Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @7_hisho_tvasahi


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

7 days

Average age of authors' accounts

3 years


The user @7_hisho_tvasahi enjoyed watching the show "Seven Secretaries". They also shared their admiration for artist Milet, expressing that they are cute.

Topic Modeling

  1. Modern version of Soft on Mission Impactive
  2. Seven Secretary Show
  3. Admiration for Milet Music
  4. Fan Appreciation
  5. Enjoyment of the Show

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a positive sentiment, with the first tweet expressing enthusiasm for the show "7 Hisho" and the last tweet expressing admiration for the artist milet. The middle tweet expresses a sense of happiness with an emoji of a smiling face with hearts for eyes. Overall, the tweets express joy and admiration.

Trend Analysis

  1. Movie - "7 nin no Hisho (7 Secretaries)"
  2. Soft-boiled Detective
  3. Emoji - 🥹
  4. Artist - milet
  5. Admiration for milet music

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 6
Twitter Web App 4
Twitter for Android 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
miletfanxs こうき シンガーソングライターのmilet(ミレイ)さんのファンです。miles VIPになりました。miletさん以外の事についても発信してます!@milet_music #milet #miles 1,515
Nana11186795 Tanmay just perman fan 555
copymaco chrome(🐾全ての猫が幸せな世界は全ての人間が幸せな世界) 政治👥 経済💴 社会🏘 福祉💝 人権⚖️ 歴史📜 & ネコ🐱💖💕💘✨🎵💖✨Mariah Carey - Oh Santa! (Official Music Video) ft. Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson 451
FukukazeInfo fukukaze - 234
KOib7xgmJAPhnmi kakeru SUBARU大好き! 歌はmiletさんどハマり中!フォローバックよろしくお願いします! 25
birdman000777 Birdman よろしく。 7
DorianHwangGrey DorianHwangGrey - 2
lRSgWbSWgWJcyrT 三上克二 克二です、 1
YURI04888571 えもん milet❤️ milesです! #milet #milet_music 0

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
miletfanxs こうき シンガーソングライターのmilet(ミレイ)さんのファンです。miles VIPになりました。miletさん以外の事についても発信してます!@milet_music #milet #miles 4,451
Nana11186795 Tanmay just perman fan 1,120
copymaco chrome(🐾全ての猫が幸せな世界は全ての人間が幸せな世界) 政治👥 経済💴 社会🏘 福祉💝 人権⚖️ 歴史📜 & ネコ🐱💖💕💘✨🎵💖✨Mariah Carey - Oh Santa! (Official Music Video) ft. Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson 620
FukukazeInfo fukukaze - 89
KOib7xgmJAPhnmi kakeru SUBARU大好き! 歌はmiletさんどハマり中!フォローバックよろしくお願いします! 50
DorianHwangGrey DorianHwangGrey - 41
birdman000777 Birdman よろしく。 33
lRSgWbSWgWJcyrT 三上克二 克二です、 20
YURI04888571 えもん milet❤️ milesです! #milet #milet_music 13

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
KOib7xgmJAPhnmi SUBARU大好き! 歌はmiletさんどハマり中!フォローバックよろしくお願いします! 2
Nana11186795 just perman fan 2
copymaco 政治👥 経済💴 社会🏘 福祉💝 人権⚖️ 歴史📜 & ネコ🐱💖💕💘✨🎵💖✨Mariah Carey - Oh Santa! (Official Music Video) ft. Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson 2
DorianHwangGrey - 1
FukukazeInfo - 1
YURI04888571 milet❤️ milesです! #milet #milet_music 1
birdman000777 よろしく。 1
lRSgWbSWgWJcyrT 克二です、 1
miletfanxs シンガーソングライターのmilet(ミレイ)さんのファンです。miles VIPになりました。miletさん以外の事についても発信してます!@milet_music #milet #miles 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625503178879008770 @7_hisho_tvasahi @NANAO1028 🥹 0
1624650045646831617 @7_hisho_tvasahi @miletfanxs @milet_music milet is the cutest!! 0
1624556787918860288 @7_hisho_tvasahi 「七人の秘書」面白かった。現代版ソフトな必殺仕事人って感じだった。 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624556787918860288 @7_hisho_tvasahi 「七人の秘書」面白かった。現代版ソフトな必殺仕事人って感じだった。 1
1625503178879008770 @7_hisho_tvasahi @NANAO1028 🥹 0
1624650045646831617 @7_hisho_tvasahi @miletfanxs @milet_music milet is the cutest!! 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#七人の秘書 4
#milet 3
#シム 3
#ここからは映画で引き取らせて貰おうか 2
#秘書軍団のfashioncheck 2
#広瀬アリス 2
#大島優子 2
#finalcall 2
#木村文乃 1
#permanwillreturn 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@7_hisho_tvasahi 11
@milet_music 3
@fardeenkhan7172 2
@disney 2
@change 1
@asahi_tv 1
@post_tvasahi 1
@disneystudios 1
@nanao1028 1
@miletfanxs 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🗯 3 right_anger_bubble
2 sparkles
👗 2 dress
👠 2 high-heeled_shoe
📸 2 camera_with_flash
🎤 2 microphone
🎧 1 headphone
🎶 1 musical_notes
👩🏻‍💼 1 woman_office_worker_light_skin_tone
🍜 1 steaming_bowl

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 16
Smileys & Emotion 3
People & Body 3
Activities 2
Food & Drink 1
Travel & Places 1