Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @snyksec


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


The @snyksec team held a workshop at @uottahack, a cupstacking event at @PearlHacks, and the second edition of The Big Fix. They also led a Cybersecurity Challenge at Hacklytics, provided a guide to OWASP's 9th most critical security risk, and started a month of FIX called #TheBigFix. They also had a booth of love hearts at #perform2023, partnered with various companies to collaborate on projects, and hosted events at @ellehacks, @OWASPDublin, and @WEHACKS. Participants can help fix software vulnerabilities and win prizes by participating in #TheBigFix.

Topic Modeling

  1. Security
  2. Open source
  3. Hacking skills
  4. Software vulnerabilities
  5. Software development

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express feelings of gratitude, excitement, and enthusiasm. The users are thankful for the participants of the workshops and events, as well as for the opportunity to work on the cybersecurity challenge. They are also proud to be part of the global community working to secure the digital world. Finally, they are excited to be able to make a positive impact by participating in the Big Fix event.

Trend Analysis

  1. Promoting security workshops and events
  2. Advocating for open-source and accessible security
  3. Encouraging active participation in security initiatives
  4. Highlighting hackathons and coding challenges
  5. Celebrating developers and security champions

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 65
Twitter for iPhone 49
Twitter for Android 25
Sprout Social 16 8

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
MLHacks Major League Hacking (MLH) MLH is a 600k+ member community empowering the next generation of student developers through hackathons. 61,408
devopsdotcom Where the world meets DevOps. Powered by @TechstrongGroup. 55,209
Jira Atlassian Jira 💡 Jira tips from inside @atlassian. 🤔 Need help? Tweet at @AskAtlassian. 42,566
Eli_Krumova Elitsa Krumova |#Digital 🦄 Nomad||#WomeninTech| #Influencer @Onalytica | @WomenTechmakers |#Tech #IoT #IIoT #AI #ML #RPA #Robotics #CyberSec #IoTPL |#SocialMedia #Marketing| 33,858
ToshiAizawa Toshi Aizawa Joe Perry+Aerosmith fanatic. Also Solutions Engineer @snyksec or スニーク. Authored a few books on English learning such as Tweets my own. 20,852
CybersecuritySF Steve Morgan Founder of Cybersecurity Ventures, Editor-in-Chief at Cybercrime Magazine, Executive Producer at Cybercrime Radio. Researcher, Publisher, Journalist, Author. 19,220
snyksec Snyk Develop fast. Stay secure. Loved by both developers and security teams. System status: 18,713
Dynatrace Dynatrace Dynatrace combines full-stack observability and runtime application security with advanced AIOps to deliver answers and intelligent automation from data. 18,627
lumarhq Lumar (formerly Deepcrawl) Deepcrawl is now Lumar. Traffic-winning, revenue-driving website intelligence. 17,880
sjmaple Simon Maple Field CTO at Snyk, Java Champion, @virtualJUG founder, LJC co-leader. 15,342

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Eli_Krumova Elitsa Krumova |#Digital 🦄 Nomad||#WomeninTech| #Influencer @Onalytica | @WomenTechmakers |#Tech #IoT #IIoT #AI #ML #RPA #Robotics #CyberSec #IoTPL |#SocialMedia #Marketing| 24,711
ToshiAizawa Toshi Aizawa Joe Perry+Aerosmith fanatic. Also Solutions Engineer @snyksec or スニーク. Authored a few books on English learning such as Tweets my own. 22,221
CybersecuritySF Steve Morgan Founder of Cybersecurity Ventures, Editor-in-Chief at Cybercrime Magazine, Executive Producer at Cybercrime Radio. Researcher, Publisher, Journalist, Author. 11,388
MLHacks Major League Hacking (MLH) MLH is a 600k+ member community empowering the next generation of student developers through hackathons. 9,558
Corix_JC JC Gaillard Founder @CorixPartners @Transform_Sec | Fellow @CIISecHQ | Member @ForbesBizCncl | Author - | Ranked #1 on #Cybersecurity @Thinkers360 8,195
nikosvg nikosv |techjournalism:| 5,002
lexycodestudio Javascript.eth | AKINRO OLAWALE Full-Stack Software Engineer || Junior Block-Chain Developer. DApp, ETH, Web3, SPA, PWA, RWD, iOS, Android. Open to learning new technologies. 5,002
er1p Dr. Erik Riedel i build sustainable clouds; father of four; PhD; engineering leader, do-er, & mentor; practitioner of innovation & inclusion; he/him; my heart is in the work 4,999
Aviraltech AK Proposing Web3👨🏻‍💻 | Dating UI UX🥀 | Engage with Flutter😻 Ex Cloud🌞 | Crush OpenSource❤️ | Love community❣️ #WAGMI #30DaysOfweb3 #RTW3 4,999
KhanzJoel Joel. CCNA ||Techical writer|| Systems administrator || Ethical Hacker || IT Consultant || CTF Player || Student || Swimming|| 4,998

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
liran_tal 🌟 2022 GitHub Star🏆 2022 OpenJS Pathfinder award for Security🥑 DevRel at @snyksec ❤️ AppSec, OpenSource, #JavaScript, #NodeJSDocker security hero 🐳 14
lexycodestudio Full-Stack Software Engineer || Junior Block-Chain Developer. DApp, ETH, Web3, SPA, PWA, RWD, iOS, Android. Open to learning new technologies. 12
harrykimpel Software craftsman, @snyksec; fmr @NewRelic, @ciberglobal, @Microsoft; passion for technology, data nerd; H-D fan; profile 11
devseccon Community for developers, operators & security people to share their views & practices on DevSecOps 🎧 Creators of #thesecuredev podcast 🐶 powered by @snyksec 6
MLHacks MLH is a 600k+ member community empowering the next generation of student developers through hackathons. 5
AllGrowthJobs Join a startup.🚀 @StartupJobs🛠 @DevStartupJobs🎨 @AllDesignJobs✈️ @AllExecJobs🧳 @AllBizDevJobs⛑ @AllSupportJobs🤖 @AllDevOpsJobs 4
BrianVerm Java Champion | Staff Dev🥑 at @Snyksec | JUG leader @NLJug & @virtualJug | Java | Security | Dutch Air Reserve | Taekwondo Master | Views are my own 4
az_codez 🪄 Software Cloud Engineer 📝 Blogger 🌩️ @AWSCommunity Builder👀 Views are my own 👨🏾‍💻 PHP, JS, C#, Java, YAML, AWS, Azure, DevOps 4
sathish_k_ofcl IT Security Engineer | Penetration Tester 4
TechstrongLive Bringing digital thought leaders together. Powered by @TechstrongGroup 4

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625830599234670593 We just started the second edition of @snyksec The Big Fix. How it works? 👇 #TheBigFix 12
1625530360145625090 Security 💜 Open Source Today at @snyksec we’re kicking off our month of FIX with #TheBigFix Last year our amazing community of fixers closed 125,000 vulnerabilities! What can we do this year? Join us at and we can smash that record! 🚀 9
1625253574472003603 Looking to put your hacking skills to good use 👩🏽‍💻? Participate in #TheBigFix 🔧 by our friends @snyksec 🐕 and help secure the digital world 🌐 Not only will you make a positive impact, but also stand a chance to win amazing prizes! 🎉 Register now 🎟: 4
1626289822464614402 .@snyksec 🤝 #Dynatrace.We just dropped some big news on the #Perform2023 Mainstage! If you'd like to chat about the "DevSecOps Lifecycle Coverage with Snyk" app, drop by Booth 108 at the Expo. 4
1625520422102990848 Fix software vulns, get swag! It's day 1 and already over 22K vulns have been fixed. Today til Mar. 14, join @SnykSec & the global #DevSecOps community to find & fix vulns during #TheBig Fix. Register for free: 4
1624806465105018880 Thanks to all the wonderful hackers from @PearlHacks for participating in our @snyksec workshop last night AND our fun cupstacking event! 🤩 3
1626289211287674880 #Perform2023 Announcement:Mitigate security risks across pre-production and production environments with the "DevSecOps Lifecycle Coverage with @snyksec" app, developed on the new #Dynatrace AppEngine. 3
1625527574930530311 A match made in heaven. 💘 #Shiftleft security testing to catch vulnerabilities before they hit production. Get a @snyksec peek into our latest DevSecOps capabilities → 3
1625159632946601985 LIVE on #TechstrongTV: Manoj Nair, @snyksec's chief product officer, discusses ServiceNow's strategic investment in Snyk and their integration with the ServiceNow Vulnerability Response solution. Watch now: 3
1624443616897662977 This week I learned from @ericsmalling that @snyksec support scanning @helm charts 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624622678534459394 Thanks so much to everyone who came to the @snyksec workshop at @uottahack this weekend! 💗 It was amazing meeting you all! 51
1624806465105018880 Thanks to all the wonderful hackers from @PearlHacks for participating in our @snyksec workshop last night AND our fun cupstacking event! 🤩 42
1625830599234670593 We just started the second edition of @snyksec The Big Fix. How it works? 👇 #TheBigFix 42
1624550506696781824 🔎 🚩 Looking for flags! Kicking off our @snyksec Cybersecurity Challenge at Hacklytics (by @gtcomputing) 35
1624861384625225736 🪚 Logging vulnerabilities: A guide to @OWASP's 9th most critical security risk 🪚 In this @Snyksec lesson: 🪓 Bad logging practices + vulnerabilities 🪵 🛡 Protecting applications against them 🌲 #HackerContentBlogs #Developers #hacking 23
1625530360145625090 Security 💜 Open Source Today at @snyksec we’re kicking off our month of FIX with #TheBigFix Last year our amazing community of fixers closed 125,000 vulnerabilities! What can we do this year? Join us at and we can smash that record! 🚀 20
1625930704466087936 Snyk a Kiss 💜💋💜💋💜 I’m here at @Dynatrace #perform2023 with the loveliest swag! We’ve got love hearts over here at the @snyksec booth! 19
1626681452082483214 @Hacker0x01 @hackthebox_eu @Bugcrowd @snyksec @RealTryHackMe 18
1624443616897662977 This week I learned from @ericsmalling that @snyksec support scanning @helm charts 18
1627125556700405760 Hackers at @ellehacks 2023 working on the 💻 CTF🕵️ challenge partnered with @snyksec! Participants learned how to use Snyk to solve cybersecurity vulnerabilities. 14

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#thebigfix 48
#cybersecurity 13
#devsecops 13
#security 11
#opensource 9
#perform2023 9
#javascript 7
#snyk 5
#open23 5
#dynatrace 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@snyksec 189
@liran_tal 10
@dynatrace 8
@hannahfoxwell 6
@sonyamoisset 6
@sammyhep 5
@owaspdublin 5
@mlhacks 5
@geraldcrescione 5
@_clarkio 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💜 11 purple_heart
👇 8 backhand_index_pointing_down
🔒 8 locked
🎟 7 admission_tickets
7 star
7 alarm_clock
💻 5 laptop
👉 5 backhand_index_pointing_right
❤️ 5 red_heart
4 sparkles

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 44
Objects 43
People & Body 29
Travel & Places 25
Activities 19
Animals & Nature 5
Flags 2
Symbols 2
Food & Drink 1