Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @SwitchBot


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


An individual has installed a SwitchBot and 3D printed a bracket to hold it in place over the "on" button with the purpose of tying it to the solar panel status. Along with curtain rods and washing machines, SwitchBot products can be updated with controls on an Apple watch, integrated with SmartThings, and have a discount code available. The individual has also found success in replacing a themestat by tying it to a SwitchBot. The SwitchBot products have a maximum performance of 37 days and are currently rolling out Matter support for their Hub2 and Curtain Rod2. Concerns have been raised about environmental sustainability and whether or not the product works with Victorian houses.

Topic Modeling

  1. Smart Devices and Home Automation - SwitchBot, Apple Watch, 3D Printing
  2. Smart Security - Home Security Camera, CCTV, Baby Monitor, Surveillance
  3. Programming - SmartThings Integration, Virtual Dimmer Switch
  4. Climate Crisis - Solar Panel, Rechargeable Battery, USB Connector
  5. The Sun Newspaper - Reputation, Controversy

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are largely positive, with users expressing excitement, satisfaction, and gratitude for products like SwitchBot and its integration with other devices. There is also some frustration expressed in a few tweets, such as when a user is unable to find a discount code or when their product does not work properly. Lastly, there is an underlying sense of responsibility and concern for the environment expressed in the last tweet.

Trend Analysis

  1. Integration of smart home technologies into home automation
  2. Installation of automated products
  3. Functionality and performance of such products
  4. Environmental and climate-related concerns
  5. Online discounts for products and services

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 10
Twitter for iPhone 9
Twitter for Android 8
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Chris_Tec_World Chris Suivez l'actualité Geek !Abonnez-vous à #ChrisTec: Twitter: 10,432
edwardlui Edward Lui Award-winning Feature film Director of Photography, features: @Unhinged2017, #DriveMeToTheEnd. Owner @urbancranefilms | Vimeo/IG @edwardlui 8,972
mrmckaycomp Fraser McKay Computing science teacher. Used to research HCI. Google L1 Cert, RaspberryPi Cert Ed, #MakeyMakey Ambassador. I run #cssmeets. 🤪👨‍💻 1,139
Happy_Cats2017 Happy Cats 😻😷💙🌍 🇺🇦 Titch 🌈 Nature, art, music, Marvel & Star Wars loving happy cats, citizen scientists. Always smiling, always happy 😀. Be kind, all life is precious. 1,135
VOLKRING VOLKRING Founder @vaicatSoftware | Content Creator @FIRST_CLICKS & @ARMcader | Funding @FAIRREPmovement 704
boriswapgeek BorisW@PGeek 📲📱 DomoGEEK | #MH #FORUMSFR #RED | Mes expériences avec les services @Xee_FR - @Homebysfr - @SFR - @getluko - @domonuxFR - #IOS #Android - @Netatmo / #domotique 684
ericspieslice eric (kydeの) americans milk chickens 582
LesTwigg Les Twigg Part-time self builder, part-time maintenance engineer plus a bit of RadioMusic & Motorsport fan. Views are my own & not those of a rational person 487
marksou Mark Southee Technical writer, former Stretford Ender and lover of the outdoors. All opinions are models' 404
warr1979 Will CEO and Founder Creek Diamond / Poor Icon …. More to come! 380

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
MightySparrrow TagTag ましろちゃん応援。Apple、服、インテリアに興味があります。ただいま療養、回復中です。 2,102
dhrandy Randy Gentry 🇺🇲 Air Force Veteran. Love guitars and car shows. Own a '50 Plymouth Special Deluxe Coupe. Camping is life! 1,680
Chris_Tec_World Chris Suivez l'actualité Geek !Abonnez-vous à #ChrisTec: Twitter: 1,637
LesTwigg Les Twigg Part-time self builder, part-time maintenance engineer plus a bit of RadioMusic & Motorsport fan. Views are my own & not those of a rational person 1,589
mrmckaycomp Fraser McKay Computing science teacher. Used to research HCI. Google L1 Cert, RaspberryPi Cert Ed, #MakeyMakey Ambassador. I run #cssmeets. 🤪👨‍💻 880
OrionBeltPortal Y3LlowjACk3t Wordpi3rcing$t!ngth!ng Erupti0nbot 🌋 Yellowjackets are more aggressive than paper wasps. They defend their nest, but will also sting unprovoked. They are prone to swarm attacks if their nest is...! 840
boriswapgeek BorisW@PGeek 📲📱 DomoGEEK | #MH #FORUMSFR #RED | Mes expériences avec les services @Xee_FR - @Homebysfr - @SFR - @getluko - @domonuxFR - #IOS #Android - @Netatmo / #domotique 785
marksou Mark Southee Technical writer, former Stretford Ender and lover of the outdoors. All opinions are models' 762
Happy_Cats2017 Happy Cats 😻😷💙🌍 🇺🇦 Titch 🌈 Nature, art, music, Marvel & Star Wars loving happy cats, citizen scientists. Always smiling, always happy 😀. Be kind, all life is precious. 651
JPinSH JP Wenn mir was nicht passt oder nicht funktioniert, habe ich ja Zeit zum meckern, bis ich wieder besseres zu tun habe.🤷‍♂️Alles andere = Lob&Covid-caused-cynism 627

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
edwardlui Award-winning Feature film Director of Photography, features: @Unhinged2017, #DriveMeToTheEnd. Owner @urbancranefilms | Vimeo/IG @edwardlui 3
dhrandy Air Force Veteran. Love guitars and car shows. Own a '50 Plymouth Special Deluxe Coupe. Camping is life! 3
Chris_Tec_World Suivez l'actualité Geek !Abonnez-vous à #ChrisTec: Twitter: 2
AChassandre Paris Xème #velotaff 🇫🇷🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈🚲 1
TestSMARTHome20 My passion for smart home technology started two years ago with 2 GE led light bulbs and a link plug in bridge and it has ballooned into an entire smart home. 1
tenbazeofficial Make Money Online, BTC, Crypto, Tutorials e.t.c. 1
mrmckaycomp Computing science teacher. Used to research HCI. Google L1 Cert, RaspberryPi Cert Ed, #MakeyMakey Ambassador. I run #cssmeets. 🤪👨‍💻 1
marksou Technical writer, former Stretford Ender and lover of the outdoors. All opinions are models' 1
gibbthegod - 1
ericspieslice americans milk chickens 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625122971042910209 #Test du @SwitchBot Curtain Rod. Un système simple vers une maison connectée. Avec une installation facile. La domotique à porte de main.📱➡️⬅️#ChrisTec | #connecté | #CurtainRod2| #Domotique | #PanneauSolaire | #rideaux | #solaire | #SwitchBot 7
1625115448537653248 I've got an air source heat pump (house was built with it), but it's not smart. So I bought a @SwitchBot and 3D printed a bracket to hold it in place over the "on" button. Now I can tie it to the solar panel status ☀️ 1
1628105262291615767 My @SwitchBot tilt curtains lasted 37 days 🤦‍♂️ 0
1628038865674985472 I will soon be working on a video testing @SwitchBot's Matter support. They are actively rolling out Matter support via their Hub2 and the SwitchBot Curtain - before adding Matter support to their other products too. Be interesting to see the results. 0
1624743033668337664 @SwitchBot hi, the SwitchBot Curtains are not saving the “calibration”. I reset both Bots TWICE, but they still don’t work. I follow all the steps and it says that the calibration was successful. Yet, back on the homepage of the app it still says “not calibrated”.What’s wrong? 0
1625087711982850053 @SwitchBot Indeed very practical from the watch. 0
1625155210526982146 @SwitchBot Never mind, I found it! Love the SwitchBot tilt blinds. I need more! I really like the SmartThings integration. 0
1625156208716816386 @SwitchBot Added a virtual dimmer switch in SmartThings to control the blinds at the same time. Within SmartThings I have the blinds close if it's below 32 or above 90F. #SmartThings #SwitchBot #smarthome 0
1625589464406843429 Living my new @SwitchBot blind tilts from @hibberthometech prize giveaway! Thanks to both Paul and Switchbot. Great product!!! 0
1625623692611821575 @SwitchBot Can't find the discount code, can you help me? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625115448537653248 I've got an air source heat pump (house was built with it), but it's not smart. So I bought a @SwitchBot and 3D printed a bracket to hold it in place over the "on" button. Now I can tie it to the solar panel status ☀️ 15
1625122971042910209 #Test du @SwitchBot Curtain Rod. Un système simple vers une maison connectée. Avec une installation facile. La domotique à porte de main.📱➡️⬅️#ChrisTec | #connecté | #CurtainRod2| #Domotique | #PanneauSolaire | #rideaux | #solaire | #SwitchBot 5
1627622403906969600 @SwitchBot Done the same with an old washing machine 2
1626790629857525761 Updated controls of my @SwitchBot products on my @Apple watch, and I love it! 1
1627622405613944832 @SwitchBot @TheSun You shouldn’t be proud to be in a lying rag like the S*n. Ask Merseyside. 1
1627619760950181888 @SwitchBot @TheSun You’re infamous when your in the Sun, it’s a sad day. 1
1627619730927362048 @SwitchBot @TheSun Presumably there isn't a way of making these work with touch sensitive switches? 1
1626486819339501569 Top Switchbot Home Security Camera Deals in 2023Check 👉 #home #security #camera #baby #surveillance #best #deals #miami #cctv #fashion #realestate #protection #cute #beautiful #sale #safety #family #bodyguard @SwitchBot 0
1624743033668337664 @SwitchBot hi, the SwitchBot Curtains are not saving the “calibration”. I reset both Bots TWICE, but they still don’t work. I follow all the steps and it says that the calibration was successful. Yet, back on the homepage of the app it still says “not calibrated”.What’s wrong? 0
1625087711982850053 @SwitchBot Indeed very practical from the watch. 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#switchbot 4
#smarthome 3
#test 2
#christec 2
#connecté 2
#curtainrod2 2
#domotique 2
#panneausolaire 2
#rideaux 2
#solaire 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@switchbot 28
@thesun 6
@lestwigg 1
@apple 1
@hometechb 1
@hibberthometech 1
@mrmckaycomp 1
@chris_tec_world 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
☀️ 2 sun
📱 2 mobile_phone
➡️ 2 right_arrow
⬅️ 2 left_arrow
🤦‍♂️ 1 man_facepalming
👍 1 thumbs_up
👉 1 backhand_index_pointing_right

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 4
People & Body 3
Travel & Places 2
Objects 2