Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Abdirahmanirro


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Abdirahman irro, a presidential candidate for Somaliland, has recently discussed the crisis in Laascaanood and the election coming up. He is known for his lack of involvement in conflict or war crimes. People have called for troops to withdraw from the city, while others have expressed condolences to the people affected by the conflict. Abdirahman has recently visited the Turkish consulate to sign a condolence book for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey. People have also discussed the expected outcome of the conflict, with some advocating for unity and others addressing differences in Habar-Younis and Habar-Toljeclo.

Topic Modeling

  1. Somaliland situation and elections
  2. Las Anod conflict and violence
  3. Garaad/Habar Younis/Habar Toljeclo
  4. Crisis in Turkey
  5. Abdirahman irro and his presidential candidacy

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from shock and disbelief to sadness and anger. Many of the tweets express dismay and outrage at the violence and destruction caused by the conflict in Laascaanood and the lack of action taken by Somaliland authorities. There is also an underlying sense of hope and support for Abdirahmanirro, the presidential candidate of SL, who is seen as a potential savior from the conflict. Additionally, there is a call for unity and peace, as well as a strong condemnation of the violence.

Trend Analysis

  1. Violence and crises in Laascaanood, Somaliland
  2. The Presidential Election in Somaliland
  3. The Inalienability of SSC from Somaliland
  4. Badbaadiyaha, Somaliland and Welcome back Abdirahmanirro
  5. The Conflict in Laascaanood and Loss of Lives

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 67
Twitter for iPhone 39
Twitter Web App 11

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
abdisalamisma1 Abdisalam Yusuf Fmr. lecturer #SNU, 2008 #ObamaTeam for change. Author Political Solution Proposal on Syrian Crisis (2013). Socially Conservative. Views mine. RT=FYI. 27,043
mwdualeh Mohamed W. Dualeh - The Special Envoy of the Republic of Somaliland to the UN and other international organizations. 7,208
AbdulkaderMy Abdulkader MY Gentleman Politician | Ex-Deputy Min. of Fishery PL | Bari Reg. Coordinator of LG | JPLG Coordinator | Teacher | Journalist | Sportsman | Herbalist | Father of 5 | 6,522
cunayee Cunaaye's Institute for Public Policy Research🇸🇴 If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. A Proud SSCD, Jubbalander & Puntlander 5,552
AdenAwliyo 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄🌙𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 Consultant/Interpret, on Training Capacity Building of Law Enforcement, Counter Terrorism & Freelance Journalist #SomaliaNewsUpdates #SomalilandNewsUpdates 5,351
ina_galayr Galayr🐪 🇸🇴 🤝 🇺🇸 Project Manager at PRA | Passionate about agro-pastoralist development 🐪 | 3,956
mboqore1 Mohamed Boqorre BA, Global studies and International relations | MA, Int'l law | Horn of Africa Security | Political commentator | Political activist. 2,633
fght_forurights Saado H. ~Compassionate about the well-being and rights of others. Pro-justice and anti-racist. views are mine! 2,152
FarhanEsse Dr. Farhan Mo Esse Alkhadiibi Economist Area of International trade | Founder of Aragtida Talmoon | Former DG of MDS| Former Ld world vision | Geopolitical Analyst| Love ❤️ Travel,Peace ✌🏽 1,883
DekAhmed5 Mr DASH Somali,Wadani,Health Worker,Han ka leh Siyaasada🇸🇴. 1,683

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
abdisalamisma1 Abdisalam Yusuf Fmr. lecturer #SNU, 2008 #ObamaTeam for change. Author Political Solution Proposal on Syrian Crisis (2013). Socially Conservative. Views mine. RT=FYI. 7,520
AbdulkaderMy Abdulkader MY Gentleman Politician | Ex-Deputy Min. of Fishery PL | Bari Reg. Coordinator of LG | JPLG Coordinator | Teacher | Journalist | Sportsman | Herbalist | Father of 5 | 6,558
ina_galayr Galayr🐪 🇸🇴 🤝 🇺🇸 Project Manager at PRA | Passionate about agro-pastoralist development 🐪 | 5,003
Abdikadiromer63 Abdulkadir Omer Warsame Regional Liaison officer for @CARE, Pragmatic optimist working for Climate Resilience, an Actions moving from Risk to Resilience & Sustainable Development 4,841
FarhanEsse Dr. Farhan Mo Esse Alkhadiibi Economist Area of International trade | Founder of Aragtida Talmoon | Former DG of MDS| Former Ld world vision | Geopolitical Analyst| Love ❤️ Travel,Peace ✌🏽 3,685
AdenAwliyo 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄🌙𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 Consultant/Interpret, on Training Capacity Building of Law Enforcement, Counter Terrorism & Freelance Journalist #SomaliaNewsUpdates #SomalilandNewsUpdates 2,399
Lariabdirisaq #Wind Of Change,Somaliland Waxa soo socdana gartaa.ich sehe was du nicht siehst . Jeg kan se, hvad du ikke kan can’t see What i Can see. 2,390
cunayee Cunaaye's Institute for Public Policy Research🇸🇴 If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. A Proud SSCD, Jubbalander & Puntlander 2,223
AbdulkadirMuse Abdulkadir Muse - 1,928
hamza_sulthan Asal Somalilander Somaliland is a tree, the parties are the branches of the Tree, and my first duty is to protect the Tree. If the branch is crooked, it can be cut down. 1,397

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
FarhanEsse Economist Area of International trade | Founder of Aragtida Talmoon | Former DG of MDS| Former Ld world vision | Geopolitical Analyst| Love ❤️ Travel,Peace ✌🏽 12
ahmedinperhe wwwwwwwwwwwww 4
AbokorYes Cloud Consultant| Palo Alto, California | Somalilander 4
Tubeosman1 -Shanta dacal dadkaa kala dagee gaalo kala dayrtay. -Doc inuu u wada duwo abwaan doonayaan ahay. 3
warlord365 A Member of the Executive Committee of the UK Wing of the Waddani Party, The largest Political Party in #Somaliland. 3
boor_dile Gacmo wadajir bey wax ku gooyan.Isimadeeniyow; waxaan sugnaaba waa Khatumo State of Somalia iyo Muse Bihi oo Beer kulaabto.Guul iyo Gobanimo! 3
MediaIfat Latest News About Somaliland (Adal), Somalia, East Africa, Global News, Economy, and Much More. 3
AbdulkadirMuse - 3
ikhajji_ {History, Global Politics & Diplomacy}The HOA can NEVER be at peace, unless all foreign backed insidious Local & Foreign double-agents entities are uprooted! 3
abdisalamisma1 Fmr. lecturer #SNU, 2008 #ObamaTeam for change. Author Political Solution Proposal on Syrian Crisis (2013). Socially Conservative. Views mine. RT=FYI. 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627191983893618688 Dareenka beesha Garxejis ee xasuuqa iyo barakicinta maamulka Falaagada #Somaliland u gaysatay #Laascaanood. Yaab⚠️🔹Askarta Somaliland maxay #LasAnod ugu dhimanayaan?⁦@musebiihi⁩ ⁦@Abdirahmanirro⁩ ⁦@WaddaniP⁩ ⁦@MadaxtooyadaJSL⁩ ⁦@VPsomaliland⁩ 10
1626230154103242754 He never took part in a conflict or war crime. @Abdirahmanirro #Ciro4President 9
1627506891361247234 This evening at Radisson hotel Airport i met his execelleny Mr @Abdirahmanirro president candidate of SL on his way to Hrg. His execellency briefed us about the recent crisis in Lasanod, SL and the way forward and the coming president election in SL. It was an informative meeting 4
1627249754685014016 Go’aanka Beesha Garxejis ee la xiriirta dagaalka #Laascaanood #LasAnod: @musebiihi⁩ ⁦@VPsomaliland⁩ ⁦@Abdirahmanirro⁩ ⁦@SalahJama⁩ ⁦@KhadarGulaid⁩ ⁦⁦@Presidencysl_⁩ 3
1624454254487388161 @LIXLE007 @musebiihi @SLNTV @Abdirahmanirro @WaddaniP @FaisalAliWarabe @HassanSMohamud @BBCBreaking @guardian It's simple if you want peace withdraw your troops terrorising innocent Civilians in Las'anod and return them to Isaaq inhabited territories of Somaliland as SSC are not Somaliland and will never be part of this delusion secessionist agenda . We are inalienable part of Somalia🇸🇴 1
1624523887382786049 When Bixi calls for a cease fire & says that we are being attacked you are showing insecurity in the nation. How can oil companies feel secure in a nation that is UNDER constant attack? @somalilandmfa @MoICNG @Presidencysl_ @musebiihi @cabdirashed @Abdirahmanirro @WaddaniP 1
1626311006497406977 @FarhanEsse @Abdirahmanirro Umadiisana ma u kala abtiriyo. 1
1624563994886557696 @LIXLE007 @Abdirahmanirro @musebiihi @FaisalAliWarabe @SLNTV 1
1624804817859141633 @Awabaadir @LIXLE007 @Abdirahmanirro @musebiihi @FaisalAliWarabe @SLNTV Cerigabo?😭😭 0
1624805526755323904 @AbdulkadirMuse @LIXLE007 @Abdirahmanirro @musebiihi @FaisalAliWarabe @SLNTV 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627191983893618688 Dareenka beesha Garxejis ee xasuuqa iyo barakicinta maamulka Falaagada #Somaliland u gaysatay #Laascaanood. Yaab⚠️🔹Askarta Somaliland maxay #LasAnod ugu dhimanayaan?⁦@musebiihi⁩ ⁦@Abdirahmanirro⁩ ⁦@WaddaniP⁩ ⁦@MadaxtooyadaJSL⁩ ⁦@VPsomaliland⁩ 35
1627506891361247234 This evening at Radisson hotel Airport i met his execelleny Mr @Abdirahmanirro president candidate of SL on his way to Hrg. His execellency briefed us about the recent crisis in Lasanod, SL and the way forward and the coming president election in SL. It was an informative meeting 26
1626230154103242754 He never took part in a conflict or war crime. @Abdirahmanirro #Ciro4President 26
1624454254487388161 @LIXLE007 @musebiihi @SLNTV @Abdirahmanirro @WaddaniP @FaisalAliWarabe @HassanSMohamud @BBCBreaking @guardian It's simple if you want peace withdraw your troops terrorising innocent Civilians in Las'anod and return them to Isaaq inhabited territories of Somaliland as SSC are not Somaliland and will never be part of this delusion secessionist agenda . We are inalienable part of Somalia🇸🇴 13
1627540202423046144 Badbaadiyaha #Somaliland Welcome back @Abdirahmanirro #Ciro4president 9
1627249754685014016 Go’aanka Beesha Garxejis ee la xiriirta dagaalka #Laascaanood #LasAnod: @musebiihi⁩ ⁦@VPsomaliland⁩ ⁦@Abdirahmanirro⁩ ⁦@SalahJama⁩ ⁦@KhadarGulaid⁩ ⁦⁦@Presidencysl_⁩ 6
1627569589256179712 @FarhanEsse @Abdirahmanirro 🤣🤣🤣 5
1626375919559446529 @Abdirahmanirro , Faysal Cali Waraabe and the Somaliland parliament Speaker Abdirsaq were all missing for this occasion. 5
1627631226210201600 @LIXLE007 @GaraadMukhtaar @Abdirahmanirro Ilahay ha ku caafiyo 😂 4
1626285064777760768 @FarhanEsse @Abdirahmanirro Bro literally caused the protests in hargiesa 3

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#somaliland 5
#laascaanood 5
#lasanod 4
#ciro4president 3
#kacaanorphans 1
#beesha_isaaq 1
#dhul 1
#kheyraad 1
#dhulbahante 1
#warsangeli 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@abdirahmanirro 117
@musebiihi 48
@faisalaliwarabe 43
@lixle007 42
@slntv 33
@waddanip 24
@farhanesse 22
@vpsomaliland 9
@hassansmohamud 9
@khadarlooge 8

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 22 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 18 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😅 7 grinning_face_with_sweat
😭 4 loudly_crying_face
⚠️ 3 warning
🔹 2 small_blue_diamond
💯 2 hundred_points
🤔 1 thinking_face
💀 1 skull
❤️ 1 red_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 61
Symbols 9
Flags 2