Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @AfricanBank


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


African Bank has completed integration and has released a new Facebook page. They are also promoting their Youth Program to address the Triple Challenges of Unemployment, Poverty, & Inequality. They have a 10% interest rate for savings accounts, which can be opened online. Additionally, their account have been frozen allegedly for suspicious activity. They are promoting the use of their accounts for Valentine's Day.

Topic Modeling

  1. Unemployment, Poverty, and Inequality
  2. Loan offers and Banking
  3. Retail industry opportunities
  4. Valentines Day celebration
  5. Investment opportunities

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from excitement, enthusiasm, and joy to frustration, anger, and disappointment. The tweets are mainly about African Bank, its integration into the African Bank family, and the Empowa Youth program. People are excited about the news and the opportunities that it brings, as well as expressing appreciation for the people who have taught them about love. Some people are also expressing frustration with African Bank, such as having their accounts frozen and not being able to access their money.

Trend Analysis

  1. The 10th anniversary of EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters)
  2. African Bank and its initiatives
  3. Talent and opportunities for youth
  4. Valentine's Day
  5. Financial services of other banks

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 99
Twitter for iPhone 39
Twitter Web App 38

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Chymamusique Chymamusique Sound engineer - Music producer - DJ - Multi Award Winner (7 awards) - 3 SAMAs - 1 METRO FM - 2 LIMA - 1 FAME - 8 times SAMA nominee 432,310
joshuagxekwa J𓅓 Cyber Security Enthusiast | AI Enthusiast | Tech Entrepreneur 31,018
SoulFairy3 Soul 📚 Final Destination:Financial Freedom💰 I will teach you how to get the most out of your money and investments💷💵 25,410
kglenyora Lenyora I hate poverty. Carling Blacklabel Champion Coach for Orlando Pirates 2019. 12,244
phatQuen Nwa'Semu😍🥰 fatabulous 😍. No greetings on my DM get straight to the point. Not here for mjolo 5,628
Thapelo20148801 Premier ya VAAL🇮🇹 Portfolio business partner, Sales Ambassador, Trust for myself is too high, the Pineal Gland operator🧠 4,592
mahlane_phineas Mahlane Phineas DeepHouse❤ || PSALM 91❤ || CapricornFM Listener 📻 || #DSOH 🎶 || 📧 || || 4,177
IamThapelo Thapelo Mokgothu I am TPL 3,335
PhiweMbatha Phiwe Mbatha Professional Nurse (Orthopaedics), Published author, Fashion designer 2,969
ubankSA We #CelebrateU because #UMatter Annual Price Increase.Please visit our website to view our Annual Price Increase effective 01 March 2022. 2,769

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Chymamusique Chymamusique Sound engineer - Music producer - DJ - Multi Award Winner (7 awards) - 3 SAMAs - 1 METRO FM - 2 LIMA - 1 FAME - 8 times SAMA nominee 16,590
joshuagxekwa J𓅓 Cyber Security Enthusiast | AI Enthusiast | Tech Entrepreneur 11,671
phatQuen Nwa'Semu😍🥰 fatabulous 😍. No greetings on my DM get straight to the point. Not here for mjolo 6,222
Thapelo20148801 Premier ya VAAL🇮🇹 Portfolio business partner, Sales Ambassador, Trust for myself is too high, the Pineal Gland operator🧠 5,053
arnold_mateys Sipho Mateys🇮🇹... Mdlane,Tutuse,Nomdimba,Nqandashe Mbomboyi,Ngubencuka,Ntlokwanibanz 5,002
IamThapelo Thapelo Mokgothu I am TPL 4,998
kolane_tshidiso Tshidiso kolane Graduate of BBA(HRM). I'm a DJ | DM for bookings | email 4,163
HerQueenGirl The Girl 🌸 She/Her/Hers 3,766
mahlane_phineas Mahlane Phineas DeepHouse❤ || PSALM 91❤ || CapricornFM Listener 📻 || #DSOH 🎶 || 📧 || || 3,666
PhiweMbatha Phiwe Mbatha Professional Nurse (Orthopaedics), Published author, Fashion designer 3,035

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Tiffanyw100 - 14
mahlane_phineas DeepHouse❤ || PSALM 91❤ || CapricornFM Listener 📻 || #DSOH 🎶 || 📧 || || 7
madanpokhara32 Swiss manager,NASAscientist,UN seneter, Nepal govt job, writer,Swiss Army, , CG manager, world bank manager ,esa scientis ,wto agent, neto army, lawyer 4
hannahnietta ♥ιтѕ αℓℓ αвт ‎נєѕυѕ♥ 4
MrTibaneZ Hedge Fund Manager wannabe|| Loves learning about the South African economy|| Student 🎯 4
EmpowaYouth A division of EmpowaWorx established to develop robust solutions towards solving South Africa’s Youth unemployment | #EYW2022 4
FaeezCassim6 - 4
FahmeedaKS for the love of comps ❤️🤪 4
byxolo_ - 3
PreeLocks a Princess. 💘☔ ×I'm always broke× 🎀😁 HATE is nonexistent to ME! 🌻💖 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626106391407607809 EFF le African Bank Se Rangwane Se Ramogolo🙌Re batho Bale bangwe#AKA#EFFTurns10#EFFNorthernCape@EFFSouthAfrica @AfricanBank @Julius_S_Malema 15
1624639794776092673 @AfricanBank @ZosinaZwane @glenda_mathatho @SENOAMADIKGAODI These are people who taught me about love. #ABSundayVibes #AfricanBank 4
1626320153125220358 @AugustFlare @AfricaFactsZone @capitecbank Here are real banks in Southy@FNBSA @StandardBankZA @Absa @Nedbank @CapitecBankSA @Tymebank@BidvestBankSA @Investec @AfricanBank @Discovery @OldMutualSA There rest that I didn't mention are in the same league as the best bank in Nigeria 2
1623949596333379585 No , speak to @AfricanBank ba go fe loan ya 2 tao 2
1624272015749423105 Can we interrupt your weekend to bring you some EXCITING news? Our integration into the African Bank family is complete! Follow our new Facebook page for the latest news and content - @AfricanBank #AfricanBank #AudacityToBelieve 2
1625430874282946560 The #YOUTH needs more than just promises, they need REAL, RELEVANT, TANGIBLE & SUSTAINABLE opportunities.The @AfricanBank @EmpowaYouth Industry Focused Summit supported by @WRSETA aims to do just that!#InspiredConnectedTransformed #Empoward2Work #Eyw #pretoria #Atteridgeville 1
1625091767623114752 @FahmeedaKS @AfricanBank Thanks 1
1626544707986751488 @Mykhel_G @AugustFlare @AfricaFactsZone @capitecbank @FNBSA @StandardBankZA @Absa @Nedbank @CapitecBankSA @tymebank @BidvestBankSA @Investec @AfricanBank @Discovery @OldMutualSA Unnecessary hate. You need rest. 1
1625084172837478400 @AfricanBank @AndreaSandra27 #ABSundayVibes #AfricanBank 1
1624308237506867200 @AfricanBank @Always_Kitkat But you guys are boring why cant we open Bank accounts for our kids 🤷‍♂️ 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626106391407607809 EFF le African Bank Se Rangwane Se Ramogolo🙌Re batho Bale bangwe#AKA#EFFTurns10#EFFNorthernCape@EFFSouthAfrica @AfricanBank @Julius_S_Malema 126
1623949596333379585 No , speak to @AfricanBank ba go fe loan ya 2 tao 18
1624272015749423105 Can we interrupt your weekend to bring you some EXCITING news? Our integration into the African Bank family is complete! Follow our new Facebook page for the latest news and content - @AfricanBank #AfricanBank #AudacityToBelieve 8
1626131070927134721 #INTERVIEWALERT 🚨Catch Head @EmpowaYouth on @phelifm95 discussing how the @AfricanBank @EmpowaYouth program supported by @WRSETA aims to address the Triple Challenges of Unemployment, Poverty & Inequality #InspiredConnectedTransformed #Empoward2Work #Eyw #youth 7
1624639794776092673 @AfricanBank @ZosinaZwane @glenda_mathatho @SENOAMADIKGAODI These are people who taught me about love. #ABSundayVibes #AfricanBank 5
1624728842433593344 @Patricia_Bantom She should take that R7000.00 to invest @AfricanBank 5
1626103563020603393 Introducing the Retail Industry!With focus on:- enabling talent in the retail space- enabling opportunities for youth in the retail sector @AfricanBank @EmpowaYouth supported by @WRSETA powered by @EmpowaworxEvent  #Empoward2Work #Eyw #pretoria #Atteridgeville #youth 4
1625444189340069888 Happy valentines day #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDay2023@StandardBankZA@FNBSA@Discovery_SA@Nedbank@CapitecBankSA@tymebankza@AfricanBank @BidvestBankSA @Bankmed_SA @SAReserveBank 4
1626544707986751488 @Mykhel_G @AugustFlare @AfricaFactsZone @capitecbank @FNBSA @StandardBankZA @Absa @Nedbank @CapitecBankSA @tymebank @BidvestBankSA @Investec @AfricanBank @Discovery @OldMutualSA Unnecessary hate. You need rest. 3
1624644339967180800 @AfricanBank @WitneyNaidoo @FahmeedaKS #ABSundayVibe #AfricanBank 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#africanbank 27
#audacitytobelieve 20
#eyw 9
#absundayvibes 8
#empoward2work 8
#pretoria 7
#atteridgeville 7
#youth 7
#inspiredconnectedtransformed 4
#audaciousfridays 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@africanbank 181
@empowayouth 16
@fnbsa 10
@always_kitkat 10
@mihletshemese 10
@wrseta 9
@chymamusique 9
@standardbankza 6
@capitecbank 5
@nedbank 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤦🏾‍♂️ 10 man_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tone
💚 7 green_heart
😭 6 loudly_crying_face
💙 6 blue_heart
🚮 5 litter_in_bin_sign
🤣 5 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 4 face_with_tears_of_joy
🙏🏾 3 folded_hands_medium-dark_skin_tone
🙌 2 raising_hands
🤞 2 crossed_fingers

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 35
People & Body 25
Symbols 5
Travel & Places 2
Activities 1
Animals & Nature 1