Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @247SportsPortal


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


Ole Miss linebacker Ashanti Cistrunk has withdrawn from the transfer portal and WR Onuma Dieke has announced he will enter it on April 15th. SMU was Jakai Clark's top choice and various accounts in the tweets have expressed opinions about players entering the transfer portal and other players' potential moves. SMU has also offered Angelo State transfer LB Daron Allman. Various accounts have expressed opinions and discussions on whether certain players have found a home yet.

Topic Modeling

  1. Transferring: Ashanti Cistrunk, Onuma Dieke, Jakai Clark
  2. Destinations & Choices: SMU, Miami, Possible Destination
  3. Recruiting & MaxPreps: GroupOfFiveGuys, MaxPreps, RecruitGeorgia
  4. Support & Discussion: Preach, Thinning on top, Yay, etc.
  5. Availability: Grad transfer, Window isn't open, You found a home yet

Emotional Analysis

The tweets in this thread express a range of emotions, from excitement and optimism to uncertainty and doubt. The first few tweets are related to Ole Miss linebacker Ashanti Cistrunk withdrawing from the transfer portal, WR Onuma Dieke entering the portal, and SMU football offering a transfer LB. These tweets express optimism and excitement for the players' futures. The following tweets are conversations among the group of five guys, expressing agreement, appreciation, and agreement with each other's opinions. There is also a sense of camaraderie and support in these tweets. Finally, there are tweets expressing uncertainty and doubt, such as when JakairiM asks if someone has found a home yet. Overall, the emotions expressed in this thread are largely positive and supportive.

Trend Analysis

  1. Transfers
  2. Graduate transfers
  3. Recruitment
  4. Seeking a new home
  5. Opinions and perspective

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 39
Twitter for iPad 24
Twitter for Android 4
TweetDeck 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
BradLoganCOTE Brad Logan Contributor to “Inside the Rebels” on @247Sports | Logan Media Network | @BleavInOleMiss Podcast host on the @BleavNetwork | @WJTV Sports | St. Jude advocate 17,406
SMUMustangAlum Greg Gaylor "[N]ever give in... except to convictions of honor.... Never yield to force... to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." Sir Winston Churchill 8,174
FightMA247 Fight Massachusetts Official home for #UMass news on the @247Sports Network. Tweets from @MichaelTraini. RTs not endorsements disclaimer. DMs open. 7,181
ClavensC Clavens Charles 🇭🇹 Athletic Operations Manager / RB Coach @ Florida Memorial University!! 4,587
jhofeditz Jordan Hofeditz Cover SMU football, basketball and recruiting for @247Sports at SMU SigEp ⚾️🍺🐶👩🏼💍 @sarahcameron11👶🏼👶🏼 2,258
Aurionpeoples_ AP Defensive Tackle @ Utah State/ #Jucoproduct Zariah❤️ 2,242
JakairiM 3 Jakairi Moses| 5’9 200 RB/Wr/Kr | WKU GRAD 1,895
Efried97 Eric Friedlander Soccer and @umassathletics talk. Writer @once_a_metro Event Pro. @FCPsen minority owner #RBNY #UniteTheMasses 1,890
jaytonfranklin6 Jay-Ton 23 | 6’3 MSU Texas Alumni 👨🏽‍🎓🍾 1/1: “not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality”. 🤴🏽 #24Strong 👼🏽🤲🏽#LLJMO SATX🔁DFW 1,651
zbranner70 Zachary Branner #TroyFootballAlum #TroyUGrad⚔️ #TroyAlumni🛡#BattleATL 1,632

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
SMUMustangAlum Greg Gaylor "[N]ever give in... except to convictions of honor.... Never yield to force... to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." Sir Winston Churchill 6,365
mnsportsinfo1 mnsportsinsider 8.9K on 4,999
ClintGrossi Clint Grossi Fun loving down to earth chill type of guy. Big LV Raiders fan woot woot!!! 3,375
mrfoley2 f.foley - 2,405
zachsportsnews Zach - 2,131
ITSDASHOW239 SHOW/THEGATEKEEPER.. Life Is A Grind & Grinding Is A Way Of Life... #WGE.. #GainsCaptialLogisticsLLC. #AlwaysUsLLC.. #TeonStylesLLC.. #NHS96🦅 #UniOfFindlay #UM #Cowboys #Lakers♎️ 2,052
Falconsfan1020 a better world is possible, not inevitable 🏳️‍🌈 Sports and Anime. Also have a guilty pleasure in sitcoms. Call me whatever 1,776
FightMA247 Fight Massachusetts Official home for #UMass news on the @247Sports Network. Tweets from @MichaelTraini. RTs not endorsements disclaimer. DMs open. 1,580
jaytonfranklin6 Jay-Ton 23 | 6’3 MSU Texas Alumni 👨🏽‍🎓🍾 1/1: “not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality”. 🤴🏽 #24Strong 👼🏽🤲🏽#LLJMO SATX🔁DFW 1,557
JakairiM 3 Jakairi Moses| 5’9 200 RB/Wr/Kr | WKU GRAD 1,432

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
zachsportsnews - 24
mnsportsinfo1 8.9K on 12
Sprouse_68 Husband | Dad | Florida Man🌴MT Alum🏈 Host/Architect of @groupoffiveguys 2
ClintGrossi Fun loving down to earth chill type of guy. Big LV Raiders fan woot woot!!! 2
Falconsfan1020 Sports and Anime. Also have a guilty pleasure in sitcoms. Call me whatever 2
jhofeditz Cover SMU football, basketball and recruiting for @247Sports at SMU SigEp ⚾️🍺🐶👩🏼💍 @sarahcameron11👶🏼👶🏼 2
mrfoley2 - 1
begreatOD FBS Wide Reciever in Transfer Portal #begreat 1
jaytonfranklin6 23 | 6’3 MSU Texas Alumni 👨🏽‍🎓🍾 1/1: “not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality”. 🤴🏽 #24Strong 👼🏽🤲🏽#LLJMO SATX🔁DFW 1
jbrenden22 @kwc_football Commit🐾💜• Tight End• 2X All Region 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626337742941523969 Ole Miss linebacker Ashanti Cistrunk officially withdraws from the transfer portal. via @247sports | @247SportsPortal 3
1625553360026845184 VIP: SMU was always near the top on Miami transfer OL Jakai Clark’s list of possible destinations, but after his visit it became the only choice #PonyUp #PonyUpDallas #PonyStampede #SMUFB @J_Clark_55 @247SportsPortal 2
1625705640063557637 @JakairiM @247SportsPortal @RivalsPortal @farrellportal @cj_realcool You found a home yet boss? 1
1624797213648977920 WR Onuma Dieke announces he will enter the @247SportsPortal when it opens on April 15th will have two seasons to play at his next stop. The former 3* WR from Atlanta had his best season in 2021 for UMass with 14 catchesGood luck to Dieke 1
1626792505655316480 @daxxx_lindholm @247SportsPortal @SSN_Portal @RivalsPortal @chris_hummer @TP4PT 0
1624397988318572546 @GroupOfFiveGuys @Sprouse_68 @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal 0
1625989888393768960 @Evan_vaughan5 @CoachYoung41 @kwc_football @RivalsPortal @247SportsPortal @RecruitGeorgia yk the move 🐾💜 0
1625981354805719046 SMU football offers Angelo State transfer LB Daron Allman out of Killeen Shoemaker High. Has one year of eligibility remaining#PonyUpDallas #PonyStampede #SMUFB @OgRon14 @247SportsPortal 0
1625321486595813377 @RivalsPortal @247SportsPortal @farrellportal 0
1624797653413548033 @FightMA247 @247SportsPortal What do you make of these late entries is it just guys seeing who was brought in and realizing they aren’t going get playing time 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626337742941523969 Ole Miss linebacker Ashanti Cistrunk officially withdraws from the transfer portal. via @247sports | @247SportsPortal 34
1624797213648977920 WR Onuma Dieke announces he will enter the @247SportsPortal when it opens on April 15th will have two seasons to play at his next stop. The former 3* WR from Atlanta had his best season in 2021 for UMass with 14 catchesGood luck to Dieke 14
1625553360026845184 VIP: SMU was always near the top on Miami transfer OL Jakai Clark’s list of possible destinations, but after his visit it became the only choice #PonyUp #PonyUpDallas #PonyStampede #SMUFB @J_Clark_55 @247SportsPortal 9
1624107889714405376 @GroupOfFiveGuys @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal I agree with everything this guy’s ever said. 5
1624122604662423557 @GroupOfFiveGuys @Sprouse_68 @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal My man said nothing but facts here. 3
1624108767284428809 @GroupOfFiveGuys @Sprouse_68 @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal 3
1624797653413548033 @FightMA247 @247SportsPortal What do you make of these late entries is it just guys seeing who was brought in and realizing they aren’t going get playing time 3
1624117193746120704 @GroupOfFiveGuys @Sprouse_68 @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal Yes. Good opinion. 3
1624202827202535426 @GroupOfFiveGuys @Sprouse_68 @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal Excellent point 2
1624142741461471247 @GroupOfFiveGuys @Sprouse_68 @MaxPreps @247recruiting @247SportsPortal I’d still take the kid that hat-flipped on us. He’d have to sit on the sideline with a road cone on his head every practice for the first year, but he’d be on the team. 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ponystampede 3
#smufb 3
#ponyup 2
#ponyupdallas 2
#239gottalent 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@247sportsportal 69
@rivalsportal 23
@farrellportal 17
@ssn_portal 15
@ncaafnation247 13
@robspringer25 12
@lightonsports 12
@fcsnationradio1 12
@coachcurtis42 12
@ust_football 12

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🗣️ 3 speaking_head
🤣 2 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🐾 1 paw_prints
💜 1 purple_heart
👀 1 eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 4
Smileys & Emotion 3
Animals & Nature 1