހަދަން ހަވާލުވިއިރު @rdcmaldives އަށް ނޭނގޭތޯ ތާރު މެޝިން އެއީ ތަނެއްގައި ބަހައްޓައިގެން ކުރެވޭ ކަމެއްކަން. 7 މަސް ފާއިތުވެގެންދިޔައީ. އެވޯޑް ކުރި މުއްދަތު ހަމަވީ. އަމީނީމަގު އަވަހަށް ނިންމަން 84 މިލިއަން ރުފިޔާ އިތުރަށްދޭން ނިންމަންވީ. | 1 |
1624811692742811655 | @LitmusTimes Mihaaru rashu therey kiyanee @Akramkdeen ah 1 million dhineema bin kashavaru kureveyo. 10 million ah HDC in bid kohgen vikkaa bimakah vure Akram ah 1 million dhinun maa worth nu 🤷🏽♀️ | 1 |
1624141511054225408 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives @AslamAslamtey should move to ameenee magu | 1 |
1624439793391382529 | @MMuizzu SinaMale’ Bridge timeline video Malé Industrial sarahaddugaialhuvaafa bahattan feney. Faharuga ekudhinnah vattafaalhi dhasves vedhaane thoache! Alhugandah feney @Arttey mikamaa visnaalan. Roanuedhu @AslamAslamtey aai @Akramkdeen varah foi kiyanjehey. | 1 |
1624291719503290368 | @maskurolhi2 @AslamAslamtey @ibusolih @Akramkdeen @abdulla_shahid @HKurusee @Imthiyazfahmy @evattey @faya_i Enme furihama 3 vana libijje corruption in Salhi ehnoontha alhe. Ribbon kendun bavvaan vaane. Makunufidhun vaa husnuvaahen ribbon kandaa husnuvaa sarukaaru | 1 |
1626274200582516736 | @ibusolih @faya_i @Akramkdeen ބޮޑުތަނުން ފެއިލްވެފާ | 1 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1625477189046243330 | Ekuveri kamakee gadhafadha baareh. Miadhu fenigen midhanee sarukaaruge 2 kunfuni resources share koggen sarukaaruge project thah huttumeh nethi baarah kuriah gengos nimeythan👏👍Big applause to @VMookey @adamazim @Akramkdeen | 46 |
1624113943257178112 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives @MTCCPlc ކިހާވަރެއް އިތުރަށް ހަރަދުވާނެ؟ ޖީބަށް ލާން ކިހާވަރެއް ލިބޭނެ؟ | 14 |
1625733001098448896 | މިތިބީ ވަގުންނަށް އައު ކުކުޅަކަށް ގާބިހެތް އެޅިފާ. ދައުރު ނިމެން މަދުމަސްކޮޅަކަށް ވީމާ ވަގުންތައް އުޅޭގޮތެއް @faya_i @Akramkdeen | 7 |
1624276389309612032 | @AslamAslamtey thihuri maakurin ohsifa.Corruption in @ibusolih aai gulhufa hurumun thiyahen ulhevenee.@Akramkdeen akee Aslam ge corruption ge partner.ehen sarukaareh aumun Ibu in feshigen varah gina meehun thibeyni jaluga.@abdulla_shahid @HKurusee @Imthiyazfahmy @evattey @faya_i | 4 |
1624134932057686016 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives @MTCCPlc ދެން މިވަރު ވީމާ ރައްޔިތުން އެވާހަކަ ދައްކާނެދޯ!! ދަޢުރެއް ހަމަވެގެން ދިޔަ އިރު ތާރު އެޅުނު މަގެއް ނެތް ނަމަވެސް 3 އަހަރު ހަމަ ނުވާ ކުންފުންޏެއްގެ ތިޖޫރީ 3 ފަހަރަށް ވަގަށް ނަގައިފި! | 3 |
1624223035594276864 | އެއް ކުންފުނިން އަނެއް ކުންފުޏަށް،ކުންފުނީގެ ޤާބިލުކަން ނުވަތަ ކެޕޭސިޓީ ނެތްކަން ފެނިގެން މި ދަނީ @VMookey @Akramkdeen @ibusolih | 3 |
1624141511054225408 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives @AslamAslamtey should move to ameenee magu | 3 |
1624439793391382529 | @MMuizzu SinaMale’ Bridge timeline video Malé Industrial sarahaddugaialhuvaafa bahattan feney. Faharuga ekudhinnah vattafaalhi dhasves vedhaane thoache! Alhugandah feney @Arttey mikamaa visnaalan. Roanuedhu @AslamAslamtey aai @Akramkdeen varah foi kiyanjehey. | 3 |
1624480420736962561 | @rasonlinemv ތާރު އަޅާނެ މަގު ހަމަޖެހިއްޖެތަ ؟މާދަމާ ބުނާނީ، "ތާރު އަޅާނެ މަގެއް ހަނަޖެހިފައި ނުވާތީ މަސައްކަތް ނުކުރެވުނޭ" ؟@Akramkdeen | 2 |
1624222170330312705 | @Akramkdeen @rdcmaldives Addugaves equipments bahaataane thane nethigen ulhay goi mee ! | 2 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ޒ | 1 |
#ހ | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@akramkdeen | 95 |
@rdcmaldives | 66 |
@mtccplc | 39 |
@aslamaslamtey | 16 |
@mmuizzu | 14 |
@vmookey | 13 |
@faya_i | 12 |
@ibusolih | 10 |
@afshanlatheef | 7 |
@arttey | 7 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤣 | 7 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
👏🏻 | 4 | clapping_hands_light_skin_tone |
😂 | 3 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
👏 | 2 | clapping_hands |
👍 | 2 | thumbs_up |
🤷🏽♀️ | 2 | woman_shrugging_medium_skin_tone |
👌 | 1 | OK_hand |
🌰 | 1 | chestnut |
🤷🏾♂️ | 1 | man_shrugging_medium-dark_skin_tone |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 12 |
Smileys & Emotion | 10 |
Food & Drink | 1 |