Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Limerick Ireland



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
irish 2433
views 2317
sheher 2167
music 2102
love 1706
ireland 1578
life 1465
hehim 1301
lover 1209
writer 1096

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 96
#freepalestine 90
#blacklivesmatter 80
#lfc 62
#mufc 57
#actuallyautistic 56
#fbpe 46
#ynwa 45
#ireland 40
#andacyclist 39

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14101999 571939 7450
DJPaulyD 3602287 36259 28629
JAYVERSACE 1646311 137372 21509
JustaMinx 1593707 785 34968
SamiZayn 1462486 351 3884
bastille 1315005 157 19335
officialmcafee 1126413 13477 65707
OwenJones84 1025759 6124 99470
RufusHound 1019936 1866 71658
amandapalmer 1015256 2163 107751

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SleepSkee 782569 710789 42058
DaveVescio 577308 539412 15123
JohnCena 571939 14101999 7450
IamMzilikazi 376261 546821 130560
EvanKirstel 310845 344515 1131588
Jagnarok 308481 401413 38028
zammit_marc 300168 387738 64620
robtswthrayguns 285222 259274 86358
THEMMEXCHANGE 255846 254157 28491
Y2SHAF 200202 207859 5562

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
EvanKirstel 1131588 344515 310845
GoogleExpertUK 764543 260642 184464
Llama_Strudel 700288 2059 4333
canisgallicus 637169 2916 4365
EvelynSpring8 504582 847 2266
kharyp 470132 98431 64013
AkwyZ 422363 76996 32264
strengthtodream 421264 3741 3808
Tweetinggoddess 404524 68707 45030
EpicoNovaRaps 378113 605 1476

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31684 571939 14101999
EvanKirstel 12975 310845 344515
NaomiAKlein 11039 3860 682781
DJPaulyD 10096 36259 3602287
amandapalmer 9572 2163 1015256
Raspberry_Pi 7695 1296 592631
OwenJones84 6920 6124 1025759
officialmcafee 6856 13477 1126413
GoogleExpertUK 6517 184464 260642
JenniferJJacobs 5569 52081 368896

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

534 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1495358794800541696 The majority of Irish people can’t own a house, because faceless investment funds are buying the houses so they can rent them to those people for twice the mortgage. That should be illegal. It’s destructive and causing harm. The government actively reward and enable it 1334
1487805425705799684 It’s the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. For my followers outside Ireland. In 1972 The British army indiscriminately massacred 14 people,shooting 26 people, in Derry.These people were marching for their civil rights.Their families are still seeking Justice 984
1570895612157239298 That big queue would be a great place to hand out history books 686
1580154973093928960 For no reason, I like to remind myself of the MRF. It was a plain clothes British Army unit in the 1970s who would indiscriminately murder innocent civilians in Belfast/ Derry as an act of terrorism, to deliberately stoke sectarian conflict. 629
1580494823613612033 The violence and terrorism of imperialism is normalised in parades, statues, and songs like Rule Britannia. To even suggest this, is offensive. It’s just accepted as unflinching reality. An unquestioned natural entitlement that rewires our brains to its framing of reality 614
1502957664153788417 Ammm… Why does Salt Bae say “Avacado” in a Limerick accent? 599
1617928277511008257 Wow. Colin Farrell, Barry Keoghan, Kerry Condon, Brendan Gleeson and Paul Mescal all nominated for Oscars. The British media won't know themselves with all these names they'll be claiming as their own 465
1455647933676785667 Just found out that there’s a pub in Athlone called Sean’s Bar, and when they renovated it in the 1970s. They found the walls were made of wattle and daub from the 9th century. It’s possibly the oldest running pub in the world. Vikings drank there and it’s still open today 389
1490279974137479169 This is a vulture fund, they're Irelands biggest landlord. The majority of their revenue growth last year came from state money.This is a serious problem. The housing crisis is a for profit industry, the profits come from our taxes.Misery is being milked 363
1578467795293024256 Biden is hinting towards federally legalising cannabis. I will relish the complete backtrack in Ireland, when the government rush to legalise it because some big American weed corporation wants to pay no tax in Dublin 271

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1544620701533016065 Is anyone else struggling with feelings of identity since the pandemic? A sense that you were a different person before lockdown, and you’re not really sure who you are now. Not securely. Is this a thing? 241
1491688056361033731 I kind of want the Irish government to buy a fighter jet. Im curious to see how they’ll fuck it up. They’ll accidentally spend 100 million on a scale model. A heron will make a nest in the cockpit. They’ll hire a hotel manager instead of a pilot and it will be crashed into Meath 163
1490981961740873728 I wish we had more words for specific types of rain. At the moment, it’s that thin continual tiny misty rain, that you assume is harmless, but it soaks you after three minutes and then you feel like an eejit for trusting it. It’s quicksand but it’s rain 161
1626198611548594176 You can do whatever the fuck you want in this country if you wear a suit and carry around documents. This fella has perfected the solemn performance of seriousness and it gets lapped up by respectability fetishists. What a dogshit headline 137
1495358794800541696 The majority of Irish people can’t own a house, because faceless investment funds are buying the houses so they can rent them to those people for twice the mortgage. That should be illegal. It’s destructive and causing harm. The government actively reward and enable it 126
1502957664153788417 Ammm… Why does Salt Bae say “Avacado” in a Limerick accent? 113
1584886989920141314 My podcast is 5 years old today, and approaching 50 million listens. Nothing in my career has brought me more joy, stability and creative freedom than getting to write and prep these podcasts each week. Thank you to everyone who listens ❤️ 111
1514151499450011648 New podcast. I just found out that I am Autistic. I speak about my experience of learning this about myself. Dog Bless ❤️ 105
1455647933676785667 Just found out that there’s a pub in Athlone called Sean’s Bar, and when they renovated it in the 1970s. They found the walls were made of wattle and daub from the 9th century. It’s possibly the oldest running pub in the world. Vikings drank there and it’s still open today 100
1488986709446516740 I’ve been watching the sopranos more or less all the time since 1999 99

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1502957664153788417 Ammm… Why does Salt Bae say “Avacado” in a Limerick accent? 104
1514151499450011648 New podcast. I just found out that I am Autistic. I speak about my experience of learning this about myself. Dog Bless ❤️ 69
1544620701533016065 Is anyone else struggling with feelings of identity since the pandemic? A sense that you were a different person before lockdown, and you’re not really sure who you are now. Not securely. Is this a thing? 60
1460969999804375047 🤢🤢🤮 What the absolute FUCK? 52
1495358794800541696 The majority of Irish people can’t own a house, because faceless investment funds are buying the houses so they can rent them to those people for twice the mortgage. That should be illegal. It’s destructive and causing harm. The government actively reward and enable it 48
1617928277511008257 Wow. Colin Farrell, Barry Keoghan, Kerry Condon, Brendan Gleeson and Paul Mescal all nominated for Oscars. The British media won't know themselves with all these names they'll be claiming as their own 40
1584886989920141314 My podcast is 5 years old today, and approaching 50 million listens. Nothing in my career has brought me more joy, stability and creative freedom than getting to write and prep these podcasts each week. Thank you to everyone who listens ❤️ 40
1455647933676785667 Just found out that there’s a pub in Athlone called Sean’s Bar, and when they renovated it in the 1970s. They found the walls were made of wattle and daub from the 9th century. It’s possibly the oldest running pub in the world. Vikings drank there and it’s still open today 37
1517596196969324544 There’s a particular feeling when you watch a film on Television, like in a hotel, and the enjoyment of the film is amplified because you’re forced to watch it. Netflix has an opposite but equal feeling, where you enjoy a film less, because you could be watching something else 37
1593556582977224705 Howling that the presidents Tik Tok chose this bit as a clip from our podcast 34

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1495358794800541696 The majority of Irish people can’t own a house, because faceless investment funds are buying the houses so they can rent them to those people for twice the mortgage. That should be illegal. It’s destructive and causing harm. The government actively reward and enable it 9629
1502957664153788417 Ammm… Why does Salt Bae say “Avacado” in a Limerick accent? 9503
1617928277511008257 Wow. Colin Farrell, Barry Keoghan, Kerry Condon, Brendan Gleeson and Paul Mescal all nominated for Oscars. The British media won't know themselves with all these names they'll be claiming as their own 8351
1570895612157239298 That big queue would be a great place to hand out history books 7537
1487805425705799684 It’s the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. For my followers outside Ireland. In 1972 The British army indiscriminately massacred 14 people,shooting 26 people, in Derry.These people were marching for their civil rights.Their families are still seeking Justice 7127
1491688056361033731 I kind of want the Irish government to buy a fighter jet. Im curious to see how they’ll fuck it up. They’ll accidentally spend 100 million on a scale model. A heron will make a nest in the cockpit. They’ll hire a hotel manager instead of a pilot and it will be crashed into Meath 5765
1456566188515938308 The time I told a radio station that there's a traditional desert in Limerick called a Sarsfields Gannet, which is a kit kat crumbled onto gelatinised cider. But they believed me, and made one for Keith Duffys birthday two weeks later 5677
1455647933676785667 Just found out that there’s a pub in Athlone called Sean’s Bar, and when they renovated it in the 1970s. They found the walls were made of wattle and daub from the 9th century. It’s possibly the oldest running pub in the world. Vikings drank there and it’s still open today 5042
1580494823613612033 The violence and terrorism of imperialism is normalised in parades, statues, and songs like Rule Britannia. To even suggest this, is offensive. It’s just accepted as unflinching reality. An unquestioned natural entitlement that rewires our brains to its framing of reality 4509
1578467795293024256 Biden is hinting towards federally legalising cannabis. I will relish the complete backtrack in Ireland, when the government rush to legalise it because some big American weed corporation wants to pay no tax in Dublin 4462

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@roryhearnegaffs 2
@rid9way 2
@catuireland 2
@2norriespodcast 2
@duchas_ie 1
@mirrorkissesva 1
@samizayn 1
@analiffey 1
@senlynnruane 1
@sarahlovescali 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 18 red_heart
💚 3 green_heart
☘️ 3 shamrock
😅 2 grinning_face_with_sweat
😂 2 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤮 2 face_vomiting
🤢 2 nauseated_face
🇨🇦 1 Canada
👇 1 backhand_index_pointing_down
♥️ 1 heart_suit

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 29
Animals & Nature 3
Flags 1
People & Body 1
Activities 1