Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @UniteSharon


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


Members of the @UniteTheUnion at Abelio Buses won an 18% pay rise due to their determined action. @UniteSharon sends her congratulations. @Keir_Starmer and @JeremyCorbyn's views of the affiliate funds of Corbin supporting Unite members were discussed. The NHS has been restructured in to for-profit systems and privatized. @UniteSharon spoke of the workers taking over 20 days of strike action to receive the pay rise and an offensive from government ministers towards NHS workers. She also condemned UK energy profiteering.

Topic Modeling

  1. Pay Rise & Strike Action: Members of Unite the Union win an 18% pay rise due to determined action and 20 days of strike action.
  2. Affiliated Labour funding: The concept of funding, especially for Corbyn-supporting Unite members, speaks to Labour’s relationship with the unions.
  3. NHS Privatization/Restructuring: This theme leads to a discussion of US-style profit-oriented practices, saving the NHS, restoring government control, and private companies driving up energy bills.
  4. Appeasement & Starmer: Appeasement is discussed in relation to Starmer's handling of Labour Party affiliations, resulting in a polarizing debate on what the expectations for party funding should be.
  5. Pay Cuts for NHS Workers: This theme focuses on the offensive cuts being made to NHS workers, while banking friends are being given a pass.

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are mainly positive, with sentiments of pride, congratulations, and admiration. There is also a sense of anger and frustration towards the government and its policies, as well as a call for unions to defund the Labour Party. Additionally, there is a sense of urgency and determination to protect the NHS and to prevent further privatization. Finally, there is a sense of disbelief and confusion at the lack of action from the government in resolving disputes.

Trend Analysis

  1. Pay increase for Unite members
  2. Unite members supporting Labour with funding
  3. Privatisation of NHS and its effects
  4. Profiteering in UK economy
  5. International law and Brexit

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 321
Twitter for Android 300
Twitter for iPhone 298
Twitter for iPad 60
TweetDeck Web App 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
johnmcdonnellMP John McDonnell MP Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington and former Shadow Chancellor. Join the Labour Party here: 326,075
unitetheunion Unite the union: join a union The UK and Ireland's largest trade union. Join at: Our Twitter team cannot give rights advice or respond to DMs. 101,917
LabourList LabourList The inside track on all Labour news and an open platform for debate. 80,036
docrussjackson GET A GRIP 'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #EnoughIsEnough #JoinAUnion Views are mine & NOT my employer's. 57,957
edwardpoole1975 Ed Poole🟠🌤 Democratic socialist, Breakthrough Party, NHS safety manager, Unison, Villa. Free typo in every tweet. Views my own. he/him 52,526
KernowDamo Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 Unpaid Carer. Green Party Cllr. Socialist. Trade Unionist. Political commentator. Video Maker. Writer. All views my own. #VoteGreen #DamoRants 34,816
Taj_Ali1 Taj Ali Journalist covering trade unionism and industrial disputes. Bylines: @Independent @MetroUK @HuffPost @theipaper @tribunemagazine 33,339
johnandi @johnandi#FBPE#GTTO#LetsTryUBI#FollowBackFriday 81 year-old European. 🏴Brexit evil in intention & application. Brexiters blocked. M.I.E.T & M.C.I.M. #ToriesOut #FBPE Rejoin. 30,618
ACORNunion ACORN the union From housing to public transport, we use collective action to transform our communities and our country. Together we win. 25,092
NAJ562 Nicola James 💙 #EnoughIsEnough #ProtectOurNHS NHS, Environment, Social Justice. Personal account. RT’s/likes not necessarily an endorsement. Find me on Mastodon 23,048

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
docrussjackson GET A GRIP 'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #EnoughIsEnough #JoinAUnion Views are mine & NOT my employer's. 43,559
edwardpoole1975 Ed Poole🟠🌤 Democratic socialist, Breakthrough Party, NHS safety manager, Unison, Villa. Free typo in every tweet. Views my own. he/him 33,045
KernowDamo Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 Unpaid Carer. Green Party Cllr. Socialist. Trade Unionist. Political commentator. Video Maker. Writer. All views my own. #VoteGreen #DamoRants 21,601
johnandi @johnandi#FBPE#GTTO#LetsTryUBI#FollowBackFriday 81 year-old European. 🏴Brexit evil in intention & application. Brexiters blocked. M.I.E.T & M.C.I.M. #ToriesOut #FBPE Rejoin. 20,423
KarenJu62258050 Karen Judge 💙 💙A very tired, but proud NHS nurse with Long Covid #FBNHS #SaveOurNHS #EveryDoctorUK #We_OwnIt #ScrapNHSBill #FBPPR #GTTO #PATH #ProtectNHS💙#StandWithUkraine 18,988
Awarding_Women Snuggles💜💙💛Sheila 💎 Creator of @Woman_InBiz #WomanInBizHour #fibrowarrior anti-corruption #AnimalLover #StrongerTogether #QueenOf x 3 👑 18,980
Dr4OurNHS Dr4#OurNHS #SocialistAlliance #NeverNewLabour @BThroughParty@DiEM25UK@FreeNorthNow@HarmonyPartyUK@LeftUnityParty@SEP_Britain@SocialistLP@Socialist_Party@TUSCoalition@WorkersPartyGBRetweet≠Endors 17,642
ChristineJameis #SupportPalestine #BDS #Yemen #Kashmir #Assange Socialist for: NHS, Climate protection, renewable energy, #FreeAssange and against wars, poverty, inequality, racism, factory farming + animal experimentation. 15,612
RevBluesSusie Revolution Blues 🥀 #StrongerTogether Proud socialist. Journalist. ESL teacher. Love all animals. Made in NZ. #CorbynWasRight #FreeAssange #FreePalestine #VR #Bowie 12,629
petejm1958 p.j. Socialist. Sociologist. From the plough... to the stars. 12,558

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Dr4OurNHS @BThroughParty@DiEM25UK@FreeNorthNow@HarmonyPartyUK@LeftUnityParty@SEP_Britain@SocialistLP@Socialist_Party@TUSCoalition@WorkersPartyGBRetweet≠Endors 82
unitetheunion The UK and Ireland's largest trade union. Join at: Our Twitter team cannot give rights advice or respond to DMs. 37
RevBluesSusie Proud socialist. Journalist. ESL teacher. Love all animals. Made in NZ. #CorbynWasRight #FreeAssange #FreePalestine #VR #Bowie 15
Woodie_ull The only war which is worth fighting is the class war. The working class of this country have no quarrel with the working class of any other country. 15
TheMagmaa2169 •Politics🎙 #BrexitShambles •European 🇪🇺 #RejoinEU 12
opaqueentity - 11
geneosu - 10
TheLifeandLega1 Samantha Harding consultant NHS eye surgeon and great granddaughter of George Arthur Roberts. Now on Mastodon 8
LabourKeriHowe Activist, campaigner #JoinAUnion formerly chair of @NottinghamUnite REAL @UKLabour - shortlisted for #GE2019 to replace Tom Watson by @UKLabour 8

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625176533747875841 Today members of @unitetheunion at Abelio buses have won an 18% pay rise. They did it as a result of their determined action. Proud to have supported them and I send them my congratulations. @UniteSharon 92
1623970344791834628 Someone please tell @UniteSharon what’s going on. 🤦‍♀️ Our NHS has already been privatised! It’s been restructured into 42 ICSs (Integrated Care Systems) replicating US style for profit ACOs (Accountable Care Organisations). #SaveOurNHS Watch & share: 👇 88
1625818656805425153 Appeasement has failed. Love to hear from @JeremyCorbyn @RichardBurgon @ZarahSultana @JohnMcdonnellMP as to their views on above poll. Silence is acquiescence. Would also love to hear from the unions who still fund Labour. @UniteTheUnion @UniteSharon @BeckettUnite @SteveT_Unite 29
1626548322411458562 "It’s offensive that government ministers are insisting #NHS workers take another savage pay cut while their big City banker friends are given carte blanche to make billions" - @UniteSharon 26
1625851850820911104 @jeremycorbyn @RichardBurgon @zarahsultana @johnmcdonnellMP @unitetheunion @UniteSharon @BeckettUnite @SteveT_Unite @AspireParty @BFAWUOfficial @BThroughParty @corbyn_project @DiEM25UK @FreeNorthNow @HarmonyPartyUK @LeftUnityParty @pplsassembly @SEP_Britain @SocialistLP @Socialist_party @TUSCoalition @WorkersPartyGB @georgegalloway @simonmaginn @drbobgill @eiecampaign @DerbyChrisW @LabourInExile @flelizi @nomoregreed Love to hear from @JeremyCorbyn @RichardBurgon @ZarahSultana @JohnMcdonnellMP as to their views on above poll. Silence is acquiescence. By @DoubleDownNews "BREAKING: Starmer Tells Left to Leave & Corbyn Won't Stand" 23
1625189143516004369 “This is an important pay victory. Workers have stood firm and with the support of their union, Unite, they have secured a richly deserved pay increase.” @UniteSharon #JobsPayConditions #HeartUnite #HeartUnions 22
1624470277139701761 Tell @UniteSharon to demand the original publicly owned and publicly operated, fully comprehensive, funded, transparent & accountable Beveridge NHS. Please, demand NHS reinstatement! INTEGRATED CARE SYSTEMS IS NOT A NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE #RenationaliseNHS #NHS_NOT_ICS 22
1626199734758084608 "These energy companies are showing us everything that is wrong with the UK’s broken economy." - @UniteSharon #energy @UniteEconomy 21
1626166843831382016 “The strike across the #ambulance service is growing but instead of getting into the room to resolve the dispute, this govt is doing absolutely nothing. “@RishiSunak remains missing in action, refusing to talk to resolve this dispute.” @UniteSharon 1/2 20
1624027534118600706 #NHS has already been privatised Control shifting over to US health insurance corps. UnitedHealth & Centene dominate .@UniteSharon 19

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625176533747875841 Today members of @unitetheunion at Abelio buses have won an 18% pay rise. They did it as a result of their determined action. Proud to have supported them and I send them my congratulations. @UniteSharon 344
1625623532934770689 @PolitlcsUK @Steven_Swinford Does that go for the unions and union members who support your party with funding @Keir_Starmer ? Hey @UniteSharon ,what is @unitetheunion response to this. Apparently the affiliated funds of Corbyn supporting members of Unite isn't good enough for #Starmer. So let's cut him off! 135
1623970344791834628 Someone please tell @UniteSharon what’s going on. 🤦‍♀️ Our NHS has already been privatised! It’s been restructured into 42 ICSs (Integrated Care Systems) replicating US style for profit ACOs (Accountable Care Organisations). #SaveOurNHS Watch & share: 👇 115
1625142435474022400 The victory was hard won, with the workforce taking over 20 days of strike action beginning late last year to secure the pay increase. “This is an important victory. Workers stood firm and with the support of Unite, they secured a richly deserved pay increase.” -@UniteSharon 92
1625818656805425153 Appeasement has failed. Love to hear from @JeremyCorbyn @RichardBurgon @ZarahSultana @JohnMcdonnellMP as to their views on above poll. Silence is acquiescence. Would also love to hear from the unions who still fund Labour. @UniteTheUnion @UniteSharon @BeckettUnite @SteveT_Unite 50
1625189143516004369 “This is an important pay victory. Workers have stood firm and with the support of their union, Unite, they have secured a richly deserved pay increase.” @UniteSharon #JobsPayConditions #HeartUnite #HeartUnions 44
1625851850820911104 @jeremycorbyn @RichardBurgon @zarahsultana @johnmcdonnellMP @unitetheunion @UniteSharon @BeckettUnite @SteveT_Unite @AspireParty @BFAWUOfficial @BThroughParty @corbyn_project @DiEM25UK @FreeNorthNow @HarmonyPartyUK @LeftUnityParty @pplsassembly @SEP_Britain @SocialistLP @Socialist_party @TUSCoalition @WorkersPartyGB @georgegalloway @simonmaginn @drbobgill @eiecampaign @DerbyChrisW @LabourInExile @flelizi @nomoregreed Love to hear from @JeremyCorbyn @RichardBurgon @ZarahSultana @JohnMcdonnellMP as to their views on above poll. Silence is acquiescence. By @DoubleDownNews "BREAKING: Starmer Tells Left to Leave & Corbyn Won't Stand" 43
1626059823291805696 Can you try and persuade @UniteSharon to defund Labour please @BeckettUnite? 41
1623699588946206720 Thank you @UniteSharon! Very proud of our members, reps, and officials for achieving this victory 🏅 40
1625819740617801728 @jeremycorbyn @RichardBurgon @zarahsultana @johnmcdonnellMP @unitetheunion @UniteSharon @BeckettUnite @SteveT_Unite Shame on #NewLabour where 'Left In Name Only' (LINO) wasn't enough. They don't want to be labeled Left at all. They seem indistinguishable from the gang of the Bloodthirsty Monopolist Warmongering Neocons Replacing blue tories with red tories makes things WORSE. #NeverNewLabour 38

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#nhs 48
#jobspayconditions 28
#energy 15
#windfalltax 12
#costoflivingcrisis 12
#heartunions 11
#ambulancestrike 8
#ambulance 8
#itwasascam 8
#profiteering 7

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@unitesharon 997
@unitetheunion 400
@beckettunite 182
@stevet_unite 158
@georgegalloway 150
@drbobgill 145
@corbyn_project 144
@pplsassembly 140
@tuscoalition 139
@workerspartygb 138

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
12 raised_fist
👇🏻 8 backhand_index_pointing_down_light_skin_tone
🤔 6 thinking_face
👍🏼 6 thumbs_up_medium-light_skin_tone
👏 4 clapping_hands
👏🏻 3 clapping_hands_light_skin_tone
🗳️ 3 ballot_box_with_ballot
🤷‍♂️ 3 man_shrugging
🥊 3 boxing_glove
💪 3 flexed_biceps

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 63
Smileys & Emotion 22
Activities 9
Objects 6
Travel & Places 4
Symbols 2
Animals & Nature 2
Flags 2